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CHEAP EDITION . THE BYE-LANES AND DOWNS OF ENGLAND . " With Turf Scenes and Characters . By SVLVANUS . S m all 8 vo ., with Portrait of Lord George Bentinclc . 2 s . Od . Riciiahd BESTtEY , New Burlington-street . ^
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POPULAR EDITION OF " THEBES ' FRENCH REVOLUTION . " To be completed in 40 fortnightly Parts , or 5 Vols . Part 7 on September 15 , and Part S on September ., 0 . Vol . I . on the aoth . -wlth 8 exquisite Engravings , cloth 5 s . Boards ,-is . Od . . Richard Bkntley , Xcw Burlington-street . ^
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ERIN- ^ O-BRAGH ; OR , IRISH LIFE PICTURES . By W . H . MAXWRLi , author of " Stories of Waterloo . " ' 2 vols . postSvo ., with Portrait , 21 s . Ricu . viiD Bestlet , Now Burlington ^ street .
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NEW PUBLICATIONS . ¦ ¦ ' .. . ' ¦ i . . . ¦ ON THE STRENGTH OF NATIONS . By ANDREW BISSTET . M . A . PostSvo . [ NEARLY itEADT . THROUGH NORWAyViTH A KNAPSACK —By W . M . WILLIAMS . 1 ' ost 8 vo . Six Coloured Views and Map . 12 s . cloth . [ Now Keadv . TRONSON'S V 0 YAGE T 0 JAPAN , KAMTSCHATKA , SI BE HI A , TAUTAHY , and the COAST OF CHINA , in li . M . S . " Bnrracouta . " Svo . Charts and Views . 18 s . cloth . IV . TO CUBA AND BACK . By II . II . Dana , Jun ., author of " Two Years Before tho Mast , '' Post . 8 vo ., 7 s . cloth . . New Novel . THE TWO HOMES . By William Mathews , author of "The Ueir of Vallis . " 3 vols . [ This Day . VI . DOMESTIC STORIES . Selected from " Avillion and other Tales . " By the Author of "John Halifax . " New Edition , post 8 vo , 2 s . Od . cloth . [ This Day . VII . AFTER DARK . By Wilkie Collins . New edition . Po 3 t Svo ., 2 s . Gd . cloth . VIII . In Preparation . A NEW MAGAZINE , Edited by Mr . W . M . THACKERAY , to be published Monthly , which will contain Contributions by Eminent Authors . PRICE , ONE SHILLING . SMITH , ELDER , & CO ., 65 , CORNHrLL .
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THE GREAT TRIBULATION COMING ON THE EARTH . ~ By Rev . Dr . CUMMING , Author of "Apocalyptic 'Sketches , " &c . Crown Svo ., 7 s . Od . litciiA . RO Hen'tley , Xcw Burlington-street .
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HU 11 ST & ELACKETT'S NEW WORKS Now Ready , at all the Libraries , A LIFE FOR A LIFE . By the Author of " " JOHN HALIFAX . GENTLEMAN " &c 3 vols . " One of the best of the author ' s works . We like it br > n , r than 'John Halifax . " -Heuaiu . UItr REALITIES OF PARIS LIFE . By the Author of " Flemish Interiors . " 3 vols with Illustrations . ¦ ' * RAISED TO THE PEERAGE By Mrs . OCTAV 1 US . OWEN ' . 3 vols . FEMALE INFLUENCE By Lady CHARLOTTE PEPYS . 2 vols . ALMOST A HEROINE . By the Author of " Charles Auchoster . " a vols . ADAM 6 BJ 1 ME OF MOSSGRAY . By the Author of " airs . Margaret Muitlund . " 5 s . elegantly bound and illustrated , farming the sixth volume of JH'Ijst and BLACKETT'S STANDARD LIBRARY of Cl Ml ' EDITIONS OF POPULAR MODERN' WORKS . ' Hurst and Dlackktt , 13 , Grout Marlboro ugh-strect .
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COMPLETION OF " T HE G 0 R D I A N K N 0 T . " By SHIRLEY BRO OKS , author of ! " Aspen Court . " This popular- Story , extensively illustrated by John Tcnniel , will be published complete on Saturday , the 17 th of September next . The Work may then be obtained in VI Parts ,. or in one Volume , 12 s . 6 d . bound . : Richard Bestlev , New Burlington-street .
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SECOND EDITION . THE SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE . Edited by Lady THERESA LEWIS . Post Svo , 10 s . Od . Richard Bentley , Now Burlington-street .
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JAMES' NAVAL HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN . Vol . VI .. completing : ' the Popular Edition of this Standard . Work ,. crown Svo ., with an Illustration , 5 s . Richard Bentley , JJew Burlington-street .
