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NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF "JOHN HALIFAX . " Now ready at all the Libraries , in 3 vols , A LIFE FOR A LIFE . By the Author of "JOHN HALIFAX , GENTLEMAN , " * 'A WOMAN'S THOUGHTS ABOUT WOMEN , " &c Hurst and Blacjkett , 13 , Great Maryborough- street .
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Now ready , at all the Libraries , MIILICENT N E VI L L E . A NOVEL . By JULIA TILT , Author of "The Old Palace , " "May Hamilton , " &c . 2 vols ., post 8 vo ., 21 a . L . Booth , 307 , Regent-street , W-
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In a few days , TWENTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH . AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY . By the Rev . J . PYGROFT , B . A . L . Booth ,, 307 , Regent-street , W .
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On August 1 , price 6 s ., Vol . I . of PHYSIOLOGY OF COMMON LIFE . By G . H . LEWES , Author of "Sea-side Studies , " &c . To be completed in 2 volumes , crown . 8 vo ., illustrated with Engravings on Wood . William Black-wood and . SONS , Edinburgh and London .
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Just out , Part IV ., price Sevenpence , CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPEDIA , A DICTIONARY OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE PEOPLE . A wish has been expressed by many Subscribers that the publication of the " Encyclopaedia " should be accelerated so as to shorten the interval that must elapse before the work is finished . Messrs . Chambers . hope to meet their ¦ wishes after the work has made some further progress , and will give due notice before any change in the mode of publication is made . ¦¦ ...: ¦ STEEL-PLATE MAPS . Messrs . Chambers will issue Steel-plate Maps simultaneously with the publication of the last Monthly Part of each Volume . These Maps will illustrate the principal Countries mentioned in the volume to which they belong , and will be done up m a wrapper as a Supplementary- Part , optional on the part of Subscribers to purchase . Those who wish to possess good Maps , illustrative of the Geographical portion of the "Encyclopaedia , " may thus do so by a trifling extra outlay . ¦ .- ¦ . Yearly volumes will , in every case , include Steelrplate Maps of the principal Countries described within their pages . ' . ' W . and R . Ciiambebs , London and Edinburgli .
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WORKS OF IMPORTANCE . THE HISTORY OF AUSTRIA , FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME . By ALFRED N . NEW . Crown 8 vo ., cloth , 3 s . 0 d . THE BELIGION OF GEOLOGY AND ITS CONNECTED SCIENCES . By . DR . HITCHCOCK . A new and enlarged edition , with an additional chapter , . giving a Summary of the Author ' s present Views of the whole Subject . Crown 8 vo ., cloth , 2 s . These -volumes form th « first of Blackwood ' s Monthly Library . For further particulars see Prospectus . THE CONSEQUENCES of a FIRST FAULT . A Talo for Youth . Crown 8 vo ., cloth , 5 s . THE DUDLEYS . By Edgar Dewsland . Crown 8 to ., cloth , 10 s . Qd . HAWK 3 VIEW : a Family History of our own Times . By HOLME LEE . «¦ There's always sunshine somewhere iu the worltl . "—" The best-sustained and most artistic work of tlie author . ¦ . There is more truth and reality . . . We recommend ' Hawksview * to such ot our readers us are in search of a satisfactory story , neither long nor elaborate . "—Athbnjeum , BOCCABELLA : ¦ a Tale of a Woman ' s Life , By PAUL BELL . 2 vols ., crown 8 vo . 21 s . [ Just ready . FRESHFIELD . By ¥ m . Johnston , M . A ., author of "Nigh , t » hade . \ ' Crown 8 vo ., cloth . 10 s . Od . London : Jambs Bi-acjcwood , Paternoster-row .
