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• , ' , ff . VTEi ; i . OO l'LACE , l'ALL MALL , LOXDON . Eutpoircrvil by Special Act of Parliament , & Vic , Cap . XXV , The existing- Kcveuuc from Premiums exceeds , ( J 100 , 000 . BOARD OF DlKKCTOKS . George Alexander Hamilton , Ksq ., . Chairman . John Cheethunt , Ksq ., . St ' alybridye . Tames Davidson ,-Esq ., ¦ llroacl-stroet IJuildinsrs . John ' Field , Ksq ., Warnford-eourt , Citv . Charles Toi-stt r , Ksq ., M . I ' , for Walsall . Kieliard Francis George , Ksq ., 10 , Iloyai Crescent , Until ., Tlio .-. ( . ' . Hay ward , Esq . ; Minorh's anil Highbury . Henry II . Harrison , Ksq ., Sf . John ' s Wood ; J . H . c « iv : iiis . Ksq ..-47 , Mortimer-stre .-t , Cavendish-square . T . 'Y / MoJhri . stK-, Ksq ., ltcvising- JSai-rister for tin : City of London , . . . . . James I-M ^ nnl Mi : Connell . Ksq ., Wo'vcrtori . John . 'Moss , Ks « j ., lieform Club , and i > . rl > y . Charles WiHi . im tfcynolds , Ksq ., \ i , Katorj-plaeo , Fiiii'lieo . liirhard Spopn < ir , Esql , M . P . for North Warwickshire ? II . Wiekhym Wickham , Ksq ., M . l \ for Bradford , Thomas Winkworrh , Ksq ., ( Jreshajn Club , awl Crmonbury . This-is the only Society rransa ' fttinc' Life Assurances with Fidelity Guarantee , whose Policies of ( Guarantee arc authorised ( by Special Act of Parliament ) to be accepted by Government . ¦ - Lists of . Shareholders , Prospectuses , and Agency applications , may be obtained , on application to the Secretary , 2 , WATK 15 LOO PLACE , TALL MALL , LONDON , S . W .
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TO PERSONS CONNECTED WITH INDIA , THE MEDICAL INVALID ¦ A >" L > . GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . ESTABLISHED 1 S 41 . 1 £ ' inpowered by . Special Act of Parliament . Capital £ 500 , 000 Sterling . HEAD OFFICE , 25 , PAT / L - MALI ,, LONDON . With Agencies throughout , the United Kingdom ., and in some of the Principal Towns on . the Continent of Europe , and Branches and Agencies throughout India and Ceylon . FOR ( . aiAXTIXG ASSi : nAXCBS ON HVKS , KN X ) OAV-. MKNTS . ¦ AXI ) ANNUITIES . INDIAN BRANCH . mllLS OFFICE lias resumed active operations J- in nil parts of Her Majesty ' s . Dominion ' s in India , at ordinary rates of premium on approved lives . Life Assurance has the following- among- Other advantages : — J . It enables persons , by paying n small sum of money periodically , to secure an independence iur their lainilies . •'» It is specially convenient to Officers in the Army , and to Professional Men of . every description , whose incomes depend on their lives . 3 . It facilitates transactions for raising money on loan .. 4 . It is available to secure the ultimate payment of bad or doubtful debts . ; - >¦ . The fulfilment of the conditions of Marriage Settlements 0 . It enables Partners in Mercantile Firms to provide ngalnst loss by the death of their <' o-partnvrs . 7 . It reimburses the purchasers of Life Annuities for the sum invested . 5 . in general It affords certain mean * of indemnity against any probable claim or pecuniary loss to Which Public Bodies or Individuals are exposed , in the event of the death bf others . llcj ' crcnce in requested to this Society ' s detailed announcements in mo . it of the Indian Papers and Serials , Including the Friend , of India , Englishman , HnrJtuni , Mofussillta , JJe / hi . Gazette , Lahore Chronicle , Bombay ' Times , Madras Athenmum , and . Ceylon . Times . Pr ' oi * l > ccf uses sent to any part of India . Jly order , Calcutta , April , lKV . t . J ' . M . TA IT , Secretary .
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THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE . Incorporated A . !> .. 17 sJ 0 , by Charter of George 1 he First . Chief Ofiice , ltoyal E xchange , London ; Branch , «> , Pall-mull . l ^ IRE , LIFE , and MARINE ASSURANCES J- on liberal terms . Life Assurances with , or without , participation In Profits . Divisions of Profit r . vKnr Fivr . Vkaiis . ANY SUM l l" TO . C 15 , 000 , 1 NSUIIA 15 LK OX TII 1 C SAMK LIKK . A liberal Partiotpntloii in Profits , with exemption under lioyul Charter from the liabilities ofpiirtiiershlp . A rate of Uonus equal to the average returns of Mutual ( Societies , with the additional guarantee of a large invested Capital-Stock . The nrtvnntapvK of modern practice , with the security of an Olllce wlnt ^ e reHources have been tested by the experience Of NliAIII . V A CENTfUV A > 1 ) A HALF . A Prospect us and Table of Uonus will be forwarded on nppliuntlon . . IOIIX A . IIIUMAM , Actuary and Secretary . 'J'lio Revei'tflonary Iiouum on Itiitiih I ' ollcies has averaged 18 i > Kit ci : nt . upfiu the rreiuluin . t paid , or very nearly ' , ' i'i : u ci-N'i ' . w . n annum upon the sum uhmu'l-iI .
