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. INSTITUTED 1831 .. Head Office : 26 , ST . ' ANDREW-SQUARE , EDINBURGH . The profits are divided every three years , and wholly belong-to the members of the Society : The last division took place lit 1 st March , 1859 , and from the results of it is taken the following- . ¦ ¦ EXAMPLE OF ADDITIONS . A Policy fob . £ 1 , 000 , dated 1 st March , 1832 , is now increased to £ 1 , 654 9 s . ;> d . Supposing- . the age of the Assured at the date of entry to have been 40 , these Additions may be surrendered to the Society for a present payment of . £ 303 l ~ s . 8 d ., or such surrender would not only redeem the entire premium on the . Policy , but also entitle the party , to n . present payment 6 t £ 104 4 s ., and , in both cases , tlie Policy would receive future triennial additions . . ¦ . ' THE EXIST TNG ASSURANCES AMOUNT TO £ 5 , 272 , 367 THE AJfVUAL REVENUE . £ 187 , ~ ' 4 O THE ACCUMULATED FUND ( arising solely from the Contributions of Members ) .. ... . £ 1 , 194 657 ROBT . CHRISTIE , Manager . WM . FINLAY , Secretary . LONDON OFFICE , 26 , POULTRY , E . C . AECHD . T . RITCHIE , Agent .
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IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . 1 , OLD BROAD STREET , LONDON—Instituted 1820 DIRECTORS . GEORGE WILLIAM COTTAM , Esq ., Chairman . FREDERICK PATTISON , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman Thomas Gf . Harclay , Esq . George Hibbert , Esq . James 0 . C- Bell , Esq . Samuel Hibbert , Esq . James Brand , Esq . Thos . Newman Hunt , Esq . Charles Cave , Esq . J . Gordon Murdoch , Esq . George Henry Cutler , Esq . William R . Robinson , Esq . Henry Davidson , Esq . Martin T . Smith , Esq ., M , V . George Field , Esq . Newman Smith , Esq . SECURITY . —The nssurod are protected by a guarantee fund of upwards of a million and a half sterling from the liabilities attaching- to mutual nsaurance . PROFITS . —Four-fifths , or eighty per cent , of the profits are assigned to Policies every lifth year . The assured are entitled to participate afterpayment of one premium . CLAIMS . —The Company has disbursed in payment of claims and additions upwards of £ 1 , 000 , 000 . Proposals for insurances may bo made at the ChHf Office , as above ; ait the liranch Office , 10 , Pall-mall , London ; or to any of the agents throughout tho Kingdom . SAMUEL INGALL . Actuary .
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INCORPORATED 1817 . BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL JLIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 32 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON , E . C . Annual income , £ 88 , 388 . Accumulated Fund £ 151 , 807 Via . Tho profits declared have amounted to £ 0 ; J , 418 , yielding a Bonus of 274 P ' cont . on tho premiums , returnable in Cash to the members . . Since the commencement , of the Company tho amount paid , to tho widows and other representatives of deceased member ? la £ r 9 { ttu Us . Od . , , Persons insuring this yonr will share in tho Bonus to bo declared \ ip to December , ImiM . JAMES ING L IS , Socrotary .
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LONDON CHARTERER BANK OF AUSTRALIA . INCORPORATED m KOYAL CHARTER . V AID - UT CAPITA L , 7 00 , 000 / . Ch . vihmau—DUNCAN DUNMAR , Esq . DsruxY-CiiAUtMAN—AVrLI < I ( V » I FANE DE SALlS , Efl < l . OmcKH-i ;' , CANN ^ ON-STREIOT , M . C . LMTTKR 8 of ( JRHDIT and MILLS of EXCHANGE aro enmtodoii tlic Branuhoaol ' tlilubiuik at Hyilnoy , Melbourne Uoolong , Maryborough , Ararut , nud liallarut . DRAFTS un tlio A ' udtrulliin OoIoiiIoh nogotlutod und » ont for oollootloii . Ily onlor of tho Court , __ . G . M . BELL , Suorutary .
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DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK . FIVJB I'EJR CENT , on sums for fixed periods , or at aovoju dayu notice , or Thrpo nor Cont . nt Caw , _ , G . H . J . AW , Manager . OfllooB , o , Cannon-struot Vest , E . C .
