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FEGM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , November 8 . BANKRUPTS . James Owen , Westminster-bridge-rqad , grocer . Robert Milbum , and James Llewellyn White , Cheapside , and . Martin ; Jeune , and Co ., Paris , merchants . Friday , November 11 . BANKRUPTS . . William Culliagford , Gerrard-street , Soho , woollen draper . , Edward Gibson , Brook ' s-mews , Hyde park-gardens , livery stable keeper . , John Jeyes , Northampton , seedsman . Bobert OakleyWilkins , Appledam , Surrey , cbrndealer . Mathew George White and John Hector Munro , Strand , picture dealers . James Wycherley / , Adderb ury * Oxfordshire , maltster . Thomas Allen , Newport , Monmouthshire , corn factor . William Knapton , York , iron founder . George Henry Edwards ,. Birmingham , victualler .
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Tub LoNDON . BoTER , and Chatham Railway Compajji' propose to carry their line over the Thames , and , by means of an arch over JLudgate-hill , to proceed to the eastern side of Farringdon-street , where it will be necessary to clear a space for a terminus . The site is one of the very best that could be chosen in the whole metropolis , within a stone ' s throw of Newgate-market , St . -Paul's , and Cheapside , three minutes' walk from the Post-office , -within sight of 1-Iolborn and the westward roads , and near the intended site of the Metropolitan Railway . A final call of £ 4 10 s . per share on the additional capital A of the Bombat , Bakoda , and Centbal Railway , has been made payable on the 30 th inst .
The half-yearly meeting of the Danube and Black Sea Railway and Kustendjid Hauboub Company is called for the 29 th inst . A call of £ 3 is to be paid by the 5 th December on the new shares of the Gkeax Western Raixway of Canada . A special meeting of this company ie called for the 22 nd inst . in London , and for the 24 th Dec . in Canada , to consider " a proposition to exchange the existing third and fourth mortgages granted by the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company , for the loans of 250 , 0002 . made to them in virtue of resolutions ot this company passed Nov . 2 , 1857 , and Nov . 2 , 1858 ; and to take in lieu thereof a similar amount of an issue 0 ^ 500 , 0002 . of preference shares , created under the authority of act : ; granted
to the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company , and which is to be secured by a mortgage upon the property of that company . A final understanding has been come to as regards tho joint xiBO of the Perth general station . The whole mutter in dispute , which led to the formation of a now station at the Glaagow-road Bridgo , has been nmicably settled between tho directors of the Scottish Central and Scottish North-Eastern Railways , and the terms of arrangement only require the approval of tho Scottish North-Eastern shareholders . The nocossary station buildings and accesses are provided for , and tjio Scottish North-Eastoni Company uro to rcsuma their use of tho gonornl station In all rospocts ns formerly .
A oall oft X 2 is to bo paid on the shares in tlio Kioa nnd Di / naijuko Railway Company by tho lOlli Dcoomber . 'Tho ' London ivikI Nonxu WissxionN Haimvav traillo returns shove this week tho largo UicrcmsG
of £ 10 , 274 ; the South Eastern an increase of £ 1 , 505 .. ; the Great Northern , an increase of . £ 1 , 779 ; and the Iiondon and South Western , an increase of £ 664 . According to announcement , the Castlk-Douglas and Dumfries line was opened on Monday for general traffic , and a portion of Galloway now enjoys the advantages of railway communication , The first passenger train passed along the line to th < entire satisfaction of all the passengers , the motion being smooth .
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An- undertaking of some importance is announced , under the title of the Ocean Marine Insurance Company . The capital is fixed at one million , ir £ 15 shares , of which it is proposed to call uj £ 200 , 000 , or £ 5 per share . The prospectus sets forth that additional facilities are required for effecting marine insurances in this city , and that the existing marine insurance companies were all formed prior to the year 1825 , since which period the commerce of the country has nearly trebled in amount . It also draws attention to the enormous premiums commanded by the shares in the established
companies . As soon as the measure introduced by Government last session , extending to insurance companies the principle of limited liability , is ^ passed , this company is to be registered under its provisions , and meanwhile , in every transaction entered into by the company , the liability of each shareholder is to be " specially restricted to the amount of his shares . " The names attached to the prospectus are highly respectable , and include those of the chairman of the St . Katherine Dock Compan y , and two of the directors of the London Dock Company . of the
At a meeting of the directors Bane op Bombay , held on Thursday , the 6 th of October ; in the Bank-office , Mr . James Blair , deputy secretary , -was promoted to be secretary and treasurer , from the date of Mr . Stuart ' retirement in . March next . Another special meeting of the proprietors of the bank was also held on the same day ; when on the motion of Sir Cursetjee J ^ msetjee , seconded by J ? ramjee Nusserwanjee , Esq ., it was unanimously resolved that a gratuity of thirty thousand rupees be presented to Mr .. Stuart on his retirement . A new project is in course of organisation under the title of the Anglo-French Makike Insurance Company . The capital is fixed at £ 100 , 000 , but power is to be taken to increase it to £ 1 , 000 , 000 . Branches are to be opened in the principal seaports at home and abroad , and it is mentioned that a board is being formed in Paris and Havre . The half-yearly meeting of the Imperial Continental Gas Association is called for the 30 th instant , to declare a dividend .