Untitled Ad
LONDON CHARTERED BANK OF AUSTRALIA . IXCOltl'OU . VTKI ) I » Y ltOYAI , CHAKTKIt . l'AID-Ur CAPITAL , 700 , 000 . / . Ciiaiiiman ' -IH' . VCAN IirNMAI . ' , 10 n < j . Bjgpl ty-Chau ^ i . v . v—WILLIAM FANK I > K SALLS , Kmj . OrriCKH—17 , CANNOjN-STKKKT , K . C . ' MSTTKUH tif CUICDIT and DILLS of KNCllAMii : arc fVi'Ulit Oil on iho Hra \ i (! hes of this bank at Sydney , Molhniii'in ( Jceloug . Atai'yborougli , Arnrat , and Kall'lnil . . ' i > UAKTSt ) u the Australian Culonles neunlluted and feiif for ciuiU'ctloii . Jly order ofthe Court , ( i . M . HKI . l ., Secretary .
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DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BAKK . F 1 VK PER CliNT . ou sums for lixcl porimlc , or ut bovi'ii duvrt' notice , or Tliree iierCviit , i \\ Cam .. ( J . II . LAW . . Aliiiia ^ OniceB , 0 , CaiMion-Htruet West 10 . C .
Untitled Ad
TEW POUNDS REV / ARD . W 1 IEIIKAS DAVID 1 JAIHD KISH , lnU' * Cliirk and Canlihii' todloorjuo Wink , Kurj ., Accinuiliint , »\« 'H | . ( i (> orue - Mtreet , ( Jliinu-ow , islands eliai'U ' ed With MKKACII OF Tltl'ST AN I ? K ^ KK / . / LKM KNT , mill i \ wiirrniit . luiR heon iHwued for U \ n nppn . 'lieiiMlmi . NOTM'H J « I . IKUKIJY ( IIVKN that a KKWAltD OF TKN ¦ IOLInDS will bo imld to liny pi'i-fcui who hlinU u'lvo Much i 1 ! ' 01 . ' 1 ! " ' n « Hhnll liMid to tho apj > re ! ieiiHlon el tho mild I'livkl llalrd NIhIi . liiliiniiiitlon to bu ulvm to the l ' rucurutoru FInohI , County-biilldlngH ' , OhiHttow .
Untitled Ad
JJKKCKNKLL , TUUNKH , AND -SUNSHAND CANDLESTICKS , ¦ W Hb Ueglritured OIiimh Sh ' iideH , entirely prevent , thu gutter-Ing- of ciiiiiUeM when earrlud about . Jlrecknell , Turner , and Souh , wax mid tallow chandler * mill mmp and oil uiurchanlH , at the llechlve , Ul and If . ' , Hay market , S . W .
Untitled Ad
THE . HYGIENIC SPRING LATHS 1110 DST K A I ) (( Joyi'lln ' rt l ' atnnt i couiUuliig the udvailtages of Metallic IteilsteadH with the tMUifurl ol' a Sjirlng . MallniHH al less than half the cost , ( Yrtlllcd liy medical Iliell art 11 it lieHt Illlil Ullirtt cinillurtlllile MfilHti'llil ever IIIvi . 'iileih Invaluabki for hot olhnateM euinuit po »« lbly Imrbolir vuriuli' . Sohl bv yv . II . KUKMiUV , Au ' i'iit , -lii'J Oxfurd-streil , London , Nv . C .
