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Untitled Article
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Untitled Ad
No . 52 , FLEET-STREET , has introduced an entirely new description of ARTIFICIAL TEETH , _ flxed vrfthout spring , wires or ligatures . They . so perfectly resemble t £ e natural teeth £ »¦ not to be distinguished from the originals by the closest observer ; they Will never change colour or decay , and -will be found superior to any teeth ever before used . This metltod does not require the extraction of roots or any painful operation , will support and preserve teeth that are loose , and is guaranteed _ to restore articulation and mastication . Decayed teeth stopped and rendered sound and useful in mastication . —5 . i , I < leet-Btreet , Loudou . —At home from Ten till Five .
Untitled Ad
DOES YOUR TAILOR FIT YOU ? TRY J . SMITH , 38 , LOMBARD STREET , EX ' . —SOLFERINO TROUSERS , all Wool , of the Newest Designs , m endless Variety , to order . lGs . —Observe the Address—38 , LOMBARD STREET .
Untitled Ad
THE SURPLICE SHIRT . ( Acknowledged as the most comfortable and durable Shirt ever yet produced ) , made to measure , 6 s . 6 d ., / s . Cd ., 8 s . 0 d . and 10 s , 6 d . Cards for self-measurement . JOHN SAMPSON , Hosier , 123 , Oxford-street , W .
Untitled Ad
G B E E N H A L L , MAKEEOITHE SIXTEEN SHILLING TROWSERS , 325 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , AT . ( Two doors west of the Circus . ) Overcoats - *~ 2 0 Frock-Coats £ 10 0 DressCoats .., - % 10 0 Morning Coats :.. , ~ £ u Waistcoats . ° 12 0 Black Dress Trousers 110 No . 325 . OXFORD STREET , W .
Untitled Ad
TTYAM arid CO . 'S CONJOINT GARMENTS . JCl —Consisting- of Guinea Coat and Vest , Twenty Shilling Trousers and Vest , and Thirty-eight Shilling Whole Suits ; well designed from uniform patterns . LONDON : 80 , Oxford-street . BIRMINGHAM : 21 , 22 , and 23 , New-street . LEEDS : 42 , Briggate .
Untitled Ad
HYAM and Co . ' s CAMBRIDGE SAC and PAGET JACKETS . —The best possible garments for gentlemen ' s customary in-door or out-door wear . Price 12 s . 6 d ., lGs . ( 3 d ., 21 s ., 25 s ., and 313 . 6 d . H YAM and CO . 'S , DRESS and STJRTOUT COATS , in West of England Wool-dyed Black Cloths , Invisibles , Saxony Broad Cloths , Woaded Fabrics , &c . Price 25 s . to 03 s . . ¦ HYAM and Co . ' s OVER COATS and CAPES , in Venetian and Llama Cloths , Undressed and Mixed Tweeds , Lustres , Merinos , Caahmerettes , &c . Price lCs . 6 d ., 21 s ., 2 Cs ., and 35 s . ___^ ' ¦ H YAM and CO . 'S JFTENILE COSTUME , displaying faultless adaptation to early age , habits , and growth . Children ' s Belt Suifs in new and beautiful materials . Price 10 s . Gd ., 15 s . 6 d ., nnd 21 s . Light Overcoats and Capes , 8 s . 0 d ., log , Od ., 12 s . Od . HYAM and Co . ' s HARROW , ETON , and RUGBY SUITS . Three new styles , becoming in design , serviceable for school or dress wear , and admirably adapted for young gentlemen . Price 15 b . Cd ., 21 s ., 25 s ., and 31 s . 6 d . ' ¦ ¦ . . HYAM and CO . 'S CLOTHING TO ORDER , designed in pvery variety of Noyol Fabric . French and English Cutters employed . . . HYAM and CO . 'S True-fitting TROUSERS . — To order , on a self-adjusting and shapo-retalning eystem . Prico 17 b . Od . ; Vests to match , 8 s . Od .. CAUTION . HYAM and CO . are connected only with the following Establishments : — LONDONi 80 , Oxford ^ strcet . BIRMINGHAM : 21 , 23 , ftttd 23 , Now street . LEEDS : 42 , Brlggato .
