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t aw •Pru-Trm' AXrn <-iaqtt rmr-a Xjjvyv, a v.uj.v.u, j.\xsxj ^JvouAAjxxjiib
^ rrmA Se attle; ' '^P -UIU^ (^v^rU JJJ *. .
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IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . Saturday , June \\ . T . iiK " House ' of Cobuions metat twelve o ' clock when a-very large number of members attended , in the expectation , -which was , however , not fulfilled , that some ministerial statement would be made consequent upon the vote of the previous day . The Marquis of Hartijtgton brought up the report on the address as amended , which was ordered to be presented to her Majesty by . such members of the house as were also Privy Councillors . On the . motion of JLord J . Russell a resolution ¦ was agreed to that the Queen ' s speech should be taken into consideration on Friday following-. ^
Sir S . Korthcote observing that under existmg circumstances no business could be done and no writs issued , moved that the House on rising should adjourn until Friday . ¦ After some conversation , initiated by Sir C . Napier , relating to the naval bounty , the motion was agreed to , and the House , at half-past twelve adjourned until the day named .
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NAVAI . AND MILITARY . On Saturday an order , in Council was made , extending the time for granting the extra bounties , for seamen volunteers into the roj r al navy , until the 31 st July . Fifteen months ago the entire British fleet comprised but twenty-five screw steam ships fit to take ar place in a line of battle , while there were but three more , making twenty-eight in ' all ,. which were so far advanced as to be ready for their engines . In this month of June , 1859 , we have thirty-seven screw line-of-battlc ships complete , and three talcing
in their engines , making a total of forty in place ot twenty-eight . Other vessels , also , arc coming rapidly forward , even more rapidly than was anticipated when the Estimates were produced three months ago , so that by the end of this present financial year we shall have fifty line-6 f-battle ships of admirable quality to assert our supremacy on the seas . As the navy was already well provided with smaller vessels , and especially with gunboats , its aggregate strength may now be regarded without much dissatisfaction even b 3 Mr . Roebuck himself .
On Tuesday a party of officers of the navy , army , artillery , and engineers , assembled on board the gunboat Redwing , in Ilamoaze , for the purpose of inspecting the sea-defences , and fortifications of the . inner harbour and of Plymouth Sound . On Monday the Secretary of State for War issued ah order that contracts should bo entered into with the London gimmakers for the manufacture of 342 , 580 stand of small arms < En field rifles ) , of which 150 , 000 are to be naval arms . On the BOth May there were 2 f > 8 , 00 Q stand of small arms in the Tower . The ne-w order is exclusive of the riljus which are being manufactured at Millbank , Birmingham , Liege , and Springfield , Massachusetts . A Madrid journal refers to the subject ot the fortifications of Gibraltar , which the English arc strengthening , it says , and insists that the Spanish fortifications to
Government ought to build protect San Roquc , which is menaced by them . It , however , makes the following odd staternont : — " After all , the batteries of the rock of Gibraltar are more menacing than dangerous , for the rockitselt will lull down on the first discharge of tho guns , owing to the profound caverns in its flunks j and the smoko alono will suffocate the artillerymen ! " On Monday night , tho camp at- Aldorshott was surprised by a brilliant illumination with tho Hon . Major Fitzmaurico ' s lights , ho having boon sent there by G on oral Peel to tcpfc their qualities niu application to military purposes , and nothing couia bo more brilliant and effective than tho demonstration that took phtco . Every kind of signal was carried out ut immense distances ; bodlos ot men woro marchod in and out , and were distinctly visible at 1 , 000 yards , and tho whole camp around was illuminated In n most brilliant manner by sweeping
tho horizon with a single light . Tho Admiralty linvo received tho ofllciul import of tho loss of tlio Horon sloop , from the gunner , Mr . K . Mindry , Who la tho only surviving oflioov ; sixtoon of tho crow only wore left to reach homo . At Washington Captain DaMgron haa ofllciully reported on Joslyn ' s breech-loading carbine , that tho stylo of nrnj is commond » blo , but that it is too short In tho barrel .
