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Instruction , in addition to a sound . English Education , in-¦ cludcs also , French , Latin , Music , Ac . The . house is large , and pleasantly and healthily situated . Terms , if under "Twelve years of age , 50 / . per annum ; above that age , CO / . Address , Jtev . 13 ., Westbrook House , Faringdon , Berks .
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HANWELL COLLEGE , MIDDLESEX , Is still retaining' its high character . — 'OiiVed Service Gazette . ' A Prospectus will be'forwarded on application to the Rev Dr . JEMKKTOxV , the Principal .
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NEW MODE OP ACQUIRING WEALTH . See the Prospectus of the PUBLIC LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 47 , Charing Cross , London , which describes the way to obtain 10 , 000 / . Consols payable- during life ; or 5 , 000 / . Consols payable , at death , for it Premium ' of Out Guinea . Nootlier charge nor liability . No medical examination . No references to . friends' required . . . Male and female lives admitted on equal terms . Applications for Prospectuses , Forms of Proposal , &e .., to be made to Or . J . FARRANC'E , Managing- Director , at the Chief Offices , 47 , Charing : Cross , London . Agents wanted throug-hout the United Kingdom .
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fllHE- LAST AN 1 SUAL REPORT , CA > SII X ACCOUNT , and BALANCE SHEET of the MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY ( A . D . 1834 ) , may be had on a written ' or personal application to the Actuary , or to any of the Society's Country Agents . ' o the Report and Accounts is appended a List of Bonuses paid pu the claims of the year 1858 . No extra charge for joining- Volunteer Kille or Artillery Corns . CHARLES INGALL , Aetuary . The Mutual Life Assurance Offices , 30 , King-tttreet , Chpapside , K , C ,, London .
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ESTABI-ISHKD 1837 . ' BRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , Empowered by Special Act of Parliament , 1 Viet . Cap . J ) , AND BRITANNIA MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION , Empowered bij Her Ma ) uitif& Jtoyal Lettrrst Patent . 1 , Princes-street , Itnnk , London . Miyor-Generul Alexander , Blm . 'l { ln . ' ath-park , Chairman . HALF CREDIT RATES OF PREMIUM . PERSONS ASSURED according to these JL Hates , » uv allowed credit for hiilf tho amount of tlie first flvo or Huvcii Annual I'reinliiniH , paying Interest thereon at the rate of Five per < Y > nt . por Annum , with the option of paying on" tlw arrears of Premium * at nny time , or hav-Jug the amount deducted from the mint assured when the Policy becomes a claim . ANDREW FKANC 1 S , Secretary .
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Til 10 DIRECTORS OF THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Kcqiioat ^ itteuUon to tho report of the Company for tho your I . S . W . A printed copy can bo obtiilned on application at t . h « Company's ollU * ei-t In London , Edinburgh , or Dublin , or to nny of the agents in England , Sootltuid , or Ireland . Tho following results nro rttuted In thu report : — Tho new usrMinincoH efleo . U'il during 1 KW exceed iCAUU , ( MH > , and tliu umouut during the lust K . » yearn i-xeeed * jttO . ouo . ooo . The income of tho Compnny Is upwiirdrt of U ' . T . ' t . Ooo ; mid Tho ncuumuliitod fund exceed .- * considerably , tII ,. Vi ' t , () iiu , Tho Stundiml wan established In is - i . \ and the pronto renllwud lmvo bum divided on live occasion * , 1 n ; i :., imo , im , \ ISM , and iWii , The Hlxlh illvtrtlon of prolltM will tukw place no . \ l your , and thoro In an advantage In Jolnlnu- tlio company before tlio « : loso of thu bookd In th «> present your , » h the bcnellt of two yoarfl' entry to tlio prollt uohvine will be awurixl . Attuntlon IrtMiiwfiilly illrootod to tlto fact , tluit . thu Coinpnny lmvo lalely iulrpdiiced into their iioIIcIcm eertalu tenna and coikHiIoiiu which make tlioin ol Inereawoil valno « a tlu ; bawls of marriage . HottlemioutA , fumlly provlalonn , and till . tmuBuctlovirt wliuro It ia ohbohUuI thnt . tho uontniot uhoiild bo , an f » r «« pourtlbh ' , a . vmuulutu ueoiirity tt ^ uliiHt all oontInff « inoloH , . "WILL . . TIIO . H . TIIO . lIri (> X , Miinauvr . l ( . . IONICS WILLIAMS , Kurt . fjw . Iiondon : »• . ' , KJiik Wllllam-ntroot , CUv . JOdliiUiii'Kli : : l . UcorttV'Stryot . Dubllui Oil , I'ppor Wackvlllc-etruot .