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Trade in Russia . —A communication from St . Petersburg says : —The scarcity of specie- is severely felt here in trade ; there is a deficiency even in the copper coinage , and people are compelled to supply its absence by paper tickets . The consequences of the excessive speculation of 1857 arc now felt most grievously . There exist in Russia 104 joint-stock companies , sixty-four of which were founded in 1857 . Several of them have been competed to wind up their affairs . The companies enfytged in metallurgical operations ; the St . Petersburg hardware Association
manufactory ; the Dniester Navigation , and the agricultural company have lost portions ot their eapital amounting to 80 , 000 , 240 , 000 , 480 , 000 , and 90 oS > 00 silver rouWos . In Poland , many merchants have suspended payment . Tho Government intends to create a new mortgage system for the relief of the landed interest ; also , to pass a now bankruptcy law as a safeguard for creditors . The regulations relating to trade licences are also to bo
Tim Gheejc Loan . — The Times says that England France , and Russia have at length agreed to io ' ercoYlio dishonor Government of Greece ^ into maldnff some partial provision for tho payment ot tfie interest on the Greek , loan of £ 2 343 , 750 , contracted six-and-twenty years ago , under tho guarantco of tho three powers , who have been left throufihout tho period to provide for the liability . ThoSm now to be extorted from her is , however , on v ^ eso . OOO per annum , while tho amount actually required is £ 167 , 187 , to say nothing of my repayment tor past defaults . Tho other loan 11 granted to mmhle hor to mvin hor freedom she has dishonoured state
durinff lior whole oxistonco na an independent . They Vere contracted rcspoetivdy In 1824 and 1885 , a . dPnoV amount , with arrears , to about 47 , 000 , 000 . On those thoro is no guanuiteo , the only socurlty of tlio bondholders . being tho pledged ful-th of tho Qroolc nation—a commoility which for many years has boon entirely unmarketable . Nhw Sardinian Loan . —The accounts from Italy montion that tho Now Sardinian home loan of
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nothing new to communicate concerning the money market , and the continued sameness is remarked : by all as an unusual circumstance . In the Stock Exchange , too , there have been no business transactions of importance , and no changes of importance in the week . Consols were firm today , and closed at 96 | to £ , Shares , too , were steady . In the market for foreign stocks , also , the business has been very slack . Such dulness is unfavourable to newspapers , but it speaks favourably for the public , and indicates a total absence of all disquieting rumours . We subjoin our own Bank returns : — BANK OP ENGLAND . An Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria eap . 32 , for the week ending on Wednesday , the 9 th day of November , 1859 : — ISSpE TJEPAHT 3 IENT . ¦ Notes issued ..... . £ 30 , 092 , 905 fGovernment Debt AUfiU ^ -WO Other Securities ; . 3 , 459 , 900 Gold Coin ABullion 10 , 217 , 905 Silver Bullion .... , £ 30 , 092 , 900 £ 30 . 692 , 905 BANKING DEPARTMENT . Proprietors' Capi- Government Secutal £ 14 , 553 , 000 rities ( including Rest 3 , 175 , 209 Dead _ Weight . Public Deposits ( in- Annuity ) .. £ 10 , 875 , 157 cludino- Exche- Other Securities .. 18 , 649 ,. i 7 J quer , Savings' Notes ... 8 , 888 , 430 Banks , Commis- Gold and Silver sioners of Na- Coin 612 , 203 tional Debt , and Dividend Ac- . counts ) 0 , 997 , 259 Other Deposits .... 14 , 571 , 619 Seven Day and other Bills . S 88 . 494 £ 39 , 025 , 223 £ 39 , 025 . 223 M . MARSHALL-, Chief Cashier . Dated November 10 . 1859 .
