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THE KEAN TESTIMONIAL. SUBSCRIPTIONS for the TESTIMONIAL to be presented to CHARLES KEAN, Esq., F.S.A-, will be received by the JFpllbwtngr Bankers :—
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19 t S 1 8 £ i 1* f ^vfltflu^*. "?" ~
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Messrs . CouTia and Co ., Strand , London , ~ The Union Bank , Pall Mall , and Messrs . Robarts , -Curtis , and Co . Also at Sams ' , 1 , St . James ' s-street ; Mitchell ' s ; 33 , Old Bond-street ; T . Chappell ' s , New Bond-street ; and Keith , Prowse and Co ., Cheapside .
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CREM 0 RNE . —GRAND FESTIYAL MATINEE AND AL FRESCO EVENING ENTERTAINMENT . FOR THE BENEFIT OF MB . E . T . SMITH , Less . ee and Director of the Theatre Royal , Drory Lane ; MONDAY , AUGUST 1 , THE GBEAT NIGHT OF THE SEASON . On a scale of astounding- and varied grandeur , never yet . attempted . Treble Bands . —Powerful Chorl's . CONCERT BY PRINCIPAL FOREIGN AND ENGLISH VOCALISTS . FIREWORKS , unparalleled in Europe . —10 , 000 additional LAMPS . In addition to myriads of novel and peculiar performances , alike calculated to impress the beholders with wonder , and increase the delights of one of the greatest entertainments ever arranged for the delectation of the nobility , g-entry , friends , and the public , who have promised to attend upon this occasion , arrangements have been established so as to ensure the utmost order , and the prevention of confusion , and all means will be adopted to permit " the nobles of the land" to mingle with " themillion ' in that social intercourse befitting the greatest country in the world-All the appliances of this marvellous and enchanting . place of entertainment , now the resort alike of tlio flower ol the aristocracy , the middle classes , and the people , will with other resources procured reckless of expense , render thJB . DAX AND EVENING FETE one of surpassing magnificence , novelty , and splendour , without a parallel in the records of al fresco fetes . Saxhorn Bands—Instrumental Bands—Vocal Bands—The Celebrated Cremona Band , by the Greathead Family . ( Loader , Miss Greathead )—Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert , in which Artistes of eminence will take part —The celebrated Coloured Minstrels will sing aojmo of their Popular Melodies , Now and mncmlflcont Fairy Ballet , entitled The DItEAM of LOVE ; Madllo . JBalbo and the Drury Lane Ballot . . . ¦ Tho gardens open at two o ' clock , wot or dry , for tho . reception of the company , from which hour the resources of tho hotel department are available for dinners and general refreshment . Table d'HOto supper at nine Tho royal . marionettes In an oxtravajrama by Hugo Vnmp , entitled tlie QUEENDOM of LAB * LAND , replete with ladies , gnomes , water-sprites , salamanders , and scenic ofToots by Messrs , Grieve and Tolbin . In the Grand Cirque OHentalo , tho mostoolobr » tod equestrian and gymnastic professors , including Matfllc . 'Dragoila , tho talented and accomplished equestrian , do la Haute Iflcole . Tho Italian Salamander , whoso wonderful dlsoovory onablea him to pans through fire without tho slightest Injury . — Desarals' Doge and Monkeys—highly intores ting to Juvenile vlaitors . — The King of Oude ' u favourite flulitlng tiger , Jungla , tho conqueror of his speolos , tho terror of tho Jungle . TICKETS TO HE HAD OF EVERYBODY AND EVERYWHERE . EVERYBODY WILL BE THERE . MO 3 EY TAKEN A . T THE POOU 8 . THIS MONSTRE ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF E , T . SMITH , Lqsboo and Director of tho Theatre Royal Drury Lano . MONDAY , AUGUST 1 .-D 0 ORS OPEN AT TWO O'CLOCK . ADMISSION 'SO TUM GARDENS ONE SHILLING ONLY { Froollet entirely uuHponaod , Furthor attractions in progrnmmu ,
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CRYSTAL PALACE . MR , MANN'S BENEFIT . A Grand VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT for the Benefit of Mr . Manns , Musical Director of the Company ' s Band , will be given on Saturday next , August 6 th . . . ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ The following eminent artistes have accepted engagements : —Vocalists , MdllcArtdt , from the Opera Imperiale , Paris , her first appearance at the Crystal Palace ; Madame Louisa Vinning , Madame Weiss , Mr . Sims Reeves , Mr . Weiss . Instrumentalists : —Miss Arabella Goddard , pianoforte ; Madlle . Sophie Humler , violin ; her first appearance at the Crystal Palace ; Herr Louis Engel , harmonium , his first appearance . The Crystal Palace Band will be considerably augmented for the Occasion . A Military Band 'will perform in the grounds after the Concert . Open at 10 . Concert at 3 . Admission , Halfra-Crown ; Children under twelve , One Shilling ; Reserved Seats , Half-a-Crown extra ; Season-ticket holders admitted free . .