Untitled Ad
THE SCOTCH CHEVIOT TWEED AND ANaOLA SUITS . At 47 s ., 50 s ., Ofls ,, 00 s ., and 08 b ., wado to order from materials all "VVooi ., luid thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant and Family Tailor , 74 , Regent-street , W . arc better value than can bo procured at any other house In the kingdom . The ' { "wo Guinea . Dross and Frook Coats , the Guinea Dross Trousers , and thellalf-G . uincn , Waistcoats . N 3 . —A Perfect Fit guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
VISITORS TO LONDON Requiring HOSIERY in Its new and oxtowslvo varieties shirts , and underclothing-, elastic surglo&l supporting stockings of vory superior qualities , aro solicited , to vteit the Establishment of the manufacturers , POPE & PLANTJgJ 4 , WATERLOO-PLACE , PALL-MALL , LONDON . Families onn there make prompt purchases from tug boat and most complete assortment In the metropolis .
Untitled Ad
PAINS IN THE BACK , GWAVEL , LUMBAGO , reWMUMATISar , QOU 1 \ INRIGBSTION , ii ^ S !! 3 k ^ rS ^ iS ^^ t FILLS are n most safe ana ofllonclous romody for the above datigoroifs complaints , disoljnrgos , rotontlou of urine , and disease of tHo kidneys , bladder , and urinnyy orffans generally , which frequently ond in stono , and a lingering death . For depression of spirits , blushing , Incapacity for Booloty , study or business , fflddlnosa , drowsiness , sloop without refreshment , norvouanoss , and Insanity Itself , when Arising from or combined with urinary lUaoaeQfl , they arc unequalled , Tliey agree with the most dolloato Btomaon . Improve tho hoalth . and In three day will oflVot a ^ ouro In all thoeo oaBOswJioro oaplvl , oubobs , ana modloinos of that olaeB havouttorly Mlort . 1 b . l ^ d ., in , fld ., io . fld ., 11 b ., and 33 s , per Bojf ; , throwjrJi all Meaiolno 'Vendorfl , or sent on receipt 9 } " ^ ftwountfii BtamiJB , by the proprietor , 10 , Uprnorflfitrcot , Oxford-street , Lonaon ,
Untitled Ad
PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS X PATENT , mid received by tho most omtuont of tho faoulfcy . —Mr . LAWltENOM'S IMPROVED ARTIFICIAL TEETH , by tho CIIIflO-PLASTIO process entirely BuporBode tho Soft Gum , and every substance tlmt booomoH putrcacont in the mouth . Their cleanliness , oaso , and oQinl ' ort render hem available in every oaso , without sprlnira or wlros , at Iobb than advortlsoa priooe . — rAINHiiSS TOQTXi BXTKAOTION by GJIADUA'JL'HD MLJflOTWIOlT ^ is always attended with oortainty and buoooss . Medicated WJiito Gutta-noroJia . IQnamol for Dooayed and Painful Tooth ( by self application ) J , u . \ poHt lVco , lourtccu stamps , Uv . LAWRENCE , Surgcon-dontiut , 03 , Bovnor ' e-stroot , Oxford-street . London .
Untitled Ad
EAU-DE-VIE . Thita pure PALJJ BKANDY , though only 10 a . per gallon , l& demonstrated , wpon Analysis , to bo pcoullai'ly ft-oo from aoldity , and very superior to rocont Importations of veritable Cognac In li ' ronoh Bottles , 84 e . per dozen ; or securely packed in aoaao for the country , 3 f > 8 .--HlflNKY BUJSTT nud CO ., Oiaymnlval's Dlstlllory , Ilolborn .
