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mother and two children seeking a husband , and outraged at finding him false after she has sacrificed kith , iin , country , and character to him , will continue to raise sympathy , even when Mr . Macaulay s New Zealander shall in vain look for the drama elsewhere than in the South Sea Islands . This vas fully proved on Monday night , when Miss Heraud ' s powerful and pathetic delineation of the ancient heroine excited the deepest interest and sympathy . This young actress ' s performance of this varied , violent , and grand part -will add greatly to her reputation , and help to fix her as a . metropolitan artist . Miss Heraud is slight , but by no means insignificant in figure ; her action is full of grace , and her gestures are statuesque and effective . Her reading is more than intelligent , it is poetical ; and of her
long practice lias now given to the utterance conceptions great freedom and power . She was much applauded ; and completely enchained her audience from the first scene to the last . Miss Adelaide Downing , as Creusa , was intelligent ; and Mr . johnstone as JEgeus , and Mr . Rayner as Jason , effective . The scenery was pretty , and the dresses tasteful and appropriate . The exquisite taste of the Greek mind is shown in the various grouping and arran ging the dramatis persona and chorus , every movement producing a fresh and beautitul picture , the materials , however , being nothing more than snowy cambric , scarlet and purple cloth , white marble , ruddy flowers , and rocky scenery . Such simplicities , however , if tastefully used , outlast and surpass all the gorgeous displays that are said to be necessary to uphold the Shakspearean drama .
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Mr . Ayrton , the number for tho Tower Hamlets , will , at a very early period of the session , bring forward a resolution on the eubjoct of the paper duty . The Bishop of London hold a confirmation at St . Anne ' s , Soho , last Sunday . There was a vory largo congregation . The Bishop of London deUvorou a raoat impressive address to the candidates , 149 in number , 89 of whom weronmlos ( mnny bolnu working men of Soho ) , and 70 femnlos .
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. — v TRADE OF MAY . W E were enabled , when we had to notice the trade of April , to congratulate our readers on the national prosperity . The official report of the trade of May . is not so favourable as that of April . Then we could state that the declared value of the exports—the most definite test of our trade—was , in April , 1859 , 11 , 330 , 730 / ., against 9 451438 / . in April , 1858 , and against 9 , 9 S 5 , 844 A
, in April , 1857 . For May the value of the exports is 10 , 485 , 744 / . against 10 , 264 , 648 / . in May , 1858 , and against 11 , 382 , 204 / . in May , 1857 . As against May , 1858 , the only reason for regret is , that then trade had not recovered from the enacts of the convulsion of 1857 , and , therefore , it was expected that the exports should have exceeded in May , 1859 , those of May , 1858 , as much as they exceeded in April those of April , 1858 . is in
The defeat of our expectations some measure due to the war . There is , as against April , a considerable falling off hi the exports to the llanse Towns and Holland , through which a large part of Germany , including Austria , obtains supplies from us . For example , cotton varn , of the value of 242 , 241 / ., less was exported in May than in April , and of this diminution 144 , 000 / . occurs in those two places . So it is with several other articles ;¦ and , unfortunately from the same cause , we may expect a continued decline in our trade to these parts in the present—and , should the war continue , in every subsequent- ^ month . The Prussian arniy has been called out , -which has taken many hands from productive labour . The Germans , then , will have less to give in exchange , and will buy less from us .
But the war is not the only cause of the decline of our expoi-ts in May . To British North . America , from some unexplained cause , the exports oi" almost every article have decreased very considerably as against the exports in April , so as to make up a . large part of the 844 , 980 / . deficiency . This , and a decline in some articles in " cottons " " machinery " exported to India ,-together with the decline to the Continent on account of the war , are the chief items in the decline in May as against April ; as against May , 1858 , there is a small , but . not wholly satisfactory , increase , which requires no explanation .
