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_ $)vitth\itt fil(lYYM\(\m1ifittn* <!3r L IJJimU <i^n n? 5»JJXJlUmin?.
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cease to refer vividly and with grateful emotions to this reception from the Old North State . "
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United States . — A Washington telegram says that the home squadron in the Gulf of Mexico is to "be increased to ten vessels of war , carrying in the aggregate 212 guns . Recent investigations in the Post-office department at Washington led to the belief that Government was suffering to the extent of 1 , 000 , 000 dollars a year by the use of counterfeit postage stamps . The question of maritime neutral rights was occupying the Executive at Washington , Lord Malmesbury ' s reply on tljis subject being considered very unsatisfactory . The " latest advices frorn Utah represent that the people are in an excited and turbulent condition , bordering on rebellion . Governor Cumminc had
issued a proclamation ordering the Mormon militia , who had assembled for belligerent purposes , to disperse . These parties are a portion of the militia called out by the governor to resist the entrance of the Government troops during the session of the court at Salt Lake City . The Mormons are being monthly augmented by the arrival of foreign converts . The civil law having failed to answer its purpose , it is the opinion of intelligent Gentiles in the territory that peace can be preserved only by strong military rule , or bloodshod averted by favouring the removal of the Mormons beyond the , jurisdiction of the United States . The New York papers are full of the discover } ' of the body of a handsome young woman , known in theatrical circles as
and digging on all the lands and islands belonging to it . The Americans and Cuba ;—A Washington telegram says •— . " There is reason to believe that our minister to Madrid has been instructed to avail himself of the earliest opportunity to assure the Spanish Government of the earnestness of the United States to purchase Cuba , and that the money will be promptly paid . " Mexico . ; —Information had reached Washington of active movements in Louisiana of certain Mexican react ionists in favour of Santa Anna . Their arrangements , it is said , are now peifeeted , and they were about to leave Mobile for some Mexican port on the Gulf , where they intend to land and pronounce in favour of the ex-dictator .
. Fanny Dcane , on the beach at Fort Hamilton . She ¦ was the wife of an Englishman named Halsoy , of highly respectable connexions . Her husband ' s explanation was to tho effect , that ho had detected her in a criminal intrigue , and that fearing the consequences she committed suicide Tlw relatives of the deceased , however , deny that tlie deceased was inconstant , and nccuse her husband of having neglected her . , Halsoy is said to have lield a commission in the British army . Hayxi . —A correspondent of the Boston Post states that the French Consul to the Dominican Hepublic has for a email Bum purchased the -whole resources of the ltopubllc in the shape of mines , woods , and guano , with the solo privilege of working , cutting .
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_ ^ [ feom a special correspondent ^ Florence , June 17 th . Prince Napoleon left Florence yesterday for Piacenza , which is eight days' march across the Appenines , by the Porretto pass . All the troops accompany him to the seat of war , and some have already taken their departure . It was the wish of Piedmont that a portion should be left for the maintenance of order at Florence , but the Prince did not seem to think it necessary , and I do not suppose a single battalion will be left behind . There is a rumour that a corps of National" Guards is to be organised . No fear whatever is felt of any disturbance , and the Tuscan troops are merely an apparent
defence , as they would never resort to force against their fellow-countrymen . People are now too much occupied with the general welfare of the Peninsula to advocate their own particular views . It is true that Tuscany cannot be wholly reconciled to sink down into nothing , though the wisest heads are gradually reconciling themselves to the idea of complete fusion . Victor Emmanuel does not seem ever to have contemplated more than driving the Austrians out of Lombardy and Venice . Tuscany must wait . It is impossible that Piedmont can at this moment make her a matter of serious consideration . Buoncompagni is a thorough Piedraontese , methodical and fond of routine .
