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NOW BEADY , TWENTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH . AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY . By the Rev . J . PYCROFT , B . A . I vol . post 8 vo . 10 a . 6 d . ?^ H ^ HiS ^ « iifSS SSS ! lE |^^? p iiPS ^ ' £ ?« ££ f £ fJ ? fn thS wk Hi «? i ChWh ami Lo w Church not fail to deepen in its readers , whether clerical or lay , the . g K § g ? gg 3 £$£ 3 _ 3 ^ 3 ERSB& 8 &B ® & * % »!? p ° - s i ^ . &vss ^ -i ™^^™ . ^^^ sss &sws ^^ gsiis aK ? ! - "IhcRev H Austin is a figment , but the book which —Reading Mercury . relates his experiences , his reflections , and his aspirations . » Quite as good a novel as ' Torn Brown ' s School Days , is not a romance or a novel—it belongs to another order of and we shall be greatly surprised if it does not become as fiction for which a name is still wanting . It is important popular . "—Leader , Aug . 27 . that this distinction should be understood from the outset , . ir rhis i 8 an extremely cluver and amusing book . "for it would be an injustice to the author , and a misfortune Telegraph , Sept . 5 . ^ gffc ^ fX ^^^^^^^ ^ "We ' must here close our extracts from a book which ^ Sept . 7 . L . BOOTH , 307 . REGENT STREET , W .
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THE FIRST NUMBER OF MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE , Edited by DAVID MASSON , WILL BE PUBLISHED ON NOVEMBER 1 , PRICE ONE SHELLING . Macmillan and Co ., Cambridge , and 23 , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden , London , W . C .
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ON NOVEMBER 1 , TOM BROWN AT OXFORD , A NEW STORY , By the Author of " TOM BROWN'S SCHOOL DAYS , " > VIIiI < BE COMMENCED IN MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE , No . I . PKICE ONE SHILLING . Macmili . au and Co ., Cambridge ; and 23 , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden , London , W . C .
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THE RATIONAL VIEW OF RELIGIOUS THEORIES . A Series of Twenty-four Sunday Morning Discourses , by P . W . PERFITT ; delivered to the Independent Religious Reformers , Manor-street , Chelsea . ¦ On the 12 th , No . 2 , WHAT IS THE ESSENCE OF TRUE RELIGION ^? Publishing weekly , price 3 d . in wrapper , a Discourse in each Number . THE PATHFINDER . Weekly , 2 d . ; and in Monthly Parts , containing Articles on the Ancient Egvptians , Hoincr , Chinese Religion , Biblical Criticism , &e . vol . I . now ready , cloth 5 s . Published by George Glaisiier , 470 , Now Oxford-street ; and Jajhes Pattie , 31 , Puteruoster-row .
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Now ready , price 2 s ., New and Popular Song , " HASTE , HASTE TO THE HILLS OF BEAUTIFUL WALES . " The Words wittcn by J . H . JAMES , Esq ., and the Music by G . A . MACFARREN , Esq . London : Cramer , Beale , and Co ., 201 , Regent-street ; and by order of all Musicsellcrs and Booksellers .
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THE CRITIC : WEEKLY JOURNAL OF LITERATURE , ART , SCIENCE , and the DRAMA , is now published overy Saturday , prlco 4 d ., stamped Od . The Critic contains Reviews of all the current Literature of the Week , Home and Foreign , Including French , German , Italian , Sclavonic , « ud Oriontal . Arohnjologlcal , Soieutinc , Artistic , Musical , and Dramatic Summaries . Reports of the Learned Societies . Leading Articles upon Literary and Artistic Tonics , and nil the Literary , Scientific , and Artistic News of the Week . Tho Ckitic may bo obtained through the trade , or ordered direct from tho Offloo , 19 , Wellington-street , Strand , W . C
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HANWELL COLLEGE , MIDDLESEX , lOfltMl retaining Its l > JffU character . —t / ViMed Service Oa-^ A ^ Prospoctus will bo forwarded on application to tho Rov . Dr . 3 . MERTON , tho Principal .