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TALES FROM BENTLEY . Vol . I . Price Eightcenpencc . Part IV . on September 30 , price Sixpence . Ricuakd Bentley , New Burlington-street .
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PIONEER WOMEN OF THE WEST . By Mrs . E . F . HLLET . In small Svo . Richard Hentley , New . Burlington-street .
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STANFORD'S SERIES OF POCKET GUIDE-BOOKS . Next , week , price 7 s ., THE SOUTH COAST OF ENGLAND , From the Reculvors to tho Land ' s End , and from Capo Cornwall to the Devon Foreland , Including n-U tho information desirable for Visitors or Tourists , as well as for Railway and other short Excursions . By Mackenzie Wamott , Tho Book will also bo sold In Four Parts , viz .: 1 . The Const of Kent ; a . Sussex ; ' . ) . Hants and Dorset ; 4 . Dovon and Cornwall , Prioo Two Shillings ouch . . Stanford ' s Catalogue of Books and Maps for Tourists may be had on application , or per post for one stamp . , London i NJivwahd Stanford , 0 , Charing- Cross , S . W .
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Ou September 1 « t , with Four Hundred Original Illustrations , prloo 3 s . Od ., cloth gilt , THE FAMILY CYCLOPAEDIA , A complete Thp . asuhv < ov Urturur . Inwoiimation on nil MibJcutB bearing , upon the Common Inti'rusts ' njid Dally Wants of Mimkiuil , comprising n Second and entirely New Sorlos of I . —TIHNUH NOT ( ilOXKKALLY KNUWX , H .-TIIINUM THAT OlllidlT To I ! K KNOWN ' . IH .-TIIINWS WORTU KNoWIXU . With Full Inslrui'lloiiH , Drawings , nml SpeellifaMmis for thu Construction of Cottages , Dwelling IiiuiM > t < , nml N 111 ns , tho wholu Conning n Dictionary of Social nml Domestic Economy , copiously Illustrated and carefully written undor eiipervlh ' loti of thy Editors of tint " Fnmlly frleird . " Londoni WARD and LOCK , l . 'A Fleet-street .
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Kinv 01 ft Hook . —OnSoptombor 1 , Ulustrnloil with 1 " 0 Kngraving * . « rownHvo ., pp , |^ , oxtru cloth , r ic h ly gil t buck , bides , nml odgos . Prlyo tta , THE BOY'S BIRTHDAY BOOK : ft" ontiroiy oi'lirlnnl collect Ion of Tulos , KHsnyft , and Nurratlvos of Aifvi'iituros , by Mrx . H . C . llnll , William Ilowlll , AngUHtuH MAyuuwvTJiomna AIllU'is ( Vforgo Augustus 8 nl ) i , Willlnni llrougli , nml Huthorliuid Kdwirds ., London i Houi-hton nutl Wniuur , M , Pntl > ruostor-row .
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THE CRITIC ; W 1 CKKLY JOUIJNAL OF LITKIt VTIJ It K , ART , 8 CI 1 CNC 10 , nnd thu DKAMA , \ t * now publlnhi'd uvory HiMiii'day , prlcu 'Id ., stiimpi'd . ' jiI . Tlio < ii | 'rio coutulii . i Kfvli'WB ol all tilt 1 cniTi'iil , Lllrniliii-i ) oC dm \ Vi'i > l < , Homo mid ForuiH'n , iuuludlug l'VonHi , ( Jitiiiiiii , llallnii , yi'luvoiiic , nml Orluntnl . Avohnjologloul , , Sclriillll (\ -Vrti . itto , IMumIuiiI , mid Drnmatlu HnmmarlcH . Honoris of liio Lcai'iii'd Hoclutlos . Lwnding ArtluK ' H upon LlU-mry ami Artistic Topics , and nil tho Literary , tiulcnllllc , nml Artistic News ol tliu Woi'k . Tho Ctti'i'io mav bu obtuliu > d tlirough tlio Iradu , or ordcrod direct frumthuOlllau , u > , mtllliigtou .-Htrui't . titriuul ,
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llANWELL COLLEGE , MIDDLESEX , Is still retaining- ' . is high aluxrtmtuv . — t ' iiltvU Hurvlcu Onnettu . A I ' roHjKM'tHH wilt Of forwarded ou appltc . it ion to tho llov . Dr . E . MEKTON . Iho I ' rlnolpnl .
