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Untitled Ad
MAPPIN'S ELEOrRO-SILVEB , PLATE AND TABLE CUTLERY . MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Apnointment to the C ^ ucen , arc the only Sheffield Makers who supply the consumer in London . Their London Show Rooms , 67 and (! 8 , King William-street ,-London-bridge , contain by far the largest STOCK of ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE and TABLE CUTLERY in the World , which is transmitted direct from their Manufactory , Queen's Cutlery Works , Sheffield . ^^ ^^ ^^ LIJy . Pattern . Thread . Pattern . Pattn . & s . d . & s . d . £ s . d . £ b . A . 1 * Table Forks , best quality .. . 116 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 1 « Table Spoons do . .. 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 IS Dessert Forks do . .. 1 7 0 2 00 2 4 0 2 14 0 12 Dessert Spoons do . .. 170 2 00 2 40 2 14 0 12 Tea Spoons do . .. 0 16 0 1 40 1 7 0 116 0 2 SaUceLadles do . .. 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 13 0 1 Gravy Spoon do / .. 0 7 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 13 0 4 Salt Spoons ( gilt bowls ) .. 068 0 10 0 0-12 0 0 14 0 1 Mustard Spoon do . . . 0 1 8 0 2 6 0 3 0 0 3 6 1 Pair Sugar tongs do . .. 0 3 6 0 56 0 60 070 1 Pair Fish Carvers do . . . 1 0 0 1 10 0 1 14 0 1 18 0 1 Butter Knife do . .. 0 : $ 0 0 50 0 GO 0 70 1 ( Soup Ladle do . .. 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 17 6 1 00 6 Egg Spoons ( gilt ) do . .. 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 18 0 1 10 Complete Service £ 10 13 10 15 16 6 17 13 0 21 4 6 Any article can be had separately at the same prices O ~ ne Set of Four Corner Dishes ( forming- 8 Dishes ) , 8 ^ . 18 s . ; One Set of 4 Dish Covers—viz ., one 20 inch , one IS inch , and two 14 inch—10 / . 10 s . ; Cruet Frame , 4 < Mass , 24 s < -. ; Full-Size Tea and Coffee . . Service , < J / . IDs . A Costly Book of Engravings , with prices attached , sent per post on receipt of 12 Ordinary Medium Best Quality . Quality . Quality . Two Dozen Full-Size Table £ s . d . £ s . d , £ s . d . Knives , Ivory Handles ... 2 4 0 3 0 0 4 12 0 1 J Doz . Full-Size Cheese ditto .. 1 4 0 1 14 0 2 11 0 One Pair Regular Meat Carvers 0 7 0 Oil 0 0 15 6 One Pair Extra-Sized'ditto 0 S 0 0 12 0 0 36 6 One ' Pair Poultry'Carvers 0 ~ ft 0 11 0 0 15 6 OneSteel for Sharpening ....... 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 G 0 Complete Service . . £ 4 1 G 0 IS 0 9 16 6 Messrs . Mappiii ' s Table Knives still maintain their unrivalled superiority ; all their blades , being their own Sheffield manufacture , are of the very-Jirst quality , with secure Ivory Handles , which dp not come loose in hot water ; and the difference in price is occasioned , solely by the superior quality and thickness of theiIvory Handles . _ . MAPPIN-BROTHERS , 07 and 08 , King William-street , City , London ; Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield .
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SOHO LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTORY 20 , Soho-square , London . —Established ao years . —The Proprietor begs ¦ to call the attention of the public to the follow-in ** very reduced List of Prices for LOOKINGGLASSES , of superior quality , fitted in carefully manufactured carved and gilt frames : — Size of Glass . Outside Measure of Frame . Price . 40 by 30 in . 51 in . wide by SO in . high from 31 . 10 s . each . 40 by 30 in . 4 S in . wide by 58 in . high from 5 / . Os . each . 50 by 10 in . : > - ! in . wide by 00 in . high from 0 / . Os . each . 5 : { by 4 ' . \ in . ;'>•> in . wide by Cm in . high from 71 . ? s . each . / iO by 40 in . . V . i in . wide by Oil in . high from £ / . 8 s ; each . do by -IS in . 02 in . wide by 74 in . high from 10 / . Os . each , 71 * by 50 iu . 64 in . wide foyii-l in . high from 12 / . Os . each Mahogany dressing and cheval glasses , gilt cornices girandoles , picture framed , Ac ,-at equally moderate prices . Merchants and shippers supplied'by special contract .
