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3 IR . HOWARD , SURGEON-DENTIST , Uo . 52 , FLEET-STEEET , has introduced an entirely new description of ARTIFICIAL TEETH , . fixed without springe , wires or ligatures . They so perfectly resemble the natural teeth as not to be distinguished from tlie originals by the closest observer ; they will never change colour or decay , and will be found superior to any teetn ever before used . This method does not require the extraction of roots or any painful operation , will support and preserve teeth that are loose , and is guaranteed to restore articulation and mastication . Decayed teeth stopped and rendered sound and useful in mastication . —52 , JJieetstreet , London . —At home from Ten till Five .
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T A WHENCE IIYAM'S SEA-SIDE GARMENTSU —Tourists and Marine Visitors are recommended to make inspection of these new and improved Designs . LAWRENCE IIYAM'S GARMENTS of a PATTERN , in elegantly uniform and serviceable fabrics . Coat and Vest alike , 2 ? s . Trousers and Vest alike , 20 s . Lntire Suits alike , : 58 s . Materials in great variety . ^ T AWRENCE IIYAM'S TROUSERS and VESTS . I J Klegantly cut and wrought in ample variety of Pattern . FAWRENCE HYAM'S BOY ' S SUITS , FOR JJ BETTER WEAK . —The Quality , Fashion , Adaptation , and Finish of these Suits are universally admired . Prices , 20 s ., 25 s ., and 30 s . ¦ ' ¦ r f AWRENCE HYAM'S DRESSES for CHILDti RE > T These are tJie . most unique Dress Suits ever introduced for Juvenile adoption . Prices 10 s . 0 d ., 13 s . Od ., and 21 s . r AWRENCe " HYAM'S SPECIFIC NOTICEI 1 _ The Proprietor would emphatically notify that he is in no way connected with any other House in London than the following : — CITY KSTA 1 VLISHMKXT , 30 , Gracechurch-street . E . G . " \ Vi : ST-KJN D BRANCH , 1 W and 190 ( corner of Francis street ) , Tottenham-court-road , \ V .
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A TREASURE FOR THE TOILETTE . Among the many luxuries of the present age ^ none ^ can be obtained possessing the manifold virtues of OLDRIDGB / & JJALM ol COLUMBIA . Jf applied to the roots and body of the hair it imparts the most delightful coolness with an agreeable fragrance ot perfume . It also at this period of the season prevents the hair from falling off , or if already too thin , pi- turning grey , will prevent its further progress , and soon restore it again . Those who really desire to have beautiful hair , either with wave or curl , should use it daily . It is also celebrated for strengthening the hair , freeing it from scurf , and producing new hair , whiskers , and moustache . Established upwards of 30 years . No imitative ¦ wash can equal it . Price 3 s « . 0 d ., Gs ., and 11 s . only . ¦ C . and A . OLDRIDGE , 1-5 , "Wellington-street , North . Strand , "VV . C .
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AN ACT OF GRATITUDEOH rtfin Copies of a MEDICAL . BOOK for 4 m )\ j )\ J \ J \ J ' gratuitous circulation . A Nervous Sufferer having been effectually cured of Nervous Debility , Loss of Memory , Dimness of Sight , Lassitude , and Indigestion , resulting from the early errors of youth , by following the instructions given in a MEDICAL WORK , he considers it his duty , in gratitude to the author , and for the benefit of others , to publish the means used . He will , therefore , send free , secure from observation , on receipt of a directed envelope , ami two stumps to prepay postage , a copy of the book , . containing every information required . Address , James Wallace , Esq ., wilford House , BurtoncreBcent , Tavistock-squarc . London . W . O .
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YOURSELF ! WHAT TOU ARE ! AND WHAT FIT FOB . I — The Original Graphiologist , MARIE CO Ul ' ELLE , continued her vivid , useful , and interesting delineations of character , from an examination of the handwriting , in a atylc . peculiarly her own , never before uttempted in this country , und which cannot even be successfully imitated by those who pretend to this useful and pleasing science . A ' ll who desire to know themselves or the true character of any friend , Hhould send a specimen of writing , stilting sex and tige , und the foe of 14 uncut penny stamps , to Miss Coupi'lW , 01 ) , Cnstlo-street , Oxford-street , London - and they will receive in a few days a full and minute detail of the tulonts , tastes , affections , virtues , failings , &c ., of the writer , with many traits hitherto unsuspected , and calculated to bo usoful through life . —From F . N ,: "I consider your skill surprising . "—C . S .: "Your description of hor character is remarkably correct . "—W . S .: " Your interesting answer is quito true . "—II , W .: " Your Hkctch is marvellously correct . "—Miss F .: " Mamma says the clnmictor you sent nio is true . "—Miss W . N .: "You have described his character vory accurately . "—Mies H . S .: " I am afraid liis olmrautur is as you describe it . " -r" Wo see no inoro difficulty in grnphiology than phrenology , and wo hfivo little doubt that In innumerable instances the character is rejad with equal precision . "—Fpnitlu Herald .