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In a vols . Imp . Svo , : i , ti 70 payvn , It . ti . i ., THE " IMPERIAL GAZETTEER : A General Dictionary of Geograph y , Physlcnl , Political , Statistical , and Descriptive , including coniprclu'iislvc accounts of tho Countries , Cities , Principal Towns , Villages , Hens , Lukes , It Ivors , Inlnuds , . MonnTaliiH , Vallvys , &c , In the Worlcl . Edited nv W . U . ULACK 1 E , Ph . D ., F . It . < 1 . S . WITH AIJOVK MKVKN IIUNDUKD 1 l . l . l . ' . S'l'ltA'l'IO . NM , VIEWS , COSTUMES , MA I'M , l ' l . ANH , KT . O . "All tho articles that wu liavo examined—wlu'tlior long or short—havo cxhlblti'il n grcatiT dcgivo of coi'ri'ctni'ss , In inlnute dotnils than wo should havo thought practicable In ho comprehensive « work . " — . ¦ l t / ii i ii « "iiii . "By far tho bust ( iiiscuttuor In our language . " — Critic . Ui . aciui : ami Hon , Warwlclc-sininrc , City , London ; and all Booksellers ,
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In 1 volume imperial t > vo ., 20 . ^ ., A SUPPLEMENT TO THE IMPERIAL DICTIONARY ; ENGLISH , TECHNOLOGICAL , AND SCIENTIFIC . By JOHN OGILVIE , LL . D . IL . JUUSTRATED BY NEAKI . Y FOL'Il III'NDKED ENUItAVlNGS ON WOOD . This Work contains an extensive Collection of Words , Terms , nnd Phrases , in the various departments of Literature , Science and Art ; tog-ether with numerous Obsolete , Obsolescent , and Scottish Words , found hi Chaucer , Sponsor , Shakspcaro , and Scott , not included in previous ICngllsh Dictionaries . " The ' Imperial Dictionary' with its' Supplement' ought to be found In every library of books of rct ' eruncc . "—JMerary Gazette . Blackie and Son , Warwick-sauare , City , London ; nnd all Booksellers .
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MAPPIN'S ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE AND TABLE CUTLE 11 Y . MAPPIN BROTHEKS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the iliwvn , arc the only Sheilh'ld -lifikors who supply the consumer in London . Thrir London Show Rooms , 07 nnd W , King Willhun-strcot , Lomlon-brhliro , contain by far the largest STOCK of ELECTHO-SILVKK PLATE nud TABLE CUTLEUY . in tho > V » rld , which is transmitted direct from their . Manufactorv , ( 2 ueL-n ' d Catlory Works , Shoiliold . Fiddle Double King's Lily Pattern . Thrond . PnttiTii . l ' wftn . X , s . d . X . s . d . £ h . d . £ b . d . 12 Table Forks , best quality .. 1 1 ( 1 u - 11 « ' : i <» 0 : i I - ' o V £ Tablo Spoons do . .. 110 0 Sillo : i i » 0 : t 1-i 0 V 4 Dessert Forks do . .. 1 ? 0 - ! 0 o - ! M "H " 12 Dossort Spoons do . .. 1 7 0 2 oo a 10 a U u Vi Tea Spoons do . .. Ohio 1 ID 1 7 0 1 li > o aSuucoLadlos do . .. <) Ho ( t lo o <» 11 « n ! 'l » 1 Gravy Spoon do . . . <> 7 0 0 lo 0 o 11 o u 1 « i » 4 Salt Spoons ( gilt bowls ) .. o OH o lo 0 u 1- ' o OHO 1 MustardSpoon do . ,, n ] H o 2 d » if o 0 : i U 1 Pnir Sugnr Tongs do . . . o , ; i it o 5 it o ( 10 o 7 o 1 Pnlr Fish Carvers do . .. 1 o o lino 1 1 » o 1 IS n l Buttor Knifo « lo . .. o to o r , u o no o /<> 1 Soup fcadlo do . .. uliii i » lit o o IT ( I 1 oo 0 Egg Spoons ( gilt ) do . .. oloo o l . i o o in o l 1 o Comploto Service .. : C 10 i : j 10 1 . 1 1 ( 1 il 17 i : t « ' -J 1 1 " Any artlofo can bo had si'i > ai"iti'ly at the hiiiiiu jirh'i's OnoSet of Four Corner Dlshe * ( forming N Dishes . ) , ^ . l "> " . j Ono Sot of 1 DIhIi i ' ovurs— viz ., mm ' , ' 0 incli , urn-1 * iii * -lr , iiinl two 11 inch—lo / . Iiih . j Cruet Frame , -J lilass , vfIm . ; Kiill-ftl ^ . Ton and Colfoti Service , It / . 10 s . A Costly limits of Kn ^ rnvings , with prices altuuhod , sont per post on receipt ol u stamps , ,, , Ordinary Medium Net Qualliy . ( . nullity . QaalU } . Two Dozen Full-RIzo Table X , s . d . X s . d . & <*• « ' Knives , Ivory liamlles « " ¦[• : t it » ' l 14 Don . Full-Si / uCheeso ditto .. 