Untitled Ad
TEETH—BY HER MAJESTY'S LETTHKS PATENT . — Newly-invented and Patented Application of chemically-prepared I N p r A IiUHIi K . in the Construction of Artificial Teeth , C-ums , and Palates . MR . EPIIKAIM MOSELY , SURGEON DENTIST , li , G ' rosvenor-slreet , firosveiior-H < iuare , —Solo Inventor and Patentee—A new , original . i \ uA iuvaluablo invention con-. listing in the adaptation , with the most absolute perfection and success , of chemically prepared INDIA . U V I * n K R iiv lieu of the ordinary gold or bone frame . All sharp edges are avoided ; no springs , wiivn , or fastenings are required ; a greatly increased freedom of suction ia Hupplied ; a natural elasticity hitherto wholly unattainable , and n lit perfected with tho the most , unerring ueeuracv , are secured ; the greatest support Is given to the adjoining reoth when loose , or rondcroa tender by tlie absorption of tho gums . The Molds of tho mouth exert nonffcney on the prepared India Kubhcr , and , us u non-conductor , fluids- of any temperature may with thorough comfort bo imliibed and retained In the mouth , all unplensuntneHH nf mnell or taste being at tho ( mine time wliolly provided jiguinst by the peculiar nature of its-preparation , ' ¦ .. _ . ' Toeth . filled with gold nrid Mr . TOphrnim Mosoly ' s White Idnuiucl , the only stopping that will not become discoloured , and particularly recommended for the front tooth . _ it , ( iroHvenor-Hlreit , ( IroKvenoi' -Hqiinrc , London ; II , < Jny-Htroet , Jlnth ; and 1 <> , ICldon-suuure , Noweaatlu on-Tyne . . .
Untitled Ad
HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT . STOMACH AND KIDNKT . S . Itftwecn these two organs thoro exists a done uml lutiimito reliitiou , which lsdemon-Btruted by ihe wast lug whlolioe . eurn In all diseases afl'ootlng tho kidneys . The dlHorclewd Hioinach Is often the first index of renal Irrogulurlty , llollowuy ' M remedies used at that Juncture would cut short many a serious and liital attack . They tift with won < li « rnil rllleicncy on vvwy organ ol secretion , but especially dn they regulate the utonmeh , I Ivor , and kidneys , In restoring their healthy functlouH and ciiHtuig out any i . l . intnKMumHPi 1 Impurities . It in uei \ n « ary for tho Oiutmeiil to bo well nibbed over tho all'ected parfw twice dally , when it in nbmirbeil imkI much augments tho purifying mid Hiiliitary lufliuiiu ' e of the I'IIIh .
Untitled Ad
AN ACT OF GRATITUDE . A Clergyman huvlng beeneuri'd of Nervous Uublllty , Lobh of Meniory , Indigent Ion , uiulotlier fvarfu ) Symptoms , deslrouh of Imparting to IiIm HulU'iimg fellowH the menus whereby IiIm own rewtonitIon wiih ho mnrvvlloiihly nlleuteil , will nencl ii book , contnlnlng tho m'oi'ssiiry Infonuatlon , on receipt fit" two noiiuy wtumpH to propny pontage , addri-Hseil M . A ., 1 , ¦ North Cumburhiud Plaeo , lliiyswater , Middlesex .
