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DRURY LANE—ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA Lessee and Diregtok, Mr. E. T. SMITH. Unparalleled triumphant career of the Italian opera.
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§C»im\»t. * ^ ^ *" ¦ "
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MR HOWARD GLOVER BEGS to announce that Mb GRAND MORNING CONGMRT for tho MILLION will take place at Drury-lano 'Xhoutro on Monday , July 11 . Artiste alread y engagedaiadame Anna Bishop , Madame Lemmcns Sherrlngton , Madlle . Flnoli , Miss Palmer . Mies Laecellcs , Madamo Weiss , Slgnor Belletti , Signor Belart , Signor VJalettn , M . Jules I . ofort , Signor Clmino , Madile . IS , Werner , Hcvr Rolohardt , mid Mr . Weiss ; Mlsa Arabella Goddard , Hcrr Molique , Madame EndevBHOlm , Herr Leopold do Mover , Signor riattl , and Horr Joachim » ivlso Madlla Desh- < So ArtOt , prlmn donna of tho Academic Imnerlalo ( her fourth nppoarnncelu Kngland ) , in addition to tliocelebrated Drurr-lano compftnyjluoJudingrMdine . GuaTdluccl , MtUlo . Vanori , Madlle . Itrmmbilln , Madame Lomalre , Slgnor Badiall , Signor BInrlul , Slgnor Fagotti , Steuor Gntztanl , and Signor Mongini . The orchestra and chorus will be complete in every deportment . Mr . Howard Glover ' s how cantata of "Comalro" wljl bo performed for tho Becond time In public . On this occasion only the prioea will bo reduced aa follows ; stalls , Os . $ Heats in private boxes , 4 b . $ dress boxes , 8 b , ( vppei- boxes , 2 s . Od , \ pit , 8 b . ; gallery , la . \ upper ff « Uory . fla . Arrangements « ro ponding" with , other artistes of the lite-host celebrity . '
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ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . ( LoBBooa—Messrs . F . Kobuon and W . S . Iflmdon . ) Monday , and during tho week , will bo performed the 3 jow and Ohioinai , Oomei > ibtta , by Tom Taylor , W , entitled NINlfl POINTS OF TWlQ LAW . Ohamotors by Messrs . Addiaon , G . Vining , H . Wigon , and W . Gordon ; Mesdumos Cottroll and Stirling . After whloh Mr . John Oxonforrt ' s Drawn , THE FORTMU'S KNOT . CharactorB by Messrs . F . ltobson , G . Vintner , G . Cookp , W . Gordon , H . Wican , Cooper , Whfte , uncl Franks , Mrs . Leigh Murray , and Mlau Hughes . To ooncliido with RMTAINlflD FOJt THE DEFlflNCK . Charnotcrs by M « B « r » . F . Roboon , G . Vlnlng , G Oooko , H . Wlgan , II . Cooper , and Miss Cottroll . Commence at Half-past So von o ' clock .
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, 30 AST SIX NIGHTS OF THE SUBSCRIPTION SEASON . ' The sensation created by the phalanx of eminent . talent is unprecedented—Overflowing louses nightly . —Jirst appearance of the renowned caiitatrice , Mamie , litiens , in fiorma , in conjunction with Signor Mongini , for the first tlme ' On MONDAY—LES HUGUENOTS . TlTIENS , FAGOTTI , MAIUNI , AND GlUGLINl . Valentine , 3 Iadlle . Titiens ; Margarita de Valois , Madlle . llrambilla ; Dama d'Onore , Madlle . Dell'Anese ; Urbano , Madile . Lcraaire ; Marcello , Signor Marini ; II Conte di Sau JBris , Signor Lanzoni ; II Contc di Nevers , Signor Fagotti ; Meru , Signor Castelli ; Tavannes , Signor Annoni ; De Ectz , Signor Dinelli ; Guardiano di Notte , Signor Romilli ; De Cosse , Signor Mef curiali ; Itaoul di Nangis , Signor Giuglini . ' j , v . Oa TUESDAY , in consequence of the excitement caused by Madile . Ficcploxnini in the character of Maria , LA FIGLIA DEL REGGIMENTO . TlCCOr-OMINI , VlALETTI , IHLAET , AND MONGINITonio , Signor Belart ; Sulpizio , Signor Vialetti ; Taesano , Signor Mcrcuriali ; Ortensio , Signor Castclh ; Caporalo , Big nor Dinelli ; La Marchesa , Madame Gramaglia . ; La © uchesa , Madile . DeU'Anesc ; Maria , Madile . Ticcol 0 ™ lth the last act of LUCIA 3 > I LAMMERMOOR . Edgardo , Signor Mongini . On WEDNESDAY—IL TROVATORE . TlTIZNS , GOARDCCCI , BADIAM , AND GlUGLINI . Leonora , Madile . Titiens ; Azacena , Madile . . Guardueci ; Incs , Madile . Dell'Anese ; II Conte di Luna , Signor Badiali ; Fernando , Signor Lanzoni ; and Manrico , bignor GiuglinJ TnuJjSDAy _ IL d GIOVANNI . Titiens , Piccolomini , Badiali , Marini , and giuci . 