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THE ITALIAN KINGDOM . At Florence on Saturday the Savoy cross and Sarilinimi standard were hoisted on the old Palaoe . The next day a proclamation of the Provisional Irovcrnuicut was posted up , announcing that from this time forward all government powers will be exercised in the name of Victor Emmanuel , the King chosen by the' people . Another proclamation announces the adoption of the monetary system of Ssir-< linia , and that in future the coinage of Tuscany will bear the cfligy of Victor Emmanuel ,
At Bologna a decree of the Provisional Govexnj ruent states that in future every public act shall bo J leaded thus : —>¦ " Under the reign of his Majesty the King Victor Emmanuel , " &c . Other decrees have also been published concerning the oath to the King , and the fundamental laws of the country . The arms of , Savoy were placed on all the public buildings , and a religious festival took place . A Te JDeum wo , 8 performed in the Church or tit . Petronio , at which all the authorities mid nn immense crowd were present . General Garibaldi and the Marquis do Pepoli hare been received with great enthusiasm by the people . The aamc festivals have taken place throughout tho Ko-¦ njU Kiuu . .
At Turin , tho national subscription which lias been opened for tho purchase of urms for Gnrlbnldi ' s cvt-fjs ( Vaimce is well received everywhere by the public . Gouoral Fanti , in 1 is recent order of tho day , expresses himself pretty clearly . "Appointod , " ho Bays , to tlie comivuind-in-ehief of tho military forces of a lie Central Italian League , ho asks of his soldiers devotion to their flag , faith in their rights , and pcr-SQvcnuico in their object , quail ties which , combined , will usaurcdly lead to tho triumph of indopondonco . Ho quotes tho words addressed by Napoleon III . to tho Italians when as yet Villufrunca was undreamt of , uiul concludes by Baying that tho tricolor , with
the old cross of Savoy , shall precede them in the fresh battles that will for ever free Italy from the stranger . Garibaldi , on his side , displays his wonted energy and decision . He summons the Italians of the Legations to arms , and opens , with a contribution of 5 , OOOf ., a subscription fixed at l , OOO , GOOf . for the purchase of muskets ! If > the Italians be worthy of the great sympathy they have obtained , his appeal for men and money will be promptly and largely responded to .
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Spurceon Out-doxe . —At Naples the priestly party are making strong efforts to prejudice tlic minds of those under their influence against the movement in the Romngna by representing tlie principal agents in it as heretics and inndeis . Take the following as a specimen : it is lrom a sermon preached by Padre Lnbrano , formerly a canon of S . Maria Maggiorc , now a member of the society of Jesus . The sermon was delivered in the church of Gesu Nuovo : — in tno
Romagna , " he said , " great crimes were committed against religion , and great miracles yHn » 8 »» in its honour . Thus In one of the churches whore tho praises of tho Virgin wore being ; celebrated some domagoguos broke nito abu " ° £ that holy name , and suddenly fell down do » i In another church an ass was led up to nit altar to celebrate tho . mass , and tho gnutypm sons- died in a moment . Gariba di , too , on entering a church took the sacred chalice lor hiuse , „„ , ! «¦„» HtiMiolr with anonlexv . " It is difficult to
know which most to wonder at , tho impudence the preacher , or tho gullibility of tho » udlonco . Yet such absurdities arc asserted continuou > , and so great is tho pernicious influence oi tno priostho . nl thnt there are numbers who owe ; h as articles of faith evorything that falls from then V Emperor and his Misibthbh . — A lottcr from Biarritz alludes to reports of various change * in tho French ministry . Those rumours are t ouw less of the moat idlo kind ; they porliups originaccu among the loungers on the terraces ot the ^»"" , ' which command a fine view of tho son , tn ° J ** ' ' and the Imperial residence . Tho Emperor , it » PP ° » J ' occasionally walks about tho grounds witli « «» Newfoundland dog , hold by a string \ and tno »«'
