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1138 THE LEADER . f ^ o- 493 . Oct . 8 , 1859 .
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now made on account of the Government . We subjoin the returns : —•¦ BANK OF ENGLAND . An Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria -cap . 32 , ipr the week ending on Wednesday , tire 5 th day of October ; 1859 : — ISSUE DEPARTMENT . Notes issued ..... . £ 31 , 500 , 930 Government Debt £ ll , 015 , K > 0 Other Securities .. 3 , 459 , 900 Gold Coin &Bullion 17 , 025 , 930 Silver Bullion .... — £ 31 , 500 , 930 £ 31 , 500 , 930 BANKING DEPARTMENT . p £ T ^ r ? : ^ : ^ , ^ ooo ? s ^ uS ? uf > iic i 3 ; . ; , oVit ; - ( in- 3 > ? w EWT ° *"«« iww P "V « di « ff 1 Exch i- Other Securities .. IWj * iincr Savings' Notes 9 , 3 fcS , oiO Kks . Comm ' is- Gold and Silver sioners of N . a- Coin 597 , 300 tional Debt , and Dividend Ac-• counts ; 8 , 528 , 088 Other Deposits 13 , ^ 71 , 438 Seven I'Jiy uud „„ other Bills 009 , 006 ______ £ 40 , 908 , 215 £ 40 , 998 , 215 M . MARSHALL , Chief Cashier . Dated October 0 , 1 S 59 . .
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Friday Evoning . Thbke is nothing new . Orders continue to bo humorous in the manufacturing districts , and business Is both extensive and profitable . Perhaps tho manufacturers of textile fabrics havo boon making as great profits within the last six months as over they mado ; and the incomes of the middle olassos , ¦ which have latterly increased very flxst , go on increasing . JTrom no quarter do . coraplaints come , and to hoar no complaint is a certain sign of general prosperity . Trade is now lijco ngricultxuro , settled and regular , and what Is true of it in one week will servo for tho report tho next . Tho corn markets generally are firm but quiot . In Mark-luno to-day the show of foreign wheat wns
large , but once more steady . Hour , too , was firm , with a good consumptive business . From all quarters the reports of the harvest , now- generally finished , are favourable , though our crop of wheat will not be so large this year as last . It is of various qualities , and while some is very light some is extremely good . It is very satisfactory to know that the bulk of the subsistence of the people for the next year is assured . The sales of sugar in the week have been small , and the prices remain about the same . Coffee has been sold in greater abundance ^ at improved prices . Tea has been dull , notwithstanding the dispute with China , which , probably , will not interrupt the trade . '
A good deal of interest now attaches to tallow , which has been largely bought up in Russia , with a view to get a high price in our market . But the speculators will be deceived . The market is flat . So many substitutes for tallow are now found , that it will only be purchased at a certain price , and when the price rises above this people will not buy it . Speculators for a great rise are , therefore v sure to be defeated . Our whole trade is in a most satisfactory condition .
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An extraordinary meeting of the Dartmouth and Tokeat CoatPANY was held last week at Paignton , for the purpose of authorising the directors to borrow from time to time , on bond or mortgage , such sums as they might think fit , not exceeding in the whole . £ 30 , 000 . A formal resolution in accordance with the objects of the meeting , was carried unanimously . The general meeting of the Gkeat North of Scotland Company was held at Aberdeen on Saturday . The chairman said that the best test , of the prosperity of the line was that they were enabled to propose a dividend at the rate of £ 5 9 s . Id . per cent , for the eleven months ending the 31 st of July last on both the original and preference shares , or 5 per cent , for the full year . The weekly traffie ' return of the Great Westekn Railway of Canada shows a decrease of £ 366 .
The receipts of the Illinois Central Company for the first half of September exhibit a decided improvement , the traffic amounting to 125 , 000 dollars and the receipts from the land department to 32 , 000 dollars . The fourth ordinary general meeting of theB . AHiA and San Francisco Railway Company is called for the 31 st iust . The half-yearly guaranteed interest will be payable on the 14 th inst . The Earl of Besborough has resigned the chairmanship of the Watejutoud and Kilkenn y Railway . It is stated that the London portion of the board refused to confirm some act of the local committee , and in consequence , Lord Besborough declined to continue to act as their chairman .
