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have imported 46 , 591 qrs . of linseed against 29 , 849 qrs . last year . Our import , of cotton from India is not so great this year as the last—a very small alteration in the price here sufficing to increase © r check the export of cotton from India . To the United States the value of woollens exported , taking this article as an example , was in the pi'esent year 1 , 188 , 859 Z . against 562 , 749 z . last year , and the cotton imported was 4 , 725 , 153 cwts . against
4 , 575 , 616 cwts . From the -States very little wheat and flour have been imported this year . 3 , 228 qrs . and 23 , 209 cwts . respectively against 230 160 qrs . and 1 , 054 , 576 cwts . last year . On the contrary , from France , this year , our imports both of wheat and flour have been double those of last year . According to the latest reports from the United States , the trade of that country in the fiscal year , ended June 30 th , was--^ 4 fc , /^>^ WA T . ^*» wa m ^^ a ^ b- ^^^^ ^^ ^ An *^^^ ^^ ^ m * m ^ V v Mb '
Imports . . Exports . dols . dols . 1858-9 311 , 190 , 000 352 , 472 , 000 1857-8 251 , 727 , 000 324 , 647 , 000 The trade of the States is fairly restored from the convulsion in the autumn of 1847 , though it does not quite equal the extraordinary -trade in the fiscal year , ended June , 1857 . Imports .. Exports . dols . dols . 1856-7 336 , 014 , 000 302 , 900 , 000 . The harvests promise well in the . States , and we may therefore anticipate with them a still more extensive trade than we have of late enjoyed , while we see no reason , to suppose that the steady and generally increasing trade to our colonies and to other parts of the world will not also go on increasing . If despots with their armies would only stand aside , do nothing , but live idle and enjoy themselves in iiheir mailed and gorgeous splendour , and allow peaceful workers to do the necessary work of the world , the progress arid prosperity of society would surpass all that the fancy has yet imagined ol human happiness in the Golden
ages . Their supposed interest , and that of the rest of mankind , are incompatible ; and it would seem to be the duty of peaceful intei'communirig people of every country to take some combined measures for keeping quiet the destroyers of their prosperity , Already , in consequence of the peace , trade on the Continent is rapidly extending . Generally the harvests promise well in Europe as well as in America ; and all the neighbouring nations , as well as ourselves , may enjoy unwonted abundance and prosperity , if they can only chain down the few politicians , diplomatists , ministers , and monarchs ¦ who Seem to possess power only to destroy the welfare of the industrious people .
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The condition of the money market probably had some influence on the stock market to-day , which ¦ was " dull and declining , notwithstanding the extremely , favourable nevra from France of the speedy . disarmament , Through the week ' the market has been activo and animated , but yesterday a large amount of money stock was thrown on the market . The cash could probalbly bo used in some more profitable investment , and so the little men , who had been speculating for a rise from the political events of the week , were disappointed . It was naturally expected that the
minds had been fashioned by the old . hand did not suddenly acknowledge the influence of the new hand . The Times changes , it was remarked , but we cannot always change with it . In consequence , the political distrust it has o late been teaching continues to prevail in spite of the confidence it suddenly and charmingly preached this morning . All other stocks have followed the Consols market , and shovvn activity in the week , but are dull and generally lower to-day . The condition of the Bank will be seen from the weekly report . -
favourable news from Paris which came yesterday , of the disarmament , and the rise in the Paris funds , would have had some corresponding effect here to-day | the reverse , however , was the case . Consols opened at 95 } , but soon receded to 94 j , and continued dull through tho whole of the day . There yas , too , a decline in the funds at Paris . The confidence suddenly displayed by tho Times in the Emperor did not satisfy tho Stock Exchange . The ajatruBt excited tho day before , and the day before that coula not at once be removed by its own conversion . It -was noticed that for euoU new work obviously a new hand hau been employed , and those whoso
Friday Evening . There is nothing done now in the discount market under the Bank rates , and this establishment is now getting a good many bills . Money , therefore , though it is as yet comparatively abundant , is increasing in value . Probably money dealers hold back in expectation of the Indian loan , which it is certain will be brought forward next week , and will amount , it i 3 supposed , to 7 , 000 , 000 * . Combined with this the demands for trade are expected to increase , and though for the moment gold ia not going out of the iBank , the money market is becoming dearer .
