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Untitled Ad
MR . HOWARD ,, SURGEON-DENTIST , Ko . 52 , FLEET-STUEKT , has introduced an entirely new description of AllTU'LCIAL TEETH , fixed without springs , wires or ligatures . They so perfectly resemble the natural ' teeth as not to be distinguished from tlie originals by the closest observer ; they will never change colour or decay , and will be found superior to any teeth ever before used . This method does not require the extraction of roots or any palniul operation , will support and preserve teeth that mo loose , and is guaranteed to restore articulation and mastication . Decayed teeth stopped and rendered sound and useful in mastication : —52 , lleetstreet , London . —At home from Ten till Five . ,
Untitled Ad
CADIZ . A PUKE TALK SHERRY , of tUe Amontillado character , 38 s . per dozen , Cash . We receive a regular and direct shipment of this line wine . HEN It V BUETT and Co ., Importers , _ Old Pumival ' s Distillery , Ilolborn , i-. O
Untitled Ad
EAU-DE-VIE . This pure PALE BK-AXDY , though only 10 s . per gallon , is demonstrated , upon Aiialysis , to be peculiarly tree troni acidity , and very superior to recent importations ot veritable Cognac . In French Bottles , 34 s per dozen ; or securely packed in a case for the country , 35 s . —H-vMC-i : JJlii- J . J . and CO ., Old Furnival ' s Distillery , Holborn .
Untitled Ad
ECONOMY . A 10-f ^ allon cask ( equal to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOUTH AFRICAN SHEUltY , for Four Guineas , or 20 s . per dozen ; best Port , 24 s . per dozen . Cask or bottle , aiid case included . Threedozehs carriagefrce . Cash . —HMEKEYS . ABBO T 1 , and CO ., Importers , 22 and 23 , High Holborn . Established 1831 . ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ . ¦ . ' :
Untitled Ad
DOES YOUR TAILOR FIT YOU ? TRY J . SMITH , 38 , LOMI 1 AKD STREET , K . C . —SOLFERIXO TROUSERS , all "Wool , of the Newest Designs , hi " endless Variety , to order . 16 s . —Observe the Address—38 , LOMBARD STREET .
Untitled Ad
H Y"AM and CO . 'S COISTJOl ^ T GAU _ \ IKXTS ^ -Conaistiu ' g of Guinea Co ; it and Vest , Tni'uly sjiiiriiK . " Trousers and VeBt , and Thirty-eight Shilling Whole Sui (< - well designedfrom uniform piittci-us > ¦ " •* XOXDON : 80 , Oxford-street : P . rK-flNGHAM : 21 , :. ' : > , and M , A ' ew-street LEEDS : 42 , Brigg : tte .
Untitled Ad
T A WHENCE H YAM'S SEA-SIDE GARMENTS . U —Tourists and Marine Visitors arc recommended to make inspection of these new and improved Designs . T AWRENCE HYAM'S GARMENTS of a PATJJ TERN , in elegantly uniform and serviceable fabrics . Coat and Vest alike , 21 s . Trousers and Vest alike , 20 s . Entire Suits alike , 38 s . Materials iu great variety . T AWRENCE HYAM'S TROUSERS and VESTS : JlJ Elegantly cut and-wrought in ample variety of Pattern . T AWRENCE HYAM'S BOY'S SUITS FOR JJ BETTER "WEAR . —The Quality , Fashion , Adaptation , and Finish of these Suits are universally admired . Prices , 20 s ., 25 s ., and 30 s . ' ¦¦ ¦ FaWRENCE HYAM'S DRESSES for CHILDJLJ REN ;—These arc the most unique Dress Suits ever introducedfor Juvenile adoption . Prices 10 s . 0 d ., 13 s . Cd ., and 21 s . T AWRENCE HYAM'S SPECIFIC NOTICE . JJ The Proprietor would emphatically notify that he is in no way connected with any other House in London than the following : — CITY ESTABLISHMENT , 36 , Graceehurch-street , E . C . WEST-END BRANCH , 189 and 190 ( corner of Irancisstreet ) , Tottenhani-court-road . W . ^^^