At the half-yearly meeting of the proprietors in the Gkeat Western Railway of Canada the directors ' report was adopted . No dividend was declared , and a surplus of . £ 8 , 167 was carried to the credit of the next half year ' s account . The chairman and the manager in Canada both spoke honefully of the prospects of the company , after the severe trials it had lately been encountering . The competition of other lines resulted this half-year in a loss of j £ l . ' 5 , 000 , but the competition was now at an end , and tnere was now every reason to hope that it would not bo revived . The cost of working this half-year had been £ 120 , 400 ; whereas in tho corresponding half of 1856 , when the company had fifty miles less to work ^ the cost was . £ 164 , 000 . An admirable traffic arrangement / had been made with the Grand Trunk line , and competition would in future be . avoided .
The twentieth half-yearly meeting of the Gueat Indian Peninsular Railway Company . is called for the 28 th instant , when a resolution will be submitted , authorising the directors to exercise the company ' s borrowing powers . A generul meeting of tho Oude Railway Company is called for the 20 th instant . Tho first general meeting of tho Nunkaton and Hinoklmy JRaimvay Company is called for tho 10 th inst ., at Hlnokley . The . first sod of tho railway will subsequently bo turned .
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Porx of London . —Business during the past week has not bsen quite so active . The number of vessels announced at the Custom House as having arrived from foreign ports amounted to 100 ; thoro were six from Ireland and 118 colliers ; tho entries outwards were 183 , and those cleared 107 , besides ten in ballast . The departures fur tho Australian colonies havo boon six vessels , comprising one to Sydney , of 1 , 287 tons j one to Port Philip , of 1 , 40 / 5 tons j one to Launceston , of 495 tons ; one to Swan River , of 200 tons i and two to New Zealand , of 1 . 084 tons . Total tonnage 5 , 121 ,
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BRITISH MARITIME SUPREMACY . The maritime supremacy of Great Britain , whether in peace or war , is a matter of the greatest importance to her people , involving , as it does , rhe very existence of the nation as a first-rate powc :-. mid as a home of liberty . No just or useful comparison can be instituted between England and any other country ou the face of the globe ; and if we claim for her the supremacy of the ocean , it is not with a view to aggression and wrong-, but simply hecause such a supremacy is essential to her prosperity ; we gain on the ocean what we lack in territorial dominion ,, and half our population , at least , may he said to find their employment and sustenance
directly or indirectly from our supremacy oi the seas * The ocean is to England what France U to the French , it is a part of our possessions , held by virtue of that providential decision wiiich once swept French , Spanish , Dutch , and other national fleets from the seas . Possessed ofiiiival supremacy without a rival now for more than fitly years , we find ourselves at last in n fair way of lo .-ing it . From sonic hitherto unexplained cause the Trench are gaining rapidly upon us in the number u : ' their merchant seamen , " and in the size and character of their war fleet . The ¦ French seamen , as we have repeatedly set ' forth . in these columns , are all available for purposes of war , and are in fact trained to war ; that both the Russian
and it is equally well known and French Governments desire a mercantile marine not for the commercial enrichment of their subjects , but for the ostensible purpose of political ayyran-. disement , having ' learnt to their cost , in tiiiies past , that sailors can only be formed by long experience on the seas , mid that soldiers andlandsmen hj . vcvcr well drilled and appointed , are useless lor combats on the boisterous oceau . The mercantile miyy of France is' only a very secondary prop to the prosperity of the people , and , indeed , might be dispensed with altogether , without any . material injury to the nation ; but as a nursery for renting men who can work guns upon tho rolling decks ot a
man of war , it is highly serviceable , mid o . very oneof the seamen may be abstracted from pcacelul pursuits and concentrated upon any ambitious project her rulers may devise . Not so , however , witu Great Britain . Our mercantile marine , u . iuougu numbering three times as many sailors as the Jroncn possess , is essential' to our well-being , and even supposing thut the seamen were all liable lor war scry ce , we dare not abstract them altogether from the ursuits of that commerce , which must be contmocd vigorously under all circumstances — ami especially in war timewhen the avenue need , t mi
, * , *¦ % - i ... „ * rfivwl oimnniM—BO I Haw every possible assistance and support—so the French may probably possess as Inrgo mi njuilable force of seamen for war purposes woiiehM . Setting all gutters of policy aside , the b lj tion wo-have to uskoursclvos -us n responsible peojrte , both in Parliament , and out of ¦ Parliament , is t £ , Are we making the best use of tho many J J advantages wo still possess for sccunng unlM mbe our maritime supremacy ? If wo Wff'f ! ; * ; us tho Briton ' s providential birthngh , . are tjj jc pared to sell that goodly heritage lor the auko ot n tnn-, nnvnrv . Llld illusorv DOttCO V Wo durO n .. l hptUK
un / advisedly , or recommend evil that good m « . y con * , but if a gii naval war were m > .. lbk , atit ho , o rto money only , Withoutuny oxi ) onditiu-cofi >« we should hall its nppcimmco as tho h . ubim- i good , and welcome gladly the tlumilor wine Uou arouse us from tho lethargic Indilluronoo an < I m enw indolence which at proscut chumolonsu u » «•» people . —Steam S / tl ]> jjii « J Chronicle .
