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ITHE BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW . No . LIX ., price Gs . will be published July 1 . CONTENTS : — 1 . Correspondence of Marquis Cornwallis . 2 . Dr . Doran s Pictures . y . The Navy—Warfare with Steam . 4 . Alpine Life and Scenery . 5 . Austria , in the Past . . 0 . Physics of the Sea . 7 . Russia and the Russians . 8 . Tuscany . '_ ,, . * y , Mansel ' s Limits ol Religious Thought . . Prospects of Italy . . Our Epilogue on Affairs and Books . Xorio-Dn : JUckson andW . vtroBD , 18 , St . Paul ' s Church - vard : and Sjmpkin , Mabsball , and Co ., [ . Stationers - . hall-court .
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THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW . NEW SERIES . No . XXXI . JULY , 1 S 59 . Price 6 s . CONTENTS : — 1 What Knowledge is of Most Worth . 2 . Jowett and the Broad Church . 3 . The Influences of Local Causes on National Character . * . The Life of a Conjuror . i . The Government of India ; its Liabilities and ± tesourees . < . Recollections of Alexander Ton Steriiberg-. 7 . The Roman Questions . S . Austrian Interventions . ,,,,., , Contemporary Literature : -1 . Theology and Philosophy . —2 . Politics , Sociology , and Travels . —3 . Science . —4 . History and Biography . —5 . Belles Lettres and Art : London : John Chapman , S , King " > V"illiam-strect , Strand .
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THE JOTTRNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES AND ASSURANCE MAGAZINE . No . 36 , for July , is this day published Trice 2 s . Contents . Professor tie Morgan on a property of Air . Gompertz ' s Law of 3 Iortality . . Mr . Samuel Brown on the Mortality among Ameriean Assured Lives . . . . 3 Ir . Frederick Hendrik ' a Twenty years' Interregnum in the Stadtholdersliipof the Seventeenth . Century . Translated from the French of M . Esquiron de Parien . Correspondcuce , Proceedings of the Institute of Actuaries . London : Chaules and Et > win Latton , 150 , Fleet-street . JMSPOT FOll BOOKS ON ASSURANCE—LIFE , FIRE AND MARINE .
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DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE _ .. For July : 2 s . od . Artist and Craftsman . Part I . BunseirB Egypt . By the Rev . Dr . Hineks . University Essays . Xo . V . Luther ' s Devil Talk , By the Ven . Archdeacon Rowan , !> . !> . . Poems by James Orton . Italy and the . Fatherland . ¦ V olunteering—New and Old . George Villiers . First Duke of Buckingham . The Society of British Artists . Gerald Fitzgerald , " The Chevalier . " By Charles Lever . Part XVIII . The Seasou Ticket . No . IV . —A Train of Thought , and Thoughts in a Train . The Old Sea Lion . Xhiblin : Alex . 1 ' hojj and Sons . London : Hcrst and liLACKETT .
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FRASER'S MAGAZINE FOR JULY , 1 S . V . ) , . '« . ( id ., contains : — The Irrntionale of Speech . By a Minute Philosopher . Alexander Von Humboldt—In Memoriarn . Holmby House . By <> . J . Whyto Mol \ llle , Author of " DJgby Grand . " Part VII . Egyptian nnd fiacred Chronology . On' War Iji General , and Modern French Wars In Particular . Notes on the National Drama of Spain . By J . R . Chorley . C'hnptor II . — Outlines . Sword and Mown . By the Author of "Guy Livingstone . " Part IV . A Song from Garibaldi . Thoughts on Modern lOnglieh Literature . A Visit to Moling Ararat . Tho New Administration . London : John W . Paiikeh and Son , "West Strand .
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KICADINtt FOR THE HOLIDAYS . Price Cd ., with many illustrations , No . V ., l > olug tho Holiday Number , of KINGSTON'S MAGAZINE FOR BOYS . An entertaining Monthly Miscellany . Edited by WILLIAlft H . G . KINGSTON , Esq ., Author of " Potor tho Whaler , " &o . ( Uontulnlnff Articles on Snorts and PaHtlmos , and other l ' apers suitublo for thy Holidays . Tim flret four Numbors nrv still to 1 ) t ) had , oaoh Od . post fruo , London i Uohworth nnd IIahhihon , 315 , Regent-street .
