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£»« ¦¦ ? ¦ jt it ocs- r gltVltW Of ttt£ (LQl tZlX* o>
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i XOTII . ER week has elapsed with , similar results -tXl to its predecessor ; the allies continue to push on towards the Mincio , and the Austrians to retreat to tlie cover of their line of fortresses . The assumption of the direction of the Austrian movements by Marshal Hess is welcomed by the troops now under his command as an earnest of victory ; and this restoration ¦ of nnnfidpiiftfi in their commander
will in itself tend to important result , ? . After , the precipitate and almost disorderly retreat under Gyulai , the seven Austrian corps d ' arnicc arc now concentrated in the neighbourhood of Pesohiera , where , -under the eye of Francis Josep h himself , they hope to turn the tide of victory in . their favour . Tidings of a great battle on the Minci p must , Iheivfore , be looked- for hourly ; and it seems probable that it will be fought on the left bank , between Pcsehicra and Mantua , a line of twenty miles in extent , defended by a force of 200 , 000 Austrian ? , with cveiy advantage of position in Ilieir favour , and commanded by a genei \ il of tried ability and courage . Meantime , the Francn-tSardinifLU ibrcos , after some skirmishing , have crossed the CTiieso , and occupied the i ) o ? ition
just evacua ted by their opponents . Humour speaks of a grand combined movement of the allies in which the old fashioned notions of military ; science arc to be set aside , and the menacing line of fortresses is to be evaded instead of broken ; the Federal territory violated , and tliu Venetian frontier passed . It is supposed that while Napoleon mid Victor Emmanuel hold the Austrians in check , Garibaldi and Niel ivill ondcavour to turn their right Hank , while Prince Napoleon may advance from Tuscany up to the banks of the Po , east of Mantua , and being joined by strong reinforcements from the main army , may turn both the Mincio and the Adige , before the Austrians are aware of it . Admiral itomain-JDcs-Ibsses has been despatched from Toulon witli
15 , 000 men nud a powerful fleet , and is daily 15 , 000 men nud a powerful fleet , and is daily expected to make nn attempt upon Venice , which from -recent accounts there is little doubt is ripe for insurrection . The Austrians in Ttnly are thus threnlcncd on throe side-s , and by a revolutionary movement from within as well us by a powerful foe from without . The unhappy country that has become the . scut of tliis giguntic war sufl ' ei'H , it would seem , ii'uia friend nud foe . The French Zouaves and Tin cos , according to trustworthy accounts * , bid fair to bo n * much tlivuilod and hated by tho peasant * as by their Austrian I ' . - On tho other hand , wo have dreadful confirmation of tho wtoriua of Austrian atrocities in t . he ofllcial statement which Count
Cavour 1 ms just put forth of the murder of the C'i ; j , nol 3 f ' aiiiify by command of Marshal Urbana doad which for cold-blooded cruelty is Jit to be elated wilh the doiiufn oi' Nairn Sahib , at Cnvvupore . . It is indignantly denied by the Austrian ( jovornmciil-, and , for tho miko ol | humanity , \ w trust upon # ood grounds . Nor la tho enthusiasm wiih wliioh tho " liboratori" aro grouted < niile universal « r unalloyed wilh nuHgivingn for tho 1 ' utuiv . Alrendy thorn aro ruiuuiird of diaconlout amoiijuf tho nuvly-unnexeil uiu , l protected Hubjectn < . »! ' Vlcloi * . Emmanuel ; munerouM patriotic and i'onpe < 'U'd Italians demand . that the independence of Lomburily niul Tudcany nhall not bo wucriuced , > vhilo
" iven , suspicion is thrown up > . » n wio w ; n . > Je statement which has so much astonished the public , if not the House of Common !? . At tlie meeting of Conservatives last Tiios-. Iay . Lord Derby ' s advice to his'irkuids is said to ha vo 1 vc-n to wait a short time without taking- oilen ^ ive measures , since the inherent Avcakncca-j ..- of' die : ic-w Cabinet must shortly be revealed . From India the news is satisfactory , as to . the result of the measures taken by Lord ClviL- to : ; ppease the discontented soldiery . In this Case , at least , small blame appears to attach to the men , except iia the breach of discipline : and t ! . . ¦ CV . m-• mtindcr-in-Chief -appears-to have been -i .-onvinced that the most judicious course was to give them what they asked , seeing -that it . was no mere than their Aul \ Nana . Sahib , we hear , is v .- ; uul , ; ing in
disguise and friendless , ami has ' iipparcntiy ami . ist reached the end ' of his tether . His . brutlu-i ; in kin and in crime , the Bala Itao , still nuikc- head with some show of an armed retinue : l .. ir s ^ r llopo Grant will , we doubt not , soon give ai . i acv . sAint of . him . Whatever laxity the Ciu \ -ornnu'ni ;; : ¦• • • !•' - displaying in the regular annanu'uls oi' i ! i c < . iintn % the na ' Fural warlike spirit us di .- ; playi-d , n , i ; , e < . nrolliim- of volunteers , remains imchcicko I at | resent . Indeed , at the meeting of the valiant Templars on Thursdaythe Attorney-Cuiicra ! i , ; a' ! oii <> of the .