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Fukncu Fisiusnii : s . —Tho herrlnff flah y . ° » ° of the most productive brnnohos ot t <> « mb Industry lu Franco , and which forms ex « soamon ftp tho . Imperial nuvy , l « w be" nios successful this year . The groater nu w . tho boata omployccl In fishing on tho t . < «¦> u Scotland and Yarmouth liavo returned vitii iu enrgoes .
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Last This Week "Week STOCKS- . 3 per cent . Consols—Money ' 05 £ 95 J Ditto Kedueed ••• . - . * Ditto -sew .-BankStock 220 $ .. . Ijidia " ' - } ' ¦ Exchequer Bills ? .--- „ - •* Z 7 Canada Government G percent 11 ^ New Brunswick Government 0 per cent . .. New South AV ales Government 5 per cent . 110 £ South Australia Government 0 per cent .. 110 .. Victoria Government OpGr cent . ...... Ill .. Austrian Bonds , 5 per cent .. Brazilian Bends , 5 per cent French Rentes , 3 per cent ¦ Mexican Bonds , 3 per cent ,. ; . Peruvian Bonds , 4 j per cea-t Spanish Bonds , 3 por cent . Turkish Scrip , « per cent .. RAILWAYS . Bristol and Exuter 00 100 Caledonian - ..- SSi * 89 i Eastern Counties 6 <" 'i SO East Lancashire .. — Great Northern 1014 103 „ Western ( V-i O- 'JA Lancashire and Yorkshire 91 V * VKiJ London and Blackwall .. CO 00 London , Brighton , and South Coast W ± 113 London and Nortli-WeBtcrn 04- \ 04 + London and South-Western ...., 93 94 : Midland ... , 105 A lOO j North British -.. ; 094 60 * North Staffordshire 4 d 3 Jc Oxford , Worcester , and Wolverhnmpton .. 32 . . 33 South- Eastern - 75 $ 774 South Wales 03 $ 72 * Bombny , Baroda and Central India .,. ... ' 17 17 Calcutta and South Eastern irm Eastern Bengal 2 < 1 Id Eastlndian 100 * 101 Grout fndinn I ' eninsuln 03 07 ^ MadniB 90 8 ( 1 Scinde 1 « 4 J 04 Buffulo and Lake Huron G £ CJ Grand Trunk of Canada 30 39 Great Western of Can nd « 13 } 14 JJ Antwerp and Rotterdam 4 jj fi Duteli KhonlHh 4 ftd 4 d Kastern of Franco 27 27 * Grout Luxemburg 7 g 7 « Lombnrdo-Venetian ; P 2 * p Northern of Franco 87 J 87 A I ' arls , Lyons , and Mediterranean 35 304 Furls and Orleans 00 07 Southern of Franco . *' . 21 21 Western and JNortli-Wostern of France .. 25 } 21
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? ox . dlv .
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JOINT STOCK COMPANIES . The prospectus of the East India Steam . Navigation Company ( limited ) is issued , with a pronosed capital of 120 , 000 ? ., in 24 , 000 shares of 57 . " each The objeet is to send out steamers to navigate the inland rivers of India . It is promised that The first vessels shall be ready for shipment within five months . Notice is given that a petition for the winding ud of the Newcastle Commercial Banking Company is expected to be heard before the Master of the Rolls on the 17 th inst . At a special meeting of the General Steam Navigation Company Mr . Philip T wells was elected a director in the place of Mr . II . 1 \ Prieliard deceased .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 8, 1859, page 1138, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2315/page/22/