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: Arrangements for VVVok ending- Saturday , July ) : — Monday , opon at 9 . Tuesday , Thursday , and 1 ' riclay , ° Admis 8 ion one Shilling ; . Children under twelve , Six-Wednesday open at 10 . Fourth Grand Concert , by the artistes of the Koyal Italian Opera Company . Admission free by Two Guinea Season Tickets ; or Dy One Guinea Season Ticket , on payment of Half-a-Crown ; to non-season ticket holders on payment of 7 s . Cd ., ; or it tickets are puvcliasid of any of the agents before the day 5 s ., Childrc-Ji undir twelve haTf-price . Saturday , open at 10 . —Vocal and Instrumental Concertin which 3 Ir . Iltnry Leslie ' s Choir will take part . Admission free to Season Tickets of . both classes , or on payment of Half-a-Crown ; Children under twelve One , Suntfay , open at 1-00 , to Shareholders , gratuitously , by tickets ¦ ! Season Tickets price One and Two Guineas each , available to 30 th April 18 ( ju ; may be had at the Crystal I ' alace ; at 2 , Exeter Hall ; and at the usual agents .
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CRYSTAL PALACE . The Rosary and Terrace Gardens are now brilliant with thousands of Koses , Geraniums , Verbenas , and other plants in full bloom . The flowers in the Palace and throughout the grounds are in great profusion and beauty , The ? sew Cjmnasium in the Park is free to visitors .
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CRYSTAL PALACE ART UNION . The Subscription Lists for this year will be CLOSED on THURSDAY , 21 st . Tuly . The DRAWING for the PRIZES will take place at the Crystal Palace on the following- ' THURSDAY , viz ., the 28 th July , commencing at Two o ' clock , when the Report of the Council anil a statement of accounts will be submitted to the Subscribers , who will have free admittance to the Palace and Grounds that day , upon presenting- their subscription receipt for the year . Subscribers are earnestly requested to make their selection of the Presentation Works immediately . ¦
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THE HEART OF THE ANDES , By FREDERIC JE . CHURCH ( painter of the Great Fall , Niagara ) , will be exhibited by Messrs . Daynnd Sons , Lithographers to the Queen , ON AND AFTER MONDAY , JuLt 4 , at the German Gallery , 108 , New Bond-street . Admission One Shilling . :
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MR . BENEDICT'S CONCERT , On Monday Morning , July 4 , St . James ' s Hall , to begin at half-past one o ' clock . ' Mesdames Catherine Hayes , Guarducci , SaroltM . Vaneri , Brambilla , Enderssohn , Stabbach , Anna ¦ VVhitty ( her first appearance in England ) , Madlle . Artot ( from the Imperial Opera , Paris ) , and Madlle . Victoire Balfe ( her first appearance at a Concert ); Messrs . Mono-iuj , jl . Graziani , Corsi , Badiali , Marini , Fagotti , Lanzoni , Heir Reichardt , and Mr .. Santley . Miss Arabella Goddard , M . Leopold de Meyer , M . Louis Engel , M . Paque , and Herr Joachiin . Messrs . Arditi , Ganz , and Lindsay Sloper , with full band and chorus , will appear on the occasion . Sofa stalls , £ 1 Is . ; balcony stalls ( front row ) , £ 1 Is . ; second row , 10 s . Oil . ; reserved seats , 10 s . Oil . ; . at all the principal music shops ; the box office of the Royal Italian Opera , Drury-laiie ; ticket office , St . James ' s Hall , ii 8 , . Piccadilly , W . ; and Mr . Benedict's Residence , 2 , Manchester-square , W . '
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CHRIS T Y'S MINSTREL S . ST . JAMES'S HALL , PICCADILLY . LAST WEE . lt BUT THREE OF THE SEASON . BUKJLEKQUE ITALIAN OPERA EVERY EVENJHC . Open every night at 8 ; the usual day representation every Saturday afternoon at 3 . Dress Stalls , numbered and roscrvecf , 3 h , , unreserved scats , 2 s . ; Gallery , Is . Tickets and places innybe secured at Mr . Mitchell's , Royal Library , 33 , Old Bond Btroet ; and at thd * Hull , Piccadilly entrance , from 1 ) till 5 .
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ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE . LAST SIX NIGUITS OF KING HENRY THE FIFTH , Which will lie withdrawn after Saturday , Oth July , neveii TO HE REPEATED UNDER THE PRESENT MANAGEMENT . On Monday , And during- tho week will be presented Shakeapoaro ' s historical play of HENRY THE FIFTH , commencing- at 7 o ' clock . King 1 Henry , Mr . C . Kean ; Chorus , Mrs . C . Kcnu . To concludo -with tho now Farce , in one Act , entitled II THE CAP 1 'ITS .