1 ¦ 0 11-1 « - ! ( Jno I ' air Itegular Meat Carvors 0 7 ( I nil 0 o j . > Ouo Pair Extra-Sized ditto o H it n K' o ( l ' . ' Ono Pair Poultry t . ' urvors 0 7 f . nil o •» ••» Ono Stool for Sharpening I ) 0 0 o I 0 0 " ^ Comploto Sorvlco , « ll ( t o is ( I Hid <> Messrs . Mappin's Talile Iv ' nlves sllll miilnliilii 'I" 1 ' 1 ' Vh ' m viillod superiority \ all I holr blades , being Ihelvowa Mi . 'lll . ' " manufacture , aro ol'llio Very llrsl i | iinlily , with swiii ' e i u ) i ) llnndlfrt , which do not omno loose 111 hot water i and tin dlU ' oreuoo In prico is ocuaslonod solely by the » iii » '' « 'lul qunllty nnd thickness of tho [ vory Handles . rt MAl'l'IN UltOTlllCltS , 07 and its , King WIIIIiiiii-hI "' 11 / - CHy , Londonj Mnnufaotory , O , iu'on ' s Cutlery >\ oj'Kh , aiwilold .
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THE OLD POETS . Uniform in size and style with "The old Dramatists .- " In super royal Svo ., price lO . s . Oil . per volume , cloth , witli Notes , Life , &c ., by Todd , Tyrwliitt , . Wnrton ,-&c ., and Steel Jlliistrations . * SPENSEK . | C 11 AICKU . And , price 0 s .. each , cloth , DRYDEN . | . PCU'E . These are the best one-volume editions . ever produced of these standard authors , and arc now published at a ijedi'ced rmcii by Eouti . f . dge , Warn-e , and Ijol'ti . kixie , . Farringdon-strci . 't , London .
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In 2 vols . imperial 8 vo ., 2 , 384 pages , 4 / . THE IMPERIAL DICTIONARY ; ENGLISH , TECHNOLOGICAL , AND SCIENTIFIC . Adapted to'the present ' -state of Literature , Science , and Art , comprising all Words purely English , and the principal Technical and Scientific . Terms ; together . w ith their Etymologies , and their Pronunciation , according to the best authorities . Edited by JOHN OGILVIE , LL . D . ILLUSTRATED BY ABOVE TWO THOUSAND ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD . " Dr . Ogilvie has not only produced the ukst English Dictionary that exists , but , so far as tho actual state of knowledge permitted , has lnudo some approach towards perfection . Wo need scarcely add that the work has our cordial commendation . "—Jiritish Quarterly Jti'view . Blackie and Son , Warwick-square ., City , London ; . and all Booksellers ^
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THE OLD DRAMATISTSr In super royal Svo ., price 12 s . per volume , ' cloth , with Steel Illustrations , and Notes , and Biographies-, by Thomas Campbell , Gifford ,. Hartley Coleridge , UlV . Alexander Dyce , &c . &c . SHAKSPEARE . 15 KX JONSOX . MASSINGEK and FOUD . BEAUMONT and FLKTCIIEIl . ¦ ' vols . WYCHERLEY , COXf ; REVE . V . \ Ni ; i £ L < JH , and FAliQLllAU . Price 0 s . cloth . I 1 'ricc 10 s . ( til . cloth JOHN WEBSTEK . | / MAltLOWk ' * * * The above , formerly published by Mr . Moxon , are now issued , in-every respect equal ,, if not superior , to the ijrcvious Editions , at kej > ucki > phicks , by ' KOITIEDGE , WAKNK , illld JiOlTI . EnGK , Farringdon-strqet , London .
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London i Prlntod by Mossre . Kolly nnd Co . 1 « to « 1 , Old Boswoll Court , In tho Parish of Ht . element ' s Danes , Strand , W . C .. mul |> iiI ) IIhIi (>« 1 liy Frederick Uncst Tomllna , itt "Thy Loader " Ollloo , No . 18 , Ciithorlno-strool , Strand , both In tho County of MUUUohox . —Sopt . 10 , law .
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• ¦ ' ' ' ' . . ¦ ¦ * ¦¦ 1044 THE LEADER . [ No . 494 . Sept .-10 , 1859 . v '
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 10, 1859, page 1044, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2311/page/24/