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RECREATIVE SCIENCE . THE ' FIRST NUMBER , published this day , price EJgjitponco ( Illustrated ) , contains ;—Science and the Boy—The Planets , by K , J . Lowe—How to Gather Diatoms , by Tuffon Wont—WftysMo Weeda and their Teachings , by Spenqer rrnoraBon . M . I ) , —Night Flying Moths , by E Nopl Humphreys— Science on tho Sen-shoro , by Shirley HibborUThe Key to a Bird ' s Ilonrt , by William Kidd—The Gyraecopo , by K G . Wood-Wntw Glass in l'ljotogrftphy . by V . A . Mftlono—Humboldt , by Main Friswell—Tamo Fishes—Things of the Season—WCfltcorology and Astronomloal Phenomena—Mr . Notowortliy ' a Corner , Qto ., etc . London i GiiooMUitmaE nnd Sons , 0 , Paternoster-row . Dubllns William Hoberteon , 23 , Uppor Snokvlllo-atrcot . Edinburgh s , f . Monsslcs , « , Ilanover-atreofc . Glasgow : Murray and Son , 42 , Buohnnnn-atroot .
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WORKS by Mr . ' BORXASI 3 GUILDS , F . R . C . 8 ., Exam ., Metropolitan Frco Hospital , Burgcon-ln-Chlo * to tho City Police Force , « fco . URETHBITIS AND ITS CONSEQUENCES , With n , Short Historical Skotoh of SyphlllB , Ontuo IMPROVEMENT « ad PRESERVATION of tho VKMALE , WfQXIKK . ISIDngUam Wilson , ICoyal Exchange , E . Gr LECTURES ON INJURIES INCIDENTAL TO WA » FAKE . London i John OuuncHJUUL , Now Burlington -street , W .
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HANWELL COLLEGE , MIDDLESEX . Is still retaining its hl {* h oharaotor , —United S / ervloe GazeCto , A Prospootnn wUlboforwiirdodon application to tho Rot . Dr . JflMEMTON , tho PrinolpnI .
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This day is published , Part I ., pi ice Is ., of ONCE A WEEK , A MISCELLANY OF LITERATURE , ART , SCIENCE , AND POPULAR INFORMATION . Illustrated by Leech , Tennlel , Millals , II . K . Krowno , C . Koone , Wolf , &o . &e . CONTENTS : — A Good Fight . Chapters I . to VIII . By Charles Roade . Illustrated by Charles Keene . Tho Grandmother ' s Apolog-y . By Alfred Tennyson . Illustrated by J . E . MillaTs . tt tt Our Farm of Two Acres . Chapters I . and II . By Harriot Martjnenu . English Projectiles . In Three Chapters . By W . B . Adams . Audun and his White Bear . By G-W . Pasont , Illustrated by John Tcnniol . The Tall of a Tadpole ; aud Spontaneous Gcnorntlon , By G . H . Lowes . "Once a Week ; " and An Election Story . By Shirley Brooks , Illustrated by John Leech . Man among- tho Mammoths . With an Illustrnllon . Magenta . JBy Tom Taylor . Illustrated by J . Jb ) . Mlllals . Snakes and their Prey . Ily Arthur Clnreuee . The Original Bun House , Illustrated by «) ohn Leech . The Astronomer ' s Discovery . Illustrated by John Tcnnlol . Garibaldi , liy A . A . Knox . Tho Spiaoi' -Orab . By Edwnrd Jesse . Tho Song of Courtesy . Ity George Meredith .. Illustrated by John Ttnnlpl . Night and Morning . Illustrated by John Lcqol ) . Sketching tho Castle . Illuutratod by John Lccoh . ' The Qucon of tho Arena . Illustrated by . John Leech . My Frlond the Governor . Illustrated by John Tqnuiul . Guests at tho Rod Lion . Illustrated by C . Koono . On tho Wftter . Illustrated by J . E . Mlllals . An Old Churoh Library . Hy Oharloa Kulglit . Candle Making . ** y Dr . AVyntor . Wine . By PlUloonue . London i BicAununv nnd Evanh , n , Bouvorlo-otroot .
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This day is published , price Is ., Part XHI . of THE POPULAR HISTORY OF ENGLAND . By CHARLES KNIGHT . *„* Five Volumes of this History arc published , price 9 s . each . London : Bkadbuky and Evans , 11 , Bouveric-street .
