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Under the Management of Miss Louisa Pvne and 3 Ir . TV . Harrison . The production of the English version of Meyerbeer ' s Opera of " Dinorah ' having been honoured with complete success , the Management have the gratification of announcing its representation every evening until further notice . Monday , Oct . 10 th , and during the week , JOIN OR A H . I > iuorah , Miss Louisa Pyne ; Goatherds , Misses Pilling and Thirlw . aH ; HOel , Mr . Santley ; Louis , Mr . H . Corri ; Claude , Mr . St . Albyn ; andCorentin , Mr . W . Harrison . Conductor , Alfred Mellon . A DIVERTISSEMENT . Mdlle . Rosalia Leguin , Pasquale , Pierron , Clara Morgan ; Mons . Vaudris .. . Stag-o Manager , Mr . Edward Stirling- ; Acting Manager , Mr . Edward Murray . . Doors open at half-past 7 , commence at 8 o ' clock . No charge for booking and box-keeper ' s fees . Prices of Admission : —Stalls , 7 s . ; Private Boxes , £ 4 4 s . ; £ Z : te . ; £ 2 12 s . 6 d . ; £ 1 5 s . ; £ 1 la . ; Dress Circle , 5 s . ; Amphitheatre Stalls , 3 a . ; Pit , 2 s . 6 d . ; Amphitheatre , Is .
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CRYSTAL PALACE . ARRANGEMENTS for WEEK ending OCTOBER 15 . Monday—Open at Nine . . Tuesday—Display of Great Fountains . Wednesday , Thursday , and Friday—Admission , Is . ; Children , 6 d . Saturday . —Instrumental CONCERT and LANCASHIRE BELL-RINGERS . Admission , 2 s . Cd . ; Children under twelve , Is . QDen each day at Ten . Season tickets , free .
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CRYSTAL PALACE . The present remarkably fine weather renders a visit particularly agreeable . The Park and Gardens are in beautiful condition , the full Autumn moon adding greatly to the charm of early eveningr promenades . .
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THEATRE ROYAL , HAYMARKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Bucks tone . ) On-Monday and during the week , in compliance with many requests , the Comedy of AN UNEQUAL MATCH will be . performed , for these six nights only , when Miss Amy Sedgwick will appear in her original character- of Hester Grazebrook , being the last night but five of her engagement . ' . '• .. To-morrow at 7 , with "An Unequal Match , " as originally represented . Harry Arncliffe , Mr ; W . Farren ; Sir Sowerby Honeywood , Mr . Chippendale ; Dr . Botcherly , , Mr . Buckstone ; Blenkensop , Mr . Compton ; Grazebrook , Mr . Rogers ; Captain Chilling-ham ,- Mr . Braid ; Tofts , Mr . Clark ; Hester Grazebrook . Miss Amy Sedgwick ; Mrs . Montresor , Mrs . B . White ; Bessy , Mrs . E . Fitzwilliam . After which ( 16 th time ) the new farce , THE RJFLE , AND HOW TO USE IT . Mr . Buckstpne . Mr . Compton , Mr . Rogers , Mrs . B . White , Mrs . E . Fitzwilliam , and Mrs . Wilkins . Concluding with the Ballet of HALLOWE'EN , by the Leclercqs . Stage-manager , Mr . Chippendale .
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ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE . Lessee , Mr . A . Harris . . On Monday i » nd during the week ( first time for twelve S ears ) , the Comic drama entitled LOVE'S TELEGRAPH . [ r ., Frank Matthews . Harcourt Bland , Shore , Miss Kate Saville , Wadham , and Mrs . Charles Young . After which a Dramatic Tableau in Watteau Colours , of LOVE AND FORTUNE , by J . R . Planche "; Scenery by W . R . Beverloy . Misses Louisa Keeley , Carlotta 'Leolercq , G . Darley , H . Howard . E . Wadham , Mdme . Villier , Mr . Frank Matthews , H . Sakcr , J . It . Shaw , and Moos . Petit . To conclude with a Farcical Sketch of THE TWO POLTS , in which Mr . H . Widdicomb will ax > pear . Commence at 7 .
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THEATRE ROYAL ST . JAMES'S . King-street , St . James's . Lessee , Mr . F . B . Ciiatteuton . LAST SIX NIGHTS or "THE WIDOW'S WEDDING . " On Monday and during' the week will bo presented , THE WIDOW'S WEDDINGF .. To bo followed by the highly successful Ballet Farce , entitled MAGIC TOYS ; supported by MIbb Lydia Thompson , Miss Clara St . Casse ; ana a numerous Corps dc Ballet . To conclude with the original Burleaq . ua of VIRGIN 1 US -, OR , THE TRIALS OF A FOND PAPA ; In which Messrs . C . Young , Barrett , A . Denial , Francis ; Mosdamcs Frank Mathcws , Clara St . € hsso , Eliza Ardon , Cv Haiioo ,. Lydia Thompson , and the numerous ballot company will appear . On Monday , Oct . 17 , Mr . Henry Lorainh will mako hie First Appearance in London , in the character of " Claude Molnotto , " with Miss Katharine IIickson an " Pauline . " Reduced Prices—Gallery , Od . ; Pit , 1 b . Box-office open f rom . 11 to 0 daily . Doors open at hali-piist 0 , commence at 7 .