Untitled Ad
VALUABLE MEDICAL BOOKS GRATIS . The Professors of tub Royal Institute of Anatomy , Sclenco , and Modichio , 30 » , Oxford-Btroot , London , have resolved to Issue Gratuitous Editions of tholr colloqguo , l > r . W . B . Marston ' s instructive Lectures , believing them to bo of vital Importance ! to thoso to whom they are addressed . No . 1 . —NERVOUS DEBILITY ( the rosult of n pornlclous soorot habit ) , Lobs of Momory , Dlmnoss of Bight , Prostration of Strength , and General Incapacity , addressed specially to Young Men , showing tho moaiiB of restoration to health and hnnpinena . No . !^—MA K ill AGIO and Its OBLIGATIONS , addressed to thono who duslro to bticoma parents . No . ;» . —THIO CJ UUAT SOCIAL MVIL . All tho painful diaoasoH which result from it , with Dr , Mare ton ' s Unfailing Byetom of Treatment , by which Mercury is altogether disponsod with . Applicant must Htato simply which Leoturo Is required . Enclose two ptiunps to prepay post ago t and Address , Tro « - ouror , Kuynl Institute of Anatomy , &c , as above , which Is Open Daily , ut an Admission of One Shilling ' , and contains the niobi ( superb Collection of Anatomical Modolu and Natural Woiulors in tho whole world . pr . Mnrttton Locturoa dally , and a Professor Is always In atton S . J ° impart lnstruoUon . and give Information upou nny Medloftl or Physiological Subject .
Untitled Ad
MR . JAMES ROBINSON , DENTIST , has KKaiOVlSD from 3 Sfo . 7 to No . 6 , GOWEB S'A'UJSBT , Bedford-square , London .
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DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR , WHISKERS . Etc . ? Tho most marvellous preparation for tho apdody production of Hair , Whiskers , Moustaohlos , &a , restoring tho hair in jaldncss , strengthening it when weak , provomlnirits falling off . andohookinffgroynoBB . lB KOSALIECOUI'ELLE'S ORINUTRIAR . IJ'Or the nursery it is rooommondod for promoting a lino healthy head oi hair , and avertlnpr baldness In after yours . Sold by all Chemists and Porfumors , price 2 s .. or sent post iroo on receipt of 24 ponny sta ' inps , by VIIbb Coupollo , 01 ) , Oabtlo-etrcot , Newman-street , London Mra , Carter writos-7- "My head , jvhloh wan Imiil , 1 b now covered with now hair . " Mrs . Williams— " I can show a lino head of Ualr from using your Crlnutriar . " Mrs . Roovo , "My hair i » gaining strength and thloknoaa . " Borgt . Craven— " Through using it I have an excellent moustache . " Mr . YatOB— - "The young man has now a ffood pair of whiskers . X want two puokotB for other custoiaorB .
Untitled Ad
PAINS IN THE BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , RHEUMATISM . GOUT , INDIGESTION , FLATULENCY , NERVOUSNESS , DEBILITY , STRICTURE , &c . ~ Dn . DE ROOS COMPOUND RENAL PILLS are a most safe and efficacious remedy for the above dangerous complaints , discharges , retention of urine , and disease of the kidneys , bladder , and urinary organs generally , which frequently end in stone , and a lingering death . For depression of spirits , blushing , incapacity for society , study or business , giddiness , drowsiness , sloop without refreshment , nervousness , and in sanity Itself , when arising from or combined with urinary diseases , they are unequalled . They agree with the most delicate stomnch , improve the health , and In three day will effect u cure in all thoso oasoswhore oaplvi , oubobs , and medicines of tUat class have utterly fuilcd . la . ljd ., 2 b . Ud ., 'is . Od ., Hs ., and 33 s . per Sox , through all Medicine Vendors , or sent on receipt of tho amount fii stamps , by tho Proprietor , 10 , Bernorsstreet , Oxford-utroot . London .