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Consumption of all kinds continues good nnd proauotive , as also active . Our population is riinldly inoronsing , nnd it is all well employed , and well pnld . Consumption , therofbro , must bo lnuroauing ; and yet prices of no kind are hlgli , or are rising . Our imports and stocks must have boon largo to supply our increasing wants , without imy rise of prioo . At Prosont thoro nro intubations that tho prico of corn .
which tends upwards to-day in Mark Lane , has passed its lowest level . All the continental markets are so dear that importation to any extent is no longer profitable . But we must import corn , and , therefore , we may anticipate a rise in the price of corn . Our seed time ; has not been favourable , -which also indicates hardening markets . Fortunately a good demand continues for the produce of our industry ; and if prices should rise a littie , the people can bear it . They are no longer in such a depressed condition as to be 1 ialf starved whenever wheat rose a few shillings a quarter . From our manufacturing districts the reports continue favourable .
A rise in the price of cotton in the face of an extraordinarily large crop , and a rise in the price of wool at the rates of Colonial wool , which began this week , denote continued activity in the cotton and woollen manufactures . If trade could escape the influence of politicians , if it could be sure not to be disturbed by quarrels , and rumours of quarrels , it would now be as full of satisfaction as it is extensive ; but amongst manufacturers -we find apprehensions of political events , which impede their operations and fill them with uneasiness . They want the assurance of continued tranquillity , and this is all they want to be extremely well pleased and prosperous .
All the Mincing-lane markets are dull , without material alteration . Tea , which was expected to be livel y from the Chinese interruption , is particularly dull .
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Last This "Week Week STOCKS . 3 per cent . Consols—Money . ; ... " 90 } 96 JDitto Reduced 95 9 o Ditto New ., 95 95 Bank Stock - , '¦ & ? 224 India 224 'M 6 Exchequer Bills ... " 31 31 Canada Government 0 per cent 115 * New Brunswick Government 0 percent . .. 113 . } 1129 New South Wales Government 5 per cent . 10 i loij South Australia Government 6 per cent .. 113 114 Victoria-Government C per cent . .. ¦ - 107 110 ^ Austrian Bonds , 5 per cent .. Brazilian Bonds , 5 per cent ... 101 * French Rentes , 3 per cent 0905 Mexican Bonds , 3 per cent ~" - 'i Peruvian Bonds , 4 J per cent Spanish Bonds , 3 per cent 44 * Turkish Scrip , 6 per cent 78 $ RAILWAYS . Bristol and Exeter ,. 100 10 Q 1 Caledonian '•>' - § 92 Eastern Counties 55 x 50 East Lancashire Qreat Northern , 103 io-lk „ Western 05 * 0 . 4 Lancashire and Yorkshire 90 } 90 $ London and Blnokwall 07 05 $ London , Brighton , and South Coast 113 ll- 'J London and North-Western 95 * 90 London and South-Western 95 * 05 £ Midland 105 S 100 North British , «» i 091 North Staffordshire 13 J 44 d Oxford , Worcester , and Wolverhamptpn .. 35 35 South-Eastern 77 J 77 South Wales „ .,. 73 73 Bombay , Baroda and Central India ...... 953 90 J Calcutta and South Eastern .., par \ A Eastern Bengal , l * d -la EaBt Indian ,... 101 $ 101 Great Indian Peninsula 98 $ 98 J Madras 88 » 0 Seinde „ .... 19 * 19 J Buffalo and Lake Huron Q& 6 * Grand Trunk of Canada 40 Of )} Great Western of Canada i 148 In Antwerp and Rotterdam ; 49 4 * Dutch lthonlsh 4 W 4 Ati Eaetorn of Franco 279 2 () J . \ d Groat Luxemburg , 7 fl 7 A Lombavdo-Vonotlan , ' . , Vi 11 * Northern of Franco « 79 37 | Paris , Lyons , and Mediterranean U 0 & nOxd Paris and Orleans 00 00 Southern of Franco , 21 iil WeHtern and North-WoBtorn of Franco .. 83 ' M
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No . 503 . Nov . 12 , 1859 . 1 THE LEADER . 1257
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 12, 1859, page 1257, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2320/page/21/