Untitled Ad
CADIZ . A PURID PALE SHMKRY , of tlio Amontillado oharaotor , ' 88 s . per dozen , Ciish . We receive a regular and direct shipment of this lino wlno . HKNKY BRETT and Co ., Importers , Old Furnlval ' a DlstlUory , Itolborn , ID . C
Untitled Ad
H ENEKEYS' COGNAC , a pure Trench Brandy , pale or brown , 20 s . per gallon . 42 s . per dozen . Packages to be returned within three months , or charged Is . pergullon . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid . TJENEKEYS' LOKDON BRANDY , Pale or XX , brown , 1-ls . per gallon , 30 b . per dozen . Three dozens carriage free . y HEJSTEKEYS' LONDON GIN , as from the still , and the strongest allowed , sweet or dry , 12 s . per gallon ; 80 s . per dozen . ( Six gallons , tho cask included and carriage paid . Country orders must contain a remittance . TTENEKEY' 8 PRICES CURRENT of XX WINKS and SPIRITS sent post-free on application . HENEKEYS , ABBOTT , and CO .. Gray's Inn PlstUlory , 2 « and 23 , High Ilolborn , W . O . Establlsliccl 1831 . ,
Untitled Ad
ECONOMY . A 10-gallon cask ( equal to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOUTH AFRICAN SHJSBUY , for Four Guineas , or 20 s . per dozen ; best Port , 24 s . per dozen . Cask or bottle , and case included . Three dozens c&rriagefree . Cash .--HEN . KK , EYS , ABBOTT , and CO ., Importers , 22 and 23 , Iligli Ilolborn . Established 1831 . :
Untitled Ad
TVTOTI C E . —To INDUCE A TRIAL of ¦^ SOUTH AFRICAN . WINES ( the consumption of which has now nearly reached 420 , 000 dozen per annum—vide Board of Trade Returns ) , a case containing four samples , sealed and labelled , will be forwarded on receipt of 30 postage stamps , viz ., half-pint bottle each of best South African Sherry , Tort , Madeira , and Amontillado , bottles and case included . Colonial Brandy , 15 s . per gallon . — Address ANTHONY BJROUGU , 20 , Strand , W . C .
Untitled Ad
WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . WELLER & HUGHES' SOUTH AFRICAN WINES . — Port / Sherry , and Madeira , 20 s . and 24 s . per Dozen ; Amontillado , 24 s . and 2 Ss . per JDozen . Extract from Dr . Leiliehi / s Analysis of our Wines : — " I find your \ Viue pure and unadulterated , and have no doubt of its being far more wholesome than the artificial mixtures too often sold for genuine sherry . ( Signed ) " Henry Letheby , M . B ., London Hospital . " A Pint Sample of any of the above for Twelve Stamps . Colonial Brandy , Pale or Brown , 15 s . and 18 s . Cd . per gallon , or 30 s . and 37 s . per Dozen . 'We deliver free to any London Railway Terminus , or to any Station in England for Is . per Dozen . Terms , Cash . \ YEL . L , ER AND IIUGHES , Importers of Foreign and Colonial "Wines and Spirits , 27 ,. Crutchcd Friars , Mark Lane , London , E . G . ,
Untitled Ad
WINES FROM SOUTH AFRICA . DE N M A N , INTRODUCER OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHERRY , &c , Twenty Shillings per Dozen ; Bottles included . . A pint Sample of each for . twenty-four stamps . Wine in Cask forwarded free to any railway station in England . ( Extract from the Lancet , July 10 th , 1 S 58 . ) " The Wines or South Africa .. —We have visited Mr . Denman ' s stores , selected in all-eleven samples of wine , and have subjected them to careful analysation . Our examination has extended to an estimation of their bouquet and flavour , their acidity and sweetness , the amount of wine stone , the strength in alcohol , and particularly to their purity . We have to state that these wines , though brandied to a much less extent than Sherries , are yet , on the average , nearly as strong ; that they are pure , wholesome , and perfectly free from adulteration ; indeed , considering the' low price at which they tire sold , their quality is remarkable . " EXCELSIOR BRANDYV Pale or Brown , 15 s . per gallon , or 30 s . per dozen . Terms , Cash . Country orders must contain a remittance . Cross cheques " Bank or London . " Price Lists , with Dr . Hassall ' s Analysis , forwarded on application . JAMES L . DESMAN , 65 , Fenchurch-street , corner of Itailway-place , London .
