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the expiration of their lease , which would occur in 1861 , when the value of the property could he better ascertained . The accounts showed » b ^ £ " favour of the company of 4 , 806 Z . 13 s . 7 d . in stores . The report was adopted . „ , ¦ " The half-yearly general meeting of the members oTtheMtrruii , Life Assurance Society was held on Wednesday , the 20 th insfe , in the board-room of ? heir new building 39 , K ^ -. ^^ v f ^ S ^ George Battock , Esq ., in the chair . / I he chairman Sled on the actuary to read the advertisements convening the meeting , the minutes of the last general meeting , and the account of the receipts , and disbursements for the half-year ending SOth ult .
He stated that the little he had to say was of a gratifying kind ; The new premiums for the haltyear ending 30 th of June last were ( as the meeting learned from the account just read ) upwards oi 2 700 L , which is 1 , 000 * . beyond the average of the same half-year in the last four years , and more than double the average of the same periods in the previous four years , and that the accumulated fund was steadily on the increase , as after paying all claims and expenses for the six months just passed , the society had saved half its income . Five directors and one auditor going out by rotation were then reelected , and thanks being voted to the chairman and the directorsthe meeting separated .
, At the -meeting of the Netherlaxds Land Enclosure Company the chairman referred in terms of regret to . the recent rejection of the company ' s bill by the Dutch parliament , and stated that the only plan to adopt was to appeal onee more to the Dutch Governmentj wliich would , he hoped , after a little more pressure , accede to the improved terms required . . , ¦
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , July r 26 . BANKRUPTS . George Parslow , Old-street , St . Luke ' s , timber merchant . Robert Haywood , High-street , Homerton , grocer . Robert Harman , Little-wick , White Waltham , Berks , corn dealer . . . - Henry William Gladwell , Poultry , stereoscope manufacturer .. ¦ ¦ ' William Foot , Victoria-terrace , New-cross , Depttord , Volis Salmon , Brick-lane , Spitalfields , wholesale boot and slioe manufacturer . Thomas Litchfield , Twickenbam , surgeon and npothecary . Robert Smith , Swaffham , engineer . John Field , Hackney-road , boot and shoe manufacturer . John Bushel ] , Wolverhampton , licensed victualler . James Hiles and David Walter Jenkins , Tipton , Staffordshire , coal . merchan . ts . Josbua ; Joseph Henry Taylor , Almondbury , manutacturcr Henry Bredley , Kingston-upon-Hull , corn dealer . Fanny Moss , Mansfield , milliner . Friday , July 2 .
BANKRUPTS . BANKRUPTS . John Moon , jun ., West India-road , Poplar , optician . Josinh Harris , Highweek , Devonshire , coal merchant . Francis Orgill , Lough borough , maltster . John Wohlquast , Oxford-street , dealer in cigars . William Richards , Xansdown Arms , Islington , licensed victualler . William Leigh Wood , Puckeridge , Hertfordshire , grocer . James Ward , jun ., Pimlico , glass dealer . Frederick Tnplcy , Commercial-road East , Middlesex , draper . John Morley Pearson , Coatham , Yorkshire , builder . William Lancaster , Bury , Lancashire , coal merchant . Charles John Goodwin , Hulme , Manchester , tavern keeper . Henry Hobbs and Ooorgo Tilley , Saint George ' awharf , Cambridge-street , Old Saint Pancrns-road , brickmakers . , * BCOTOII BANKRUPTS . Herman Ollendorff , Groat King-street , Edinburgh . Johu Hnrvoy , general agent , Edinburgh .
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Port ov London . —In the general business of the past week there has been no alteration . Tho import trade continues on a good scale , tho number of ships reported inward being 208 . The export trade , particularly to tho colonies , also continues active , the actual shipments being heavy , Tho numbor of vessels cleared outward was ISO , inohiding Si in ballast , The Ayrshire Eawkino Company . —The proceedings against the Ayrshire Banking Company , in support of claims arising under a contract amalgamation which is etatcd to have taken place between the two banks ia the year 1840 , are to bo proceeded with . With reference to the notion instituted by the liquidators against tho directors of
the Western Bank , the report intimates , that the liquidators consider it unnecessary to bring before the meeting a proposal made by Mr . James Dunlop , for himself and his friends .