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HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . Notice of Injunction . —Tho admirers of this colobrated Fish Sauce arc particularly requested to observe that none is ffonulno buf that which boars the buck labul with tho name of Wi " - " am Lazenby , as well as the front label signed "Elizabeth Laxenbu , " and that for further aoourity , on tho nook of ' every bottle of tho Gonulno Banco will henceforward appear an additional label , printed In groen and rod , as follows - ~ " ThlB notice will bo nfflxed to Lassonby ' s Harvey ' s Si uoo , prepared at tho original warehouse In iidtUtlon to tho wolf known labols , whlcfi ar «< protected nffalnHtlinltatlon by a porpotual inJunotiolUn Chancery pi uth July , 1808 . . Edward street , Portniqn-squaro , London . „ _ i _ ^ m A P ~~ i f \ 11 oi
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| Ll ~* , i ) tVIUI VPP •»**! * * AV * 1 A *«*» v * " * ¦ wi " - ? - »•¦? ----- —» - ( Vf O T I O E . — -To INDUCE A TUA _ 1 N SOUTH AFRICAN WINES ( tho consumption of which has now nearly roaphod ' 120 , 000 dozen nor Sm-vW « Hoard of Trudo Roturn ») , ii ouso oontnTn ln B P fSur samplQ 8 , sealed and I « bo ) llo < l , will bo torwiirjod on receipt of 30 _ post « ffo atamns , vl » half-pint botUooaoli of best South Affloan merry , l . ' ort . Mndolra . , and . Amontlllado , bottles and oaBo Included . Colonial Brandy , { o » --J ) 'J , gRllo \ i , ~ AddroBB ANTHONY BRQUGH , 8 t > , Str . lud , WiO .
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.... i . i - " , . .. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ MAPPIN'S DRESSING CASES AND TRAVELLING BAGS . Gentleman ' s Leather Pressing Case , lifted £ 1 1 O Gentleman ' s Solid Leather Dressing Case , fitted £ - 2 0 Gentleman ' s Leather Travelling and Dressing Bag , fitted with 10 Articles , Outside Pockot , complete ... ; : « il 0 0 Do . do . do . with addition of Writing Materials , Patent Ink , and Light , comploto £ ' ¦ Gontloman ' s very largo , 18 In . Bng . with DrosNImr and Writing Materials , ai Articles , Outside Pocket V . 7 0 0 Gentleman ' s 17 in . Writing and Drcasiiitf liuu ' , Plated Fittings , boat Glass , fitted with :. ' (> Artides , comploto £ 11 10 0 Gentloman ' s 17 In . Writing and DrcMHlntr ling , fitted with every necessary , very handsome , complete iil 5 0 0 Enamol Leather Lady ' s Travelling ling , i : » In ., lulled . Silk , fitted with 11 Artlolcm , OutHldo Pookot , cpnmloto , lii 10 0 Morocco Loatfior Lady ' s Travelling l \ nu . Llnoil Silk , Httod with 10 Articles , Outside I ' ockot , complete Ail ¦ ! 0 Do . do . do . with addition of Writing Matoiials , Ink , and Ll ^ ht , complete ., £ 3 0 0 Levant Leather Lady ' s writing and DronHlng Bag , 10 in ., fitted with 28 Articles , complete , j ^ io 0 0 Levant . Leather Lady ' s Writing and Dressing Bag , 15 In ., fitted with 30 Articles , Outsido Pockets , complete . £ 13 0 0 Levant Leather Lady ' s Travelling and Dressing Bag , 15 in ., Httod vory complete . Silver Tops to ulass and Bottles , Ivory Brushes , very handsome , oompletp , ifc 2 S 0 0 A costly Book of Engravings , with rrluutt attached , iorwurded by Font on rooolpt of Twelve yta ») i > s . ' MAPPIN BROTHERS . 07 and 08 , KING WILLIAM STREET , CITY , LONDON . Manufactory—Queen ' s Cutlory Works , Sheflleld . i ' "'
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MAPPIN'S "SHILLING" RAZORS Warranted good by the Makers . MAPPIN'S 2 s . RAZORS Shave well for Three Years . MAPPIN'S 3 s . RAZORSf suitable for llm-d or Soft Beards ) Shave well for Ten Years .