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Parisian Gossip . —The Imperial Court will quit Biarritz on the 10 th inst ., and leave Bayonne for Bfordeaux on the 11 th . After a sojourn of forty-eight 3 iours in Bordeaux they will leave for Paris , where * hey . are expected to arrive oh the 14 th inst — -The Emperor will pass the winter at the Tuileries , the thorough repairs involving the demolition of one wing of the edifice having been put off till next year . Projects of long imperial journey sin 1860 are already talked of , but they must necessarily be very uncertain . —The army of Italy will winter in the Peninsula . General Ulioa and M . Montanelli have arrived in
Paris from Florence . Lord Cow ley has left Paris for Biarritz , for the purpose , we have every reason to believe , of making arrangements with Count Walewski respecting the Chinese expedition . Count Walewski is expected in Paris from Biarritz this day . ' -Baron Brenier , the French ambassador to tlie Court of Naples , has arrived in Paris on leave of absence . King Jerome is said to be very unwell . The Bon Sens , a newspaper published at Annecy , is now constantly seized . The number of Friday last says , "This number having been again seized , we leave en hlanc the part incriminated . Vive la JLibcrlc . ' "
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MAZZINI AND VICTOR EMMANUEL . The Turin correspondent of the Paris Presse writes : — "I have seen a very curicus letter from Mazzini . to King Victor Emmanuel . It is dated Florence , Sept . 20 th . The celebrated agitator was latelv in Florence for three weeks , during all which time ' lic evaded the surveillance of the police . Ifc is no-. v well known that the object of his visit was to reeomruend his old supporters to rally to the situa ^ tion brought about by the march of events . His letter removes all doubt on the subject , M . Mazzini declares that be frankly accepts the policy of King Victor EtnniaimcL lie is willing to renounce his personal opinions touching the form of government in Itnly , and if the King can and will make Italy " one" and " free , " be promises him the support of the democratic fraction which he represents .
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FATAL POPULAR OUTBREAK AT PARMA . Ji . telegram , dated Modena , Thursday , brings us the melancholy tidings of the first bloodshed . which has accrued to tlieltalian revolution , Colonel Anviti , lute president of the- Military Commission of the ex-Duchy of Parma , was discovered to have arrived at Parma in disguise , for the purpose of getting up a conspiracy , and had remained concealed until Wednesday . He was recognised by the populace . Heroic efforts were made to save the traitor , but the troops being quartered in the citadel , which is at lialf-an-hour ' s distance , and the door of the guardhouse , in which four or five carabineers were stationed , and in which he had taken refuge , having been forced , Colonel Anviti was killed . The greatest tranquillity now reigns in the city .
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THE HOLY FATHER , In consequence of the reception by Victor Emmanuel of the deputation from the Romagna , tlie Sardinian ambassador at Rome received his passports . The Presse thinks that the last allocution of the Pope must completely extinguish the hopes of those who yet believed in the possibility of a peaceable settlement of the affairs of Romagna . The Sovereign Pontiff plainly repudiates all the distinctions drawn by prudent Catholics between his spiritual and temporal power , and declares that he is bound by his oath to transmit the " rights and possessions of the church and his civil sovereignty intact to his successors as being the patrimony of St . Peter . "
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Arrests xt Naples . —Letters from Naples state that great agitation continued to reign there , and that fourteen persons belonging to tlie highest families had been arrested . Amongst them are the Baron Galetti , the Marquis d'Afflito , and the Marquis de Bella Caraciolo . They are accused of holding meetings for the discussion of politics .