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Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent , the Sussex Express says , has taken Norris Castle , Cowes , for the summer , and is expected there about the middle of August . The Duchess of Kent will not this year go to Abergeldie . The health of the Royal Duchess is completely restored , and her st rength is daily increasing , but the journey to the Highlands would be too fatiguing . As the Earl of Portsmouth was driving some friends at Hurstbourne , the horses became ungovernable , overturning the vehicle , which was shattered to pieces , and seriously injuring some of its occupants . The Earl escaped comparatively unhurt . _ .
The North British Daily Mail has received trustworthy intelligence from Kossuth , who has retired into Switzerland , where he was joined by Madame Kossuth three days ago ; and it is uncer ^ tain whether he may not be obliged to remain for some weeks before he returns to England . The death of Colonel Thomas Austen , of Kippington , took place at liis residence on Saturday afternoon last . The colonel was in his 85 th year , and had been up to the last few months seriously indisposed , but he had so far recovered as to be aole to get out in his carriage .
M . Ratazizi regiments of national guards ia every province of the Lombardo-SaTdinian kingdom . ' At Iieggib , in Modena , the national guard has been called out . Owing to-the length of time occupied by the discussion of the estimates in the House of Commons , Sir Charles Wood will postpone his statement on the subject of the finances of India till Monday next . Constantinople journals state that brigandage is on the increase in Albania . On the 23 rd ult ., as two Greek merchants , accompanied by a Turkish guide , were going from Janina to Prevesa , they were murdered and robbed of large sums . Their remains were conveyed to Janina , and interred with much pomp in the midst of a large crowd .
The Freeman ' s Journal understands that a sj'nod of the bishops of Ireland will be held on the 2 nd of August , when several important matters will be taken into consideration by their lordships ., A communication from Rome says : —The magnificent statue of the Marine Venus , which was discovered a few weeks ago in some excavations made in the gardens of Julius Caesar , not far from the Portese Gate , has been definitively purchased for the Imperial Museum of St . Petersburg , for a sum of about 50 , 000 f . . Marshal Baraguay d'Hilliers haying determined to go to a watering place for the benefit of his health , General Forey has taken , provisionally , the command of the 1 st corps d ' tfrm £ e in Italy , General de Brigade d'Alton that of the first division , and Colonel Abbatucci , of the 91 st Regiment , that of the 2 nd brigade . ' ¦ . John Riley , convicted on Monday , last , and sentenced to be hanged , for the murder of his wife at Hull , has since his trial been visited by the chaplain of York Castle , the Rev . J . C . Thompson , tvro or three times a day . He seems perfectly resigned . Another attempt is to be made by Sir Thomas Maryon Wilson to enclose Hampstead-heath , through the re-introduction of the thrice-defeated measure to amend the " Leases and Sales of Settled Estates Act . " The authorities of Hampstead are on the alert , and have circulated amongst members of Parliament a statement against the bill . Petitions will be presented and a strong demonstration got up against the proposed measure . The committee for administering the fund
subscribed for the relief of the Neapolitan exiles have just published their report . The whole sum raised was 10 , 760 ? . Both Baron Poerio and M . Schiavoin declined to receive any portion of the fund , as they were in possession of private means . The new church at Putney was opened for public worship by the Bishop of London on Thursday last . The church is dedicated to St . John , and is situated on a gentle eminence between the public roads leading from the railway station to Richmond and Putney-heath . It is built of white stone , from a design by Mr . Leo . . Under the new regulations , ships leaving the Wear are largely availing themselves of the privilege of going to sea through the south outlet of the Sunderland Docks , by which means delay occasioned by the passage of the bar at high water is
prevented . The heat has been excessive throughout Canaan . In Montreal the thermometer went to 98 ia the shade ; the heat was followed by an unusual amount of lightning , after which there was a heavy fall of rain , accompanied by loud reports of thunder . On board the Russian ship Tbdleben , laden vnth . hemp , at Chatham , a seaman xvm pulling a rope , which suddenly slipped , and he fell headlong into the hold of tlie vessel and was killed j lus neck was broken . . , Count de SohouwaToiF , who had been sent by the Emperor of Russia to Italy on a private mission to the Emperor Napoleon , has just arrived in , Varia
from Marseilles . . .. The signing of the decree which ™ fo ° ™ % ! j * ° foundation of the now cattlo maricot at LaVi Uette ^ Sfr ^ xi ^ rS MS ^ Coutts is said to furnish a great proportion ot tlio ffwj = r > rSEjS omnibuses wore racing , and one at them ™™™ & down the unf ortunate euflbror , tho wliouis passing o !? r his body ornshing his ribs into his Jungs . Ho now iom&t Suy ' sllospital , without tho slight h Moao 8 0 Stefiore , Bart , * UI » hb lady and suite a ccompanied by Tussan Pacha and suite , arrivedat So Hoyal Albion Hotel , Rainsgate , on Tuesday evening ; . . Tho French Uourt went into mourning on Wednesday for threo wcoka on the occasion of the doatb . of tho Queen of Portugal .