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ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . ( Lessees—Messrs . fl \ Robson and W . S . Mmddn . ) LAST SIX NIGHTS OF THE PORTER'S KNOT . Monday , and during' tho week , will bo performed tho OniniN / vx Comedietta , by Tom Taylor , Esq ., entitlod NITSE ) POINTS OF THE LAW . Charaotorfl T ) y Miossrs . Addlsoii , O . Vinlng , H . WJgan , and W . Gordon i Mesdamos Cot troll and Stirling ; After wl ' rioli Mr . John Oxenford'a Dramn , THE PORTER'S KNOT . Charnotora by MriBflra . F . Robaon . G . Vinifia , Q . Cook-o , W . Gordon , H . Witjan , Cooper , Wliitc , and iTunkH , ATra . Leigh Murray , and Mlsa Hucrlicfl . To conoludo with RETAINED FOK MlE DEFENCE . Chnrnoters by MoasrB . F . Robson , G . Vinlng-, G Cooko , II . Wlg-jin , II . Coojpor , and Misa Cottrell . Comiwonco at Half-past Sovon o ' clock .
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THEATRE ROYAL , HAYMARKET . ( Undor tlio Mftnaq-emonfc of Mr . Buokstono . f Mr , Charlou Mathewa and Mra . Charles Muthowa , wltli tho now comody of THE CONTESTED ELECTION , by Tom Taylor , ICHq ,. ovory ovonlng-. Monday , July 4 th , and during' tho ivook , to oommenco at HOyon wltli , fifth t Into , tho now comody in throo note , entitled THE CONTliJSTED EI ^ EOTION . Mr . Dodgaon ( an Attornoy ) , Mr . Churloa Mathowa j Mr . Wapahott ( a Barriator ) , Mr . W . Farrcii < Mr . IToiioybun ( a rotlrod Wlio ] o «/ ilo Grooor ) , Mr , Compton j 1 ' ookovor ( ProBldont of tho Blue Lambs ) , Mr , Biioketono ; Tonpor ( Chnirtnnn of tho Oroon Lions ) , Mr , Uoirera ( Mr . Gathuroolo ( of tlio Flamboroug-li JJono . o" . Mr , Clark , Mr . SpJtohoook ( of tho Flumborouarli Ptttdoti Mi-, Uruld » Trwncllo ( Clopk : to . Doff < lHon ) , Mr . < Coo i JffB . Iltyjoybuft ( Mr . > Honoybuu ' a Sotoond Wifo ) , Mra . Wri ht M | U | IOWB ' 6 lftrft < Stop-Dniiffhtor ) , Miaa Fanny nr . ' ' A i l MY MOTHEU'S MAID , In which Mr . an < i Mm OIiiitIub Mathowa wllUi ) noar . Oonoludlnu 1 with THE WATER WITCHES . i wi Esar * •» """> atiigo-mftuiigor , Mr . Chlppondftlo .
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[ ADVISnTJtSBMUNT . I PAUL J ERR A It D AND SON'S NEW" PINE ART GALLERX . —Choicest encfravings , nt nominal prlcoa : flrst class frannoa nt wholesale prlcos . Gentlemen fuvnlshlng their walls many select from more thnn 10 , 000 first duos eugravlng-a ol Landsoer , Turner ami others , ut lees than n quiu-ter of tlie publislied i ) rlces , framed and u » fhunod , ln every style—viz , thosu published at £ I s . for 0 » , Cd . Frames of every description at wholesale p o ° /? An Shl JPP orfl « nd exporters supplied . Catnloguos of 2 , 000 works on receipt of stnmp . —Paui- Jbrhawd und Son , 170 Floot street , B . C . London .
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¦ 11 OYAL ITALIAN OPERA , COVENT GARDEN . Grand Extra Night—Last hfg-ht of Lcs Ifug-uonots , tomorrow , Monday , July 4 , Meyerbeer ' s Grand Opera , LKS HUG KNOTS . Mcsdanics Grisi , Miirai , and Didide ; Sisi > ori Zelg-er , I ' ag-Haflco , Poloninl , LuccliCBi , and Mario .
