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ACCIDENTS ARE OF DAILY OCCURRENCE . Insurance data show that ONE PERSON in every FIFTEEN is more or less injured by Accident yearly . An Annual Payment of £ 3 secures A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 0 PER WEEK IN THE EVENT OF INJURY ; . Oti . £ 1 , 000 IN CASE 'OF DEATH FROM ACCIDENTS OF iETTBET DESCRIPTION , By a Policy in the RAILWAY -PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY , "Which has already paid in compensation for Accidents j ?*> ' ~» rifiCV ' . ¦'"' Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses may be had at the Company ' s Offices , and at all the principal Railway Stations , where , also , Railway Accidents alone may be insured asrainst by the Journey or year . NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY . CAPITAL , ONE MILLION . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary . . Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , Offices , 3 , Old Broad-street , London , E . C .
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HZAM and CO . 'S CONJOINT GARMENTS . —Consisting of Guinea Coat and Vest , Twenty Shilling Trousers « nd"yfeBf , and Thirty-eight Shilling- Whole Suits ; well designed from uniform patterns . LOaSTDON : 86 > Oxford-street . B _ RMINGHAM : 2 l , 22 , and 23 , New-street . LEEDS : 42 , Brig-grate .
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TTYAM and Co . ' s CAMBRID £ l __ SAC and _ EJ . PAG 1 ST JACKETS . —The best possible garments for gentlemen ' s customary in-door or out-door wear . Price 12 s . 6 d ., 16 s . 6 d ., 21 s :, 25 s ., and 31 s . Od . YAM and CO . 'S DRESS and SURTOUT COATS , in West of England Wool-dyed Black Cloths , Invisibles , Saxony Broad Clofcbs , Woaded Fabrics , &c . Price 25 s . to 03 s . YAM and Co . ' s OVEIt COATS and CAPES , in Venetian and Llama Cloths , Undressed and Mixed Tweeds , Lustres , Merinos , Caslimerettes , &c . Price 10 s .-Cd ., 2 lB ., 2 C 8 ., and 35 s . ' YAM and CO . 'S JUVENILE COSTUME , displaying faultless adaptation to early age , habits , and growth . Children ' s Belt Suits in new and beautiful materials . Price 10 s . Otl ., 15 s . 0 d ., and 21 s . Light Overcoats and Capes , 8 s . Od ., 10 s . Od ., 12 s . Od . ¦ ; HYAM and Co . ' s HAltKOW , ETON " , and RUGBY . SUITS . Three new styles , becoming in design , serviceable for school or dross wear , and admirably adapted for young gentlemen . 1 ' ricc 15 s . Gd ., 21 s ., 25 s ., and 31 s . 6 d . _ H YAM and CO . 'S CLOTHING TO ORDER , designed in every variety of Novel Fabric . French English Cutters employed . . H YAM and CQ . 'S True-fitting TROUSERS . — To order , on * a self-adjusting and shape-retaining system . Price 17 s . Cd . ; Vests to match , 8 s . 0 d .. CAUTION . HYAM and CO . arc connected only with the following Establishments : — ¦ S . - LONDON : 86 , Oxford-street ?^ BIRMINGHAM : 21 , 22 , and 23 , New street . LEEDS : 42 , Briggate .
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yV SUMMER D IE T . ~ ~ XfsE ^ jffiOWN & POLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR . " This is superior to anything of the kind known " —Lancet . Obtain it from Family Grocers , qr Chemists , wno do ¦ no-i substitute inferior articles . The moat wholesome part of Indian Corn , it is preferred to the best Arrow Root lor Breakfast boiled simply with milk - Dinner or Supper ' in puddings , warm or cold , blancmange , cake &c and especially suited to the delicacy of children and invalids Packets , 10 oz ., Sd . —Paisley ; : 77 a , Market-street , Manchester ; Dublin ; and 23 . Ironmonger-lane , London .
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WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . ¦ VVELLER & HUGHES' SOUTH AFRICAN WINESPort , Sherry , Madeira , 208 . and 24 s . per Dozen ; Tent , 2 Ss . per Dozen ; Amontillado , 24 s . and 28 s . per Dozen . JExtract of Dr . Lcthcbifs Analysis of our South African Wines : — " I find your Wines pure and unadulterated , and have no doubt of its being far more Avholesome than the artificial mixtures too often sold for genuine ' wine ( Simied ) "IIejshy Letheby , M . B ., London Jlospital . " A Pint Sample of any of the above for Twelve Stamps , Colonial Brandy , Pale or Brown , 15 s . and ISs . « id . per gallon ' 30 s . and Hrs . per Dozen . Our Wine will be delivered to any Railway Terminus free , or to any Station in England for Is . per Dozen extra . TF . HMS : CASH , OK HEFERENCK IN LONDON . WELLEEAND HUGHES , Importers of Foreign and Colonial Wines and Spirits , 2 ? , Grutehed Friars , Mark Lane , London , E . C .