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New and cheaper edition . This , day , in post 8 vo-, price 7 s . 6 d ., cloth , POPLAR HOUSE ACADEMY . By the author of " Mary Powell . '' Second edition , revised . Arthur Haxl , Virtue and Co ., 2 iy Paternoster-row .
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DR . CUMMINGr'S EXPOSITIONS . This day , in fcap ., price 4 s . 6 d . j cloth , SABBATH EVENING READINGS ON THE COLOSSIANS AND THESSALONIANS . By the Rev . JOHN GUMMING , D . D ., F . R . S . E . RUTH : A CHAPTER m PROVIDENCE . Fcap ., 3 s . 0 d-, cloth . Arthur Hall , Virtue and Co ., 25 , Paternoster-row .
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P OP U L A R NO V EL S . TO BE HAD AT THE LIBRARIES IN TOWN . AND COUNTRY . THE SEMIDETACHED HOUSE . Edited by LADY THERESA LEWIS . One Volume . THE LAST OF THE CAVALIERS . 3 vols ., post 8 vo . ' " We speak with due deliberation when , we sny that this work is exceedingly similar to some of Sir Walter Scott's best efforts . It is one of the best historical novels we have read for many years : " —Mobning Chronicle . THE STORY OP A LIFER : on , the broad ARROW . " Those who have read Mr . Reade ' s ' Never too late to Mend , ' will find in 'MaidaGwjnnam' an equally attractive and far more authentic-looking' story . The book is written with great force and earnestness , and throws light on the vexed and difficult social question . 'The Broad Arrow * may take its place beside Defoe ' s stories for its life-like interest and graphic reality . "—Athenjeum . " We know no work , not excepting- Charles Rcado ' s famous work , ' Never too late to Mend , ' that describes with more vivid intensity the passions and regrets ¦ which make up so much of life at our penal settlements . "—John Boll . THE VILLAGE BELLES . By the Author of ?* Mary Powell . " Crown 8 vo ., 5 s . "A charming- story , charmingiy told . "—Morning Star . THE LADIES OF BEVER HOLLOW . By . the same Author . Crown 8 vo ., 5 s . " Here we have a 'Vicar Of Wakefield' sort of book smelling' sweet as new cut clover . No one writes in so Idyllic and pure a way as the author . of . 'Mary Powell . — Dublin University Magazine . ¦ " This is a thoroughly Eng-hsh story . The characters arc well drawn , and the conversations full of . life and . spirit . The author of ' Mary Powell' has in this picture of country life proved herself a literary Gainsboroug-h . ''—AtuenjEUm . Richahp Bentley , New Burlington-street .
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THE QUARTERLY REVIEW , NO . CCXI .. IS PUBLISHED THIS DAY . Contents : — 1 . Life of ErasmuSi ' . 2 . Annals and Anecdotes of Life Assurance . 3 .. Popular Music of the Olden Tune . 4 . Patrick Fraser Tytler . 5 . Progress of Geology . 6 . The Islands of the Pacific . 7 . Berkshire . . . 8 . Invasion of England . ' John Murk at , Albemarle-street .
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BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE For AUGUST , 1850 . No . DXX . VI . Price 2 s . 6 d . CONTENTS : — London Exhibitions—Conflict Of the Schools .. The Luck of Ladysmede . Part VI . Lord Macaulay and the Highlands of Scotland . Leaders of the Reformation . Felicita . Part I . The Master of Sinclair ' s Narrative of the ' 15 . The Haunted and the Haunters . The Peace—What is it ? Wiiliam BliACKvroor * and Sons , Edinburgh andLondou
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DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE For AUGUST . 2 s . Cd . Artist and Craftsman . Part IT . Sir William Hamilton ' s Metaphysics . By Dr . SI'Cosh Our Foreign Policy . Recent Tourists . Relations of the Irish to the Northmen . By Dr . Latham A Woman ' s Sacrifice . Part I . . Irish Art Exhibitions . ' _ The Season Ticket , No . V . John Bull and his piggins . The Showy . St . Theodtilc . Tho Royal Academy . Growlings at i ' cace . Dublin : Alex . Tiiom and Sons . London : Hurst aud KtACKETT .