Untitled Ad
TEETH WITHOUT SPRINGS . By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent . Improper Mastication and the Evils attendant thereon may be avoided by wearing Artificial Teeth properly constructed and of pure Materials . Messrs . GABRIEL , the Old-Established Dentists ' Treatise on the Loss and best means of . Restoring the Teeth , explains their System of supplying- Artificial Masticators with Vulcanised G-um-coloured . India Rubber as a base ; no metal whatsover is used—springs and wires are entirely dispensed with , while a greatly increased amoun of suction is obtained , together with the best materials aind first-class workmanship , at less than half the ordinary ¦ " Gabriel ' s Treatise is of importance to all requiring the dentist ' s aid , and emanating from such a source , it may be confidently relied on . —United . Service Gazette . " Thousands requiring artificial teeth are deterred from consulting a dentist , fearing the anticipated cost , or dreat of failure—To all such we say , peruse ' Gabriel ' s Treatise . ''' Civil Service Gazette . Published by Messrs . Gabriel ( gratis on application , or sent on receipt of three postage stamps ) , at their establishments , —33 , Ludgate-hill , and 110 , ltegent-street , London ( observe name and numbers particularly ); and 134 , . Duker street , Liverpool .
Untitled Ad
DR . DE JONGH'S ( Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium ) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL Administered with the greatest success in cases of CONSUMPTIOM , BRONCHITIS , COUGHS , RHEUMATISM , GOUT , NEURALGIA , GENERAL DEBILITY , DISEASES OF THE SKIN , RICKETS , INTANTILE WASTING , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS . Is the most emcacibus , the most palatable , and , irom its rapid curative effects , unquestionably the most economical of all kinds . Its immeasurable therapeutic superiority over every other variety is attested by innumerable spontaneous testimonials from Physicians and Surgeons or European reputation . — ¦ ¦ . opinion of BARON F 0 UQUTEB , Professor at the University of Paris , Physician to 7 iis late Mqjesty Louis Philippe , See ., &c . " You have rendered an eminent service to science by acquainting- practitioners with the cause of the frequent irregularity in the effects of Cod Liver Oil , and directing their attention to a proper choice . You have thus shown us the way of rendering highly effectual the administration ol one of the most powerful medicines we are acquainted with . " —— - — " Sold only in Imperial Half-pints , 2 " s ; Od . ; Pints , 4 s . 9 d . ; Quarts , 9 s ., capsuled and labelled with Dr . de Joscn's stamp and signature , without which none can- fossjbly be genuine , t > y most respectable Chemists . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEPOT , ANSAR , HARFORD , & Co ., 77 , STRAND , London , W . C ., DR . DE JONGH ' S SOLE AGENTS .
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AN ACT OF GRATITUDE . A Clergyman having been cured of Nervous Debility , Loss of Memory , Indigestion , and other fearful Symptoms , desirous of imparting to his suffering fellows the means whereby his own restoration was so marvellously affected , will send a book , containing the necessary information , on receipt of two penny stamps to prepay postage , addressed M . A ., 1 , North Cumberland Place , Bayswater Middlesex
Untitled Ad
GREY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS NATURAL COLOUR NEURALGIA , Nervous Headache , Rheumatism , and Stiff Joints cured by F . M . HEKRING'S PATENT MAGNETIC BRUSHES , 10 s . and 15 a . ; COMBS 2 s . 6 d . to 20 s . Grey hair and Baldness prevented by F . M . H . ' s Patent Preventive Brush . Price , 4 s . and 5 s . Offices , 32 , Basinghall-Btrect , London , where may be had , gratia , tho illustrated pamphlet , "Why Hair becomes Grey , and Its Remedy . " Sold by all Chemists and Peri'umers ol repute .
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3 , GREAT MARLBOHOUCi lT STREET . W .. nenr tho Pantheon . DR . CULVERWELL , Member of tho Roy a ) ^ bsAss ^^ ssj ^ s ^ T' ^ Loss of Memory , Incapacity , Sterility , and « U lrlnai > JX rangoments of both soxos . Just published , with Engraving * ""^ JK'iVnou "" an entlro now and original work , out It 10 a " 0 URSELVE S , " Synopsis : —Tho Physiology niid AnntojnI ,. ? Lmoii ? « " mt ration—Tho Origin of Disease-bymptoiut ) , lroatniunt , ami MALE .-Tho modern treatment of S ^ l ^ .. ^/' ™ : Blonnorrhagla ( Gonorrlwa ) , tfporm « torrhc » iii ., li »| jnton y . and tho Diseasos of tho Urinary Organs , with iubcji " tlons , Latin and English . «'„„ , ««_ FBMALK .-Tho Physiology and Annt « mjr oi V omw Functional Irregularltfes in Ilealth ""^ t « AV ^ o ^ filmoiiUIn Marrlage-TKolr JSxpootanoioB and > tafPP . 01 7 , d ' §" . ,,,,. Tho Cause and Romovnlof Sterility—Tho Jl » °° 7 iu , Huoi r ty toms of Gestation-Use of the Bpooulum . nna «» » " !^ f , oi'IIoalthy O / rHprlng—Gftlvanism , &c , &c . togomci the reasons for . Authorship . . , Prloo Is . each j by post , 13 stamps , opon ends ; 1 * at' » NO . 1 .-HIBALTH , UAPPlNMSb , AMD LONOKV" ^^'' Oxi Debility , Norvousugsa , DyspopsJn , and im »« jtBiw Tff o o LOVE AND MARlUAGKi Tholr Obligations , Happiness , and piBftppolnmoixtB . No . 3 . —THE CASE BOOK . 100 Oaeoa ol Spormntorrljooft » ' C !« J . » BC < B | niE ^ io Author * . Treatment . --Totoo had of Mann , 30 , Coruhlll . oi tuo a him Advloo tolUo Worlciuff ciuB 8 Ofl , » liiUr- )» -Ouln « o .