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ECONOMY . A 10-gallon cask ( equal to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOUTH AFRICAN SHERRY , for Four Guineas , or 20 »; per dozen ; best Port , 24 s .-per dozen . Cask or bottle , and case included ; Three dozens carriagefrec . Cash . —HENKKKYS , ABBOTT , and CO ., Importers , 22 and . 23 , High Holborh . Established 1831 . -
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TjENEKE Y S' COGNAC , a pure l ^ Vcneh I 3 randy , JL 1 pale or brown , 20 s . per gallon , 42 s . per dozen . Packages to be returned within three months , or charged Is . per gallon . ' Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid .
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TTENElvEYS' LONDON BRANDY , Pale or XI brown , 14 s . per gallon , 30 s . per dozen . Three dozens carriage free . ¦ ^/ - —Jl _ — —l ^^ _* _¦ — _
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. ^/ - —Jl _ — —l ^^ _* _¦ - ^ # ¦ rjEN'EKEYS' LONDON GIN ,- as from the HI still , and . the strongest allowed , sweet or dry , 12 s . per g-allon , 20 s . per dozen . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid . Country orders must contain a remittance .
Untitled Ad
H ENEKE Y'S P It IC E S C U R R E X T of WINKS and SPIRITS sent post-free on application , IIENEKEYS , ABBOTT , and CO ., Gray ' s Inn Distillery , 22 and 23 , High Holbprn , W . C . Established 1831 .
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BABY ' S NAPKIN PROTECTOR , Sold at all Baby Linen Warehouses , keeps the bed dry , clothes clean , and avoids all inconveniences when nursing , visiting , travelling , &c . Prices Is . 9 d . to 10 s . Od . Prospectus sent on receipt'of stamp . — CRAFT and Wl-LSON , Patentees , 38 , Regent Chambers , Circus , Piccadilly .
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THE SURPLICE SHIRT . ( Acknowledged as the most comfortable and durable Shirt ever yet produced ) , made to measure , ( 5 s . Cd ., 7 s . 0 d ., 8 s . Oil . and 10 s . Gd . Cards for self-measurement . JOHN SAMPSON , Hosier , 123 , Qxford-street , W .
Untitled Ad
NORTH ITALY mHE USEFUL KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY ' S JL SERIES OF MAPS contains a MAP of NORTH ITALY , showing the Country now occupied by the SARDINIAN and AUSTRIAN TROOPS , the ^ Railways , and Mountain Passes ; also , PLANS o TURIN , GENOA , MILAN , ROME , VENICE , and many other Cities and Towns . This extensive Series contains 226 Maps ; which may with confidence be asserted to be superior in scale , accuracy , and engraving to any other general collection , the latest discoveries and alterations being inserted as soon as authenticated " The Complete Atlas , " 2 vols ., £ 10 ; 1 vol , * 9 10 s . ; without the plans of cities and towns , 174 maps , £ 7 7 s . " The Family Atlas , " SO maps , fully coloured , £ 3 3 s . " The Cyclbpsedian Atlas , " 39 maps , £ 1 Is . The maps are sold separately , price 6 d . plain , 9 d . coloured , and lists may be had gratis on application . London : Edward Stanford , 6 , Charing Cross , S . W .
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STANFORD'S MAPS OP THE SEAT OF WAR . 1 . NEW MAP OF ITALY : including SARDINIA , VENETIAN LOMBARDY , &c , and showing all the Railways , Mountain Passes , Military Roads , &c , on a scale of about 25 miles to an " inch , - price 3 s . Od . : v ^ loured , in sheet ; 5 s . mounted in a case . 2 . MAP OF NORTHERN ITALY , and the surrounding country , embracing PARIS , VIENNA , and ROME , the Railways , Roads , and Mountain Passes , all being distinctly delineated . Price 4 s . Od . coloured , in sheet ; fls . Cd . mounted in case . 3 . NORTH ITALY : a Map showin g the whole of the country now occupied by the French , Sardinian , and Austrian Armies ; the Railways , Roads , Mountain Passes , &cJ- Price Is . folded in cover ; 2 s . mounted in case . 4 . MACLURE'S LARGE SCALE MAP OF THE SEAT OF WAR IN ITALY . Sheet 1 . ScaJe , 4 miles to 1 inch . This map is traced from the large Sardinian Government map . Folded , Is . " ; mounted in case , 2 b . Od . Sheet 2 is now ready , uniform in scale and price , and is traced from the large Austrian Government map of the Lombardo- 'Venetian Kingdom . 5 . STANFORD'S GEOGRAPHICAL VIEW of SARDINIA and the PLAINS of LOMBARDY , from TURIN to the ADRIATIC . Similar in Style and Size to the Bird ' s-eye View of the Seat of War in the Crimea , of which nearly 5 , 000 copies were sold . Price 3 s . Od . Lists of the best English and Foreign Maps of Italy , &o ., may be had on application . London : _ Jdwak , d Stanford , 0 , Charintr Cross , S . W .
