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1126 THE LEADER . [ No . 498 . Oct . 8 , 1859 .
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men who make fortunes by supplying them . JL secretary or a governor who wants a quiet life , vill be only too happy to find it possible to avoid the yell a pecuniary schedule . B will undoubtedly arouse ' " from every corner of the empire . But if reduction is a necessity , if that military toy of the Governor-General , the native army , is so costly that it is impossible to pay the civil administrators , an absolute protest is simply a useless expenditure of ink . The work can be done cheaper , and cheapness being for the hour more valuable than efficiency , it -will be . done cheaper . It is nonsense to assert that men cannot be obtained for less than four times the pay of surgeons or chaplains , or three times the pay of first-rate bankers' merchants' clerks . If ^ civil service resigned in a body to-morrow , their uncovenanted subordinates could still do the work , 2 > adly enough , perhaps , but still sufficiently well to The sudder would
ieep society together . ameen ¦ be called judge , the deputy , collector , the first assistant , accountant , . and the routine would go forward somehow . If then cheapness , the mere saving of rupees , be the primary necessity , to plead that it is inexpedient or impossible , is a . fatal error in tactique . It is compensation , and not the status quo , the service should endeavour to secure . Some of its members are well aware of the necessity . We have received already two addresses , which ilie writers , with little" consideration for our space , request us to publish . We would make room for them , , but with all respect for their writers -we must say they are little calculated to benefit those who propose them . One suggests " that your petitioners be allowed to retire , at fixed periods after completing- ' half the present term of service , and that a fixed sum be allowed by Government on such retirement , with the value of whatever sum
they had paid up to the fund , so that the two together would amount for twelve and a half years ' service—viz ., half the present term , to about . £ 500 ( five hundred ) , and so on progressively according to the length of service . " The other proposes to " for a sliding scale of pension for those who may choose to retire . After the five years' order men have left , I would give such as complete , from and after that date , their allotted time of service of twentyfive years , an increase of their pension of JE 500 ; so muchas the difference between the accumulation of Xheir enforced payment and . £ 500 as should make np a full pension of £ 1 , 000 per annum . This would counterbalance the want of savings on reduced salaries , which would of course be impossible . "
Either plan is reasonable , though drawn up a little on the principle Carlyle ascribes to the Hoherizollerns , " Fair play for all ; fair play for me first . " A third plan is coming , we believe , from Oude , but all these isolated efforts are worthless . What is required is a plan accepted by the service , or by some large section of it , and offering reasonable terms both to the State and to the service . No such attempt will , we fear , be made in Calcutta . Whether from the immense expense of life in the metropolis , or from the habit of living in coteries , or from the traditional spirit of the " Bengal Civilian , " there exists upon this question a sort of Austrian tone . The service there will have all or none , considers innovation revolt , and will give way only to
compulsion . There are wider views in the country at large , and a committee sitting—say , at Allahabad or Benares' —might prepare a plan which would be "very generally accepted . Ib may be well to wait now for Sir Charles Wood ' s budget , which is expected within the month , and which may comprise the enunciation of some intelligible principle . No "budget , however , will diminish the necessity of action . Sir Charles Wood may have a scheme for preventing the defects of the future , but neither he nor any other financier con make the Government truly solvent without a most painful and persistent economy , If he tells the truth , which he has some temptations to do , the . revelations will startle Parliament into action , probably rash , but most certainly decisive . —Friend of India .
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LATEST INDIAN INTELLIGENCE . The following most important announcement appeared in tho Times of yesterday : — " A private telegram received in Liverpool on Thursday from India states that the disbanded European troops had accepted tho bounty , and consented to go ' to China , Telegraphic despatches have been received in advance of tho ovorland mail from which wo learn that tho Government has increased tho licence tax % o an income-tax of 7 d . in tho pound on all incomes saibovo 25 Z . a-year ; officials and landlords are exempted . The Council however refused to pass tho "buT , without a clear statement of receipts and expenditure , and denounced tho blause exempting officials . The Nana and Begum aro in Nopaul , where Brigadier Komaino is watching their proceedings . ITeroze Shah is vaguely stated to be in Central India . ¥
Disturbances , we are told , seem imminent on the coast of Kattiywar . A report states thatr the people of Jeypore will not comply with the disarming order . Captain Richards , of the Central Indian Field Force , has compelled Chuttar Sail , a leading rebel , to surrender . T The ship Admiral Boxer has been wrecked fourteen miles from the port of Kurrachee ; all lives were happily saved ..