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WINTER HOSIERY Of Mio HoiioHd and wannoBfc description , Including nil tho nowoat piUtorns mid ooloiirn . under clothing- for family ubo , iin < llbr Invalids . Printed fiunnol shirts mid droHflliiff- , orowim . l'OTW und PLANTlfl , inanufnoturorM , > YMtorloonluoo , fit 11-ma 11 , Loudon , & . W . '
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rnHK LAST ANNUAL REPORT , CASH L ACCOUNT , nud BALANCE SWEET of tliil MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY f A . D , 1 h : ) I ) , may bi > hud on n written or personal application to tlio Actuary , or to any of tho Society ' s Country Agents . To tlio Uoporl und Accounts is appended a List oi'Donusoa paid on tho claims of tho year 183 W . No extra ohurgo for Jouilnu' Voluntoor Jtldo or ArMllory Corps . CHARLES ING ALL , Actuary . Tiui Mutual Li to Anauranoo OIUcom , : id , Ivlng-Htroot , ChoupBldo , ifl . C , London ¦
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INVENTORS' ASSISTANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . Capital , £ 25 , 000 , in shares of £ 1 each ( vith power . to increase it to Jt" 100 , 000 ) . Deposit 5 s . per share . Incorporated under Joint Stock Companies' Acts , 1856-57-53 . Under the direction of a Council and Managing Committee appointed by the Shareholders . Bankers—Itausom , Bowverie , and Co ., Pall Mall East . Soucitoks—Grane , Son , and Fosonmeyer , 23 , Bedford Row , "W . O . : Secretary—Sitwell Harris . OFFICES AND MANUFACTORY , Nos . 1 , !> , and 3 * GOUGH STREET NORTH , Gray ' s Inn Road , W . ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS . rpU E loading feature of this Company is , that Jt investigate * X the merit of any inventiou submitted to It , by the aid oi ' aoientiflo and practical men , selected with special regard Jo their qualifications , as impartial Judges . Such inventions as are approved are patented or registered , and maniifiictiircd by tho Company , for sale , on a eoalo sufficient to establish their vahio , without cost to tho luvontor , who will share , under agreement , in all pro / its arising tbvroirum . As an earnest of theso intentions , tho Manning- Committee have accured a long lenso , on moBt ndy « nung \» o ! id terms , of extensive promises , containing' «\ spacious , inunuftetory , provided with suitable pj « nt . whoro models can bo maUo ana tried , ami patented articles nuiiuifiietiirod tor sale . Vnluablopatonts , alroady . arraj | fir «; l for , are now bcin «' so mnnufnefured , at a nctt piotlt of aoo por cunt . ; whiio wvwnl vary promisiiiff Inventions arc under consideration . The advantages thus © numerated Justify " ^ . W' ^ to ™ ' ! . roeoihmondinu' the undortahinc' to tho notlue ol biiiuu SapltoKwin livostmont wolf worthy their « pcoiu ) «*> nsuteratlon . ,,. ' t That tho larcQinnfls of Inventors uro unable to carry out tholrdoVlffi " , 7 » a fact patent to most practical observer . * . HlBoaanWirno tlmt a 4 'rout number of oases only rwjiilitj the Jwfirmiiit » rtA kindly ossimnnaool eolontlllcand pro ; - - oal mon to ronder thorn produotlvo of Imnionso public b » no t It Is iuoontrovertll >| o that our natlonalimporfiiiH'o and wenlthiiivo boon nioro nromotod bv invontora thnn by voth or " in " I of mon . Arlcwrlfflit , Watt , Corf , Htep ipil son and ot om scarcely leflfl ominont , have proihiceil im andunt of wealth nlmorit boyond c » lpiiliitlon , tlioiiffli their liiyontlonswororooolvod nt W Avlth coo 1 iu > hh nrni Inoreiillty . In Snort , all tho linprovomi'iits for our oonvoiiloiicu ml comfort , dntinfffroin « state of barbarity to ono of liluh dvillHatloii , i . robiirthocun » ulatJvo roHults of invontlvuinff l « mu 8 t not bo ovorlookod by tlio Hharoholdi / r * ' »•«¦* " * „•• natont fflvoHuw o . noIumIvo trade with tho oua » onu > rt » ot tho /' ivorli . Ulicl tlmt this Company will poeaous in no noinimnf / , diwrco " woh ttdviint » ffOH iw will , on tliu rtvovago , bcjuV- ^ moiwoly produotlvo , and mmuro a dividend that muy $ » % ¦> /" nrlso , a »« munt . Hatlw ^ V all investors . „ t / TK I 1 pplloiitloiiH for » haras , nnd Ml 1 ' ronnootuHOH R' vinprpCftc /; ... milout information , to bo ntutlo pcrao \» ully » ov *>/ U'tU-V j ^ . . I tlio floorutnry , « t tho Ofllcoi , an ubovu . '¦< '•• - W ' . V
Untitled Ad