, best speeches that the movement ha .- _ ..- ; \> v -dared . TheCity of London , mindful of tho ; :. ii ( . i . t fame of its gallant trained bands , is about ( ihoiiyh somewhat late ) to take its part in the m . iioi . al effort , notwithstanding the doubts and twmldk- of some fat-headed individuals who fear that the civic shop will be neglected when the citi / . i-n shoulders bin rifle . In Gloucestershire th « Karl of d ) ui .-ie Iiiih pointed the way to eflicion < : y b y _ olil-ring sp l '/ ndid pri / . es for good marksmen ; and in smiie jm- < ivnu-iaitowns we hoar of rifle companies meting twice a
day for short periods of drill , Amidst tlie various clinngcs whim hav > - boon caused by tho accession of new nu .-u to power , none hns " given more general Hatisfaciioii il . uii the appointment of , Sir William Krlo i' > Uui ' Cliief-JustieeHhip of the Conmiun Picas : who by his sound learning , his perfcut courtesy , and profound discrimination , has won golden opinions from nil sorts of men . While touching on ! rg ., ! i . ipvu . may noliou a curiosity nl' English . pin- pru ; enco displayed in the case of Ituuk ii-zhium Mil well , Vlll . 'l ' ••< 1 ^ ' *** ••¦ ^ . - — - — . - li
which tends to show how fmo llu .- ne" may Im drawn botwci .-n madness aiuhlrunk . 'uiuv ^ . A curious nuoHtion ol'iutcrnational liiw will U ' . irgncd shortly i . n the coui'ts at Liverpool , in I lie waiter of < , ur Chilian gvnlh'inon who Iwiv .-, a .-cordnig lo tlu-ir HlaU . mn . 7 , been kidn a ^ d by lliyir polil . ouJ advorsnru , .. ml shippu-l « . li to old hi . glm . d u , rcvent thvlr gating up a revolution at h . u . w : ond who lhcivui ) on i . Tavt - tin : vu .-euiu-. i ( . 1 l » ritJ « h law upon tho Hcu-eapluui who waa tho cvcaitunt ; ufllio plot . The li'l . of l > lli'jhional )!! ' nrrivals " tlii-: Wf Ic in-,. ] ,,, | , •* il . r ' h . une of the Kjii . y L »! O |) old and an-. thor , nr . i ,. i , I htali' - ' inan , the Prin lrrha / . y—tho t ' oriiii'i- on'hi . s lUinual visit ol'fiii ! iid , ihi | j aud f . nilirtC' 1 lo hi ^ It ovul nifOo ; the hitter , it is « iwd '— all dipl |> - nu ^ y " » mi MaU'cmll thrown aside—conic * Lo cljmiiiuuf with lii . d valur-d Ku ^ liuli MvwU oikh . ; ii ^ am Ik . I ' oiv he is laid in tho tomb , to which lui haw just ( . ¦ on- ; .: iieil him fornioi ' . 'olk'nyuo , Mettynii < -Ii .