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THE SURPLICE SHIRT . ( AVknowh'duvil ii « the moHt . eomfortablu imd tlumblo Hlilrt i'Vi' 1 " yet proiliiivul ) , miulu to iuouhuvo , tM , Cd ., ?« . Oil ., Hh . ( Id . mid U >* . Di ] , ( lards for Hulf-mi'jiBuiviiR'Ut . JOHN WAMPdON , IIosIit , 1 W , Oxford-street , > Y .
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ACCIDENTS ARE OF DAILY OCCURRENCE . Tnsurnnco data Hhow that ONE PEltSOX in overy VIVXKJfON is more or loss injured by Accidt ' iit yearly . An Annual PMyment of . ^; i aocurea A FIXJ'MJ ALLOWANCE OF . l ! 0 l'J-JK WEEK IN TIIK KVKNT Or INJUIIV , OH ? I . ( XH ) | X CASIO OF DEATH FltOM ACCIDK-NTS OF EVICKY DlOfjCHU'TlON , ] ty a Policy In thu ltAIMYAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY , > Vhlcli Iiiih olivndy paid In compensation for Accidents . Ctr . oiW . Form * of l ' r «) poMal and l ' roH ]> eotuci (< rt niny be had at tho Company ' h ( > l ! Uvn . and at all the prluutpul Kuilwuy Stations , where , alno , Kailway Aeoi « lenlM alono may bo iuwurou aiiulnijt by ll > i > Journey or your . IS'O < 1 IIAK (» 'K FOR 8 TAMI 1 I > UTY . CAl'ITAL , OXK MILLION . WILLIAM J . VIAKT , » ooreta , ry . Itullwuy Piweu'iip'rn' A «« uranco Coinpuuy , ' > lllf <« ri , : t , old Jlrond-titreet , London , 10 . C .
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UR . T . G . PAGANO , PltOFE . SSWr ^ T , 1 / ITALIAN , LATIN , and GHEK 1 C , with tl * d Uhrrn ^' . ^ . > y \ tiiro of «> aoh lauKungo , o «\ jrs LESSONS IN »> JUV ^' ' PIW ^ ' ^ rr MATHKMATHfc , " PHILOSOPHY , mill ^>« 5 « f % : ' ,, 1 ' ^ lirniK'hofl of Uo ^ nl Sclonoe . Tornia , niodernto . ^ iV ^ UJwha > 1 'A ^ tlon to Dr . X ' tiffiinu , 10 , St . Guorffo ' a-tcYvai '( hHJyf ) l » i UUMEtK- ' / \ -n Kwth < . ^ •••! w& y ^ < • •> v . i' ^ vI > jo / -4 ^/ w 4 ^ ^• ¦ iMMr *
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LIVING CELEBRITIES . A Series of Photographic PortrnltH , by MAJTLL nml I'OLYULAN ' K , privo : >» . inch . Tho number for Jl L \ w « t . vlu 0 j onv coLCIIIWTBlti with Memoir . BlAivi . i . ami 1 ' oi . yjjlank , CM , Ornoeolnir ( . h-, * treif , ntid 1 B 7 A , Plt'oadlHyt ' »»> W . Kkwt uiul Co .. Fleet . Htreet .
