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THE MEDICAL INVALID A . SD GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . ESTABLISHED 1 S 41 . JEmpoicered by Special Act of Parliament . Capital £ 500 , 000 Sterling . HEAD OFFICE , 25 , PALL MALL , LONDON . With Agencies throughout the United Kingdom , and in some of the Principal Towns on the Continent . of ^ Europe , and Brandies and Agencies througfiout India and Ceylon . i'OR GKAXTIXG ASSURANCES OX LIVES , ENDOWMENTS A > 'I > ANNUITIES . INDIAN BRANCH . rpiIIS OFFICE has resumed active operations JL in all parts , of Her Majesty ' s Dominions in India , at ordinary rates of premium on approved lives . Life Assurance has the following : among- other advantages : — 1 . It enables person Sj by paying- a small sum of money . periodically , to secure an independence for their families . 2 . It is specially convenient to Officers in the Army , and to Professional Men of every description , whose incomes depend on their lives . 3 . It facilitates transactions for raising money on loan . 4 . It is available to secure the ultimate payment of bad or doubtful debts . 5 . The fulfilment of the conditions of Marriage Settlements . 0 . It enabled Partners in Mercantile Firms to provide against loss by the death of their Co-partners . 7 . It reimburses the purchasers of Life Annuities for the sum invested . . 8 . In general it affords certain means of indemnity against any probable claim or pecuniary loss to which Public Bodies or Individuals are exposed , in the event of the death of others . Reference is requested to this Society ' s detailed announcements in most of the Indian Papers and Serials , including the Jbrientl of India , Englishman , HurVaru , Mofussilite , Delhi Gazette , JLahore Chronicle , Bombay Times , Madras Athenasum , and Ceylon Times . Prospectuses sent to any part of India . By order . Calcutta , April , 1859 . P . M . TAIT , Secretary .
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KflTABMSHED 1841 . MEDICAL , INVALID , AND GENERAL LIFE OFFICE , 2 / 5 , PALL MALL , LONDON . Kmnowi'i'od by Spuoinl Act of Purlliunonr . At the SJOVENTHENTJ-IAXNUAL MKKTING , hold on the 25 th November , 1858 , It was suowm that on the 30 th June last—The Numbor of Policies In forco was i ) , ( W 3 The Amount Insured was £ • 2 , 501 , 13 ( 5 Oh . < kl . Tho Anmml Incomo was nearly . £ 120 * 000 Tho now policies Issued during the last 0 years are as follows : — 6 , 411 Policies for je-. ' . aoO . tWS , yluldtuc-. 6110 , 0-21 la Premiums , showing an avoriiuo yearly amount or now business of moro than HALF A MILLION STERLING . Tito SooU-ty 1 ms paid oliiims on 1 , 004 l ' ollolos , assuring 11420 , 0 * 1 flinoo ItH vatabllnhinunt In 1641 . Ahhui'uihh'h ur « ofl ' ootod at homo or abroad on healthy llvos at as inorioruto ratus an tl » o moat reoutit dnta will allow . INDJA . —OHlcovs In tlio Army and civlliiiriH proceeding to India may liiHiiro their Uvutt on tho incut 1 ' avouriiblo turnui , and ovary hohhIWo facility U nnbrdud for tlto transaction of buHinoflbln Iiullii . INVALID LiyiSS aHsuroil on scientifically constructed taplus pftBod on I'JttonaWo dutu , and \\ reduction In tho premium is miuli' wlvon tho oauocH for im InerouHcil rato of pro * mlum havoc « nHod , PoHoIob lHHiiudfroo of utnmp duty and ovory charge but tho promiiurtH . , . , 5 , " ' ovont of doath during tlio duy « or ffrnoo , tho rlak binding on tlui Sooloty If p ' rumlum paid boforo the d < vyH of ffraoo oxjplro , Mvoryinforinatlon may bo obtnlnoa rtt Hio olilof oftloo , , or on appllofttlon to nay of tho Sooloty ' B ngonts . C . DOUGLAS JJlNGMtt , Soorotary .