Untitled Ad
. ^^ '_ _^ _ — '— ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ k . a ^^^ A . ^^ B ^^^ daaaa * M ^ B ^ ^^ d ' ^^^^ L ¦ . LAZENBY'S SAUCES , PICKLES , ETC . As sole Successor and Representative of the old-established Firm-of E . LAZENBY and SON , I find it necessary to caution the Public against the further imttntious oi my Cards and Labels , -which have arisen - from the continually increasing celebrity of the Sauces , Pickles , Condiments , &t \ , prepared Dy me at tho original-warehouse , 0 , Kdwards-¦ street , Portman-square , London .- Marshall and Son , of 20 , Strand ( against whom an injunction was lately gTanted by the Court of Chancery for imitating the labels attached to my Harvey ' s Sauce ) , are now attempting to obtain for their own articles the cover of a well-reputed name , by the employment of a person named Charles , or . Charles John , Lazeuby , who has not , and never had , any business connexion whatever with the firm of E . Lazenby and Son , nor with any of its present or former members . Having In on informed that tbo town traveller lately discharged by me is going about London with a list of Marshall and , Son " s goods printed in close imitation Of mine , to solicit-orders for Sauces , Pickles , &c , with cards and labels difficult to distinguish from mine , I beg to caution the trade geiiLMiiliy that all articles prepared or sold by me are labelled 1 lvitli my address , 6 , Edwards-street , Portmau-squarc , London .. — WILLIAM LAZENBY ( Successor to E . Lazenby & Son . )
Untitled Ad
THE NEW MORNING- DRAU&HT . HOOPER'S SELTZER POWDERS make a most agreeable , effervescing , tasteless Aperient morning draught , and are acknowledged by every one who try them to be inlmitely superior in every respect to any Seidlitz l ' outkrs , effcTvescing nidre briskly , are quite tasteless , aro painless in operation , and effective in result . Mixed as auggosfed m the directions , even children take them with a relish : Nolil in as . 6 d . boxesi by Hoopek , Chemist , London-bridge ; also by ganger , MOO , Oxford-street , and on order by all Druggist * through the London wholesale houses . .
Untitled Ad
A . SUMMER DIET . / ^\ BROAVN & POLSON'S PATENT COUX -FLOril "¦ This is superior to anything of the -kind-known . ' —J . n-ncet . Obtain it from Fjimily ( Jrocers , or Clieuii . sts , who Cm not sxilbstitute inferior articles . The most vhoksome part of Indian Coru , it is preferred to tlie best Arrow Koot ; for ¦ Breakfast boiled simply with milk ; Dimu-r or . Supinr in puddings , warm or eokl , blancmange , enkv , ic , and especially suited to the delicacy of children and invalid * . Packets , 16 oz ., 8 d . —Paisley ; 77 a , Market-s . trov .-t-, 3 Iiinchestcr ; Dublin ; and 23 , Ironmonger-lane , London .
Untitled Ad
BEWLAY'S CUT MANILLA TOBACCO . A novelty , mild and fragrant , with the special aruiuu of the Manilla cheroot , and . mixes well with any other toban-o .-Two-ounce lead packets , Is . ; or by post , as sample , It . Oil . Orders by letter promptly attended to . ¦ 1 'INEST- FOKEIGN ( NON-EUROPEATs ) C 1 CAK >—Cabanas , aiartinez , Intiiuidads , and other esteemed branin ? . —ii ' ' fr-a-pouud Sample of different . varieties forwardoil on receipt of one g-uinea . BEWLAY , I 3 IPORTING . TOBACCONIST , 4 i > , STRAND , W . C .
Untitled Ad
DJt . JjA'JSIEET , Registered L .. S . A ., Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society , 11 . P ., ol the University of Erlangcn , &c , continues to bo CONSULTED on all Cases of Debility , Nervousness , and I ' vo-TOature Exhaustion of the . system , DAILY , from 11 ti - ' , and from 0 to 8 , at his residence , 87 , BEDFOR-D-&Qt Alth , LONDON . Dr . La'JTert lias just published , price Sixpence , y . ilh numerous Engravings and Cases , a New Edition ot li ^ r work , on NERV 0 US DEBILITY , Which will be forwarded , post-free , in a 8 cnled ; envelopc \ by Mann , Bookseller , 30 , Cornhill , or Uy the Author , to any address , for eight postage stamps . CON TENTH . — Suction I . The Anatomy and Physiology of the Onruns . Section II . Puberty — Manhood — True aud i ' also Section III . Marriage in its Social , Moral , and i'hyrtlfal Rolatlons—Its Expectancies and ¦ Dlssnpphitincnts . Section IV . Consequences of Imprudence and l > an ^< rs ol Nofflcct . fsX'Otlon V . Effect of pernicious habits on the mental faculties—Importance of Moral Discipline . . Section VI . Treatment of Nervous Debility—Hazardous Spooiflcs—Abortive Processes )— " Fallacies of tho FnenUy ' —Dangers of Charlatanism—Tho Author ' s l ' vUiclpKc , —Meilical , Dietetic , and General .