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ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE . LAST WEEK BUT THREE OF MR . CHAS . KEAN'S MANAGEMENT . On Monday and during 1 the week , will be presented THE CORSICAN BROTHERS ( for six nights only ) . Fabien and Louts del Franchi by Mr . C . Kean . To conclude with a MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM .
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ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . ( Lessees—Messrs . F . Robsou and W . S . Emden . ) MB . W . S . EMDEN begs leave to announce his BENEFIT for SATURDAY , 13 th AUGUST next .
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Last three weeks of the season . ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATEE . Lessees ^ Mess rs . F . ROBSON and W . S ; EMDEN . Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , and Saturday will be performed the petite comedy , by C . Mathews , Esq ., entitled "WHY DID YOU DIE ? Characters by Messrs . Addison , G . Vining ; H . Wigran , Mrs . Leigh Murray , Miss Cottrell , and Mrs ; W . S . Emden . After which the New Drama , entitled PAYABLE ON DEMAND . Characters by Messrs . F . Robson , "W . Gordon , H . Wigan , G . Cooke , G . Vining-, H . Cooper , Conway , Franks ; White , and Miss Wyridham . To conclude with the Comedietta , by John Oxenfiord , Esa ., of A DOUBTFUL VICTORY . Characters by Messrs . G . Vining , W . Gordon , Miss Hughes , and Mrs . Stirling . THURSDAY , for the BENEFIT of Mr . G . VINING , THE PORTER'S KNOT , NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS , and RETAINED FOR THE DEFENCE . FRIDAY , for the BENEFIT of MISS WYNDHAM , PAYABLE ON DEMAND , THE WANDERING MINSTREL , and LADIES BEWAKE . Commence at half-past 7 .
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ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . Lessees , Messrs . F . Robsoa and W . S . Emden . Mr . GEORGE VINING bogs respectfully to announce that his BENEFIT will take place on THURSDAY , August 4 th , when will be presented the PORTER'S KNOT , Characters by Messrs . F . Robson , G . Vining , G . Cooko , Mrs . Leigh Murray , and Miss Hughes . After which NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS . Characters by Mr . George Vining and MissCastlcton . » To conclude with RETAINED FOR THE DEFENCE . Messrs , F . Robson , G , Vining , a . Cooke , II . Wigan , H . Cooper , and Miss Cottrell . Commence at lialf-pnst 7 .
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THEATRE ROYAL , HAYMARKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Buckntone . ) Tho New Comedy of The Contested Elcotlon , > vith Mr . and Mrs . Charles Mathews every evening . Monday , August 1 at , and during : the week , to commence at 7 , wTTlr&HOCKING EVENTS , in which Mr . Chippendale , Mr . Cotnuton , Mrs . Wilkins , Miss Ilcnrndo , ana Mis . ? Eliza Wcokes will appear . , , After which , at 8 prcolsolyy tho now Comedy , in three acts , by Tom Taylor ' Kaq ,, entitled THE CONTESTED ELECTION , In which Mr . Charles . Mathowa , Mr . Compton , Mr . W . Farron . Mr . Rogers , Mr , Clark , and Mr . Buokstone , Mrs . Ctyarlea JChthows , and Miss Fanny Wright will appear . To bo followed , on Monday , Twosday , and Wednosday , by COOL AS A CUCUMBER . Plumper , Mr . C . Mathows . After tho Comody , on Thursday , Friday , nnd Saturday ( first time ) , a Now Faroe , entitled OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND , ln ^ hloh Mr . Charloa Mathewe will appear . Concluding every ovonjng with tho now Ballot of HALLOWE'EN , by the Leolorqs . Stogo-mimngor , Mr . ChlppondalOi
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THE HEART OF THE ANDES , By FREDERIC E . CHURCH ( painter of tho Groat Fall , Niagara ) , 1 b boJng exhibited dally , by Monsrs . Day and Sons , LltnocrriiphorB to the Quoon , at tho German QnUory , 108 , New Bond-street . Admission One Shilling .
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[ ADVjailTIBEMCBNT . j " PAUL JEJIRARJD AND SON ' . S NEW FINE ART GALLERY . —Choicest engravings , nt nominal prlceu ; first class fnunoa nt wholesnlo prlcps . Gentlemon furnishing their wnlls mny aeluot from more than 10 , 000 first class engraving's ol Landseor , Turner and others , at less thnn n quni-tor of the published prices , framed and uuftwnod , In every stylo—vist . those published at 31 » . for Oa . Od , Frmmes of ovory doaoriptlon nt wholesale prices . Shlnpora and exporters supplied . Catalogues of 8 , 000 works on receipt of 9 tnmp .--PAUi 4 Jishkaud and SoNi 170 Fleet street , 15 , 0 , London .