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Tula JD < iy , Third Edition , Revised throughout andConeidernbly Enlarged , ' 4 Qa . ; THE NEW CRATYLUS : Contributions towards a moro nociu'iito Knowledge of tho Greek Language . By JOHN WILLIAM DONALDSON , D . D ., Classical Exuwliurlu tho Univornlty of Londou , London : John W . 1 ' AnitEn and Son , Woat Strand .
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THE WAlt IN ITALY . Now Kondy , with n Map , l ' rioo tin Od . THEITALIAN CAMPAIGNS OP GENERAL I «> KA 1 ' a . KT 10 , 171 ) 0-7 and 1800 . By QEQltGE iiooricie . London i-Bmitii , EI / jpeh , < fc Co ., ( 10 , Cornhlll ,
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'VISITORS TO LONDON KcquIrlnR HQSIMKY in it 8 now and oxtcmslvo varieties Bhh-tfl , and mutoolofhlnff , olustlo aurgloiil supporting Htocklngu of very superior qualities , nro Hoffoltod to visit tho aSstnbll » 11 ment of thei manufacturers , POl'lQ & 1 'LANTIC , 4 . WATERLOO-PLACE , TALL-MALL , LONDON . Fnmllieu can tliuru malco prompt purchnnofi from , tho bout 4 W . a most complete nsHortincnt m the niotronoUtf .
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THE CRITIC : WEEKLV JOURNAL OV , LITERATI ) UN , AltT , SCI 12 NC 10 , mul tlw DIlAMA , 1 « now published uvory Saturday , jprfoo -id ., stumped Ad . Tho Oiiitio ooiiIuIiih RovIowh of all tho current . Lltomtnro of tho Week . Homo und Foreign , including French , < i « trunm , Itiillnn , Suliivnnlo , und Ork'iitul . AvohwolOffical , Sclonllllc , ArllHlio , MuhIouI , ant ] Dramatic tiuminurloH , XU < noi'tu of tho Lournod Hotilotk-H . Lciuilno Articles upon LiUrnry find Artlatio Tonk-H , nnd nil tho LltonuT i Bofcntillo , nnd Artlutla Kcwh ol tliu Wouk . Tho Carrie may bo obtained throuyli ( ho ( rude , or ordcrud direct IVoiu thw Olllcc , ID . Wulllngtou-sti'uut , Btruiu ] ,-W . O .
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YOURSELF I WHAT YOU ARE ! AND WHAT FIT FQtt ! ~ Tile Original Grnnhiologtflt , MARIK OOUPKLLE , contlmii'S her vivid , usoful . und interesting ik'Huuntlons of characttir , from un exiimlnation of the handwriting , In a stylo peculiarly her own , never boforo attempted In this country , nnd which ciuinot even bu successfully imitated by those wluj . 2 » ' < iten ( l to this useful und pleasing science . All who doslro to know themselves or tho ; ruo character of any friend , should send a specimen ot writing , stating box and age , ami the fee of 14 uncut penny stamps , to Miss Coupelle , 00 , Uastlo-Hti-eot , Oxford-street , London j jinrt they will receive In a few duya n full and minute dutall of the , talents , tastuB , affections , virtues , full-Ings , &c ., of tho writer , with many trailtt hitherto unwuspectod , nnd calculated to be uBoiul through life . —From F . ^ .: "I consider your skill surprising . " —C . H .: " Your description of her character 1 m ruinnrkubly correct . "—W . tt . : "Your hiterestlntr answer 1 h quite tnie . ' ^—II . AV . : " Your Hkotcli 1 b mai'velloualy correct . "—MImh F .: "Muinnni niiyu the chumetor you sent mo 1 « true . "—MIhs w . N . s " \ ou huvo dpMcrlbud his olinrnutor vury Jiccurntuly . "—MImm II . H . : 'I nm nlVnld his eharuoter is iin you douorilxi It . "— - " Wo « eo no moro UUUoiilty in gntnhlolo | ry than phrenology , mid wo huvo llttlu doubt that lulnnuinumblo hiHtmicuH the clniruotcr is rend with ennal proolMlon . " —Family Jleralil .