the Milanese and Florentines cannot entirely reconcile the notion of their ancient capitals being reduced to the rank of provincial cities , under French or Saixh ' nian bureaucratic rule . Tlie haughty bearing of the French deliverers , and the ill-concealed envy of their Piodmontese allies , combine to make Louis Napoleon's task of " arranging" Italian affairs one of enormous difficulty . The position of the allies with regard to the minor Italian States is rendered stiilmore complicated by the news received from the dominions of , the Pope , some of whose subjects have made bloody expiation at tlie hands of his Swi ^ s mercenaries for daring to express to Victor Emmanuel their prayer for release from the "wretched misi > overnment of
the " Vicegerent of Christ . " - Perugia will long rue the day that its inhabitants defied the priestly rule . The _ attitude of Prussia , notwithstanding , the denial of an Austrian alliance , is . calculated to cause grave alarm as to the prospect of confining the field of war to Italy . The mobilising of so large a portion of her army may be only for the purpose of giving weight to her proposed mediation ; but there are ugly rumours of a note to the French ¦ Government , stating that the Kegent will consider any infraction of the Venetian territory as a cams belli not only . ' gainst France but also against Kussia . Leaving the affairs of our neighbours , turn we noAV to home matters . IMijiistei's have kissed hands upon their appointments , and after the manner of Whigs have duly appointed fheir nephews , cousins , grandsons , or dependants to be itnder-socretarios , and other minor recipients of the . sweets of place and power . Xo human happiness is without alloy , and right honourable gentlemen must submit to the nuisance of' being re-elected to their parliamentary seats ; and in some cases , perhaps , even to be rejected by their former constituents . At least it ; will not be the fault of the Oxford Tories , if this fate does not befiil our rhetorical Chancellor of tho
Exchequer , while Mr . lloudlam also will have ^ some trouble to secure a victory . Lord John is safe enough , and so arc Sir George Gn ; y , Sir G . Lewis , and the Attorney-General . J \ Ir . Gladstone ' s uddross to the electors of the Uiiivci ' nity , issued in the shape of a letter to the Provost of Oriel , is a singular document ;; excoudinglv smooth , fluent , and plausible-, but by a ijitalily which would seem to wait upon the right honorable gun t lei nan ' s acts , has already encountered tiriiicism of n disparaging ohuraeter , if indued it has not actually of Fended : ronie of hid new allies . Mi . Kdwin . Tami's has
mast kindly promised to give , her . Majesty a . ulviiern an opportunity , on the ^ reassembling it' Parliament-, of explaining lliuir intuitions m thu ull-ongrosHing ( liubjei't of . Ilulbrni , fir which , no < loubt , they lire exewdingly obliged lohim , CHjiccially as the iudopendeiit party uru bounil to upcua thu ('• oalilioii , il ' tliu programme decided upon at . 'WiIHw * h Hooiun is ihparletl from . > Vith rcgai'd to one mlnisti-r ( tho iiumt . ri'niarkable , j ' lorlinpsj ' ol' all tlm new appoint incut- *) , the Sittctiu-y of tho Poor Law Board , a slight ombnrrassluc ' iit , to say the luast of it , I iiih taken place , whiVh mny pfissibfy bci pnttluelivo of coiimiIi-imMi .- ! uiin > yuiice to l . he new Cabimd . l . Voplo nut ur . dly dciuiuul from thuL iuconiiptiblo tiuiiator tlm names of Ihu ncrrtoiiri who attempted to iufliicnou Jus vote in Parliament , and if those n . imes are not
Contents :
Untitled Article
REVIEW OFTHEWEEK- I NDIA AND INDIAN PROGRESS- l'ostsi : ript 7 CS A Panorama of the Now ^ Vorltl .. 7 [ - \ General Literature . o noME intelligence . pace Indian Notes 7 Cki PUBLIC AFFAIRSrmp ^ r . ai Parliament 700 Latest Indian News 700 j COMMERCIALThc Elections 7 ( iO ¦ ^ Ir- Oladstoue s Maniieisto n'J ovmmtK ^ irti . Navnl and Military " . ¦ . ' . ¦ . ¦; . ¦ . ¦ . " . ¦ . ' . ¦ . ' . ' 700 FINE AF 8 TS- ' ¦ The Rhine and the Mincio ...... 7 < W A June Frost ;; . ' : Volunteer Itiiles 701 Mr . Jacob Boll / 00 3 . ehmd the Curtain < _ . j ) Moncv Market and Stock K . \ - Ireland 701 ! < ilory oi Poaco and of AVar it _ o clianuo ..... ...::- ; General Home News 701 I THEATRES AND ENTERTAIMWIENTS— i Ivouinn 1 oliey // l General Tradu Report . " : ' . Law , Police , and Casualties 702 , , , , .. , . ^ . ., " . Stocks , Shaiv . « , ami Commoditi . ..:: <' . Crystal Palace—Handel 1 cstival . ui > LITERATURE— Kailway Intullitrcnee .:.. FOHEICN istellige > XE . Italian Opera , Drury-lane . 707 , •* , _ „_„ xw « = — ¦> . Joint-.- ' tock Companies ; : „ ThniVni . ¦ - ! ••> Mr . Douglas ' s Knterpnso <* u Literary . ^ otcs ... < i ~ General Comincrciul News : ; 7 1 he War 4 * u - \ ri ( 1 niieTu < -= aud " s - 0 ; J ^ eadcrs ot-the Kcformution " ~ G cueral Summary 703 -Madame iu . ... iuu b u < . in . ^ 'ory of the United States .... 773 ' Women L ' ast and Present ........ 77 ' ! ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE- i ' Tin- Laws of Life 774 «„ ,. „„„ Special from Florence 704 I Mis-d-llaneous 707 , ¦ History of 1 'rogress 7 r 4 1 nets and toci aps ... j ^ —
£»« ¦¦ ? ¦ Jt It Ocs- R Gltvltw Of Ttt£ (Lql Tzlx* O≫
^ jUrieuj of Uu WRetlx .
Leader (1850-1860), June 25, 1859, page 759, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2300/page/3/