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THEATRE ROYAL , OLYMPIC . Lessees , Messrs . F . Rodson and W . S , ICmden . Monday , and during' the week , will be performed an original Comedietta , by Charles Danop , Esq ., entitled A MORNING CALL . Charaotorn by Mr . G . Vlnlng and Mrs . Stirling . Aftor which , the new Drama , by TomTaylor , K 8 q ., entitled 1 » AYABLE ON DEMAND . Characters by MoBujra . F . Rob-Bon , W . Gordon , H . Wlpan . G . Cboko , F . Yining , H . Coopor , Rlvora , Franks , and Miss Wyndhnm . To conclude with the Faroe by John Oxonfonl , E » qf , ontltlod RETAINED FOR THE DMFKNCM . Dharaotors by Messrs . JT . ltobsou , Q . Vinlng , G . Copko , II . Wlffan , II . Cooper , and Mia » Cottroll . Doors opon at 7 , commonco at half-pant 7 .
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Birth . —On the 20 th ult ., at Trabolgan , County Cork , the Lady Fekmoy of a son .
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the excellent singing of Miss E . Arden as L > ucius in the burlesque . This favorite actress was in excellent "voice , and gave several parodies set to popular and pleasing airs in an admirable manner . Miss Glara St . Casse , again , worthily earned the loud and frequent applause' of all by her svreet voice and charming delivery of " the airs entrusted to her . We regard her as an immense acquisition to our list of singing actresses , her quality as a vocalist beinp superioreven ( othatof the MissKeeley , of whose debut at the Princess ' s so much was said last week hv ourselves and our contemporaries . On
Tuesday was produced here a " ballet-farce , " called " Magic Toys . " Had the attempt at farce not been made , the ballet would have been , perhaps , more interesting . The accomplished young danseuse , Miss Xydia Thompson , who has been " starring" with great success on the Continent , and whom Mr . Chattcrton lias been fortunate enough to secure , appeared in its course in several of her prettiest costumes and character dimces ; and such grace and fascination does she throw into her performances that , at the conclusion , she was summoned without any dissentient voice to receive the thanks and merited applause of the company present .
Haymakket Theatre . —Mr . Walter Lacy , long known and admired as an actor of capacity and good f aste , toi k his benefit on Wednesday night , at the Hay market ,, when he assumed the part of Benedick to the Beatrice of Miss Reynolds . The greatest perversity in either actor or spectator could hardly spoil the enjovnbility of this delightful comedy , so with a genuine Haymarket audience of wellinformed people bent on enjoying themselves , and a smoothly-working company numbering such stars
as Compton , Cl .-srk , and Reynolds on the other side Of the lamps , the reader may imagine there was no hitch on the occasion of the benefit . Mr . John V . Bridgman ' s capital farce , "TheRifle , and How to use it , " is increasing in < popularity , part passu with rifle incorporation ; and the . Leclercq family , if not interrupted by accident or design , will , it seems to us , carry on ' Hallowe ' en" till a pantomime or an Easter piece dislodges the piece violently from Mr . Buckstone ' s bills .
The Royal Ceemokse Gardens , which have been opened in conformity with the advertisements , " every evening , wet or dry , " since Good Friday , have closed for the winter after a season which we are given to understand has been as prosperous as it has been long . As ignoring this delightful place of amusement is no longer boyi gout , we may add that the varied amusements ( the Marionette theatricals especially and the horsemanship excepted ) have been'excellent , and that decorum has never been publicly Violated , except by a few aristocratic " gents " and their toadies . The * Sunday promenades seem to have a special attraction for foreigners , who , as all men know , are hopelessly adrift in town on that day ; and we can speak with approving confidence ot the excellent table d'hote , and the general attention of Mr . Simpson and his staff' to all reasonable or justifiable wants and whims of the British public .
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THE GERMAN QUESTION . The following s a summary of the reply given by the Duke of Saxe Coburg to the note addressed to him by the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs , concerning the opinion lately expressed by h" » » a regard to Federal Reform in Germany : —xhe Austrian Cabinet must have misunderstood the words of the Duke , he having only expressed a desire for the union of Germany , which does not render necessary the exclusion of Austria from that union . The Duke , however , as a reigning sovereign , tion that he does not consider
must make the reserva that an account of words spoken by him is due to any one , and least of alL to another Cabinet ; ino Duke had always most seriously persisted m tne support of Austria by Germany—that such a support had lately been rendered impossible by the imperfections of the Federal Constitution , and by the sudden conclusion of peace by Austria . * i > e wuko expresses a doubt that the Emperor of Austno , Jt or whom , personally , he entertained the highest e ^ eem , had any knowledge of the note that had beenaadressed to him . He , therefore , insists that Ms repiy should bo submitted to the Emperor .