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ready introduced to the whole musical world j and , as the happy pair move , amid flowers and congratulations , to the altar , the curtain falls , at 12 . 35 , and the excited British public begin shouting , according to their musical enthusiasm or domestic longings , for " Mare ^ Beer or " Cabby . " ( This opera will unquestionably take a high position in public favour , and , as we have before suggested , will add to the composer's renown . It would seem that when he undertook it , Meyerbeer resolved to prove his genius independent of historic or
stirring themes and grand accessories . The story of the Pardon " is weak ; the named characters "but three in number ; much of their music is necessarily of a pastoral character ; and the situations admit of ho such choral effects as have rendered other works by the same hand immortal . But the ¦ opening for these being absent , left the master a wide field to fill with music of sentiment and artistic construction , whose perfection will be more and more recognised when executants and audiences shall have overcome the first sense of novelty .
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HOUSE O F 1 O K Z > S . KEVISION OF THE . HTURQT . Lord Ebuey presented a petition , from certain clergy of the Established Church , praying the House to address the Queen for a Royal Commission to revise the liturgy . The noble lord said it was not his intention to bring the subject under the consideration of their lordships this session . The Bishop of London said that the object of the petitioners was to shorten the services of the Church , but he was afraid the alteration which was proposed would involve questions of doctrine , and would give rise to dissensions which would be most prejudicial to the interests of the Church . ftEFT SITTINGf . ]
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FRANCE . . A Paris correspondent writes : — " Tho tone of all the French jind continental journals of yesterday shows how little tho news of tho reduction of armaments was oxpectod . Doos it indicate a change of policy , or does it show that tho Emperor ' s intentions have been very generally mistaken ? The question deserves a dispassionate consideration . I am not ; prepared to answer it at present . But , speaking without prejudice , I must make this remark' —that the lino which , separates a peace footing from a war footing is not very distinctly drawn in Franco . I have asked several military and naval ofllcors , who toll mo that it is a question of degroo , but they aro utterly unable to say what aro tho boundaries . With regard to tho naval sorviee this observation particularly applies . It will be impossible to estimate at its true value . the announcement in tho Moniteur until we know how iminy men have been disbanded , and how many ships laid up , " ] yi . Roger , tho celebrated tenor of tho Grand Opera , mot with a torriblo accident tho oilier day while walking out with his gun in his park at ¦ Villora-sur'Murne , While getting over a hedge >» s piece wont off and lodged the contents in Iilfl arm . Amputation wns found to be necwBsary . Tho oporatfon was successfully performed , and no danger to his lifo was anticipated ,
The Kean Testimonial. Subscriptions For The Testimonial To Be Presented To Charles Kean, Esq., F.S.A-, Will Be Received By The Jfpllbwtngr Bankers :—
THE KEAN TESTIMONIAL . SUBSCRIPTIONS for the TESTIMONIAL to be presented to CHARLES KEAN , Esq ., F . S . A-, will be received by the ibllOwtnsr Bankers : —
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888 THE LEADER . [ No . 488 . July 30 , 1859 .
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HOUSE OF COMMONS . TUB BEGH 7 M DOSTJM The House went into committee of supply , and several minor votes were agreed to . On the vote of je 29 , 193 , the regium donum to nonconforming clergy in Ireland , Mr . Baxter protested against two or three dissenting sects being selected for thia grant , and objected to such grants altogether as having been given for political purposes . Mr . IiABOuchere trusted that the House would not do away with this tax lightly , and adverted to the services which the sects in question had rendered to the cause of peace and good order in Ireland .
Mr . Dawson sketched the history of the Irish regium donum , which , he said , was a contract entered into by our ancestors 100 years ago , and could not justly be abolished . Besides , this was a grant to which he believed no party in Ireland objected , and the nonconformists in that country were placed in a position different to that of their co-religionists and other sects elsewhere . Mr . Cardweli , said that , as the whole question would be before the House next year , he would not enter into the discussion at present .
Mr . Spookek had no objection to the present grant , which stood on different grounds to that of Maynooth , to which he should always be opposed . The hon . member availed himself of the opportunity to urge some of his usual objections against the latter grant . The House divided , and the numbers were—For the vote . . . . 126 Against . . . . 40 Majority . . . —86 The vote was then agreed to . ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSION . On the vote of 3 , 5882 . for defraying the salaries of a number of the officers of the ecclesiastical commission of England and Wales ,
Mr . Williams contended that this vote was most unjust towards Roman Catholics and Dissenters , who were called on to pay for services which wore of value only to the Church of England . -The House divided , and the numbers were—¦ For the vote . . . 82 Against . . . . 72 Majority . . . —10 Tho vote was accordingly agreed to . [ left sittino . ]
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Leader Office , Friday Evening , July 29 th .
19 T S 1 8 £ I 1* F ^Vfltflu^*. "?" ~
JPast s r . rijrt . ¦» ¦ '
Leader (1850-1860), July 30, 1859, page 888, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2305/page/12/