Mr . Richard Tattersall , for many years the proprietor of " The Corner , " so well known to sporting men , is just dead . Mr . Tattersall Avas held in high esteem by the large body of persons with whom his business brought him into contact , his dealings having always been of the most honourable character . He died at Dover in his 7 Gth year . A new statue in marble of General Napier is to be placed in St . Paul ' s . The figure is represented standing , leaning on the sword . It stands eight feet high , on a plinth of six inches . Mr . Adams , whose fine statue of the hero in Trafalgar-square is so justly admiredis the sculptor .
, We understand that Lord Brougham and his Grace the Duke of Buecleuch will be nominated for the office of Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh . The election , which takes place in October , is by the General Council of the University , the register of which , we understand ; , already numbers above 300 members . The Emperor of Austria , in giving up lombardy to Piedmont , does not renounce the symbol of sovereignty of the old Lombard kings ; the celebrated iron crown , which had been removed from Monza to Verona , is to be placed in the collection of crown jewels of the empire at Vienna ,
Prince Napoleon and the Princess Clotilda have taken up their residence in the villa erected by his highness in the Champs-Ely sees . A despatch from Brescia announces the death of the Duke of Abrantes , son of the famous Junot , who was wounded at the battle of Solferino . The thigh had to bo amputated , and the patient did not long survive tho operation . The duke was chief of the staff of one of the divisions of the army of Italy . Great sensation has been caused at Rushden , owing to a family of gipsies ( eight in number ) being taken suddenly ill . A surgeon was sent for , who pronounced that they were suffering from the effects of arsenic , which appears to have been mixed with a quantity of flour that had been given them . There is considerable mystery connected with tho affair . For several hours the party were
in groat danger . We read in the Nord : — " Various explanations have been given of the nomination of tho Duke of Malakoff as Grand Chancellor of tho Legion of Honour . The truth is , that since his marriage the Marshal has desired repose and residence in Paris , lienco he wished forthat appointment , " Tho population of Ferrara hnv « compelled the Jesuits who rosided in that town to abandon it . Tho Government has not interfered either on ono
side or tho other . Advices from Verona state that tho grapes oro so much affected by disease in Lombardy and Vonotia that scarcely any nre expected to ripen . This loss , with tho partial destruction of the corn crops in upper Italy , leave a poor prospect for tlio winter . J . t appews that tho aooount of tho breaking out of a volcano in tlio mountains noar Orlhuola , province of Murcla , in Spain , given a few days ago in the Madrid journals , was a hoax . Generals Diou and Ladmirault , who were wounded at Solforlno , aro now considered convalescent .
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has ordered the formation of No . 488 . Juiv 30 , 1859 . 1 THE LEADEB . 897
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FACTS . AND SCRAPS . — - ? - ¦ ¦
Leader (1850-1860), July 30, 1859, page 897, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2305/page/21/