It must be allowed that Prince Napoleon has behaved well at Florence ; and whatever may be said by various journals , I can assure you that there is ho party forming in his favour in Tuscany . He has conformed himself to the ostensible object of his visit—the organisation of a military force . Of the future we cannot speak ; but the Emperor will be slow to show a partiality which can ^ o no good in the eyes of the world . The war , notwithstanding the constant success of . the allies , still promises to be a terrible conflict . The carnage is even more frightful than was expected . The battle of Magenta would in former times have been decisive ; but when hundreds and thousands
of additional combatants are to be brought into the field , the contest may go on much longer before either side is exhausted . It is thought that the political organisation of Central Italy will be rendered more difficult by the revolutions which have taken place at Perugia and the other towns in the direction of Rome . The question naturally arises , Is Rome to be left standing alone , and the Pope to be maintained there by a French army , while the whole of the rest of Italy is declaring itself in favour of Piedmont , and looking forward to the enjoyment of constitutional liberty ? Naples is beginning to move in the right direction . An Officer has been sent to the Emperor ' s headquarters . The Italians now hope to have the moral support 6 f England , whose advice will be invaluable in the
reorganisation of the several states . With Lord John Russell as Minister for Foreign Affairs , there is no fear" that England will take part with Austria . If she maintains her neutrality , and the French leave after haying accomplished the emancipation of Italy , then indeed we may hope to realise Italian liberty and an Italian kingdom . I understand that , in the case of recently appointed professors of the university , the Grand Duke diminished the salaries , and that they are now to bo increased in the former ratio of the remuneration received by the elder professors . Each person employed by Government in Tuscany has offered a monthly reduction of salary towards tho expense of the war , and the higher class of Government officers have ottered contributions besides .
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played equal skill and resolution . The following short passage from a letter written at Binasco by a correspondent of one of the Vienna papers probably gives a correct idea of the battle of Magenta — - "Ih hardly any battle was so much blood shed in so short a time . The bullets of the French came into our ranks like hailstones into a field , and -without word or groan very many of our valiant fellows fell to rise no more . You will be able to form a correct idea of the way in which the officers fought when 3 'ou have been informed that one battalion of the Kaiser' Regiment of the line was brought back by a sergeant , and another by a lieutenant . "
A Portrait . — " Garibaldi , " says a letter from the seat of war , " is of middle height , not more than 5 feet 7 or 8 inches , I should think ; a square-shouldered , deep chested , powerful man , without being at all heavy . He has a healthy English complexion with brown hair and beard , rather light , both slightly touched with gray , and cut short . His head shows a very fine development , mental as well as- moral " , and his face is good , though not remarkable to a casual observer—nothing to sIioav the man who could form and carry out such plans as the retreat from Rome or the capture of Coino , but when . he spoke of the oppression and sufferings of his country , the lip and eye told the deep
feeling long suppressed , and the stedfast daring character of the man . A child would stop him in the street to ask him what o ' clock it was ; but the man condemned to be shot in half ; an-hour , would never , after a look of that calm , determined face , waste time in asking mercy upon earth . During our long interview he spoke much of passing events ( excepting his own ehare ) , but without southern gesticulation . lie has . the calm manner and appearance of the English gentleman and officer ; it was only when lie spoke of the generous sympathy of the people of England with the sufferings of Italy that his Saxon-like calmness gave way ; then , as he assured us again and again , how thoroughly it was appreciated by Italians of every class , and how
grateful they were for it , he showed that the warm blood of Italy burned in his veins . My impression had been that liis operations were -more the result of rash impulse than of military calculation ; but it was palpable that , strong as may be his- ' impulses * they are thoroughly under control . Bold and enterprising even to apparent rashness , he is , no doubt , but he is . also cool and calculating ; and as I watched him on the opposite side of the table , telling the ladies of his voyages to China and the antipodes as pleasantly and calmly as if in a London drawing-room , while at any moment he might I » o interrupted by the fire of an overpowering Austrian force brought by railway to his outpost , I felt no doubt that in case of . the very worst he had arranged exactly what to do , and would