T Aw •Pru-Trm' Axrn ≪-Iaqtt Rmr-A Xjjvyv, A V.Uj.V.U, J.\Xsxj ^Jvouaajxxjiib
appeared on behalf of the Bishop of Chichester , to show canse against a rule that had been obtained for a mandamus requiring him to appoint a commission to inquire into the accusations of Roman Catholic teaching which had been preferred against the Rev . W . Randall , the rector of a parish in Sussex , by his late curate . After speeches by counsel ,-the Court took time for judgment . —In the case of the Queen v . the Rev . Bryant King , the incumbent of St . George ' s-in-the-East , the Court decided that the Rev . Hugh Allen , the lecturer appointed by the
vestry , could only occupy the pulpit with the consent of the rector , and at such times as he had no buna fide use for it . Lord Campbell has delivered the unanimous opinion of the Judges of the Court of Queen ' s Bench , to the effect that the election of Dr . Storrar by the officials of the University of London was a good and valid election , and that it was not necessary to hare an election by the undergraduates of the University , and his lordship accordingly confirmed the election of Dr . Storrar by the senators of the University .
John Lockhart Morton , on being brought up for further examination , on a charge of forgery , read a long paper , ia which , he expressed the profoundest contrition for the crime which he had committed . He had recently found himself in such a position that unless he could immediately raise a large sum of money he . must suspend payment , and as this would have brought loss upon some of his business connections , he yielded to temptation and forged the bill which was the subject of the prosecution . He was convinced that he should have been able to take it up when due , and that his assets , if carefully administered , would cover all claims against him . He was fully committed for trial .
confined ,. and although she has obtained admission to a lying-iri hospital , she will leave that institution in a state of absolute destitution . A novel smuggling case has been investigated by the Lord ' 'Mayor . A Mr . Edward Roussel was charged with being concerned in the illegal importation of three gallons of spirits into this country . The spirits , it appears , were confined in four large bladders , which -were placed in a cask of cyder . The cask was sent to the defendant by some friends of his in France , but it did not appear to be absolutely certain that he possessed a guilty knowledge of the contents of the cask . He was , however , fined in the mitigated penalty of 25 / ., or six months ' imprisonment .
It is now reasonably supposed that the disastrous explosion ' which destroyed the Eastern Monarch was one of gunpowder and not of saltpetre , as at first assumed . At the official inquiry which was concluded yesterday , evidence showing a reckless practice on the part of the steward in carrying a naked light into the store room , was taken by the magistrates . In consequence of this revelation Gardner , the steward , was ordered into custody on the charge of manslaughter . An inquest has been held on the body of a balletgirl who is supposed to have committed suicide ; but there is no proof that she really did , as is suspected , drown herself .
A sad accident occxirred on Tuesday to a party of excursionists at Watchet , off the Somerset coast . While a boat was on its way from the shore laden with passengers for the steamer to return to Bristol , it suddenly sunk , and six of the unfortunate people were drowned .
Samuel Adams , a man living at Hornsey , was tried on a charge of having murdered a woman named Page , he being under the impression that she had instigated his wife to leave him , and knew where she was . He was convicted of the crime and sentenced to death ' . In the Central Criminal Court , this week , an action for libel has been tried , the plaintiff being Dr . Godfrey , and the defendant William Newton , publisher of a small local newspaper in Whitechapel , who had made " some editorial remarks on a late disgusting trial for seduction , in which Dr . Godfrey was the accused person , but was acquitted . In his paper Newton reiterated the charges , and said that the verdict of the jury was an unfair one . In the libel case , much evidence was adduced , at the close of which the jury were ably addressed by counsel , when the
learned Recorder summed up . The jury having retired to consider their verdict , returned in a quarter of an hour with a verdict for the defendant . This verdict was received with a burst of applause by the audience . —Francis Ingham was put on his trial , charged with making false entries in a certain cash-book , with intent to defraud his creditors . The defendant ' s counsel contended that he did not intend to defraud , and although he was found guilty by the jury judgment was respited that the case might be further argued , and in the mean time the defendant was allowed to go at large upon bail . — - On Wednesday Mr . Serjeant Ballantine , who appeared for the prosecution , applied for the postponement of Dr . Smethurst's trial . This application was granted , but it is understood that his trial will be the first taken next