Untitled Ad
YOURSELF ! WHAT YOU ARE ! AND WHAT FIT FOR I —Tho Original ( 3-runliloloK iHt , MARIE COUPELLIO , continues her vivid , UHcfut ,. and lutrroating dellnentionB of character , from an oxauiiimtkni ot tho hiiudwritjmf , In a style peculiarly her own ,, never lioloro attempted in this country , and which ennnot even l > f huccosBfuTHy imitated by those who pretend to this uhi-HiI mn « pleasing science . All who desire to know thomfu'lvva or I in ' truo character of any fVlond , should send a Hpocliuon ui writing , stating box and age , and tho foo of U uncut poimy Btamps , to Miss Coupc-lle , fl » , CiiHtlo-stroot , o , \/ bi' ( l ^ i' « ' < ' ' j London ; and thoy will reoolve In a ft > w diiys a '"" J . , " minute detail of the talents , tastCB , affections , virtue * , lu'iingB , &o ., of tho writer , with many traits hitherto uiikiih-Rootc d , nnd ciilculatod to bo useful through 'Hi ' c . —I ; vout v . r . i "I consider your skill surprising . " t- ( J . H . : " ^ « " • ( I , " Hcrlption of her ohnractor is remarkably corroot . —>» , ^ - ! "Your intoreutlnff answer Is qulcu truo . "—W . \ Y . > " > " 111 skwtcli 1 h marvellously corroot . "—Miss F . » " JUiinnnii w « tho oharnotor you oont mo la trnr > . "—Mihh W . N , : >« ' » havo described hl » olmractor voryuoouratt'ly . " — : M 1 « m ii . t > . : "I am aiVald hlo uharaotor In as you doscrlbu It . "— " >> •; no laoro di / noulty In gmphlolog-y tlj / in phrenology , •••»«¦ wo havo little doubt thut in Innumerable lnstuix-oH t \ w olmrnctor l » rend with equal precision . '' —• Warn-lli / JJvralu-
Untitled Ad
EOLEOTIO MEDICAL INSTITUTE And PRIVATlfl BATH MSTAULISHMlflNT , iy ft » , /''' I ' ' , ' MuHHoU-utrout , Bloomsbury , W . C—Slnnnhi uud W ' ' , ' ' VAPOUR , GALVANIC , and MLBOTBO-CJ MAJ H A < BATHS , on improved principles . For tho ox riiPllim Koacl , Moroury , and other Minorula lVom the body , « n < l ui the ciiro of Nervous , Diabotlo , l ' unilytie , ( hitaiieourt , iu > - piitlc , Bpinal , Rheumatic Gout , and otlior cllmiimcH ., Modlcul Superintendent—JOHN SKWLTOW , KmI-i pt . D ., M . B . O . S ., ff liur . . For tornis , &c , uco clroulnr , sont ft'eo upon roci'ipv oi ndtirtee ,
Mr. Howard, Sttrgeon-Dentist,
Untitled Article
soft THE LEADER . V-fNo . 488 . July 30 , 1859 . ^ J iy ^ f J ' ' '¦ ' . . .. ¦ ¦ . ^ ^ —¦ ¦ .. i ii ¦ »— *^ juy ^^ fj ^ p ^^ pp ^ i ^ m ^ m ^^^^ bm—^ mm ^ U jtii ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Jill l'jii . in « ia «?» i »^ | » | j j ^^ K ^^^ K ^ T ^^^^^^^^^^^™*^^ " * " ^^~* fc ^^^^ fc ^^**! ' ¦ m ¦ » ^ ^^*^— . ^*^^^*^ M ^***^^^*^*^^^^^^^^^ F ^^^^^^^^ . ^ i ^^^ ^^^^^»^ m ^^^^»^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^*^^^ " ^^^^^^^^^^^ » ' ¦ . b . '_ _^ _ — '— ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ka ^^^ A ^^ B ^^^ daaaa * M ^ B ^ ^^ d ' L ¦ .
Untitled Article
XEEIZ PURO , Unbrandied and nutty , 28 s ., 3 is ., 40 s ., 40 s . PUB . E PORT vintage 1 S 51 , 3 Cs ; 1 S 47 , 42 s . per dozen . VIX OHDINAIRE , ROUSS 1 LLOX and MARSALA 24 s . per dozeu . Champagne Vin d'Ay , 42 s . per dozen . A large stock of fine old bottled Ports , Amontillado , Solera and E . I . Sherries , &c . &c , 48 s . to 90 s : per dozen . . Wine importers' Association , 15 , and lfi , Adam-street , Adelphi . JB . 22 . BARNES , aranager . is . B . A small bin of very fine Old Port , 18 guineas perdoz .
Leader (1850-1860), July 30, 1859, page 898, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2305/page/22/