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Established in the reigii of Queen Anne , a . d . 17 U . UNION" ASSURANCE OFFICEFIKB AND LIFE . OFFICES . SfbCOKN'HILL , and 70 , BAKEK STKEKT , LONDON ; And in UristoT ; Liverpool , Edinburgh , Dublin , Hamburgh , Berlin , and Kuriie . DIRECTORS , TRUSTEES , ETC . HKNRY ALDWIN SOAMES , Esq ., Chairman . WILLIAM . CrILPIN , Esq ., DevltvChairman . Tames Uontley .-Esq . J , ltoinington Mills , Esq . Daniel llrlttcn , Esq . John Morloy , Esq . Nicholas Chflrrington , Esq . . John ltoffers , Esq . . S . I ' rortton Cliild , Esq . Henry Itutr , Esq . IJerlah l > ro \ v , Esq . G . Spencer Smith , Esq . John llibbert , Esq . W . Foster White , Esq . Thomas Lewis , Esq . Samuel Wilson , Esq ., Aid . ThontUH . Ml 11 b , Ksq ., M . P . Stephen Wilson , Esq . FIRE PREMIUMS DUE at MIDSUMMER Hhonlil l > o paid on the ' , 'lth of June , 18 it > , or within 13 days after . VOLUNTICKU K 1 FLK COUl'S . — Xo Extrn Premium will bo ohiirQed to Mombera of Volunteer Ultle Corps who may be chIIlmI upon to fl ^ ht in defenco of their country , so lone' aMthoy continue within thq limits of tho United Kingdom . Wm . U . LKWIS . Secretary .
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DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK . FIVE PER CENT , on sums for fixed periods , or at seven days' notice , or Three per Cent , at Cali * G . H . LAW , Manager . Offices , G , Cannon-street West E . C .
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NOTICE OF DIVIDEND . BANK of DEPOSIT ( Established A . D . 1 S 44 ) , No . 3 , Pallmall Kast , London , S . W . — The WAllltANTS for the 1 ULF-YKARLY INTEUEST , at the rate of 5 per cent , per annum , on Deposit Accounts , to tlie 30 th instant , w ill be ready for delivery on and after the lltli July , and payable daily between the hours of Teh and Four . June , 'IS . V . I . ' l'ETEK M () ltltISON , Managing' Director , l ' rospectuses and forms sent free on application .
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LONDON CHARTERED BANK OF AUSTRALIA . INCOIIPOKATED BY KOYAL' CHARTER . P A ID -UP C A PIT A L , 7 00 , 000 . Chairman-DUNCAN DUNIJAK , Esq . DEruTY-CiiAiRM an—WILLIAM ' FANE » E SALIS , Esq . Offices—17 , CANNOX-STKEET , E . C . TETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS of JU EXCHANGE are granted on the Branches of this Bank at SYDNEY , MELBOURNE , GJKELONG , MARYBOROUGH , ARARAT , and BALLAltAT . DRAFTS of the Australian Colonies negotiated and sent for collection . By order of the Court , G . ML , BELL , Secretary .
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ONCE A WEEK . Oontenta of No . 1 ., published this tiny , " price : td . omv a Week . By Shirley Brooks . Il ) ustr « tot 1 by John Leocli . — Mim among the ^ fammoths . lllustrntwl . —Aiidun mill Ills Wl » lto Bear . By G . W . Daaent . IlliiHtratud by John 'IVuulel . —SnakeM itiul t | ielr Prey . —An Afrloan Adventure . —ICiiffllsh Projectiles . By W , » riil « es Adams , — Mnuviitn . My T « m Taylor / IlhiHtrutedby J . E . 5 lll , liil « .-. \ yno . lKtehr . Hy ChurU-8 Jleiule . Illustrated by C . Ivi-ono . — lhu 'lull ot n Tndpolo . « ty « . II . Lewos . —Tho Original lJun lfouse . Illurttrated by John Leech . , , . , „ t » IHiadiil'hv and Evanh , 11 , Uoiivorki-slrcot , Heot-Htroot .