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WILSON'S LEGAL HATSTDY BOOKS . By JAMES WALTER SMITH , Esq ., LL . 1 X , of the Inner Temple , Barrister-at-Law . Price One Shilling each ; or free by post on receipt of 13 Stamps . ¦ HANDY BOOK of thi ~ LAW of BANKING ; with a cjear and complete Exposition of its Principles , Customs , and Practice . H ANDY BOOK on the LAW of BILLS , CHEQUES , NOTES , and I O Us . TTANDY BOOK on the ~ I . AW of TARTNERJJL SHIP . Dedicated by-special permission to the Right Hon . the Lord Chancellor . HANDY BOOK of the LAW of HUSBAND and WIFE—MARRIAGE and DIVORCE—PARENT and CHILD . — " Mr . Smith has rendered important service to sooiety by the publication of these concise , clear , and cheap expositions of the law . " The number already sold exceeds thirty thousand . London : Effingiiam Wilson , publisher , Royal Exchange , E . C .
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This Day , post 8 vo ., 3 s . 0 d ., BABRII PABULJ ! JBSOPE ^ , e Codice Manuscripto Partem Secundam nuuc Primum . Edidit GEORGIUS CORNEWALL LEWIS , A . M ., ^ Edis Christi , in Universitate Oxoniensi , Alumnus Honorarius . . ¦ Also , post 8 vo ., 5 s . 6 d ., BABRII PABUL _ E iBSOPE-ffl , cum Fabularum Deperditarum Fragmentis . Recensuit et Breviter lllustravit GEORGIUS CORNEWALL LEWIS , M . A . London : John W . Parkeb and Son , AVcst Strand .
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| I DONALD DUNCANS PURE SCOTCH MALT WHISKIES Are CHEAPER , more wholesome , and far sunerio- tn n . finest FRENCH BRANDY . ¦ supenor to the ROYAL BALMORAL , a very fine , mild , and mellow spirit ........ _ 5 S nPr ~ | The FRINCJE'S ^ USQUEBAGH , a much- P S ' - admired and delicious spirit 18 s DONALD DUNCAN'S celebrated Registered D . D . WHISKY , of extraordinary quality and age ...... .. 20 s . Two gallons of either of the above sent to anv n ' art n * sample forwarded for 12 stamps . Terms , Cash . 5 , BUBLEIGH STREET , STRAND , W . C .
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ECONOMY . A 10-gallon cask ( equal to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOTTTn AFRICAN SHERRY , for FourGuineas , or 20 si per do / en best Port , 24 s . per dozen . Cask or bottle , and ease included ' Three dozens carriagefree . Cash . —HENKKKY S ABBOTT and CO ., Importers , 22 and 23 , High Holborn . Established 1831 . ¦
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TTENEKEYS' COGNAC , a pure French Brandy XX pale or brown , 20 s . per gallon , 42 s . per dozou . Packages to be returned within threemonths , or charged is . pcr ^ l Ion . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid . ° TENEKEYS' LONDON BRANDY , PahT ^ r il brown , 14 a . per gallon , 30 s . per dozen . Three dozens carriage free . . ¦ TTENEKEYS' LONDON GIN , as fvoi ^~ thQ JLL still , and the strongest allowed , sweet or dry l ^ s per gallon , 26 s , per dozen . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid . Country orders must contain a remittance . HENEKEY'S PRICES CURRENT of WINES and SPIRITS sent post-free on application HENEKEYS , ABBOTT , and CO ., Gray ' s Inn DistHlery , 22 and 23 , High Holborn , W . C . Established 1831 .
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ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE , In tlie finest condition , is ' now being delivered by HARRINGTON PARKER , and CO . This celebrated Ale , recommended by Baron Liebig"nnd all the Faculty , is sup ^ plied in Bottles , and in Casks of 18-gnllons and upwards , by HARRINGTON PAIMvEK . and CO . ; Wine aiid Spirit Merchants , 5 _ Pall-mall , London . ¦
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yy BROWN AND POLSOX'S / A PATENT CORN TL 0 UE , I n \¦ I ' referred to the besf Arrowroot . ivlh-ious iu Puddings , Custards ,. JJlaucniango ,. Cake , &c , and . ESPECIALLY Sl . ITKD TO TMK DELICACY OF CHILDREN AND INVAL . UrS . The Lancet states , "This is superior to anything . of the kind known . "—Obtain it where inferior articles arc not substituted . From Family Grocers ' , Chemists , Coiifl'ctiom'rs , nnrt Corn dealers . —7 ~ a , Market-street , Manchester ; and 2 U , Ironmonger-lane , London .