SPECIAL NOTICE . THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . COXSTITITTED BY SPKCIAt ACTS OF PAKI . IAMJ 3 NT . ICSTABLISnED 1825 . . . DIVISION O F PR OPI T S . The Sixth Division of the Company ' s Profits is appointed to be made on lath November , 1860 ^ and all Policies efTected before 15 th November , 1 S 50 . will participate in that division . The fund to be divided with the profits which have arisen since 15 th November , 1855 . A Policy effected before 15 th November , 1839 , will rank , at the division in 1860 , as of two years' standing , and secure one year ' s additional bonus over policies of the-later date . , PROGRESS OP THE SOCIETY . Snnas proposed for assurance during the year 1858 ... ¦ ........ ; ... ¦ ..... £ 300 , 309 . 2 4 Sums assured'during-the year 1 S 5 S , exclusive of Annuity transactions ., o 07 , 522 9 0 Corresponding- annual Premiums on new Policies I .- ... ; , 10 , 095 11 10 Annual Revenue ( 15 th November , 1858 ) ....... 270 , 990 ' 8 9 Accumulated Fund , i nvested i n Government Securities , in Land , Mortgages , &c . ( 15 th November , 1858 ) . .......... 1 , 505 , 105 9 0 The Directors invite particular attention to , the liberal terms and conditions of Assurance introduced by this Company into the practice of Life Assurance . SELECT ASSURANCES . The privileges of this class are—Permission to travel and reside in any part of the world , free of extra premium ; and the cancellation of all conditions under the Company ' s Policies , which thus become unchangeable on any ground whatever except nonpayment of the ordinary premium .-Assurances of five years' standing are admissible to this class . REVIVAL OP POLICIES . Policies not renewed within the days of grace do not become , absolutely forfeited , but may be revived ' on certain conditions any time within thirteen months from the date of the premium falling due . The regulations under this head are very favourable to the assured in other respects nlso , and are worthy of special attention . SURRENDER VALUES ., Liberal allowances made for surrender of Assurances under the Profit Scheme , at any time after payment of one annual premium . London —82 , KING WILLIAM STEEET , Chairman of the Hoard . Tjih Right Hon . the EARL OF ABEHDEJEN . Ohdinahy Djuectors . John Scott , Esq ., 4 , Hyde Park-strcot . Krnnota Lo Breton , Esq ., 3 , Orosby-squaro . Thos . H . Brooking , Esq ., 14 , New JBroad'Strcet . John Griffith Frith , Esq ., AustlniViars . Charles Uomory , Esq ., 28 , Threadneedlc-Btreot . Llout .-Col . James D . G . Tull 6 oh . Alexander Gillcsplo , Esq ., 3 , Billltcr-court . WILL . TTIOS . THOMSON , Mttinager . If . JONES WILLIAiyiS , ltCfl . Soo . London : 8 ' 2 , King . WHliam-Btrcot . Edinburgh i 3 , Georgo-stroot . » Dublin : ( 50 , UpperSuckvllle-atroct . Glasgow : !) 5 , St . Vlnoont-plaoo . Furthor pa . rtloulars may bo obtained by addressing to' tho Secretury fn London , in Edinburgh , or in Dublin ; or by application to any of the agents In England , Scotland , or Ireland .
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BANK OF DEPOSIT , Established A . D . 1844 , 3 , PALL MALL E A S T , L ON D O N . CAPITAL STOCK , ^ 100 , 000 . PARTIES DESIROUS OF INVESTING X MONEY are requested to examine the Plan of ill Uank of Deposit , by which a high rate of Interest may b > obtained with ample security . Deposits , made by Special Agreement may be withdraw without notice . The Interest is payable in January and July . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director-Forms for opening Accounts sent free on application .
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. Established 1838 . VICTORIA AND LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 18 , KING WILLIAM STREET , CITY . The Business of the Company embraces every description of risk connected with Life Assurance . Credit allowed of one-third of the Premiums till death , or half the Premiums for five years , on Policies taken out for the whole of life . Advances ia connexion with Life Assurance are made on advantageous terms , either on real or personal security . WILLIAM RATRAY , Actuary .
Mutual Lifk Assurance. Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society.
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^^^^^^^^^— - _—^^^ . j . ^ uuifere ^ M ^ - ^' - - ^ j ^ ~^ -y ~ ¦/^ ' ' ~ J / , y .. ¦ '' '''¦ " ¦' . ' ¦' - ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ i . / T ^ ^ v ^ w ^ psfw : ? ; - / vr ^/ 7 ^ W V ;' . . ^^ f ^^^ y ^^ f j S 4 / &C&A ^^ y ^ ^^ - ^ jfcpufa - }^^ - ¦ ¦ J § it $ & ZT . A POLITICAL , LITERARY , COMMERCIAL AMD FAMILY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER , AND RECORD OF JOINT STOCK COMPANIES , BANKS , RAILWAYS , MIN-ES , SHIPPING , &e .
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VOL . X . No . 503 . ] ' SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 12 , 1859 . Price [ 1 £ } £ ^™ / .: gg ! & * H
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 12, 1859, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2320/page/1/