Untitled Ad
HYAM and Co . ' s CA-vLIUilDGE SAcT ^ d PAGET JACKETS . —The best possible gai-juc-nts for gentlemen ' s customary iu-door or out-door wear lvi ,.. 12 s . Od ., 16 s . 6 d ., 21 s ., -Tib ., and : ils . ( id . CTYAM and CO . 'S DRESS and SljilTOUT -EX COATS , iii "West of Kugland Wool-dyed lUut-lc Cloths Invisibles , . Saxony Broud Cloths , Woadcd Fabrii- < w ' Price 2 ob . to 03 s . " ' YAM and Co . ' s OVER COATS and CAFES " in Venetian and Llama Cloths , Undressed and Mixed Tweeds , Lustres , Merinos , Cushmerettes , &e . Price 1 O < i ; , i 21 s ., 20 s ., and 35 s . __ __ '" YAM and CO . 'S JUVENILE ' COS-rawI displaying faultless adaptation to early age , hnbii < iuul growth . Children's Belt Suits in new and bountiful n ' i ; iterials . l ' rico 10 s . Od . j 15 s . ( id-., and 21 )? . IJght Ovcrcoius ' .,,,, ! Capes , gs . Otl ., 10 s . fid ., 12 s . Cxi . ' . .- ii i H YAM and Co . ' s HARROW , ETOX ^ and RUGBY SUITS . Three new styles , beconiin-- in . desiirn , serviceable for school or dress wi > ar , and admit-Titilv adapted for young gentlemen . Price lis . ( id ., -Jis ., - . 'O . s ., ami 31 s . 0 d . HYAM and CO . 'S CLOTIITXC 3 TO ORDER , designed in every variety of Xovcl Fabric ' French and English Cutters employed . ; HYAM and CO . 'S Ti-ue-iittiiig TROUSERS — To order , on a self-adjusting and sli ; i ] . > ..--r < .-t ; ii _ iii " system , l ' ricc 17 s . Gd . ; Vests to match , Ss . Oil .. CAUTION . HYAM and CO . are connected only with the following Establishments : — . LONDON : SO , Oxford-street . BIRMINGHAM : 21 , 22 , and 2 : j , New street . LEEDS : 42 , Briggate .
Untitled Ad
TTENEKJE YS' COGNAC , a pure French Brandy , JLL pale or brown , 20 s . per gallon , 42 s . per dozen . Packages to be returned within three months , or charged Is . per gallon . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid . TENEKE YS' LONDON BRANDY , Pale or XX brown , 14 s .. per gallon , 30 s . per dozen . Three dozens carriage iree . ' ; TTENEKEYS' LONDON GIN , as from the Ii . still , and the strongest allowed , sweet or dry , 12 s . per gallon , 20 s . per dozen . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid ; Country orders must contain a remittance . TTENEKEY'S PRICES CURRENT of -EL WINE ' S . and SPIRITS sent post-free on application . HENEKEYS , ABBOTT , and CO ., Gray ' s Inn Distillery , 22 and 2 : t , High Ilolborn , W . C . Established 1831 .
Untitled Ad
NEW DISCOVERY—TEETH . BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . Messrs . GABRIEL'S ( the old established dentists ) im provement in VULCANISED INDIA RUBBER , & GUTTA PERCIIA as a foundation of lining to GABRIEL'S MINERAL TEETH renders them unapproachable in . point of comfort and durability . There arc ho springs or wires , no extraction of roots , while the fit is of the most unerring accuracy . Success is o-tiaranteed , even hi cases where others have failed . It is much lighter , more durable , and congenial to the mouth , and is entirely free from either taste or smell . Messrs . Gabriel are enabled to offer . the advantages of first-class materials and -workmanship ( from being manufacturers of everyspeciality appertaining to the profession ) at charges lower than any advertised . Only at their establishments—33 , LUDGATE HILL ( observe number particularly ); Westend branch , 110 , REGENT STREET ( established 1804 ); and at DUKE STREET , LIVERPOOL . American Mineral Teeth , the best in Europe , from 3 s . Cd . per tooth ; sets , _ " 4 4 s .