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T AtVRENCE HYAM and the SPRING JU SEASON of 1859 . —The Style and Make of Attire for Gentlemen , Children , Boys , and Elder Youths , are made objects of particular study by the Proprietor , who has now introducecf a Spring Stock , which for Extent , Variety , Beauty , and GeneralTExcellence , was never equalled 'I he Plain and F ancy Fabrics , from which the Suits and Garments are manufactured , are all selected from the best textural productions in every variety of pattern . LAWEKNCK HYAM'S ORDER DEPARTMENT . — Gentlemen preferring to avail themselves of this branch will have an opportunity of selecting- ( at an economical price ) from all the best and latest-improved Piece Goods extant . Tho Scientific and Effective System ot Measurement and Cut , as adopted in this select Depar tment , is strikingly exemplified in the elegant Style and perfect Fit of the various Articles . The 17 sf Trousers ( of Entire and . thoroughlyshrunk -wool ) are produced in the greatest possible V anety ; and besides being exceedingly graceful m Style and * it , may be depended upon for Durability in Wear . Clergymen and Ministers may ^ elect lrom Black Cloths and other l « abrics of permanent dye , and at an important saving in price , coupled with strict propriety in Style . Suits Complete from 60 s . to 90 s . -it Ladies' Habits and Servants' Liveries appropriately desig-ried and . elaborately finished at a proportionately economical rate . — - — — LAWRENCE HYAM'S SPECIFIC NOTICE .-The Proprietor would emphatically notify that he , , in no way connected with any other House m London . 1 he . only Establishments at which L . HYAM'S Good , Fashionable , Economical , and widely Celebrated Attire can be procured , " CITY liSTAjfLISHMENT , 30 , Gracechurch-street , E . C . WEST-END , ISO and 190 ( corner of Franeis-strect ) , lotfpiiham-conrt-road . W .
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MR . HOWARD , SUEGEON-DENTIST , > Tn 12 ti i 5 lDET-STREET ,. ha 9 introduced an entirely new descriDtiofi % f l » TlFieiAL TEETH , fixed without sprS , 7 iJ * ' offmtures . Theyr so . perfectUr resemble tK na . tural « fceth as not to be distinguished from the originals by t ^ l closest observer , they- will never change colour ^ ordecay , and will be found superior to any teeth everbeforetoed . This method does not require the extrattiort ^ ol roots or any pafctful operation , will support and preB ^ re ^ eltli that ar / toose , and is ff « f ranteed ^ to restore articulation and mastication . Decayed teeth stopped and rendered sound and Useful in mastication . —52 , lleetstreeti London . —At home from Ten till Five .
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A SUMMER DIET . /* & \ ttpnwTsr & rOLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR . ' " This is superior to any thing of the kind known . " —L < inceti Obtain it from Family Grocers , or Chemists , who do not substitute inferior articles . The most wholesome part of Indian Com , it is preferred to the best Arrow Root ; for Breakfast boiled simply with milk ; Dinner or Supper , in puddings , -warm or cold , -blancmange , cake ,- &c , and especially Suited to the delicacy of children and invalids . Packets , 16 oz ., 8 d .-Paisley ; 77 a , Slarkctrstrcct , Manchester ; Dublin ; and 23 , Ironmonger-lane , London .