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The ai'rangements for holding thanksgiving services on the 28 th July all over India seem to have failed in Kurrachee . The Form of Prayer did not reach that place , and no Protestant service was held . The Roman Catholics and Parsees met in their churches , and the public offices were closed . We see from the Java papers , vaccination is making great progress in Bali , where the ravages of the small-pox have been so great that it is rare to meet with any person above eight years of age who has not suffered from it . From 16 th March to 11 th June last 5 , 502 persons in the kingdom of Boleing had been vaccinated , the Rajah and his family setting the example .
The authorities of Bombay are about to reclaim fourteen acres of rocky shore on the east side of Colaba , by building- out 1 , 200 feet into the sea a strong wall , and filling the enclosed space . The siie is to be used for the storing of Government timber . The wharf wall is to be provided with cranes of great power . The Government of Bombay has provisionally settled the rates for the supply of water from the Vehar works . When taken in large quantities by publie companies the charge will be one rupee per 2 , 000 gallons . For private houses the cost will be one rupee for 1 , 000 gallons : The proprietors of houses will , of course , pay the expense of laying it on to the premises .
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We have little new matter on our tstble hearing oa the fine arts . The painters and the patrons are afield . The commission-buyers and the auctioneers are firing , yachting , or travelling away the profits of last season , which wound-up magnificently for the trade with the grand North wick sale . But if we are short of art intelligence , we are little more so than our contemporary , the " Art Journal " whose pages are this month far more barren than usual of gossip or note of progress . But though in this respect afflicted , like ourselves , our
contemporary has ample resources to fall back upon , in the shape of literary articles , and of plates and woodcuts , fitted neatly with illustrative letter-press . The leading engravings of the October number are " Charity , " engraved by Baker , after Westmacott ; a high class one , " St . Agnes , " by S . Smith , after the Domerichino in the Royal Collection , and " Europa , " by Radclyffe , after Claude . Mr . G . W . Thorubury furnishes a pleasant sketch in his best manner , entitled " Barry in the Adelphi . " lie shows us the painter , not only on the scaffold in the hall of the Society of Arts , but at every period and every condition of his life . He tracks him from his
father ' s trading vessel in the Cove of Cork , via Dublin , Rome , the Adelphi , and the Academy lecture-room , to the grave ; and thus concludes : — " Through all the contrasts , troubles , and changes of Barry ' s life , from the time he lectured in state as we have seen him , to six years after , when he was carried a heap of dirty clothes from the poor tavern , where he had fainted , to the beggar ' s house in Castle-street , where the boys were pelting mud at the windows , we still see the demon of bad temper dogging his steps . " Thetemper—its dangers : " that is our moral of Barry ' s life . How far it verged on
insanity , who may say ? So at last , quiet and cured qf controversy , we leave his . pale hard-worn face , as it lies in state in those great black picture rooms in . John-street , waiting for the long black train of coaches to bear it to the great ideal historical tomb in St . Paul's Cathedral , to be near his old rival , Reynolds—an honour denied to Hogarth—a greater man , and Gainsborough—an equal . His funeral cost 2001 . and was paid for by the first Sir Robert Peel , who , gained in reputation by his death . He had starved for years on 601 ., and had almost wanted bread . "
The gist of an excellent , long , and loving artcriticism upon Mr . Church , the American ' s , great picture , " The Heart of the Andes , " lately exhibiting hero , is given in the following words : — " At a time when so many of our own painters are sinking into anarchy , it should be a pointed rebuke to us , to find the symmetries , the grace , the rythm , the rhymes , as it were , that complete the composition ol refined poetic art , taught us anew in a land where and freedom broadest
nature is most untrammelled . Such are some of the . reflections and felicitations which arise in the mind on first seeing Mr . Church s extraordinary picture , The Heart of tho Andes — a work which begets a mingled , twotold admiration —delight and astonishment at the novel magnificence of the landscape itself , and at the power by which it has been represented . " Our contemporary , better advised than ourselves , perhaps , insists that " tho Exhibition or Art and 1802