Untitled Ad
ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE And PRIVATE BATH . ESTABLISHMENT , 105 , Groat Rtis ' sfU-streot , Bloomsbiiry , WiC . —Simple and' Medicated VAPOUR ,- GALVANIC , and ELECTKO-CIIKMKAI , BATHS , on improved principles . For the extraction of Lead , Mercury ,. and other Minerals from the body , and for the cure of Nervous , Diabetic , . ' Paralytic , 'Cutaneous , Hepatic , Spinal , Rheumatic Gout , and other . diseases . Medical Superintendent—JOHN SKKLTu . N , Escj ., M . D ., M . R . C . S ., Eng . For terms , &C , see circular , sent free ' upon receipt ot address . ' . . ¦ ¦
Untitled Ad
WINE K 0 LONGER ' AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . WELLEK & HUGHES' SOUTH AFRICAN WINES — Port , Sherry , and Madeira , 20 s . and 24 s . per Dozen ; Amontillado , 24 s . and 28 s , per Dozen . Extract from Dr . XetJieby s Analysis of our IFfnes : — * 'T find youi Wine pure and unadulterated , and liave no < lqubt of its being far more wholesome than the artificial mixtures tpo often sold for genuine sherry . ( Signed ) "Henry Lktheuv , M . B ., London Hospital . " A Pint Sample of any of the above for Twelve Stamps . Colonial Brandy , Pale or ISroxyn , 15 s . and 18 s . Od . per gallon , or 30 s . and 87 s . per Dozen . We deliver free to any London Railway Terminus , or to nny Station in England for Is . per Dozen . Terms , Cash . WELLER AND HUGHES , Importers of Foreign and Colonial Wines and Spirits , 27 , C ' rutehed Friars , Mark Lane , London , E . G .
Untitled Ad
DR . PE JONGH'S ( Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium ) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL Administered with the greatest success in cases of CONSUMPTION , GENERAL DEBILITY . RHEUMATISM , INFANTILE WASTING , AND ALL THE DISORDERS OF CHILDREN ARISING FROM DEFECTIVE NUTRITION , Is the most efficacious , the most palatablo , and , from its rapid curative , eff'ects , unquestionably the most economical of all . kinds . Its immeasurable therapeutic superiority over every other variety is attested by innumerable spontaneous testimonials from Physicians and Surgeons ot European reputation . opinion of EDWIN LANKESTER Esq ., M . D ., F . R S . Late Lecturer on the Practice of Physic tit St . George ' s Medical School . Superintendent of the Food Collection at the South Kensington Museum , &c . &c . " I believe that the purity and genuineness of this Oil is secured in its preparation by the personal attention of bo good a Chemist and intelligent a Physician as Dr . do Jongh , who has also written the best Medical treatise on the Oil with which I am acquainted . Hence 1 should deem the Cod Liver Oil sold under his guarantee to bo profcrublo to any other kind us regards genuineness and medicinal cfllcacy . " Sold only in iMPHKiAr , Mnlf-ninta , 2 s . 0 d . 5 Pints , 4 a . Od . ; Quarts , 0 s ., capsuled and labelled with Du . job Jonqii ' s stamp and wigiuiture , without which none is genuine ; in the provinces by respectable Chemists , IN LONDON BY HIS SOr . E AOENTB , ANSAR , IIARFORD , & CO ., 77 , STRAND , W . G . CAUTION '—Stroniioualy resist proposed Substitutions .
Untitled Ad
DAILY , AT THREE O'CLOCK ( ami on 3 Ioniluy and Saturday , evenings at half-past eight ) , DR . KHAN WILL DELIVER HIS CELEbrated and popular LECTURE on the "riiilo $ oi > liy ol Marriage , " embracing When and Whom t <> . "Mnrry—Iliipuy and Unhappy Unions , and Their Causes—Tlie Circti Sn-lul Evil and its Cure—New Views of Men and Thiiiu > --D 1111-gers of Youth and of Advanced Age—How to ruvi ' . iv Mora ! and Physical Happiness . The MUSEUM ^ : i , Tichl » orne Street , Huyinnr ' at , h OPEN DAILY ( for gintleinou only ) . —A . Illusion , U . Handbook free to Visitors . Dr . Khan ' s tnniisc on 1 m Philosophy of Marriage , " free bv post i ' or twelve stumps , direct from the author , 17 , Hurley ytrtvi , r . 'iivrnilicli Square .