1 ni . Donna Anna , Madile . Titiens ; Donna Elvira , Madile . Vaneri ; Zerlina , Madile . Piceolomini ; Don Giovanni , Signor Badiali ; Leporello , Signor M _ arini ; 11 Commendatore , Signor Lanzoni ; Massetto , Signor Castelli ; Don Ottavio , Signor GiugUni . "On FRIDAY—LA TRAVIATA . PlCCOXOMINI ,, BADIAII , AND GlUGLINI . Violetta Valery , " Madile . riccolomini ; Annina , Madile . i > eirAnese ; Flora Bervoix , Madame Gramaglia ; Germont Giorgio , Signor Badiali ; Gastonc , Signor Mercuriah ; H Barone Duphol , Signor Dinelli ; Marchese d'Obigny , Signor Tonti ; Giuseppe , Signor Annoni ; Medico , Signor Castelli ; Alfredo , Signor Giug-lini . On SATURDAY—^ Last night of the subscription season . First appearance of Madile . Titiens in conjunction with Signor Mongini in KOEMA . Pollione , Sicmor Mongini ; Oroveso , Signor Vialetti ; Adalc-isa , Madile . Brambflla ; Clotilda , Madile . Dell'Ancse ; ajid Norma , Madile . Titiens ( her first appearance in that oLaracter ) . ^ „ Directors of music and conductors , Signor Benedict and SJgrnor Arditi . Every evening , in tho Ballets , tho following artistes will appear : —Madile . Amina Boschetti , M . Vandris , Madlles . Morlacehi , Pasquale , Mathet , apd Corilla . ' Dross circle , 7 s . ; second circle and amphitheatre , 5 s . ; pit , 3 s . < U 1 . ; galleries , 2 s . and la Boxes ; stalls , pit , and gAllory tickets , at the box office , from ton to six daily . Mr . E . T . Smith trusts it will be conceded he has more tlian fulfilled all his pledges , and that he may justly boast of having produced tne first lyrical troupe in tho world , at one half the opera-house prices of admission . A new svstem of ventilation nas been adopted , -which will ensure to the public tho utmost amount of comfort . Mr . SMITH'S BENEFIT takes place on the Oth of July , and he solIcitB the patronage of his friondo and subscribers .
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CRYSTAL PALACE . Arrangements for Week ending Saturday , July 2 : — Monday , open at 9 . Tuesday to Friday , open at 10 . Admission one Shilling ; Children under twelve , Sixpence . Saturday , open at 10 . —Vocal aiid Instrumental Concert—Madame Artot and Hcrr Joachim will appear . : Admission , Half-a-Crown ; Children under twelve . One "" Orchestral Band of the Company , Great Festival Organ , arid Pianoforte performances daily . ... The numerous beds in the terraces and m the park gardens are brilliant with thousands of scarlet geraniums , calceolarias , and other plaiitB in full bloom . The roses round the Rosary are in great profusion and beauty . Sunday , open at 130 , to Shareholders , gratuitously , by tickets .
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CRYSTAL PALACE ART UNION . The Subscription Lists for this year will be CLOSED on THURSDAY , 21 st July . The DRAWING for the PRIZES will take place at the Crystal Palace on the following THURSDAY , viz ., the 28 th July , commencing at Two o ' clock , when the Report of the Council and a statement of accounts will be submitted to the Subscribers , who will have free admittance to the Palace and Grounds that day , upon presenting their subscription receipt for the year .
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SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATERCOLOURS . The FIFTY-FIFTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION is NOW OPEN , at their Gallery , 5 , PALL-MALL EAST ( close to the National Gallery ) , from 9 till dusk . Admittance Is . Catalogue 6 d . ¦¦ ¦ . JOSEPH J . JENKINS , Secretary .