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Now lteady , in One Tol ,, post 8 vo .,. price "> s . THE ENGLISH IN INDIA : letters from NAGPOHE , Written iu 1637-8 . ByCAPTAIN EVANS BELL , Second Madras European Light Infantry . London : John' Chapman , 8 , King Wijll « m-street . Strand .
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Fourth Edition , Part I ., 3 s . Od . POPYHOLD , LIFE-LEASEHOLD , AND VJ CHURCH PROPERTY . In Two Parts . By Arthur Schatchley , M . A ., of the Inner Temple , Esq , P » arrister-at-Law . Part I . contains—Principles « nd l ' ractiee ; Itule . - * for the Formation of Copylnold Enfraucliiscmeutand Freehold Lawd Societies , &c . &c . Part II ., with the New Acts and Legal Decisions , will be published shortly , nUETELET'S LETTERS ou tlio THEORY lc 0 of PROBABILITIES . Translated by O . Ci . Dovnk . s , Ksq ., of tho Economic Life Assurance Society , svo , cloth boards . Vie . London : Charles and Edwin L . ivton , M 0 , Fleet-Btrcet . DKPOT FOR BOOKS ON ASSUKANCE—LIFE , FIUK . AND MAIUNK .
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THE AVAR IN ITALY . —In fcap . 8 vo . 2 s . boards . WUOetalls of « ie War to the Batttoof Soiferiuo . By T EAVEL 8 ff > AND TRAVELLERS . By Mrs TROLLOPE , Including-Rambli-siu Bavari « , Switzerland , Sardinia , &c . Fcap . Svo ., 2 s . [ Just published . London : Knight and Son , awd ., t \ U Booksellers .
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HARMONIUMS . CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO ; , are the chief as-ents for Alexandre and Son ' s NEW MODEL HAKM . O-3 NIUM . Every variety . —201 , Regent-street .
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PIANOFORTES . CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO . have the best of every description for Sale or Hire . Cramer , Beale , and Co . arc the Proprietors of the NEW MODEL OBLIQUE GRAND PIANOFORTE . 201 , Regent-street , and 67 , Conduit-street .
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CRAMER'S INTRODUCTOR Y PRACTICE for the . PIANOFORTE . Price 5 s . CRAMER'S EXERCISES FOR THE PIANOFORTE , Published in Parts . Gs . each . . These Studies remain the Standard Work in the Musical Academies of Europe . All the eminent Pianists ; including-Mesdames Pleyel , Clauss , Goddard , JOI . Thalberg , Halle . Hubenstein , Bennett , Benedict , Sloper , Osborne , Silas , and Blumenthal , have employed this Work in their general course of Study . BEETHOVEN'S SOXATAS FOR THE riAXOFORTE . Complete Edition . OEdited by J . jroschcles . In Single Numbers , price from 3 s . to -4 s . each ; or in Three Vols ., . 'Us . (> d . each . Published by Ckamer , Beale and Co ., 201 , Regent-street .
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^^^^^^ ^ ipm « pimpy ) i iiip . wiw ^ h'jwq .. i ......... -.- - .....,- -,. ; . ¦• . yj ^^ OT ; r < .. f- \> - - .-T . w , ^^^ 7 " . ^^ ¦¦¦;¦ . •¦¦ ¦ ¦'• - ¦ ¦ -...- . 7 : . ¦¦ •• i > >~ vf -= . . ¦• .. ¦¦ . ' , ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦¦¦ •' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦•¦;• , .. ¦ , ' ,. • ~ > 1 ' ¦ ' . ' ' ' . , ' . . ' ; ¦ : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' £ ?' * *<** ' ' A Jpe after . POLITICAL , LiTERARY , COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER r :. _ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' ' ' and . . i RECOKt ) OF JOINT STOCK COMPANIES , BANKS , RAILWAYS * MINES , SHIPPING , fee
Education. A Married Clergyman Lias Vacancies For A Few More Private Pupils. The Course Of
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I VOL . X . No . 484 . f " SATURDAY , JULY , 2 , 1859 . Price [ g ^^ E ^ iS *?**
Leader (1850-1860), July 2, 1859, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2301/page/1/