Untitled Ad
DR . LA'MERT , Registered L . S . A ., Honorary Member Of the London Hospital . UedieHl . SoWrly . M . I > .. < ' ! the University of Erlaimvn , & »• ., continues in !»• < <••> SULTE 1 ) on all Cases of Debility , NervouMios-, mitl the Secret hiarniKlos of Youlli , Manliood , « i » J Ohl A } , " ' . DATLY , from 11 till _ ,. and from 1 ) till * , 111 11 i =- r .-fl . Uiic " , . 7 , lVKl . ) K () Rl > -SQUAKE , LONDON . Dr . J . u ' . Murt lms just publisjied , price Sixpence , with niinieroun . iMivruvings und CuHCS . a New Edition of IiIh Work , eiilillfd , SELF PRESERVATION . AN 1 CS . S . VY OX TsKK \< l-DEBILITY , w'hlfh will bo forwarded , posl-in'r in n BOftled onvelope , by Mann , Uook « i-ller , itU . Conililll , London or by the Author , from hln roHideiiee , to nny mldres .-. for eight postage . Mtampi ) . Contents : — Section I . Tho Pliysiology of the Cienerutive < H'Wihih . . Section II . Puborty—Mimhood— -Tlie Mornlo oi ( . einnttivo PhyHlology—True and Falso MornlKy . . Section IIIV Marriage In its Social , . Moral , ami 1 'liyaJcnl Relations—Its Expectancies and . DIwippointiHiiil * . Hoctlon IV . Spormutorrhoou — Storllity In both . *>< . x on-Self-lnlUotcd Mlsorlos— Sad ConnqqiuineeH of rsi ^ -li-rt . Section V . Tho Vices oi ' SchOolH—KIl ' uctHoi < vrliiln |> . T » iclous hal ) its on the montal facuUIOH—li » pprl «»<•*• ¦ - ' "' , Socirlon VI . Treatment of Novvquh I > Vblllly- lnn . oU-n <' v and Storlllty—DanaorouH KomiUh of various JSovi'l Itt-inoflleH—Tho Author ' s 1 ' rlnclplen of Treatment : . 'Mrilluiil , l >« - Uillo , niul Uunornl , derived from Twenty Ycur * Niicci-eMui practice . , , _ .
Untitled Ad
j ^ OTIC E . —To INDUCE A TRIAL of " ^ SOUTH AFRICAN WINES ( the consumption of -which has now nearly reached 420 , 000 dozen por annum—vide Board of Trade Returns ) , a case containing four samples , sealed-and labelled , will bo forwarded on receipt of 30 postage stamps , viz ., half-pint bottle each of best South African Sherry , Port , Madeira , and Amontillado , bottles and case included . Colonial Brandy , 16 s . por g allon . — Address ANTHONY itROUGH , 20 , Strand , W . C .
Untitled Ad
A BROWN AND POLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR , Preferred to tho host Arrowroot . DoUclouu lu Puddings , Custards , Jilunouunge , Cake , &o ., and ESPECIALLY SUITED TO THE DELICACY OF CHIJLDRBN AND INVALIDS . Tho Lancet states , "This Is suporlor to anything of tho kind known . "—Obtain it whore inferior articles arc not substituted . From Family GrocorB , UhomiRts , Confootlpnovs , nnd Corn dealers . —77 a , Marko ^ -stroot , Manchester ; and 23 , Ironmongor-lano , London . .
Untitled Ad
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . . Notice of Injunotion . Tho admtrors of this colobrfttod FIsU Sauco aro nartloulnrly requested to obaorvo that none is gonnlno but Unit which boars tho baok label with tho name of WaitAM LA . ZEN 1 JY , as well as tho iVont label » lgned *> Elizabeth Laxenb // , " and that for further soowrity , on the iioplc of every bottle of t ho Genuine Sauce will henceiorward appear a « nmlltlonnl labol , printed in green and rod , qs follows : — "This notloo will bo alllxod to Lazonby ' t 1 Hui'voy's Suuoo , proparod at tho original wurohouso , In addition to tho well-known labels , which aro protected against Imitation by a porpotual injunction lnChmioory ot Oth July , 18 SH . "—¦> 0 . Ifldward-Htroot , Portman-Mquaro , London .