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MONDAY POPULAR CONCERTS . LAST CONCERT on MONDAY EVENING next JUNE 27 th , at ST . JAMES'S HALL , to * commence at ei" -ht o ' clock precisely , on whicli occasion the programme viTl be selected from the works of ALL the GREAT MASTERS . ¦ J . , _ Principal Performers—Miss Arabella Goddard , Herr Joachim , and Mr ' . Sims Reeves . ' . Sofa Stalls , 5 s . ; . Balcony , 3 s . ; Unreserved Seats , Is .
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MR . BENEDICT'S CONCERT , On Monday Morning , July 4 , St . James ' s Hall , to begin at half-past one o ' clock . Mesdamea Catherine Hayes , Guarducci , Sarolta , Vaneri , Brambilln , Knderpsohn , Stabbach , AnnaWhitty ( her first . appearance in England ) , Madile . Rose . Csillag ( from the Imperial Opera , Paris ) , and Madile . Victoire Balfe ( her first appearance at a Concert ); Messrs . Mongini , L . Graziani , Corsi , Uadiali , Marini , Fagotti , Lanzoni , Herr Reichardt , and ATr . Santley-. Miss Arabella Goddard , M . Leopold de Meyer , BI . Louis Engel , M . Paque , and Herr Joachim . Messrs . Arditi , Ganz , and Lindsay Sloper , with full band and chorus , will appear on the occasion . Sofa stalls , £ 1 Is . ; balcony stalls ( front row ) , £ 1 Is . ; second row , 10 s . Od . ; reserved seats , 10 s . Gd . ; at all the principal music shops ; the box office of the Royal Italian Opera , Drury-lane ; ticket office ^ St . James ' s Hal ! , 2 S , Piccadilly , W . ; and Mr . Benedict ' s Residence , a , Manchester-square . W .
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CHRIST Y'S M INSTRELS . ST . JAMES'S HALL , PICCADILLY . GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME , BURX . S 8 . QVK ITALIAN Ol'EItA EVERY EVENING . Open every night at 8 ; the usual day representation every Saturday afternoon at 3 . Dress Stalls , numbered and reserved , 3 s . ; unreserved seats , 2 s . ; Gallery , Is . 'lickets and places maybe secured atMr . Mitchell ' s , ltoyal Library , 33 , Old Bond street ; and at the Hall , Piccadilly entrance , from 9 till 5 .
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ROYAL PRINCESS ' S THEATRE . LAST WEEK BUT ONE OF KING HENRY THE FIFTH , Which will be withdrawn after Saturday , Oth July , never TO BE REPEATED UNDER THK XKE 8 ENT MANAGEMENT . On Monday , and during the week will be presented Shakespeare ' B historical play of HENltY THE FIFTH , commencing at 7 o ' clock . King Henry , Mr . C . Koan ; Chorus , To conclude with the new Fnrce , in one Act , entitled IF THE CAP FITS .
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THEATRE ROYAL , HAYMARKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Buckstono . ) Mr . Charles Mathows and Mrs . Charles Mathews , having commenced their third engagement at this theatre since their arrival from America , will appear ovory evening . On Monday and Tuesday , positively tho last two nights of the Comedy of EVERYBODY'S FIUJBND . Commencing at 7 . Characters by Mr . and Mis . Charles Mathowu , Mrs . ^ SS ^^ SSf ^ SSSbSo TO * MONEY , in which Mr . ^ &S £ ^^^ ffi ® HBB . Oh WodHeuday next , Juno « 0 lh , > vill uobHIvoly bo produced " ( never noted ) u now anrt original Comedy , in three actB , ontittedTHMOONTESTMl ) lfitlflCTION , wrltton by To » w Taylor , Esq . Charaoter » l > y Mr . Charles Mathews , Mr , BuokBtono , Mrs . Charles Mathows , Miss Fanny Wright , Ac . With NOTHING TO WEAR , Mr . and Mrs . C . Mathews and tho WATER WITCHES . Stago-managor , Mr . Chippendale .
Drury Lane—Royal Italian Opera Lessee And Diregtok, Mr. E. T. Smith. Unparalleled Triumphant Career Of The Italian Opera.
DRURY LANE—ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA Lessee and Director , Mr . E . SMITH . UnparaUeled triumphant career of the Italian , opera .
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76 $ THE LEADER . [ Postscript .