Untitled Ad
PIANOFORTES . C RAMER , BEAL . E , AND CO . have the best of every description . for Sa } o or Hire . Cramer , Beale , and Co . are the Proprietors of the NEW MODEL OBLIQUE GRAND PIANOFORTE . 201 , Regent-street , and 07 , Conduit-street .
Untitled Ad
HARMONIUMS . CRAMER , BEALE , ANI > CO ., are the chief agents for Alexandre and Son ' s NEW MODEL HAKMOKJCUM . Every variety . —201 , Regent-street .
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HETTY , from » Adara Bede ; " DINAH , from " AdaraBedo "—two Ballads from the above popular Novel , the Music by G , LJnloy , 2 s . MURIEL , from " John Halifax , Gentleman , '' by G . Lluloy , 2 s . LITTLE SOPHY , from " What will he do with It , " by G . Llnley , 2 a . London : Cuamer , Bisale , and Co ., 201 , Regent-st .
Untitled Ad
1 OH (\(\ C \ CUSTOMERS WANTED .-X \ JVJf \ J \ J \ J —SAUNDERS BROTHERS' STATIONERY Is the BEST and CHEAPEST to be obtained . 8 , d . a . d . Cream-laid note . 2 Oporrm . Cream-laid adho-Thlok do . .. 4 0 „ sivc envelopes .. 8 OprlOOO Bordered noto .. 4 0 „ Largo commercial Straw paper .... 2 0 „ onvolopos ...... 4 0 „ Blue commercial Largo Amorloan noto 3 0 ,, but ! " onvolopoB ,. 3 0 ,, Ditto , lottor slzo . O 0 „ Foolscap papor .. 7 Oporrra . 6 ormon paper ... , 4 0 u Commercial pens , ! OprgTSB , A SAMPLE PACKET of S rATIONERY ( Sixty doeorlptlons , priced and numbered ) sent freo , together with a price Mat , qnreoolpt of four stamps , NQ CHARGE made lor stamping arms , create , Initials , &c , on either papor or envelopes . TJAHIUAGE PAID on all orddrs over SOa . — SAUNDERS BROTHERS , Manufacturing Stationers , 06 and 10-1 , London-wall , London , Ifl . O .
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BR . T . G . PAGANO , PROFESSOR of ITALIAN , LATIN , « nd GREEK , with the Literaturei of each lamruaeo , oflora LlSsaONfe IN ALGEBRA , Jt _^ HBMA * IOS , X'HXLOSOPHY , and tho vartou * . p ranohcB of Legal Sclonco . Tormfl , moderate , on applioatlon . to Dr . Pagano , 10 , St . Gcorgo ' e-torraco , lfyao Park JPiOFiu ,
Untitled Ad
THE ORITIO : WEEKLY JOURNAL Olf LITMRATUlllO , ART , S 0112 NOM , and tho PRAMA , la now published ovory Saturday , jprlxso < td ., etamport 5 d , The OniTia contains Itovlttws or all tho current JUtonvturo of tho wogk , Homo and Fovoign , lnoludiug' Froncli , Gorman , Italian , Solavonic , and Orlontal . Arohnsolog'loul , Bolontluo . ArtluUe , Munloal , and Dramatic Summaries , ltcnortfl of tho Loarnod Soejotlofl . Leacllng Artlolos upon Lltornvy and Artlutlo Tonics , and all tho Literary , Bofontlflc , and ArtlHtlo News of tho Weok . TUo Cnrria may bo obtaluod through tho trade , or ordoroa airoot fi'oratUoOnioo . lO , WeUlngton-stroot , Strftnd , w , o .