Untitled Ad
BEDSTEADS , BATHS , and LAMPS . WILLIAM -Si' BURTON has SIX LARGE SHOWROOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of LAMPS , BATHS , and METALLIC BEDSTEADS . The stock of each is at once the largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended to make his . establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from 12 s . 6 d . to 201 . Os . each . Shower Baths , from 8 s . Od . to 61 . Os . each . Lamps ( Bloderateur ) , from . 6 s . Od . to 71 . 7 s . each . ( All other kinds at the same rate . ) Pure Colza Oil -. 4 s . 3 d . per gallon . THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for SILVER . . —The Heal Nickel Silver , introduced more than 20 years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when Plated by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully © r ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distingTiished from real silverl . A small useful plate chest , containing . a set , guaranteed of first quality for finish and durability , as follows : — ill in > i ii mm a * -sg _ ~ « ~~ £ s . d " £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . 12 Table Forks 118 0 2 SO 3 00 3 10 0 12 Table Spoons 1 IS 0 2 80 3 00 3 10 0 12 Dessert Forks .... 110 0 115 0 2 2 0 ( 2 10 0 12 Dessert Spoons 1 10 0 1 15 0 2 2 0 2 10 0 12 TeaSpooAs 0 18 0 1 4 0 1 10 0 1 18 0 0 Egg Spoons , gilt bowls .... 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 18 0 ] 110 2 Sauce Ladles . 0 70 0 6 C 010 0 ; 0 16 0 1 Gravy Spoon 0 8 0 0 11 0 0 13 0 ! 0 10 0 2 Salt Spoons , gilt bowls .... 0 4 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 0 ; 0 7 0 1 Mustard Spoon , gilt bowl .. 0 2 Oi .-0 2 G 0 3 0 0 3 9 1 Pair of Sugar Tongs ....... 0 30 0 3 d 0 5 0 0 70 1 Pair of Kisli Carvers 1 4 0 1 7 ( i 1 12 0 118 0 1 Butter Knife 0 3 0 0 5 ! i 0 700 8 0 1 Soup Ladle 0-13 0-0 17 0 100 1-1 . 0 . 1 Sugar Sifter 0 40 0 49 0 59 0 80 Iota ! 11 14 0 14 11 3 17 14 0 J 21 4 0 Any article to be had singly at the same prices . An oak chest to contain the above , and a relative number of knives , &c , 2 ^ . 15 s . Tea and Coffee Sets , Cruet and Liqueur - 'Frames , "Waiters , Candlesticks , &c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of re-plating done by the patent process . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of his illimited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal goods , Dish Covers and Hot Water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chimney pieces . Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , Bed Hangings , &c , &c , \ vith lists of prices and plans of the sixteen large show-rooms , at 39 , Oxfordstreet , W . ; 1 , lA 2 and 3 , Newman-street ; and 4 , 5 , and C , Perry ' s-placo , London . —Established 1820 .
Untitled Ad
DRESSING OASES , DRESSING BAGS , and highly finished Elegancies for presentation , in -groat variety . Ivory-handled Table Cutlery . Every requisite for the Toilet and Work Tables . MI-XHI and BAZ 1 N , -132 , Regent-street , 4 , Leadenliall-strcet , aud Crystal Palace , Sydenuam .
Untitled Ad
-PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS J . PATKXT , and received by the most eminent of the faculty . —Mr . LAWRENCE'S IMPROVED ARTIFICIAL TEETH , by the CHEO-1 'LASTIC process entirely supersede , the Soft Gum . mul every substance that becomes putrescent in the mouth . Their cleanliness , ewu \ and comfort render them available in every case , without Hpriiigs or wires at Iobs than advertised prices . - PAINLl-fSS TOOTH EXTRACTION bv GRADUATED ELKCTIUCITY is always attended wftli certainty and suceexs . Medicated W'liito Gulta-uerchii Eniunel for Decayed and Painful Teeth ( by self application ) Its . ; no « t free , iourteen stamps . . , Mr . LAWUENCK , Kurgoon-dentint , 5 : 1 , Bcrnor's-streor , Oxford-street . London .