The imports of May were of a full averageamount , and some , euch as wheat and Hour , and flax , -were much increased . The whole of the increase , both in wheat and flour , came from Franco , or 204 , 179 quarters out of a total <> f 507 , 547 quarters of wheat , and 547 , 587 cwfs . fit ' flour out of a total of 585 , 505 cwts . Jt is a testimony to the great resourcos of Franco , and the goodness of the harvest there last year , that she continues to send hither such largo quantities oi these articles , and in the main feeds her vast army in Italy from her own produce . Of the large increase of flax imported in May the bulk caino from
Russia , and though ' she supplied , too , poino of tin increase of hemp , it came ehioily from the l'hillipine Islands and Austrian Italy . Nothing is , in truth , more pleasant in looking over those dry figures than to find almost nil the nations oi' tlie world down in our books as our customer .: ) . Tliey not only buy from us , they sell tous ; they not n'ly tako away what we have superfluous—whnt'Ve make to sell , but they bring or send hither wliul . we want—what they grow or make to sell , mid both parties are enriched and blessed by tho exchange . As yet , we have not got the total value of imports for May , but in April the value ¦ was
10 , 140 , 541 / . aguinst 12 , 524 , G , ' 5 H / ., the value in April , 1858 * , and aigaiinst 14 , 449 , 022 / . in April , 1857 . In April , 1857 , however , prices were inflated , iukI the quantities of the articles imported then do not show mi excess equal to tho Jargi'i ' value . In April , 1858 , wo wore yut bringing hoiiitf some of tho purchases of tho year before , and ( hi ! quantities of importh were in that month very considerable . Ow the whole , however , the value of oiir imports in tho first four months of Ihw prcsout year , 33 , 534 , 034 / ., oxoocdn thjit of the four months of 1858 , 30 , 047 , 701 / ., but ftillrf Hhnrt of that of tho four months of 1857 , 4 O , h 7-J , 79 k < T ,, the difference in value being in the muin due to augmented prices in 1857 , not to tho greater quantities imported .
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The following distinguished persons have honoured the Drury ^ Lane Royal Italian Opera with their presence during the past week : —Prince Leuchtenberg , the Ilussian Ambassador , hia Excellency tho Baron Brunov , the Baroness JJrunow , and party ; tho Dowager Countess of Essex ; tho Lord Exuiouth , his Graco the Duke of Bedford and party , the Duchess of Richmond , Prince Vogorides , the Earl and Countess of Hardwicko , Lady Knatchbull , Miss Burdett Coutts and party , Lady Gloncurry , Major Williams , Colonel Granville , Lady Chatterton , Colonel Williams , Captain O'llara , Captain Cust , Major Polo , Major Anson , Captain IJill , Mrs . Pearce Williams , tho Hon . Colonel Sir Charles Phipps , J . J . Anfitey , Esq ., W . M . VilUerfl , Ksq .,, J . Walters , Esq ., M . Forbes , Esq ., &c ,
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CRYSTAL PALACE . The performance of "Handel ' s Israel in Egypt , " which took place too late for lengthened notice in our last number , drew , if possible , a yet more fashionable attendance than graced the preceding concerts . According to the courteous functionaries of the statistical department , 26 , 287 persons were present , against 17 , 292 who attended the same oratorio in 1857 . The total number of visitors at the Handel Festival of 1859 was 80 , 720 , while that of 1857 was but 48 , 414 ; a fact on which we may congratulate both the Sacred Harmonic Society and those spirited members of the Palace direction , who have so earnestly , despite the inertia of th « ir confreres , advocated " popularisation "—to coin a , phrase—as tVio >» r » n ^ ~ -. ^«» , o + ~ « ++ „;„ cinnoo « for their heaw — ^ tin uiicxx
The commissariat of the peaceful host has already made public its return of rations , served out , and the multitudinous detail of loaves and fishes shqws the justice of our recent arguments , that however sublime the pursuits of the million , their material instinct for the dinner table , like the . belles , lettres of Cicero , go abroad with them in town and country . Mr . Strange ' s expense account mentions only 1 , 600 dozen sandwiches , 1 , 200 dozen pork pies , 400 dozen
Sydenham pasties , 800 veal a pies , pigeon pies , 480 hams , 3 , 509 chickens '; 120 balontine of lamb , 240 fore quarters of lamb , 150 galantines of chicken , 60 raised game pies , 3 * 052 lobster salads , 3 , 825 dishes of salmon mayonnaise , 306 score of lettuce , 40 , 000 buns , at a penny each , 25 , 000 ditto at twopence , 32 , 249 ices , 2 , 419 dozen " leverages , " 1 , 152 ditto ale and stout , 403 Crystal Palace puddings , 400 jellies , nine tons of roast and boiled beef , 400 creams , 350 fruit tarts , 3 , 506 quarts of tea , coffee , and chocolate , arid 485 tongues . Of course there was no trifle of sack to this intolerable quantity of eatables ; but of this all report is , perhaps deferentially to the ladies ( whose tongues are not counted ) , altogether suppressed . Such general actions as this Handel Commemoration take place but once a year—such voluminous despatches as the present not so often . So , while mentioning all concerned , let us remember the Brighton Railway Company , whose arrangements were really admirable . Sixty-thousand souls and upwards , nearly all of them in terrible excitement , did thev carrv to and fro on the four festival days ~ i i , „ , without accid ' ent or even peril ; and , as iar as na . a »<» reported to us , without a greater hurricane of " letters to the Times " than our contemporary has been able to make head against .