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WINE W 0 LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . WELLER & HUGHES * SOUTH AFRICAN \ VINKS .-Port Sherry , Jtadeira , 20 s . and 24 s .. per Dozen ; Tent , ^ 8 s . per Dozen ; Amontillado , * ia . and U&s . per Dozen . JS . vtract of Dr . Lethcby ' s Analysis of our South African Wines * - ¦ "X find your Wines pure and unadulterated , nnd have no doubt of its being far more wholesome than the artificial mixtures too often sold for genuiiu 1 wine . ( feigned ) " ¦ He nry Letiieby , 31 . B ., London Hospital . * A Pint Sample of any of . the above for Twelve . Stamp ? . Colonial Brandy , Pale or Brown , 15 s . am ! l ^ s . jiil . per gallon 30 s . and 37 s . per Dozen . Our Wine will bo delivered to any Railway Terminus free , or to any Station in England . Is . per Dozen extra . . . TERMS : CASH , OR REFERENCE IN LONDON . WELLEli AND HUGHES , Importers of Foreign and Colon ial YVi . nr-s and Spirits , - >? , Crutched Friars , Mark Lane , Londou , K-C . ;
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ECONOMY . A 10-o-allon cask ( equal to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOUTH AFRICAN SIIHUltY , for Four Guineas , or 2 () s . per dozen ; best Port , 24 s . por dozen . Cask or bottle , and case included . Three dozens curnagvfiec . Cash . —lllCNKKKYS , ABBOTT ; and CO ., Importers , ~ ' ^ and Si , High Holborn . Established 1831 .. - , '
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TTJENEKEYS' COGNAC , a pure French Braiuly , JJL pale or brown , 20 s . per gallon , 4 ^ s . por dozen . Packages to be returned within throe months , or charged Is . per gallon . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paitL
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TTENEKEYS' LONDON BRANDY , Pale or jLl brown , 1-ls . per gallon , 30 s . per dozen . Three dozens carriage free . .
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TTKNEKEYS' LONDON GIN , as from the 11 still , and the strongest allowed , swoot or dry , 12 s . per gallon , 20 s . per dozen . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid . Country orders must contain a remittance .
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TTENEKEY'S PRICES CUIMIENT ol H WINKS ' iiiul SPIRITS sent post-free on application . IIKNEKKVS . AHHOTT , and C 0-. <« niy ' s Inii DieitiJlcry , ai and as , Hii > h Holborn , W . C . ICstablfshod 1331 .
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a R BEK HA LL , MAKER OS THE SIXTEEN SHILLING TROWSERS , 320 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , W , ( Two doors west of the Circus . ) Overcoats ¦ j -. 7 9 Frock Coats — ~ \\> o DressCoats f 10 0 Morning Coats ,.... ^ ........... ~ - . u Waistcoats ° ; » Black Dress Trousers > ......, lio No . 325 , OXFORD STREET , W .
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WINES PROM SOUTH AFRICA . n E ' N M AN , LNTRODUCER OF THE 1 / SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SUEURY , &c , Twenty Shillings per Dozen , Bottles included . A pint Sample of each for twenty-four stamps . Wine in Cask forwarded free to any railway station , in England . ( Extract from tho L « Hce « , Julylioth , 1 J ? . J 8 . ) " The Wines of South Aj-hica . —We have visited Mr . Penman ' s stoics , selected in all eleven samples of wine , and have subjected them to careful annlysation . Our examination has extended to an estimation of thoir bouquet and flavour , their acidity and sweetness , the amount of wine , stone , the strength in alcohol , and particularly to tlxir purity . We have to state that these wines , though brandied to a niucli less extent than Sherries , are yet , on the average , nearly as strong ; that they are puns , wholesome , and perfectly free from adulteration ; indeed , considering the low price at which they arc sold , t ) uir quality is remarkable . " EXCELSIOR BRANDV , Pale or Brown , 15 s . per gallon , or : tos . per dozon . Terms , Cahii . Country orders must contain n remit timer . Crosjs cheques "Bank ol London . " I ' liee List * , with Dr . Hassall ' s Analysis , forwarded on application . JAMES L . DKN . MAN , 05 , Fonclmroh-street , corner of Rallwiiy-pliico , London .
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PUBLIC OPINION AND PATRONAGE -have proved that the supply of the 4 fts . Black Cloth Frock and Dress Coats are the best in London . Observe the address—J . SMITH , 38 , LOMBARD-STREET .
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THE SCOTCH CHEVIOT TWEED -AND ANGOLA SUIT 3 . At 47 s ., 50 s ., 55 s ., 00 s ., and 63 s ., madeto . orderfrommaterials all Wool , and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant and Family Tailor , 74 , Regent-street , W ., are better value than can be procured at any other house in the kingdom . The Two Guinea Dross and Frock Coats , the Guinea Dress Trousers , and the Half-Guinea Waistcoats . N . B . —A Perfect Fit guaranteed .