do it . " News from the War . — "A French soldier told me , " says the correspondent of a contemporary , ' ? that he wished very much to give news of his safe arrival at Milan to his friends at home ; but smiled at tho idea of writing . No letter from the camp said he , would reach the French shores ; Napoleon had no idea of _ exposing his plans or his losses to be criticised by every man qui mettail chi noir sur au blanc—i . e ,, bhick ink on white paper . The complaint about » ion-delivery of letters is quite true . No seal is respected at the post-office , und written news from the camp more explicit or extensive than what is given in the bulletins runs great risk ol total extinction . A friend of mine was told , on application , ( hat there was a letter for him , but no was begged to return for it in an hour , at the ena oi which time he received it with the seal bearing
evident tokens of tampering ; and the great movement which preceded the battles of l » iilestro nn < i Magenta wns marked by a total interruption ol communications for a week , during -wliion time wives and mothers , tormented by constant roports of fighting and loss , had no resource but patience . VlCTOIt EM 5 IANUEI . AND THE'MlUAKUPU LADIES . —A letter from Milan says : —On tho evening ol tho 10 th a grand representation took place at tne Scala . On leaving tho royal box , Victor ^ ' » m ™ , unexpectedly enw himself surrounded by a » ovy oi tho female aristocracy . All that Milan boasts ot fair and noble wore there , eager to profior to tno ami
WAR INCIDENTS . Tun Minus Ripi . io . — Tho Austrian soldiers are said to oaro but little for tho French artillery , but they have a very high respect for tho AXlnte rifle . Tho wounds inflicted are exceedingly " -ugly , " tho bullets difficult to extract . According to a private letter which has been received here , the battle of Magenta was " regular slaughter-house work , " in the performance of which tho parties concerned
dlsgallant soldier king their tribute of gratitude admiration . Tho pent-up emotion * of yours now found a vent , and tho warmth of tho J ^ oinbairt character dinplnyed itself uncontrolled . I hoy Jiunff weeping upon his hands , they poured forth vow a pi allegiance , the most timid strovo to got sufficiently near at least to touch his coot , till nt hint one , entirely carried away by enthusiasm , flung hor arms round his Majesty ' s neck , and kissed him on ootn cheeks . Tho rest required no bidding to follow tlus oxamplo / und thus successively tendered homage to thoir now monarch , Victor Emmanuel , nothing lot " , returning , as -well as receiving , hla iulr subjects salutation , while the Emperor , all etiquette forgotten , stood by luuffhing heartily at the scone .
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764 THE LEADER , ' ¦ ¦ . TNewh
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SUSPENSIO-N-. OF THE SUEZ CANAL . We learn from letters of the 10 th inst . from Alexandria that the public announcement made by M . de Lesseps , to the effect that the works of the Isthmus of Suez Canal had actually been commenced , had the effect of causing considerable embarrassment to the Government of the Viceroy . The works in themselves doubtless were of the most paltry description , "but they were sufficient to constitute an important fact , which , once established , would have authorised "further claims . The matter , therefore , could no longer be ignored , and one of two decisions was inevitable , —either the Government must disavow the proceedings of M . de Lesseps , or else these
proceedings must be confirmed . The former alternative was accordingly chosen , and a circular despatch transmitted to all the European consuls , recalling the fact -that the Pacha of PIgypt's firmans formally reserve the ratification of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan , and the condition that the works shall be executed only after they shall have been authorised by the Sublime Porte . The circular adds that his Highness has openly manifested his sympath y and his good -will in favour of a work the interests of which are so eminently universal , but his Highness is
determined not to tolerate that , under any pretext whatsoever , operations be carried on which cannot be executed until the approval to which they are subject shall have been obtained . The document concludes by requesting every consul to require those of his fellow subjects whom it may concern forthwith to cease in their participation , in order that the Egyptian Government may not be placed in a situation which would oblige it to have recourse to measures rendered necessary for insuring the exercise of its rights .
Peremptory orders have , moreover , been sent to M . de Lesseps prohibiting him from continuing his operations ; but . there is reason to believe that he intends persisting until stopped by main force . ¦ Th e interference of the French Consulate in these questions has naturally given rise to the gravest surmises . Hitherto , in fact , it was well understood that the instructions held by the French Cottsul-General commanded him to abstain from the slightest
interference , and to remain perfectly neutral in all matters relating to the Suez Canal question ; but although this is the line of conduct which was lately observed , it is an unquestionable fact that the rule has now been departed from , and that the iniluence of the French Government has been brought "to bear upon Said Pasha in favour of M . de Lesseps ' pretensions ; if not directly by the French-Consul-General himself , at least indirectly through his Vice-Consuls and other agents .
_ $)Vitth\Itt Fil(Lyym\(\M1ifittn* ≪!3r L Ijjimu ≪I^N N? 5»Jjxjlumin?.
(^ itijgiiutt djorrespmknn ? .
Leader (1850-1860), June 25, 1859, page 764, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2300/page/8/