. Jeremiah Coghlan , charged with tho murder of James Fadden , his brother-in-law , has been found guilty of manslaughter , and sentenced to penal servitude for twenty years . In the New Court , Michael Goldstein and Simon Mark Goldberg were indicted for conspiracy to defraud the South-Eastorn Railway Company , by making a claim for loss which they stated had boon sustained by non-dolivory of a box by the company , but it was proved that such bpje was never sent by tho railway , and tho prisoners being found guilty were sentenced each to twelve months'
imprison" LAW , POLICE , AND CASUALTIES . At tho City Sheriff ' s Court , on Saturday , Mr . Korr was engaged in adjudicating in actions on promissory notes hold by loan societies . The judge created much sensation amongst tho suitors by a calculation of tho per-eentago which those loan societies charged , irrespective of their inquiry foes , fines , &c . In tho first case , the judge said the interest charged was 400 por cent . 5 in another case ho calculated it to bo 000 percent . ; in a third ho said that tho interest chargocl was 0 , 650 por cent . 5 andin ft fourth , ho remarked , to tho astonishment
, of all in . court , tho plaintiff included , that 7 , 300 per cent . > viis tho very moderate rate of intorost charged . In some of tho en bos ho dismissed tho summonses , and in others , although making orders for paymont , Tvould allow no oosts , remarking that it was high timo for tho Legislature , or some authority , to atop in and put a stop to those * shameful exactions from tho poorer olassos . In all such cases he should refuse to commit , as ho considered tho enormous intoroet charged an a kind of insurance against loss . In tho Court of Exohoqnor , Dr . Phlllimoro has
monfc . On Wednesday morning a dreadful murder was committed in St . Pnncras . Tho neighbours of Elizabeth Craft , tho wife of a jowollor roslding in Swinton-streot , in consequence of some suspicions , called tho police , who on effecting an entrance into tho house by a window found tho mother and two children lying on a bed with their throats cut . Tho whole had evidently boon the work of tho unhappy woman , who had for some time previous beon
in a desponding state of mind . Another shocking murder has been committed in South Staffordshire . A beerhouse keeper having quarrelled with his wife , was lod away by passion to stab her so seriously that de " ath has resulted . At tho Thames police-court a gentleman attended to make a statement respecting tho dostituto condition of ono of the unfortunate victims of Gloucester Gale , who was convicted in January last on five charges of bigamy . Tho poor croaturo on whose behalf this humane appeal was made is about to be
^ Rrma Se Attle; ' '^P -Uiu^ (^V^Ru Jjj *. .
¦ . ¦ .
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The Times gives the following list of the new Ministry , although , says our contemporary , as it has not yet been approved by her Majesty , some changes ' may still be made :. — THE CABINET . First Lord of the Treasurv , Viscount Palmerston , K . G . " ' Chancellor of the Exchequer , Mr . W . E . Gladstone .
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SECRETARIES OF STATE . , Foreign , Lord John Russell . Home , Sir G . Cornewall Lewis . Colonial , The Duke of Newcastle . War , Mr . Sidney Herbert . India , Sir C . Wood , G . C . B .
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Firat Lord of the Admiralty , The Duke of Somerset . Lord Chancellor , Lord Campbell . President of the Council , The Earl of Granville , K . G . Privy Seal , The Duke of Argyll , K . T . Poslinaster-General , The Earl of Elgin , K . T . President of the Board of Trade , Mr . R . Cobden . President of the Poor Law Board , Mr . Milner Gibson . First Commissioner of Works , Mr . Cardwell . Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , Sir G . Grey .
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NOT OF THE CABINET . Joint Secretaries to the Treasury , Mr . F . Peel and Mr . Brand . Secretary to the Admiralty , Lord Clarence Paget . Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs , Lord Wodeliouse . For the Colonies , Mr . Chichester Fortescue . The Daily News adds tho following : — Lord Lieutenant of Ireland , Earl of Carlisle . Attorney-General , Sir R . Bethell . Attorney-General for Ireland , Mr . J . D . Fitzgerald , Solicitor-General for Ireland , Mr . Serjeant Deasy .
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Sir Alexander Cockburn , Chief Justice of the Common Pleas , will * we are informed , succeed Lord Campbell as Lord Chief Justice of England . It is also said that Sir B . Hall will be raised to the Peerage , and that Mr . Wilson will be appointed a Member of Council in India .
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736 THE LEADEB . [ News and
Leader (1850-1860), June 18, 1859, page 736, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2299/page/4/