On Saturday there was a final half-crown concert , at which 2 , 500 persons paid ; ag many more Avere present by season tickets ; and an equal number in virtue of orchestral and press admissions—a boon kindly conceded by the directors . In the course of the day was issued tho annual report of the directors . The prospects of the undertaking seem brightening , but without fever , according to this document . The working directors are , of course , learning their arduous business . The dilettante ones , or some of
them , are retiring . The working of the establishment is becoming easier and more economical , and the take " progresses adequately . Tho number of visitors during the year ending with April last was 1 , 432 , 013 , being an increase of 38 , 078 over the preceding twelve months ; and the dividends oh the debenture stock an dereference capital , as well as on the outstanding debenture debt are safe . We hope soon to hear the same with regard to the ordinary share capital .
, --- » ucav . r MV 6 'UUU AlAiiOAAO l / U UKVW . AU « . »»^» ,.,, » , » _ ., _____ enterprise . We are not far from the truth when yre state that the receipts were about 30 , 000 / ., of which 15 , 000 .. is net profit ; and of this the Crystal Palace treasury takes 10 , 000 / ., besides the value of tlie now completed orchestra . In the •' Israel" Mr . Sims Reeves exerted himself loyally , though he had less to do than might have been wished . Signor Belletti and Mr . Weiss were encored in " The Lord is a Man of War , " The lady soloists were Mesdames C . Novello and Lemmens Sherrington , and Miss Dolby . Their varied excellencies are too well known to justify detail here .
megatherium ; and the gentle knots of chorahsts dispersed through the grounds began to sing homeward madrigals . So we left the giant edifice asleep among the roses , and strolling thoughtfully through the heavy scented alley of orange trees , mechanically saluted the last policeman , and so gained the last train / ¦ . , We should not omit to speak of the choice collection of Handel lielics which comprise , besides the antique spinet we mentioned last week , the anvil and hammer of William Powell , the original " Harmonius Blacksmith" ; the origmal score of Judas " Maccabeus " lent by Mr . V . Schcelcher ; that of the " Dettihgen Te De « m , " lent by her Majesty , and that of " Acis and Galatea , " lent by Mr . Weatherhead . These , with a number of portraits and caricatures of the great master , lent by the Sacred Harmonic Society , axe shown in handsome cases at the western extremity of the edifice . _ .
The sublime choruses , " Thy Right Hand , O Lord , " " The People shall Hear , " and " The Horse and his Rider , "—all in the second part—created immense sensation ; and that called " And with the Blast , " was received with loud applause . The oratorio over , the grand waterworks and the refreshments divided the public attention . Hard by the upper basin , too , was stationed the band of the Royal Artillery , girt by a beltof musical gourmands , in whom , notWena-whole day with Handel could obliterate the fancy for Verdi , Aul > er , Labitszky and Lanner . One experiment more convinced ourselves that the compatible department has worked hard to shuffle off the coil of unpopularity that has so lonff huncr about it : and we
adjourned to the backwood of the Palace park , for wo had been advised of sundry accessories there , which , having found to exist in fact , we may as well note hero for . the advantage of our readers . Breast tho rosc » embowered Mamelon near tho railway terminus ; descend upon and skirt the groat pools of the lower waterworks , and scale again the glacis that leads to the antediluvian world $ then , reader , if you go forward you will find a gymnastic ground , and a lake studded with pleasure boats , ; or , if you turn sharp to the left over a gentle hill and by a winding path , you will find a cricket field , oiioit ground , a
skittle alloy , a rifle gallery , and a bowling green , all in flret-rate order . Not one of these haunts but was thronged with votaries of the various amusements named ; and beautiful as are the views from £ « ° s ^ e enii nences , there was none of them that did not borrow a charm from the merry laugh , the healthy cries of sport , the agile movements of tho players , and tho gentle wave of tho over present mawe drapery . In nooks and corners like those we lingered happily—may many of owr readers do the like—until at sundown the crack of tho ardont rifleman was hushed } the myrmidon of tho cricket ground struck his flag , the -whetl of the volooipcde ( one chilling per hour ) was as still as the adjacent
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800 THE LEADER . l ^ o- 484 . July 2 , I 85 &
Leader (1850-1860), July 2, 1859, page 800, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2301/page/20/