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DRURY LANE—ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA , Lessee and Director . Mr . E . T . SMITH . The most ' successful operatic season on record having .. terminated last evening ' , the lessee and director , in returning thanks to the nobility , gentry , subscribers , aod the public , for the patronage eo liberally bestowed on "is past , efforts , bc to announce a renewed subscription or i wfcM i ADDITIONAL NIGHTS , commencing- to-hiorrow ( Mon-The following- arrangements for the week are submitted : — On MONDAY , in compliance with tlie desire of numerous subscribers again to witness the unequalled performance of Madlle . Piccolomini iu her great character of Maria , stie will have the honour of reappearing this evening in Doni-ZCttrSOpe Ll FIGLTA DKL KEGGIMENTO , I ' ICCOLOMINI , BEL . AKT , VlAtETTI , AND WoNGINJ . 3 faria Madlle . l ^ ecolomini ; La Duchesa , Madlle . Dell Anese ; Sulpizo , Signor Vialetti ; Tonio , Signor Belart . With the fourth act of ltlGOLETTO . On TUESDAY , Madlle . Guarducci not liavmg appeared for some time in her great character of Leonora , in compliance with the general request , she will re-appear m that part in iA FAVOR 1 TA . Guarducci , Fagotti , and Gicglini . Xeonora , Madlle . Guarducci ; Ines , Madame l ' oma ; Baldassare , Sicnor Lanzoni ; Don Gasparo , Signor Corsi ; Alfonso , Signor Fagotti ; and Fernando , Signor Giuglini . WEDNESDAY—BENEFIT OF MB . E : T . SMITH . SEVEN ACTS FHOIM SEVEN MOST POPULAR OPERAS . TOUR -DISTINCT OPERA COMPANIES . The performances , will commence with selections from Jiossini ' s opera " ¦ .-. ' . 1 L BARBIEEE DI SIVIGLIA . Guarducci , Marini . Badiali , and Belart . First act of Verdi ' s opera , LA TKAVIATA . 1 'iccolomiui . and Giuglini . Grand scena from Beethoven ' s opera FIDELIO ; Leonora , Madlle . Titiens . Selections from Kossini ' s opera , OTELLO . lago , Signor Fagotti ; Otello , Signor Mongini . Fourth act ; of Verdi ' s opera IL TKOVATOKE , including the celebrated" Miserere . " Titicns , Badiali , and Giuglini . The Grand Scena from Donizetti ' s opera IMARTIRT . Paulina , Madlle . Piccolomini ; rolyutus , Signor Giugliui . Fourth act of Verdi ' s opera KIGOLETTO . Brambilla , I , amire , Fagotti , and Mongini . On THURSDAY—NORMA . Titiens and Mongjni . Pollio , Signor Mongini ; Oroveso , Signor Vialletti ; Adalgisa , Madlle . Brambilla ; Clotilde , Madlle . Dell'Anese ; and Norma , Madlle . Titiens ( her first appearaace in that character ) , ' On F KID AY—LA TKAVIATA . 1 'lCCOIiOMINI , BADIALI , AND GlUCdNr , Vioietta Valery , Madlle . Piccolomini ; Annina , Madlle . Dell'Anese ; Germont Giorgio , Signor Badiali ; Medico , Signor Castolli ; and Alfredo , Signor Giuglini . ¦ On SATUKDAY—A FAVOURITE OPERA . Musical Directors aud Conductors , M . lieiiecliet and Signor Arditi . Dress circle , 7 s . ; second circle and amphitheatre , 5 s .: pit , 3 s . fid . ; galleries , 2 s . and Is . Boxes , stalls , pit , and gallery tickets , at the box office , from ten to six daily . A new system of ventilation has been adopted , which will ensure to the public the utmost amount of comfort .
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HOUSE OF LORDS . THE APPOINTMENT OF MR . JUSTICE BUCKBVKX . Lord Lysdhukst said lie wanted to call attention to a judicial appointment lately made by the noble and learned lord on tlie woolsack . It had been asked by many who Mr . Justice Blackburn was . He ( Lord Lyndhurst ) was able to answer tliat question , as he knew Mr . Justice Blackburn to be a very , learned person—and one well calculated to add a lustre to the bench . He thought tin ; noble and learned lord deserved great credit for so yood an appointment . The Lord Ciiascellob said he knew nothing whatever of Mr . Justice Blackburn except that which he had ' observed from the . gentleman practising in the court over which he lately had the honour of presiding .
VOLUNTEER CORPS . Lord Vivian wished to ask the noble Lord the Under Secretary for War the intention of her Majesty ' s Government with respect to volunteer corps . The Earl of Rxpon said that the Government had taken into consideration the different offers made by various parties with reference to the formation of volunteer corps , and were highly gratified by the public spirit displayed on this subject . The Government had consented to accept their services on certain conditions , namely , that there should be selected in all cases a ground oi sufficient range for practice , which should he examined by competent officers ; that their arms should be placed in safe custody ; and that the corps should be under practical military discipline . The Government proposed to furnish arms to 25 per cent , of the corps . [ i . ErT sittino . }
Crystal Palace.