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HYAM and CO . 'S True-fitting TROUSERSTo order , on a self-adjusting and sliapo-retahihiK system . Price 17 s . Od . ; Vopts to match , 63 . M .. CAUTION . HYAM and CO . are connected only wilu . the followin " Establishmenta : - ' % ^ &ilitf ? 83 £ A *™ ^ oot . LEEDS : 42 , Priggatf .
Untitled Ad
H YAM and CO . 'S CONJOINT &ARMKXTS . —Consisting of Guinea Coat and Vi-st , Twenty Sliillinf Trousers and . Vest , and Thirty-eight ¦ Shilling- Whole Suits ; well designed from uniform patterns . ; LONDON : SO , Oxford-street . ¦ BIRMINGHAM .: 21 , U 2 , and ^ 3 , Ne-AV-streot . LEEDS : 42 , Briggate . HYAM and Co . ' s CA 3 NLBRIDGE SAC ami PAG ET JACKETS . —The best possible garments for Sentlemen ' s customary in-door or out-door wear . Price lis . Od ., 10 s . 0 d ., 21 s ., 25 s ., imd 31 s . fid . YAM and CO . 'S DRESS and SUlfTOUT COATS , in West of England Wool-. dved Ulack Cloths , Invisibles , Saxony Broad Cloths , Woadcd Fabrics , &c . Price 2 os . to 03 s . YAM and Co . ' s OVER COATS and CAPES , in Venetian and Llama Cloths , Undressed ami Mixed Tweeds , Lustres , Merinos , CashmerettfS , &e . . Pricc-lOs . ( id ., 21 s ., 20 s ., and 35 s . YAM and CO . 'S JUVENILE COSTUME , displaying faultless adaptation to early-age , luibif s , anJ growth . Children ' s Belt Suits in new and beautiful materials . Price 10 s . 0 d ., los . 0 d ., and 21 s . Light Ovm-oats and Capes , Ss . 0 d ., 10 s . Cd ., 12 s . Od . ^ H YAM and Co . ' s HARROW , ETON , and RUGBY SUITS . . Three new styles , becoming in design , serviceable for school or dress wear , and admirably adapted for young gentlemen . Price 15 s . ( Id ., 21 * ., Jj ^ ., and 31 s . tid . __ . YAM and CO . 'S CLOTHING TO OKDEIt , designed in evci-y variety of Novel I ' ltbric Fniuli and English Cutters employed .
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— - ¦¦ wa » a ^ TEETH . By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent . Newly-invented and Patented Application , of Chemically INDIA RUBBER in the Construction of Artificial . Teeth , Gums , and Palates MR . EPHRAIM MOSELY , SURGEON DENTIST , 9 , GHOSVENOR-STUEET , GROSVENOIt-SQUARE . Sole Inventor and Patentee—A new , original , and invahi able invention consisting in the adaptation , with the most absolute perfection and success , of chemically prepared INDIA RUBBER in lieu of the ordinary gold or bone frame . All sharp edovs are avoided ; no springs , wires , or fastenings are required a greatly increased freedom of suction is supplied ; a natural elasticity hitherto wholly unattainable , auct a tit perfected with the the most unerring accuracy , arc secured ; the greatest support is given to the adjoining : teeth when loose or rendered tender by the absorption of the gums . The acids of the mouth exert no agency on the prepared Indlii llubber , and , as a non-conductor , fluids ' of any temperature may with thorough comfort be imbibed and retained in the mouth , all unpleasantness of smell or taste Jbeint ; - ; it the same time wholly provided against by tliu peculiar nature of-its preparation . Teeth tilled with gold and Mr . Ephraim Moselys White Enamel , the only stopping that will not become thVcoloured , and particularly recommended for the front teeth-. 9 , Grosyenor-street , Grosvc-nor-square , London ; H , Gaystreet . Bath j and 10 , Eldon-square , Newcastle-on-Tyne .
Untitled Article
1118 THE LEADER . [ No . 497- Oct . 8 , 1859 . ¦ - ¦
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 8, 1859, page 1118, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2315/page/2/