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Close of the Inquest at Stbpwkt . — The inquiry into this mysterious case , in connexion , with wiuui the name of a clergyman has been fo ™ ' £ °° " promised , was closed this day ( Friday ) . Alter ^ a consultation of an hour and ten minutes , the Jury gave their verdict as follows ;— " That ; tlio yu * Philip Yorath , an illegitimate child ot tender nge , in the charge of Elizabeth Yorath , his mother , and tJ . e Rev . James BonwolJ , did die of inanit on , * mon they find is due to one of two causes , oM > e f " ** . ) i did not or could not swallow food > and the sui " jurors do further say the deceased was able to avw low and d ! 4 swallow food , but whether suffloonto maintain life they are unable to ascertain » m a uw . said jurors do lastly say , from the evidence it ftp pears the conduct of Elizabeth Yorath , theiBev . James Bonwell , and William Ayres , the unde rtaKor , is highly censurable . "
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Postal Accommodation rsr Liverpool . —For nearly three years a correspondence has been going on between the 1-averpool corporation and the Government , as to the best site for a new post-office . Weary of official delays , the council , at their meeting yesterday , adopted a definite resolution :, to the effect that if the Government did not purchase certain land in Dale-street , the site considered most available , by December next , the corporation would proceed with the erection of public buildings for the transaction of municipal business , and other purposes , the erection of such buildings having been postponed to suit the wishes of Government for two years . Should the authorities take the land it will be transferred to them at the cost to the corporation .
Akultehation qf Cotton , —A deputation from the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association has waited upon the American Chamber of Commerce at Liverpool , and presented a memorial , requesting the chamber to use its utmost influence in the United States to remedy the evil complainod of . The memorial stated that the adulteration occurred in all gradations from 30 to 50 per cent , of the weight of the bale , and that it tended to depreciate the cotton far more than was proportionable to the mere weight , of the aand , stones , &c . The Manchester Guardian says : —" The nefarious system of cotton
adulteration , which has grown up in America , has at length received the formal attention of those gentlemen In this district who are directly interested in the trade . An influential meeting was held 5 n this city on Tuesday , when resolutions wore passed strongly condemning the frauds practised by the United States planters , or their agents , and calling upon the trade to return the impure material , or , as had been successfully done some years ago by the firm with which Mr . IS . Ashworth Is connected , adopt legal measuros to recover damugos for the loss which such practices must necessarily entail upon couuumers , "
Royal English Opera, Covent Garden,
3§Iy « F «V R T It + 3? * 1 ** * " K * * V *? ?' -
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Leader Office , Friday Evening , Oct . 7 th .
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FRANCE . Paris telegrams of this day ( Friday ) give us the following intelligence : The whole of the Mediterranean squadron has not put to sea , as stated . Several frigates only have sailed for the coast of Africa with 6 , 000 men . These troops will be landed at the port of Nemours , formerly Djemma Gazdoual situated seven or eight leagues distant from the ' frontiers of Morocco , and will reinforce the expeditionary corps which is to occupy the district of
Ouchda . The Catholic clergy of Paris have arranged to give a grand banquet in honour of Monseigneur de Tulle , who preached in two churches on Sunday last in favour of upholding the rights of the Holy See . The reported arrival of Baron Brenier in Paris is not correct , his excellency not having quitted Naples . Lord Cqw . ley and Count "VValewski are expected to arrive in Paris from Biarritz on Sunday next . General Changarnier has fixed his residence at Chagny ( Saone et Loire ) .
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TREATY OF PEACE . Credible information has reached a contemporary that a Treaty of Peace will be concluded between France and Austria on the 10 th or 12 th inst . It is believed that the two great Powers have agreed on the sum to be paid by Sardinia for Lorabardy , as the share of that province in the Austrian National Debt . The question relative to the Duchies is likely to be settled by the sword , for the reactionary party in Central Italy is daily gaining strength and courage . Many Parmese and Tuscan soldiers have recently crossed the frontiers into Austria , and it is very possible that they and the Modena troops will be formed into a corps , and placed at the
disposal of one or other of the fugitive princes . It is not probable that Austria will actively intervene in order to bring about the restoration of the Dukes , but she will give them the benefit of her influence , which is still great . On the 1 st inst . the officers of the Modenese troops—which are now at Veronaprotested against the proceedings ot the revolutionary government in the Duchy of Modena , but we have not learned that the demonstration lias produced any impression on Farini , who governs the province in the name of Victor Emmanuel The political agitation in Venetia increases , and oven in Verona , the stronghold of the Austrians , the state of public feeling is execrable .
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1128 THE LEADER . jlaio . 4 ^ 8 . Oct . 8 , 1859 .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 8, 1859, page 1128, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2315/page/12/