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The . Court . —Her Majesty held a levee on Saturday at St . James ' s Palace , which was numerously attended . A great many presentations took place , and several gentlemen had the honour of kjnighthood conferred upon them . The Queen and Prince Consort , accompanied by the King of the Belgians , and the Princo of Wales , honoured the ltoyal Italian Opera with their presence in the evening . On Monday the Duke of Oporto -arrived at Buckingham Palace on a visit , and the Queen gave a grand dinner . Next day was the Chapter of the Garter , to confer special honour on Lord Derby ; and another splendid banquet , at which were present the King of the Belgians , their Royal Highnesses the Princo of Wales , the Princess Alice , the Duke of Oporto , and the Count of Flanders , with many English and foreign nobles , On Wednesday the Queen gave at Buckingham Palace a state ball , to a party of two thousand . The ladies dresses were moat magnificent , as far as wo can comprohond tho Court Journal , > vhich contains several columns of that singular hotch-potch of bad French and cockney English indispensable in describing tho costume of an-English lady . On Thursday tho Prince of Wales went to Harrow , and heard the speeches at tho school . Tho Queon and Prince Consort , accompanied by the King of the Belgians and his son , honoured the performance at tho Adoljphi Theatre with their presence . The Princo of Wales and the Duke of Oporto went to tho Princess ' s Theatre . The health of tlio Duchess of Kent is much improved wo are happy to hoar . It is said that her royal highnpss ' s complaint is cancer .
Miveteivinf ¦ ¦ -+
Jpxrst script . ¦ ? —
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Leader Office , Friday Evening , June 24 th .
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HOUSE OF COMMONS . BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE . Lord Palmekstox moved that upon every TIiiii-st day during ? the present session , Government orders of the day should liave precedence of notices of motion . He hoped there would be no objection to this motion , as it was made at a later period of the session than Vii .-s usual . ' lie also suggested that when there was not private business to occupy tho . House till half-past 4 o ' clock , tiiat public business should be proceeded with at a quarter pfst 4 o ' clock . —Agreed to .
MR . CHARLKS OILPIS . On the motion for the adjournment of the house till Monday , Mr . Stanley called the attention of tho House to tin * statement made by Mr . Dennis at a public meeting of the electors of Northampton , that an ofter had been made to Mr . Gilpin by _ the agents of the late Government to influence his vote in Parliament ; and culled upon the Secretary of the Poor Law Hoard to communicate the letters referred to by him , with the name of the person from whom they originated , to the House . He had read an article which appeared in a local paper , to the cft'trct that the oft ' er in question waa made through the medium of n lady whom Mr . Gilpin became acquainted with at a watering place . He concluded by calling' on the hon . member f <> give up the name of the writer .
Mr . GiM'iN said that he should have boon happy , if tho House wished it . to give full Information ns to tho contents of the two letters ho hnd received j but lie would tell him more respectfully , but , at tho same tiiue , emplintical ly , tlwt if he required him to £ lvo up tho nain « of the lender tlint he would not do so , ( Hear , hoar . ) After eoirie further conversation , the question dropped .
Mr . Gilpin said when this subject was brought forward first , he was asked a question as to a statement which he never made , and a speech he had never made . Ho stated at tl » e timelie could not trace the letter to the agents of tho Conservative party . ( Hear , hoar . ) It was not the first time that Indies connected with a political pnrty had , without authority , exercised themselves in camnssing mom bora and constituencies , but the matter appeared to him so ridiculous flint he could not . have believed tlint any member of that House would nt » k him to give up the niuno of a lady , and lie felt surprised that a gentleman should ask a question which no gentleman could answer . Mr . Stanley rose to order , as he considered such language not Parliamentary .
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THE LOSSES AT SOLFERINO . The French loss appears to . bo from 10 , 000 to 18 , 000 ! It ia divided thus : —Mnrshnl NIoI'b corps from 0 , 000 to 7 , 000 ; Marshal JUnnuruny d'HIIllera , nonrly o . OOO ; Marshal M'Mnlion ' s , 2 , 600 ; and Marshal Cniirulmrt ' N , 1 , 000— 'which , with cnsunlltles in tho spoclal eorpfl , hui . Ii ns tho artillery , will mako up tho nnur or . It . in reported tlint Posclielra Id Invested , mid that fighting has boon resumed . A lottor has lioon received In Fnris from union commissioned o / lkur oi n regiment ot'liprlit ctivnlry , JI « n < l < M that there nro some ol the French in inn try rotflmcutu abimh , inofuilnp that thoy wore nearly cut to nhwu . As for tho Vleumontese army , lie says It hmUH'ikI bo severely that It Is incapnblu of forming a lino of batik . ~* "Sw < mdJEdltion of'trio Thnus .
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7 THE LEADER . [ No . 484 . July 2 , 1859 .
Leader (1850-1860), July 2, 1859, page 792, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2301/page/12/