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FRASER'S MAGAZINE FOR AUGUST , 1850 , 2 s . Cd ., contains : — The Barons Of Buchan . — A Contribution to Local History By Sliirley . Concerning Hurry and Leisure . A Bunch of Song-Flowers . By Alexander . Smith . Holmby House . JByG . J . Whyte Melville , author of "Di ^ Lj Grand . " Part VIII . A Journey across the Field . Sword and Gown , By the author of "Guy Llvinsrstone . " PartV , . Alison ' s " History of Europe from 1815 to 1852 . Thoughts on Reserved People . By a Candid Man . Alpine Literature . The Legend of Arc . thusa . ¦ . The Peace of Villnfrauca . . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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This day a New . Scries , Two Volumes , post 8 ro ., ' 14 s ., FRIENDS IN COUNCIL . Lately Published , a Now Edition , Two Volumes , Os ., of FRIENDS IN COUNCIL .. London : John VT . Pabkek aud Son , West Strand .
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THE LATE WAR ITST ITALY . In foolscap , 8 vo , 2 s . boards ; 2 a . Od . extra cloth . CONTINENTAL EUROPE from 1792 to 1859-. With Details of the War , and what led to it . By J . W . KING . " ltightin views and correct in details . A book of great usefulness to those -wholike to sppak on present facts , ami know very little about Italian affairs . "—Gavasszi , London : Knioht&Son , and allltookscllers and railways .
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Appendix to Kinff ' 8 CONTINENTAL EUROPE . —Now ready , price 0 d ., A HANDY BOOK ABOUT THE WAR . By J . W . KING . I . Preparation for tho War of Italian Liberty . —II . TIic Struggle , with full Details of the Battles from Montcbollo to Solfcrino . —III . Peace , anil the Worth of It . London : Knight & Son , and all ftooksollorH and railways .
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MKS . GORE'S STANDAKD NOVELS . 2 s . each , boards . THE DIAMOND AND THE PEARL . "A novel In Mra . Gore's best slylc . r—Bentlkv . ( Just published . ) TEMPTATION AND ATONJiiaiENT , By Mrs . Gore ( Just published , ) ROMANCES OV REAL LIF 10 . Hy Mm . Gore . THE BANKElt'S WIFE ; or , Court aud City , liy Mrs . Gore . MI 2 MOIRH OF A PEEHESSj or , tho Days oi ' Fox . By Mm . Goro PEERS AND PARVENUS . JJy Mrfl . Goro . London : Knight & Son , ami all IIookBollora and KnlUyjiyn .
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MAXWELL'S PENINSULAR SKETCHES-12 nio ., cloth , !) 8 . PENINSULAR . SKETCHES . By W . II . MAXWELL , Esq .. author of " Mootor O'llitUorim , " " Storks of Waterloo , " &o . London . Sold by Wji ^ mam Tb « o , 8 . ) , Quooii-strcot , Choupflldo , 10 . C .
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BURTON'S ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY . 8 vo ., cloth , 8 h . ( id . THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY . Wlmt it la . Wltti nil KJumb , ( Ihuhoh , 8 ymptoiun , Tro ^" noftUea , tmd eovurnl Curoa of it . In Tlu-oo I ' m-lltlonn . A nqw edition , corrected , and onrlohod hy Trnuslatlonu of the numoroiia OhiHuloal Extrmita . London t William Tkoo , 85 , Quoon-et ., Ohoapaldu , 12 . CJ .
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London i Printed brMosBrti Kollv nnd Co 18 to 21 Old Boawoll Court , in tho Parish of St . Olomont ' a Pnnoa , Strand , W . O ., and iiubllnliod by Frederick Quant Tomtlpv , *^ n »» w t * nnwo Dy MOflBro . ^\ ° . Vi ^ no Lo » Uor ' omoo , No . isTCntherluo-etroot , Btrnnw , both In tho County of Mtadloaox .-July tfo , uw .
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Qno - THE LEADER . fNo . 188 . July 30 > 1959 .
Leader (1850-1860), July 30, 1859, page 900, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2305/page/24/