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LATE JANE CLARKE'S STOCK OP LACE . —A . BLACKBORNE , hftvlng purchased the entire of the above STOCK , at an immense sacrifice from tho original cost , bogs to announce to tlie nobility and public that tho wholq will be offered for SALE without reserve on ¦ Mo nday next , July 4 . Every article will be marked in plain figures , at prices that will enable purchasers to possess themselves of antique luce on such terms that eau never occur again when this costly collection In distributed . —Spanish Depot , US , South Audley-strcet .
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XEREZ PU . R 0 / Unbrandied mid mitty , 2 t ? n ., 3-ls ., -lCu ,, Ids . PUKE PORT , vintage 1851 , ; I 0 h : 1 NJ ~ , -liis . per do / on . VIN ORDINAIRE , ROUSSlLLON ' mid MARSALA . 'in . per dozen . Champagne Via d"Ay , -J-M . per dozen , A large stock of lino old bottled I ' oi'trf , Amontillado , Soltirn nnd JO . 1 . ftherrief , &o . &c ; 48 s . to l > 0 s . per dozcrii . Wine IniporlL ' ra' Associntlon , ] , "i , nnil Id , Adanv-. slrect , Adelphi . . R . 10 JtAlCNlOH , Manager . N ; U . A small bin of very Una Old Purl , in guineas pi'rdoz .
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By Hur Majesty ' s Royul I ^ ol rn J . ' ntont . CO ^ UV'Ji PATKNT CONCIKN'tRATKI ) PURE MALT VINEGAR . Ah supplied to I lev MujeMly ' H GovenmiiMit , die Council lov Indln , the . Pi'ulnxulur utul Oriental Su-iini Niiv ^ H ' iitlonC ' . ' ouipuny , the lJnitci . 1 States . ATuil Stuauu'i'x , I ' rlHoiin , I ' oor Law Union * - , J lloH | ii ( u | H , i ' tibliu Iiibtittilloiin , the priiicipit ) Cln' > Houhi'h , &c . Atu ., lij tho only Piim Vinegar nuule or ,, to In ' obtained . Vinegar , in 11 n ordinary Htntr , in water und polHonouH ui'UIrt , TIiIh N'inegur doen u «> l eonlniii tiny I in - mtrlly or lululluriitlng lnyredlout wliutever , nnd fitinilliH , by lining thin tlc ^ llcioiib vhiegnr , ennui ' i- ixirlty , nuil ellVci n saving of ( H ) tier cent . Hue reporth « il l > r . Lethehy , City Oflloer of llcuilli , pr . llnstjiill , of thu " l . unfet " ComnilMHlon , Dr . Un > , J \ l , I ) ., F . R . S ., und iiniiiy othei-M . Hold by llio Trade , in bull lea hiinlle <] nnt \ onpMiilcd . Whoh'Nitle , « : t , KliitfWIMIiiin-Htrftit , Loniloii-brldgi ' , K .
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GLEOTIELD PATENT STARCH . UHWI > IN , TIJK HOVAL I . MJ . NDKY . AndprontMimuulby IIIOU . MA . IICSTY'H I . Al . 'NDKKHS ( uh < TlliO 1 'INIOHT KTAU (! U HIIIO KVKJt » : HK 1 > . When you iihU for O L K . V I'M I-: I . It PATKNT . STARCH . SKIO THAT YOU ( HOT IT , An Jujbrliir h'hiilv «»•«< <{/ 'tvn ttufmtltnfcri . Holil liy nil ( luuidhii'H , ( iiMiiit'l'H , & (¦ ,, iVn . \ VOTIlliJtl 5 l'U < JN will CO ., CihiHyow tuiU Lomlyn .
Untitled Article
' OA ~ . THE LEADER . [ No . 484 . July 2 , 1859 >
Leader (1850-1860), July 2, 1859, page 782, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2301/page/2/