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LONDON OHAETEBED BANK OF AUSTRALIA . ixrooBPQitAVjgD by koyal chauthk . PAID-UP CAPITAL , 700 , 000 / . OHAin MAN-DUNOAN DUN 1 JAK , 13 h < i . DbPutv . o " aSI ^ willi am fan ; i dh balk . k «« . TETTERS of CREDIT and J ^ ftiftSpj- ^^ lulms ^ . wBsM ^ msm ^ > IJOKOUGW , AKAiCAT . « nd ^^ Ag ^^ Jjg ^ , /< : r ; 1 > KAFT 9 of tho Australian OolwIOBjfefl ^ W ^ Wpottfti ^ . forcWotloa . By orijor £ fgjJHgS ^; ] y ^ P ^^ W ^ M ^ ' ^ xfefet ^ S ,
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TND . TA . —OFFICERS in the ARMY and 1 CIVILIANS PROCEEDING TO I 5 TDIA , may insure their lives on most favourable terms in the MEDICAL , INVALID AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . The rates of this Company , which transacts the business of the Delhi , Simla , North "West arid other Indian Banks , are lower than those of any other office , while the . Agencies at Calcutta , Madras , Bombay , Ceylon , and about fifty upcountry stations in India , afford every possible facility tor the transaction of business . . ' , . ¦ Prospectuses , Forms of Proposals , and every other information , may be obtained of the Secretary , at the Chief Office , 25 , Pall Mall . _ DOVGJjAJ 3 SINGER , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK . FIVE PER CENT , on sums for fixed periods ,, or at seven days ' notice , or Tliree per Cent . atCAJLi .. & . BC . LAW , Manager . Offices , G , Cannon-street "West E . C .
Untitled Ad
NOTICE OP DIVIDEND . BANK of DEPOSIT ( Established A . D . 1844 ) . No . 3 , Pallmail East , London . S . W . —The WARRANTS for the HALF-YEARLY INTEREST , at the rate of 5 per cent , per annum , on Deposit Accounts , to the 30 th Junej are ready for delivery , and payable daily between , the hour *) of Ten and Four . July 11 th , 1859 , PETER MORRISON , ' ¦¦ . Managing Director . Prospectuses and forms sent free on application .
Untitled Ad
ALBERT LIFE ASSURANCE AND GUARANTEE COMPANY . Established 1838 . Chief Office—No . 7 , WATERLOO PLACE , PALL MALL , LONDON , S . W . EXTRACTS from the REPOKT of the Board of Directors presented to the Shareholders at the Annual General Sh eeting , held on the 30 th June , 1859 . Roar-Admiral the Right Hon . Xord GeobgeFaulet . C . B ., in tho Chair . LIFE DEPARTMENT . During the year 1858 ProposolB were received for Assurances to tho extent of 395 , 480 , and 7 C 8 Policies wore issued for Si 3 O , 177 A , producing an additional Annual Incomo of 7 1 ^ 117 * - * fl ' " guarantee department . In this Branch 1 , 082 Proposals wore made tor Guarantees to tho amount of Jit > 0 , 400 / ., and 708 Policies wore grunted for 177 , 335 * ., producing a further Aimuallncome of 2 , 2267 . 2 s . 3 d . On tho 31 st December , 18 !> 8 , tho total Income of tho Company waa upwards of 117 , 000 a-yoar , and tho number o ( Life Policies in force oxceedoa ia , 000 , covering Aasuraucos to the amount of 3 ^ 04 , 810 / . From Professor Do Morgan ' s Report upon tho Valuation of Liabilities , « nd the Statements of Accounts rend to the Meeting , it appeared that , on the 31 st Dccembor , 1858 , the Surplua in ftivour of tho Company , after providing-for every liability , was 102 , 925 / . 2 s . lijcf , ^ GENKRAL BALANCE SHEET , on the 31 st December , 1858 . LIABILITIES . To Liabilities undur Policies , according to Professor Do Morgan ' s valuation as undor , namely : — Prosont valuo of £ 3 , 308 , 018 on olnglo llvos , with prollts .. rft 033 , 340 0 0 Prosont valuo of 143 , 910 on single llves . with-< mt profits .... 179 , 010 0 0 Prosont valuo of 80 , 008 Endowment Assurances , with profits .... ; ... 43 , 108 0 0 Prosont value of 32 , 750 Endowment Asaurunoos , without profits 13 , 832 0 0 Prosont valuo of 133 , 502 on Joint Hvob , with profits 07 , 487 0 0 ProBont valvio of » 0 , 70 » on Joint Uvop , vti \\\ - out profits ..,. 13 , 003 0 0 Prtmont valuo of 198 , 870 Endowments of < OhlUlron , and other Aseur- . ' nnoos 30 , 002 0 0 To amount rosorvod for Annultloa ff 1 , 833 0 0 , " ^ le 3 fi 0 ifii 9 £ 1 , 331 , 7 ** 0 0
To Persons Connected With India.
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nr diyLt ^ C w ^^ ^ £ K *> ^ J 2 u ~^ / M ^^ A ^^ y 2 ^/^ ^^^ J § it &b er . A POLITICAL , LITERARY , COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER , '• ¦ . ¦ ¦ and ' ; ¦ RECORD Or JOINT STOCK COMPANIES , BANKS , RAILWAYS , MINES , SHIPPING , fee
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VOL X . No : 488 . ] SATURDAY , JULY 30 , 1859 . ¥ xicB {^ Si ^/ .: ggg £ emcB
Leader (1850-1860), July 30, 1859, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2305/page/1/