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THE LATE CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE SULTAN . " Every people , " says a contemporarv , lias its own
way of striving for its ends . The ' movement' in Turkey seems to have been a sort of Financial Reform and Retrenchment Association , only instead of getting up monster meetings and trusting to peaceable agitation , and the eloquence of a Cobden or a Bright , the Pashas and Livas and Muftis and Ulemas held secret counsel at the quarters of one of their number , adjacent to the Mosque of Sultan Bajazid , and proposed nothing less than the massacre , or at least the captivity , of their sovereign and his ministers . " ' . ¦ ' .-
The principal in the plot was one Shcilc Ahmed » n enlighten man free from fanaticism who deplored the growing feebleness of the empire and the administrative and finanical abuses ; he founded a secret society which soon attained a large number of adherents . Among the Sheik's admirers and friends was the Circassian , Hussein Pasha , a hotheaded , resolute man , distinguished in 1855 in the Kars campaign , and said to have greatly distinguished himself in the repulse of the Russian attack . He has since been left without employment , and considering himself unjustly treated became a malcontent ; he fell in with Sheik Ahmed , and readily joined in his plans . About two months
ago , however , Hussein was appointed to the staff of the army of Roumenia . At first he refused to go , but at last yielded and departed . It is said to have been then agreed that , in his absence , the direction of the movement should be intrusted to Hassan Pasha , General of Artillery and member of the Secret Society , who commanded the Bosphorus , with all its batteries and military posts . Djafer Pasha was another conspirator . He is an Albanian of high family , who in former days was more thun once in arms against the Porte , but who , during the campaign on the Danube , joined the Sultan ' s army with 200 of his countrymen , armed and equipped at his own charge . Aftor the war they promised him
much , but performed nothing ; they would not oven let him return to his own countrj ' , but compelled him to live in Constantinople on his pay of about 71 . sterling a month . Tho conspiracy , ^ made iT \ any other recruits , some of them men of much importance . They included a great number-of officers , and even non-commissioned officers and soldiers of Artillery , Engineers , and the Guard . Thq number of officers comprised is estimated at not less than 850 . There was a regular organisation . Tho Bociety was divided into two classes , chiefs and associates . Only the chiefs knew each othor ; the associates know only their chiefs , each of whom
grouped around him 100 to 150 men . This society is said to have reckoned scarcely less than 15 , 000 to 18 , 000 men . The soldiers were to carry o ( F the Sultan , and tho Sultan , taken , detachments wore to arrest tho Minister of War , Riza Pasha , tho Grand Vizier . AaJi Paehn , and tho Minister of Forolgn Affaire , Fuad Pasha . Other ministers and presidents and members of councils wore to bo arrested , and , with tho Sultan , wore to bo kept prisoners . According to his own statement , tho man who betrayed tho plot , Hassan Pasha , did bo on account of a resolution taken to put them all to death , Abdul Medjid included . Tho general
opinion in Constantinople , however , is said t o be that there was no intention of proceeding to such extremities . The Sultan was to be declared deposed and his brother or his eldest son ( accounts vary ) was to be put upon the throne . On Saturday the 17 th of September , the plot . was to be carried out ' but on the Wednesday night preceding Hassan went to Riza Pasha and told him all . Prompt measures were taken . In the night of Thursday , and on the Friday and Saturday , many arrests were made . The prisoners were sent to Kulalee , to Scutari , and to T" ) aoud Pasha .
Since the revelation of the plot Constantinople has been traversed day and night by patrols ; at a certain hour Galata bridge was opened , and the communi - cation between Stamboui and . Galata and Pera was interrupted . The greater part of the garrison of Pera had been transferred to Stamboui , showing that the Christian quarters of Constantinople had nothing to fear . Arrests continued , but many persons had been released . A telegram to Janina ordered the arrest of the Circassian , Hussein Pasha .
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The Conspiracy in 1 urkey . — Advices have been received from Constantinople to the 28 th ult , which states that the inquiry into the late conspiracy is terminated . The commission has made its report , and sentence will soon be passed on the conspirators . Fresh and important arrests have taken place . —Omar Pasha , chief of the army of Bagdad , has been deprived of his command in consequence of serious abuses of his authority . ^—The Sultan is about to send Mehemet Pasha to Smyrna , in order to invite Prince Alfred to visit Constantinople .
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CHINA . The telegrams in advance of the Overland Mail brings us no fresh intelligence from China . Mean > - while Mr . Bruce , as the official correspondence has informed us , will await instructions from home before taking any further steps-, and it does not seem that our Goveri | ment has decided what course to pursue ; beyond that of sending out reinforcements . Lord J . Russell , in his letter to Mr . Bruce of September 26 th , spealcs of instructions to be hereafter communicated . It may be worth while to observe , that the date Of this letter is that of tlie day on which the last Cabinet Council was held . It is not likely
that any further communication has been sent to Mr . Bruce si . ucu that period , and in the one before us Lord John Russell gives no intimation that it may be necessary for our envoy to renew his' forcible measures , far less to take steps to obtain a new treaty . There appears some slight evidence in the epistle of our Foreign Secretary that the Ministers of the Crown are divided in opinion as to the course which should be pursued , and the amount of sanction that should be given to the course pursued by Mr . Bruce , whose first and all important error ( as the China Telegraph observes ) was in assuming that the measures adopted by Lord Elgin would suit his position as the bearer of a treaty .
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1124 THE X . E ADER [ No . 4 Q 8 . Oct . 8 , 1859 .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 8, 1859, page 1124, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2315/page/8/