Untitled Ad
Dlt . DE JONGH'S ( Kntyht erf the Order oj'Leojtold o / Jlclyium ) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL , Administered with tho greatest success In cases of CONSUMPTION , GENERAL DEBILITY , RHEUMATISM , INFANTILE WASTING , AND ALL THE DISORDERS OF CHILDREN ARISING FROM DEFECTIVE NUTRITION , la Iho most efficacious , tho most palatable , and , from Its rapid curative oH ' octs , unquestionably the most economical of all kinds . Its immeasurable therapeutic . Huperiorlty over every other vntioty is attested by"innumerable spontaneous testimonials from Vhyslcians and Surgeons of European reputation . OVINION OP R . M . LAWRAN 0 B , Esq ., M . D ., Plti / niolan to ir . lt . II . the Duhi' qt' AVu-o Culmmy and Gotlta , Oj > th « l > nla Surycon to tho Urmt Sorthvm < Jlwpttul , &c ., &o . " I Irnvo fri )« iui'nl , ly tested your Cod l . lver Oil , ami so Jnipressed am 1 -with Its superiority , that I Invariably presorlbo It hi lirofcrimco to any other , leollny assured that I am recommoudlixg a genuine arlleie , anil not . a manufactured compound , in which Ihe elHeacy of this luvahmblo medlujnu Is Ueell'oyed , " Sold ONLY III IMI » F , RJAI . 11 iil !' - | illl ( H , ' . ' s . Oil . ; 1 'lutH , 'Is . \ H \ . \ ( JuartH , » M ., cn |) s » le < l and labelled with l > u . nu Jonuii h signature , without which nosh is ubml'inki in Tin-Counthy by respectably ChemlHtH , IN LONDON llV Illri rtOl . H ACIKNTH . AN 8 AK , aiAltl- 'OUD , & . CO .. 77 . 8 TKAXD , W , C . CAUTION ,--1 ntrimlr « iwoiuntemfrttlonii qf' other kinds Hf CwtlMvrOtl » houM tw Hti'tniwimtu ' '•¦? l f ''" : l " flt ' { / J , ' / , ' . /» 'ocrcd , /' roml 4 iCa \ sU-d invttM , < iud wlli InjultiOli / reaittt In Utxipjivlntnuul ,
Untitled Ad
PAINS IN THE BACK , GBAVEL , LUMBAGO , UllKUMATlsar . C . OV \\ I ^ IUJSIOHTIOX , lfr VTl'l VXCY NJ 0 l { , A '() L " S . NJ 0 tf 8 , 1 ) 1 ' . II U 1 » , h 1 1 HCftltlO , \ t ?~ DnDE U < JOS' C <> Ml- < . » i : Nl > . HKNAL PILLS are u iiio « tnafe and eflU-neluus niuiily for the ubovo dantreroufl complaint * . fllHcluirHem , reti . iilion ol urine , and disease oft ho kitlne . vM . bladder , and uiiimry organs generally , which fVe . iueiitly . lid In Moiie , uud a lingering death , For depression of sj . IiHh . blushing , Ineapacfty for Hoctoty , htudy or biislm-f-, HUldlnews , drowBlneHH . sleep without refreshment , iiei-voui-nens , uixl liiHiuiity itself , M'heu nrirdntr IViiiu or eouiljiiu . l with urinary illtu'dRCH , . they aro uneoualled . They agree wllli tho most ( UOieate Btonincli , Improve the henllli , ami In three day will OrtVot a euro In all those eant'H wherociiplvl . « Mil ) ebH , and inodloUicH of that , class have utterly ttilled . 1 * . U ; l ., as . 1 UI ., ' Is . ( Hi , Us ., and : Ws . per Hox , ( hrouuh all Medleluo > endors , w Hunt on reoeiiit of tho amount , fii stamps , by thu Proprietor , 10 , HeruerSStreet , <> , \ for ( l-hfreet , London . In Ono Vol ., with UlustrwtKms , price Ob ,, cloth lottorva ,
Untitled Ad
DEAFNESS . Will bq forwarded , on receipt of directed envelope , nddressetl to "Tho Secretary , Molnniu liietllute , If iviT | tt «> l . " a I ' ' !/" ; to cure all oanesof DeafnoHsnnd Nolsoiu llio I lend , provided the drum of the car be not broken .