Untitled Ad
THE UNIVERSAL GAS BURNER llfiliL ' J . ATdlt ( Ueylln ' s Patent ) . Tho only one In the world liy wiilcli 111 o llame i ' rum Argund , Flsli-tall , and all other burners lvniainninvariabhuindcr all variations ofpres-Htuv . 'iiiu ) the cont of each Jiyht is len « than olio fiirthiiiy per iiour . Cnn of Jlxeil horlzanta ) , Homo to , or at u dlstanco from , the llurner Is orniuncntal . -Hlinple iucoiictriiclioi ) , ifoiislMtlny of a diiuble chiiinber . 'Jhi inner pcrl ' oritud . covered with a dlaiihrag'iii , giving n ' ctlon to a Hpherlcal valve . I rice ! lrt . I'ticli . ( One sent on receipt ul \ 'ls , ( Id . In postag'ehllUllpH , ) W . II . Kknnkiiy , Agent , HW , O . sfurd-sireut , London . W . i '
Untitled Ad
MAPPIX'S DRESSING CASKS AJSD TRAVELLING BAGS . Gentleman's Leather Dressing-Case , fitted ^ 1 ^ { > Gentleman ' s Solid Leather Dressing Case , ^ # > ^ GeiitlenuiVv ' HLeli ' tix ' r ' Travelling and DrcHhliig Uag , titled with 10 Articles , Outside Tucket , complete . •••; ' . ;; . ¦•* Do do . < 1 «> . with add lloi of - Writing Materials , Patent Ink , and Light , ^ „ Ge ^ th ^ mn'H ' v ^ y iarge ; " i ; : iiag ; ' ^ li ' 'i ^ uss : ing mill Writing -UnUrlalH , Ul Articles , Out- ^ ^ ^ c"KSrMSViVi " wVii ; hw I ' Plated FittlngH , Ijcut «; i «^ . « l «« ' < l " "h . ' « Al" ttJi | ( J a GinMonni » " « 'i ? ' h .. ' " \ Vi ' -ilV . iw ' and ' I ' mmVlng Yuw . IlltoSr with every n-cessary , very handsome . ^ . ^ q Kim !!!?! ' " lioiiiVa ' r ' tMiUy . ' s 'rriiv ' elilu' ^ lVag . "ia hi ' . ! ¦ ' Llnml Sill " , Mltcd willi I I Arties , Oulsldo ^ ^ wSJCt' La-ly ' s ' TraWmng J . l . g , i . V . f . Vl ' " ' Silk , tilled willi H » Art . cl . s , oulsld ,. i'uckel , ^ f ^ ¦ 'i "" ' ' ' ,, - , ; ; r 1 ; . "" : "' wiVii M « iaii ' i » Vi " . of Writing . Materials , Ink , uud Light , coiu- ^ ^ ^ Luv . ' ml jVeiiVliVr " l \; idV'VNvi ' lVl ! ig ' a"d l'VesMiig lla g K . In ., lUtcd With ^ Arllcles , culliplele . XIO 0 O ,, 3 Leall . er Lady's Wriilngand I . vH » l .. g llag , l . ' i In ., lltled wllh : i <( Arllcles , Outsldo Lev : ; " I ^ : ; her ' L ^ ly ^ T ; av ; niMgand ; i ; . ^'" K " " llag , M In ., fitted very < | ilH . i ; , SI vor T ( . ] . h to TilasH and llolllr .., Ivory llrushes , very ly ^ C ~ : ~ . . . ftX ^ K' ^ te ' , > >" warded by L ' otit on reoipt ol Twelve Stiimim . p ^ ( S \ ' . ' ' ' ) , * " MAIM'IN nitOTIIKUS , ZL jaffi \
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MAPPIN'S "SHILLING" RAZORS Warranted good by the Makers . MAPPIN'S , ' s . KA / . d Itrf . Shave well for Three Years . MAITIN'S aa . UAXOKSf Huitable for Hard or Soft Dennis ) Shave well for Ten Yoara .
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NEW MODE OF ACQUIRING WEALTH . See the Prospectus of the VUUI . IC LIFK A . S . Sl . Tij ANCK COMPANY , 17 , Charing Crpss , London , which describes the way to obtain 10 , 000 / . Consols jmynblo during life ; or r > , OHO / . Consols payable ut dealh , for a lVeiuiuia of One : Guinea . No other eharyo nor liability . . ... , No medical examination . No references lo friends required . Male and female liv-.-a admitted on equal terms . . Applications for Prospectuses , 'Form . * of Proposal , » ve , fo » bo made to G . . 1 . FA . UUANCH , Managing Director , at thii Chief ( . ( fflces , \ 7 , Charing Cross , London . Agents wanted throuirhout the United Kingdom .
Untitled Ad
THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY have never contemplated transferring- their Itiisincs ' s to any other Company whatever , but continue to insure against every description of Accident resulting either in Death or Injury W . J . VJAN" , Secretary-3 , Old Jtroad-8 troet , K . C .
Untitled Ad
ACCIDENTS ARE OF DAILY OCCURRENCE . Insurance data , show that . ONlfl PERSOX in every FIFTKKN is more or less injured by Accident yearly . An Annual Payment of £ 3 secures A FIXED ALLOWANCK OF £ G 1 'KIl . WEEK IN THE EVENT OF INJUKY , . OK £ 1 , 000 IN CASK OF DEATH FKOM ACCIDENTS OF KVKllY DKSC 1 UPTION , By a Policy in the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY , Which has already paid iii compensation for Accidents Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses may be had at the Company ' s Otlic . es , and at all this principal ltailway Stations , where , also , llailway Accidents alone may be insured against by the Journey or year . NO CHAltGK FOR STAMP DUTY . CAPITAL , ONE MILLION . WILLIAM J . VIAN / , Secretary . Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , Offices , 3 , Old lirqad-strect , London . K . C .
Untitled Article
Untitled Article
" yOlTxT No . 494 . ] SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1859 . Price [ ^ gg ^^ ggg ^ 08
The European Assurance Society,
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 10, 1859, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2311/page/1/