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SWBARINO-IN Oli THE LOKD Cl | AK . OJ 3 I < I . OR . —At the sitting of the Court of Chancery , yesterday ( Friday ) morning , JLord CampLeU took his seat for the first time as Lord Chancellor . His lordship was accompanied into co « , rt by the Lords Justicos , the Master of tho Rolls , and Vice-Chancellors Kindoraloy , Stuart , and Page Wood . Tho oaths wore administered to tho Chancellor by tho Master of tho Holla , assisted by tho Clerk of tho Crown . There was a very largo attendance of tho bar , and , the < iourt was crowded to excess by spectators of a very brief and not particularly interesting ceremony . It was stated that the Lord Chief Justice of the Queen ' s Bench , Sir A . Cockburn , tho Chief Justice of the Common Plena , Sir W . Erie , and tho Attorney-General and Solicitor-General , Sir 11 . Uotholl and Sir H . Keating ' , ' were sworn in In his lordship ' s private room .
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Tina Eaiu , ow Derby . — Our attention h » P been directed to a paragraph in a contemporary , to tiio ollbct that Lord Derby had stated to a mocking ot liia supporters on tho proyious day that he would -never again accept office . Wo ( Mornimj Herald ) arc authorised to assure our roadors that no such language was hold on tho occasion in question ; but on tho contrary , that the most perfect mutual confidence was expresaed between ' tho Conservative party and their loaders ? , and tho greatest unanimity prevailed as to the future course to bp pursued ,
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TUBKEY . . Advices have been received from Constantinople to the L 4 th . Said Pneliu has been summoned to send his contingent to Jioumelia , but replied that tine indecisive policy of the l ' orto compromises Egypt , and that he will therefore send no succours , but will put his army on a war footing . Tho Dervisch having again taken Klobuck from the Montenegrins , tho Porto has ordered him to continue hostilities . It is asserted that the regular troops have already begun devastation .
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GREECE . Mauskiixks , Thursday . Advices had been received from Athens to tho 17 th . Tho following are the new Ministers : — jppironiilios , War ; Condouriolos , Foreign A flairs ; Ziiiuies , Public Instruction ; Pahunides , Interior .
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PRUSSIA . The Grand Duchess Dowager , mother of the Princess of Prussia ( grandmother of Prince Frederick William" ) , and aunt of the Emperor Alexander , died this e rening at eight o ' clock . The Independance Helge says : — " VVe received this morning from Paris anew version of the proposals said to have been put forward by Prussia with a View of re-establishing the peace and maintaining the equilibrium of power in Europe . Lpmbardy would be annexed to Piedmont , Parma , Modena , and Tuscany restored to their legitimate sovereigns , the authority of the Pope re-established in the Legations , Venice converted into an independent State , and , finally , the four famous fortresses
of the Mincio annexed to the Germanic Confederation , which would thus , by the influence of her neutrality and the power of her garrison , preserve Loinbardy from any aggressive attempt on the part of Austria against the rights -which Piedmont will have acquired by conquest . In this form the Prussian proposals are , without doubt , more in harmony with existting facts , and consequently more acceptable to France and Piedmont , but for the same reason it appears to us doubtful whether Austria will be willing to subscribe , to them . The correspondent who reports these proposals to us , places great confidence in their efficacy . We put them forward , however , without sharing his optimism , and , indeed , expressing the uncertainty we feel as to the authenticity of his information . "
The Journal des Deltals , alluding to this subject , sayS : —Our usual correspondence from Berlin informs us of an unexpected incident which retards for a time the execution of their military arrangements . According to this information , the Bavarian Government has refused to allow Prussian troops to pass through its territory , until the Prussian Government shall have answered a series of questions as to tho meaning and purpose of tho resolutions it has taken .
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VENICE . Four Sardinian frigates , equipped in first-rate style , have started from . Genoa to join the-Adriatic squadron , and this morning ' s papers contain letters From Venice , describing the intense alarm of that garrison at the insurgent attitude of the city .
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KING VICTOR EMMANUEL . The 3 ioniteur of this ( Friday ) morning contains a note explaining the character of the dictatorship offered in Italy on all sides to the King of Sardinia and the conclusion drawn that Piedmont wishes to ' unite all Italy in one State without consulting the populations and the great Powers . Such conjectures have , it says , no foundation . The people , whether delivered or abandoned , wish to make common cause against Aiistria , and with that intention they place themselves under the protection of the King of Sardinia ; but the dictatorship is a power purely temporary , which , whilst unitingcommon forces in the same hands , in no way prejudices any future combination .
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Leader Ofpicje , Friday Evening , June 24 th .
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Leader (1850-1860), June 25, 1859, page 768, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2300/page/12/