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At the special meeting of the West London Railway CojrrAXY , the bill in Parliament " for enabling the West London Rail-way Company to construct new lines of railway , a dock and other works , to convert the Kensington canal , and for other purposes , " , after some discussion , agreed to unanimously . A meeting of the Lombarro-Venetian , Soutij Austrian , and Centkax Italian Railways Company , is called for the 25 th of August , at Vienna , and will be required tocorisider several modifications in the statutes , especially concerning " the manner of payment of calls on shares , and the consideration of the scale of fares . " The half-yearly meeting of the Great Western Railway Company is called for the 12 th of August . " __
^ The half yearly meeting of the Eastern Counties Railway Company is called for the 25 th of August , and that of the Victoria Station and Pimlico Railway Company for the 10 th of August . There was a special meeting of the East Kext Railway Company on Wednesday , for considering a bill to enable the Victoria Station and Pimlico Railway Company to widen their line , and provide additional station accommodation , which was agreed to . Resolutions were also passed for empowering the directors to borrow 166 , OOOZ . under the Dover Extension Act of 1855 , and also for allowing them to work the Margate Extension Railway , and the Sevenoaks Railway , on terms agreed upon with the respective companies . ,
The dividend of 2 £ per cent , for the half year , proposed by the Directors of the Brighton Company to tlie meeting on Wednesday , was agreed to after some discussion , and the proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the directors . A dividend at the rate of 5 £ per cent , per annum has been announced on the Midland Railway Compan y ' s shares for the past half year .
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At tho annual meeting of the Albkut Liino Assuitanoe and Guarantee Company , recently hold , the directors' report stated the number of lilb insurance policies issued during the year 1858 at 768 , representing 280 , 177 / ., and producing an additional annual income of . 7 , 611 / . In the guarantee department 708 policies woregrantedfor 177 , 335 / ., producing an annual income of 2 , 226 / . On the the 31 st of Docomber lasts tho total income of the company was upwards of 117 , 000 / . per year , resulting from assurances'in force to the amount of 3 , 204 , 8 lp / . According to Professor Do Morgan ' s report , and tho statements of accounts , the surplus , in favour of the . company on tho 31 st of December , after providing for every liability , wus 192 , 926 * . At the annual meeting of tho Australian Miningt Company a report was presented , stating that the directors wove gradually proceeding with the winding up , which they advised to bo deferred finally till
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JBA . XK OF ENGLAND . An Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria cap . 32 , for the weekending on Wednesday , the 27 th day of July , 1 S 59 : — ISSUE DEPARTMENT . Notes issued £ 31 , 313 , 01 );" . Government Debt £ 11 , 015 , 100 Other Securities .. 3 , 459 , 000 Gold Coin ABullion 10 , 838 , 095 Silver Bullion .. ' .. £ 31 , 313 , G 95 £ 31 , 3 : 13 , G 95 BANKING DEPARTMENT . Proprietors' Capi- Government Secutal . £ 14 , 5 ;"> 3 , 000 rities ( including-Rest i . 3 , 3 i ! 0 , 208 Dead Weight Fut > li « Deposits ( in- Annuity ) £ 11 , 170 , 080 cludino- Exehe- Other Securities .. 17 , 350 ,: i 96 quer , Savings' Notes 0 , 472 , 080 Banks , Commis- . Gold and Silver sionexs of Na- Coin 023 , 905 tionsil Debt , and Dividend Accounts ) .. 5 , 018 , 450 Other Deposits .... 14 , 907 , 77 ? - Seven Day and other Bills 818 , 220 £ 38 , 017 , 601 £ 36 , 017 , 601 M . MLARSIIALL , Chief Cashier . Dated July 21 , 1 S 50 .