Untitled Ad
-PURE MALT VINEGAR . ABSupmiodtfwo ^ nJo ^ ylaGovonnnc ^ Inillu , tlio Peninsular ami ^ O'loutal b ^" . ' . ij " , ^" j » oor Law labsrissssss ^ s ' i ^ a ^^ fff ^ HoxiBOS , &c . &c , Is tho only 1 '« ' « J " » 'f * . ' " walor nnd s ^^ t « 8 r » a _ asjaBsa » 3 'r Jisfii ^ a ^ __ p _ s __ 5 _ B ^^ ssgfe « ^ j | S | SS S _____ ffi ^ £ 4 ¦ ' , J ^ , ^ w ¦ ' ' . V .. V . l >^ . ; . k | I ' . nt . f-iiPM I ' jltOUtt
Untitled Ad
XERBZ PUR 0 , „ Unbrandlod and nutty ,, SSfl .,, 31 a ., 40 b .. ig . ini « h . l ^ ORl , E _ s _ Na __ _ s ? A » tessngi ^^ ¦ ' , J ^ , ^ w ¦ ' ' . V .. V . l >^ . ; . k | I ' . nt . f-iiPM I ' jltOUtt
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Just published , price 2 s ., LOCALISED MOVEMENTS , Or the employment of Musouliir Exorcises for tho Treatment of Spinal Curvature and other Deformities , founded on tho system adopted at Vienna , Berlin , &o . l » y HENRY HHATHER BIGG , Anatomical Mechanician to tho Quoon , 20 , Lclcester-squaro , London . Likewise , price 4 h ., 70 EngTavinga , DEl ^ ORMITiES . — -JL'lio Moohunlcnl Appllancoa nocoswiry for their treatment , * * His Royal Highness tho Prince Consort has graciously Intimated to Mr , Ulgg lala acooptanco of a Copy ot this book . Also , price 3 s ., 30 Engravings , ARTIFICIAL L 1 M 1 J 8 , thuir OoiiBtruc . tlon and Applloation , a Cony of which Her Mnjowty tho Quoon haa ooon graciouHly ploasod to accept , from Air . Mlgff . John Chunoiii _ r . i , 10 , Now Burllnorton-Htroct .
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Untitled Ad
THE SCOTCH CHEVIOT TWEED AND ANGOLA SUITS , At 47 s ., 60 s ., 55 s ., QOb ,, and 03 s ., niatlotoorderfrommatorial 8 all Woo _ , and thoroughly uhrunk , by B * BENJAMIN , Merchant and Family Tailor , 74 , Kegent-Btreet , W ., are betteu va _ ue than can bo procured at any other house in the kingdom , Tho Two GuinoaDrosB and Frock Coats , tho Guinea Dress Trousers , and the Half-Guinea Waistcoats . N . B . —A Perfect Fit guaranteed .
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PUBLIC OPINION AND PATRONAGE have proved that tho supply of the 46 s . Black Cloth Frock and Dress Coats are the best In London . Observo tlio address—J . SMITII , 38 , LOMBARD-STREET .
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GEEENHAIL , MAKER . OF THE SIXTEEN SHILLING TROWSERS , 325 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , W . ( Two doors west of the Circus . ) Overcoats .... £ 2 2 0 Frock Coats 2 10 0 DressCoats 2 W 0 Morning Coats ; , 2 2 0 Waistcoats 0 12 0 Black Dress Trousers , 110 No . 325 , OXFORD STltEET , W .
Untitled Ad
WINES EBOM SOUTH AFRICA . Ti E N M AN , INTRODUCER OF THE Lt SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHEltRY ,. _ c , Twenty Shillings per Dozen , lidttlos included . A pnit Sample ofeAc-li for twenty-four stamps . WJne in Cask forwarded free to any railway station in England . ( Kxtract from the tancct , JulyllOth , l&oS . ) " The Wines Of Sown Africa . —We have visited Mr . Dcnman ' B stores , selected in all eleven samples of wine , and Iiave subjected them to careful analysation . Our examination has extended to an estimation of thoir bou < i » et An » flavour , their acidity and sweetness , the amount ot winstone , tho strength in alcohol , and particularly to their purity . We have to stnto that these wines , though brandied to a much less extent than Sherries , are yet , on tho average , nearly as strong ; that they are pure , wholesome , and perfectly free from adulteration ; indeed , eonsidurniu the low price at which they are sold , their quality is remurkahle " EXCELSIOll BRANDY , Palo or Brown , lf > s . per gallon , or ; JOs . per dozen . Terms , Cash . Country orders must contain o remittance . Cross ohoquos "Bank of London . " Price Lists , with Dr . Hassairs Analysis , forw ? . " }* !?? . ^? a w JAMES L . DENMAN , 65 Fenchurch-streot , eornor of Railway-place , London .
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~~^~ HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . IToHco of Injunction . Tho admirers of this celebrated 1 ' iuh Saucei oro nwt cularly rvqiiCHtcd to observe tluit none is « e-^ S ^ ___ s ( I - H _' _ iii " sa u « 3 asa isiBb ^^^^ ^ " ^ " ^^ g _ K sis » . a « s fsays ^ S ly ,, purpctual injunction lu Chancery ot Oth July , 186 b . - 1 } Kdward-Htroet , Portman-square , Jjonrton .
Untitled Article
734 THE LEADER . _^_____________________
Leader (1850-1860), June 18, 1859, page 734, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2299/page/2/