Art Industry , whether in 1861 or , wm « ouuu «* tako place . " We rather fancy this ho doubt »""<»»» the communique . The phrase art and art industry , is followed by an announcement tlmt " art m us higher brunches is to receive duo honour , nnu an invitation « to all artists to prepare for the competition , even if it bo at the cost of the annual oxl ib - tions that will take place between the years 18 j » and 1862 . " How does our enthusiastic mend ipatrinn n . rrrnat numiifir of exhibiting ftrtlStS 0 , 10 10 tne
live between 1859 and 1862 , while propwina for droamed ^ of Art-exhibition . But we readily admit that an exhibition of fine arts on ft large sea ein 1862 will not be such a nuisanccto the cornmuiiHy as ope of industry in tho same year j and so uw , latter scheme bo given up by its projectors o «» no objection to their amueing themselves vitn tiw former . Let us hope that they will have space onougii tohangovory one at some less height than tno iowy cubits to whioh the Academicians treat some m their brethren who deserve better things . Messrs . Graves , in Pall Mall have roooivod ( torn the NoFthwiok Collection a fine portrait by igu ™ borough , in excellent preservation , of Mrs . O » W » Palrymple Elliott , a scandalous celebrity of tno Georgian era , whoao unaffected memoir oX jiw sufferings while mistress of Philippe JSgahteUM recently been ropubllehed .
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EngineeringsPrussia . —The permanent bridge over the Rhine at Cologne has just been inaugurated by thp Prince Regent of Prussia . It will be counted among the greatest achievements of the mechanical skill of our age . It is a tubular bridge , for both railway and common traffic , consisting of two tubes , one with two rails for the trains , the other for carriages and foot passengers , together 51 feet ( Prussian measure ) broad , and 1 , 352 feet long . The tubes rest on three pillars onJyy each 313 feet distant from the other . This unusual width of opening was deemed
necessary on account of the danger which any stoppage of the floating ice in the Rhine always creates for the adjacent towns , rive thousand tons of hammered iron have been employed in the construction of the tubes . The bridge reaches the left bank , on which Cologne is built , exactly in face of the gigantic cathedral , and the . the ground between it and the cathedral l \ # s been cleared of houses , and is to be formed into a square . Thus the greatest work of the middle ages , which our time , however has still to complete , and one of the greatest of the present age , will stand face to face , challenging
comprisona . The Last Discovery in Medicine . — The Academie de Medecine has been compelled to reject as of no value the curare , the new remedy for tetanus , which M . Vella had reported as tried so efficaciously at Turin . Manee has declared its entire failure on a patient at La Charite , although the most favourable chances had been allowed on its trial . The patient died , in spite of the incision made in the arm and the introduction of the curare to the extent of twenty-seven centigrammes ! Already , however , the remedy has answered the purpose for which such matters experience no failure—that of causing dissension amongst the doctors .
Fanaticism in the Nineteenth Century , — 'The death of the Cur 6 d'Ars at Lyons has caused the whole devout population of tlie rest of the Empire to hurry in crowds to his tomb . Tho miracles already wrought at tho grave of this holy man exceed , if one may believe the tale , both in quantity and quality , those once enacted at the grave of the Diacre Paris . The blind are made to seo , tho lame to walk , and every Jiuraan ill is set at nought by a Srayor at the stone which covers tho remains of the uro d'Ars , The Empress , who publicly deolared
the birth of the Prince Imperial to this holy man ' s intercession , is said to have been in close correspondence with him during the whole of the war . The omnibus service from Lyons to the village where ho lived and which was started to drive straight to his door , has been doubled since his death , and drives nowhere but to tlie cemotery where his corpse reposes . A nine days' vigil is established for tho different confreres throughout France , in order to facilitate the trans mission of miracles for tho convenience of those who cannot make tho journey to Lyons .
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Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 8, 1859, page 1126, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2315/page/10/