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KEEP YOUR PREMISES FRKK FROM MICK AND Sl'ARROWS . BARBER'S POISONED WHEAT kin * Mice and Sparrows on the spot . —In Id ., : »» d ., ' 4 d ., " and 8 d . packets , with directions and testimonials . No risk nor damayo in laying this Wheat about . From n single packot hundrutls of mice and sparrows are found fleail . Aoent _ . —Barclay and Sons , 03 , Farrini-don-streit ; \\ . Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; 15 . Yates anil Co ., - ';> , Budge-row , London ; and sold by all Druggists , 'Groci'M , &c , throughout the United Kingdom . ¦ , linrbcr's l ' oisoncd Wheat Works , Ipswich . Removed from Eye , Suffolk . ^__ _ j _ „ . _
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THE UNIVERSAL GAS BURNER li K ( iULA T O R ( Geylin ' s l ' atent ) . Tl'V , "' ^ . '" , , ''/! world by which tho flume from AiwiikI , FJsJi-tail , and all othor burners remaimi invariable uncVer all variations pi usure and the cost of t-acli liglit is less thu-u one fiirthing PO Cim % 1 o ' 'hxo ( l horizontal , clone to , or at a distance ft-orn , tho Burner is ornamental , simple in const I'uction , e ' " »^<) "ff of a double chauibvr , the ium-r pi-r-lorntoil , eo \ erctl witn a diaphragm , giving action to a sphi-rU-ul valve . „ .,,., „„ ,,. Price 3 s . Vm .-h . ( One sent on ri-celpt ol Us . Oil . Ini'ow'nff - - Htamps . ) ' ... , W . II . Kennedy , Agent , -UW , Oxford-alrout , L oudojrJ ^
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THE HYGIENIC SPRING LATHS B E D 8 T 10 A D ( Goy- ' Uii ' H Wit « nt ) wmiblnlnff the nrtviintagvs of Metallic Bodstoads with tho com ;> r of ah in ^ Xiluttrntw at loss than half the cost . LWv Ifl « l by nkuicbi men as tin ? bent and most comfortable Ih-tWi '' A V . \ , " . vuhtocl ; invaluable for hot climates ; cannot vob . » Uj 1 > imr bO fctolHyW . IT . KifflRBDV , Agent , KW Oxftord-atrcct . London . W . C .
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does " " youb , taSor fit you ? TRY J . SMITH , l& L ( . , Ml ! Ani ) , OTltl ^ T , l . C-HOL . FKUINO TltOUdlQKS , nil ^' ool . of UicISe \ vt » a ; "' __ . ""•' unUUiss Variety , to ordor , 10 s . —Observe tho Adduwn M , LOMBARD STREET .
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« H " K . , . ¦ . ¦¦ I ' '" ' ' . THE VICTOR NEW OVERCOAT . jMb ., aOs ., and 113 s . Introduced by II . B ION JAM IN , Blur-hunt mid I'm "' ' * Tailor , 71 , Uogent-Btroot , W . T 1 I 10 INVIOUNKSS WKAPPKKH , lit Ms . u »« i •> " - *• . uncquallocl In appearance and valuo . . Sffdei TBM&aVA ™ 6 o ™ li i : iS D 1 U 0 HU TUOWaiflKS * n « d Tillfl HAL 1 - < -i WAISTCOAT ^ __ jfer / ec ( m vmnmiml l _____ j , - » r ~ i ,. li .. l . « , l I ... I < i ., s . r 1 n-ln 1 r OllQHt TOU'llnS i
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1140 THE LEADER . L No . 498 . Oct . 8 , 185 Q .
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| Ll ~* , i ) tVIUI VPP •»**! * * AV * 1 A *«*» v * " * " - ? - »• ----- —» - .... i . i - " , . .. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . , . ¦ . ¦¦ I ' '" ' ' . , ~ BRQUGH , , , i ' j , - » r ~ i ,. li .. l . « , l I ... I < i ., s . r 1 n-ln 1 r OllQHt TOU'llnS i
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 8, 1859, page 1140, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2315/page/24/