Untitled Ad
AN ACT OF GRATITUDEOA flf \ n Copies of ( i MEDICAL BOOK for < £ \ J >\ J \ J \ J crratuHout ) circulation . A Nervous SijfrEUEn having Boon effectually ourod of Nprvous Doblllty , X , oss of Momory , Dlmnoas ot SJffht , Lassltudu , and IiwllttOBtlon , roaultlng from tho oarly errors of youth , by follow-Snff tho inatruotVons fflvon in a MHDICfrVL WORK , ho eonsldorfl . lt hla duty , in o-ratitudo to tho author , and lor t ) io toonoflt of others , to publish tho moans usod . Ho will , therefore . Bond froo , eoouro from obaorvatlon , on receipt of » alrootoa envelope , and two stamps to prepay poatatfo , a * pPy o * tho book , containing ovory Information required . flSo !" ?'^ 1 » Wa _ i . ao » , JOsq . , WHfojrd Houso , Burton-. oroBeojjt , TiwlBtpok-Bquarq . Loutlon . W . C .
Untitled Ad
SUPTU RE S . BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVEK TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gontloinoii' to bo tho most oll ' uotlvo invontlon In tho ourat Ivu treatment ot Horn In . The use of a steel sprlnir ( ho hurtful hi l ( . cfleetn ) Is horo avoided , asoi ' t llantlayebeln ^ worn round tho body , while tho roqulHlto ruslstlng' power 1 h tuippllcd by tho Moo-Main 1 'itd and l ' atunt Lovor , llttlii ^ with ho much eiine and cloHoneH- that It cannot bu detuoted , and may bo worn during sloop A descriptive circular may bo had , and tho Truss ( which cannot fall to fit ) forwarded by pout , on tho olroumforonoo of the body , two Inches below 1 . 1 m hip , being Hont to tho Manufacturer , . JOHN WHITK , ! W 8 , Piccadilly , London . Prlou ol a single ti'tisH , Ida ., 21 s ., ~ 0 a . Od ., and UIm . Od . — Postage 1 b . Doublu TritHS , . 'Us . Od ., •!' - !« ., and &
Untitled Ad
GREY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS NATURAL COLO UK . NEURALGIA . Nervous Ileuilm-ho , "lie ""; " . : tlsm and Stiff , . loliits ourod liy If . M . ' {• ' ; l { . ' .-J . ' . ' . i ? PATWNT MAGNETIC BRUSH K « , 1 <>« . and i : » h . ( < 1 - «»» Sh . Od . to 20 h . Groy hair and J ( aldi \ cHHtiikvd mj »/ F . M . II . '« I'atont l ' rovontivo Jirunli . l ' i ' U-. v , In . " •> V " ' , 1 I 1 I i ( MllooH , j »' , ' , UaHlnKhall-siroi't , London , when- iniiy i »'>>"'!• t / ratis , tho llhiHtratod pamphlet , " W hy I '"' ' ' 1 i : '" !! ' , ' , •;[ and Hh Itcjnoily . " Sold by all Choinfatu and PcMuiih'Ih ui runuto . _ . _—
Untitled Ad
AN ACT OF GRATITUDE . A Olorgyman having boon cured of Norvoim r > l ! l'llll >' : 1 1 ' |^ of Momory , IndlgOBUon , andothorfoarnilI Hympl ""'" ; ' . [ f , ' ous of Imparting to his sufforlng follows tin- nieaiiH « in 1 v his own restoration was so marvollouMly alli ;« to < l , win »< " a book , containing tho nocossary Information , •' . " . } i i of two ponny stamps to nronay postage , adi . li'iH » " < . i - ' » - ' " ¦ North Cumborlana X'laco , lky » water MIUUIowok
Untitled Article
moo THE LEADER . [ No . 494 . Sept . 10 , 1859 ± \ J £ i £ d ¦ ______ " ^ || t ||||| M || , ,,, | - .. .. ' mm . ill' mil n « l ' ¦ ¦ " ¦¦ "" ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ " ¦ l " ' 7 " ' ' ¦ ' ' . ¦ ¦ ' - m ^ utarneanga , ^ ,..
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 10, 1859, page 1022, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2311/page/2/