Untitled Ad
IT IS A FACT WORTHY OF RECORDING , That in the l ' Hth century , and in an enlightened country like ours , the . treatment resorted to by tho Faculty for the cure of Indigestion is altogether wrong in theory , nnd betrays fearful ignorance of the Physiology of the digestive organs and the stomach , and in almost every instance confirms the malady it should remove . Tlie Secretary of tho " Liverpool Botnnic Institute" will gludly and promptly forward , free of cost to all who apply , Professor Jieaulnont s never-falling ISotunic Remedy for all Diseases arising from Indigestion , such as Flatulency or Wind in tho ritomach , Itilious or Liver Complaints , Dimness of Sight , and Nervous or Sick Headache . One Ingredient used in this remedy was discovered by Professor Beaumont while on a tour through the backwoods of America , and tho recipe was forwarded to the Directors of the "Liverpool Uotaniq Institute , ' at whose cost it is made known to the Public ; and they wiwh it to be distlm-tly understood , that under no circumstances whatever will they accept any foe . reward , or contribution for the recipe , their objoct being to show how fur superior the llotnnle practice is over nil ether practices of medicine , All they wish is , that those who may be benofltfecl thoreby , will ' communicate the same , iu order that tho Public may know tho value of this remedy , uml forward the movement for medical reform . Address , enclosing directed envelope—" The secretary ot the Jtotanic Institute , Liverpool . "
Untitled Ad
THE HYGIENIC SPRING LATHS BEDSTEAD . ( Geyelin ' s Patent ) combines the advantag-es of metallic bedsteads with the . comfort of a spring mattrnss at less than half the cost , certified by medical men as the best and most comfortable bedstead ever invented . Tiicy cannot possibly harbour vermin . Exhibited and sold by Tlios . Perry and Son , 403 , New Oxford-street , and Tt . W . Wiufield and Son , 141 , Fleet-street , London niul . Birmingham : also by all Bedstead Manufacturers , Upholsterers , and Ironmongers , from 50 s . upwards ; and at the Court of Inventions , Crystal Palace .
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THE UNIVERSAL GAS BURNER REGULATOR . ( Geyelin ^ Patent ) , adopted by all the Principal Gas Companies . Saving 50 per . cent , for Argasd and all otherburners ; acts horizontal or vertical ; flame invariable ; cost of each light less than one farthing- per hour ; consists of a double chamber , the inner perforated , covered with a diaphragm , giving action to a spherical valve . Price 3 s . each . ( One sent on receipt of 3 s . Od . in postage stamps . ) Sold by all gasfitters , and by the Patentee , Mr , Geo . Iv . Geyelin , C . E ., 11 , Heatncotc-street , Grny ^ s-inn-road , London . W . C .
Untitled Ad
MAPPING SHILLING" RAZORS Warranted good by the Maters . MAPPIN'S 28 ; RAZOliS Shave well for Three Years . MAPPIN'S 3 a . RAZORS ( suitable for Hard or Soft Beards ) Shave well for Ten Years .
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MAPPIN'S DRESSING CASES AND TRAVELLING BAGS . Gentleman ' s Leather Dressing Case ; fitted £ 1 10 Gentleman ' s Solid Leather Dressing Case , fitted £ 2 2 © Gentleman ' s Leather Travelling and Dressing Bag , fitted with 16 Articles , Outside 1 ' ocket , complete £ . 4 0 0 Do . do . do . with addition . of Writing Materials , Patent Ink , aud Light , complete - £ 5 0 O Gentleman ' s very large , 18 in . Bag , with . Dressing and Writing Materials , 21 Articles , OutsiSe Pocket £ 7 0 0 Gentleman ' s 17 in . Writing and Dressing" Bag , Plated Fittings , best Glass , fitted with 26 Articles , complete £ 1110 0-Gentleman ' s 17 in . Writing and Dressing- Bag , fitted with every necessary , very handsome , complete 1 £ 15 0 O Enamel Leather Lady's Travelling Bag :, 13 in .. Lined Silk , fitted with 14 Articles , Outside Pocket , complete . -... £ 2 15 0 Morocco Leather Lady ' s Travelling Bag-, Lined Silk , fitted with 16 Articles , Outside Pocket , complete £ 4 4 a Do . ' do . do . with addition of Writing Materials , Ink , and Light , complete £ 5 5 0 Levant Leather Lady ' s Writing and Dressing Bag , 15 in ., fitted with 28 Articles , complete . £ 10 0 O Levant ¦ 'Leather Lady ' s Writing and Dressing Bag , 15 in ., fitted with 30 Articles , Outside Pockets , complete £ 13 0 0 Levant Leather tady ' s Travelling and Dressi ng Bag , 15 in ., fitted very complete . Silver Tops to GlasB and Bottles , Ivory Brushes , very handsome , complete .. £ 22 0 0-A . costly Book of Engravings , ' with- Prices attached , forwarded by Post on receipt of Twelve Stamps . MAPPIN BROTHERS , 07 and OS , KING WILLIAM STREET , CITY , LONDON . Manufactory—Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield . .
Untitled Article
No . 484 . Ju ly 2 , 1859 . ] THE LEADER . 803
Leader (1850-1860), July 2, 1859, page 803, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2301/page/23/