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Last This Week Week stocks . . ; . 3 per cent . Consols—Money 94 £ 9 o Ditto Reduced 95 9 o £ - Ditto New 05 95 J BankStock ' ^ 3 . 223 India ¦ . ^ 5 Exchequer ' Bills 27 28 Cauatla Government 0 per cent . New . Brunswick Government 6 per cent New South Wales G « vernment 5 per cent . South Australia Government 0 per cent .. .. .. Victoria Government 0 per cent , , Austrian Bonds , 5 per cent Brazilian Bonds , 5 per cent French Rentes , 3 per cent Mexican Bonds , 3 per cent ... ^ 1 SJ Peruvian Bonds , 4 } per cent // Spanish Bonds , 3 per cent ., .. 44 Turkish Scrip , 0 per cent bOJ RAILWAYS . Bristol and Exeter 08 09 Caledonian fa * saj Eastern Counties 594 G « i East Lancashire ., 95 j > 5 Groat Northern ; 104 104 „ Western 00 J 0 » £ Lancashire and Yorkshire 00 95 London and Blackwall , 07 07 London , Brighton , ajid South Coast 113 lisi London and w orth- Western . . 95 J 95 * London and South-Western 00 04 $ Midland ,... ¦•• 104 Jor > J Nortli British S 7 og North Staffordshire ............. .... 38 d -m Oxford , Worcester , and Wolvcrhampton .. 33 » 5 South-Eastern : 73 £ 731 South Wales 04 o-l Bovabay , Bnrodft and Central India 17 lo& Calcutta and South Eastern Eastern Bengal H < 1 lid East ) Indian ,. 09 U 8 Groat Indian Peninsula 90 904 Madras 0 « 90 Solndo 20 Buffalo and Luke Huron 6 £ d Gil Grand Trunk of Canada ..., 34 34 Groat ! western of Canada Iflj 10 Antwerp and Rotterdam , 4 | it Dutch lthcnleh , Bid old Eastern of France ,... ' 2 ( 5 go Groat Luxemburg t o& m LomJwdo-Vonotlnn , 2 § d 30 . 4 Northern of Franco 37 37 A Paris , Lyons , and Mediterranean 35 35 Paris and Orleans 05 54 Southern of Franco ., , 81 20 A Wostern and North-Woatorn of Franco .. 22 - ' iiX
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3 ? ri ( Jay Evening . Business is everywhere increasing . Tho corn market was quite firm to-day , and has been , firm through tho week , Tho supplies are comparatively small- —from tho farmers being otherwise occupied than in supplying tho market , and tho prices have a tendency upwards , Mark-lane fools bcnoflolally the Activity of- tho other markets , particularly those of the manufacturing districts . It is the same with
all kinds of provisions as with corn , they are in demand , and prices , particularly f or butter , are advancing . Tea is dearer . For sugar there has been a ' good , demand . The harvest promises well ; the reports from all the manufacturing districts arc encouraging , and there is every probability of improvements continuing-. Strikes , it is notorious , never take place in a season of distress , and therefore the dispute threatening to end in a strike between the master-builders and their men is held to confirm the general statement , that prosperity , comparatively , prevails amongst the industrious classes .
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Ca pje Railiva \ -s . —The railway from Gape Tovn to Wellington is in progress , and will , according to contract , be opened for t raffic within two years and a half . A sum of money had been voted by the Assembly for a suryey of another line between Port Elizabeth to Graham ' s Town . Another was under consideration from Port Elizabeth to Graff-Reinet . It was also proposed to survey a line in continuation from Wellington ternriinus to Worcester , which would open up a traffic from the interior of the colony . The Australian Mails . —In explanation of the further delay in the arrival of the long overdue Australian mail , which " was last heard of at Aden , it is suggested that unfavourable weather may have caused a delay of two or three days in the arrival of the Calcutta and China mails at Suez ; the former would be detained waiting for the latter . The inconvenience to the mercantile' interests connected with Australia is severely felt , and furnishes a strong additional argument in favour of the immediate establishment of an . additional mail service by tho Panama route . . ,
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896 THE LEADER . . [ No . 488 . July 30 , 185 9-
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Leader (1850-1860), July 30, 1859, page 896, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2305/page/20/