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allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen , to be the most effective invention iu thy curative treatment of Hernia . The use of ft stool spring ( so hurtful in its effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting-power is supplied by the Hoc-Main Fad and Patent Lever , fitting with so union case and closeness that it cannot be detected , and maybe worn durin ' " - sleep A descriptive circular may bo had , and , the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on the < ii-i > iiTnferenceof the body , two inches below the hip , being . Scut & the Manufacturer ^ JOHN WH 1 TJ-J , *» 1 'iOcadilly , L < l £ ic " ol a single truss , lCs ., 21 s ., 20 s . ( 3 d ., « ml 31 s . < 5 d \ - ^ Se Truss , 31 s . 0 d ., 42 s ., and 52 h Od -I ' osraff ,- l . s . Sd . Umbilical Truss , 4-, ' s . and Ms . "r t .-l ' 0 ? " ^^ wh , TE l ' ost-office orders to be made payable to JOHN Willie , 1 ' opt-otliee , riecadilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , &c , for VAKICOSK VK 1 NS , and ' nil mm o AVKAKxti" ^ nnd SW ELLING of the LlUifc > , brilAiJN > , « it T Tlu ^ U-e ^ poroul light in tcNture , and inexpensive , and « ru drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s .. ( Id . to 10 s . each . —I ' ostii / re "a . JOHN WHITE . Manufacturer , - - ' « , Piccadilly , London .
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" KLKCTRICAL 1 NFLUKNCK , 1 N HEALTU AND DISKASK . Just published , price Is .,, free by post for i : i stumps SECOND LIFE ; Or Electrical Nervous Force , A MrtlwlWw * touted ** the special perusal of all who are » uflforlnff fro » / 'Vr "' $ ' * modes of nervous and physical Mobility , and the dinrins n ulterior consequences to which they K' » dpv JtlKlvaobservattone on the grout curative power o « « . ti t" » nlsrn in the treatment of those dlsojrdors , by . » nj »^» fi ™ « « nd vigour In constitutions r <> axed or dub Uintc < J . iron J ^^^^ x *^^^ ffi ^ ' « - tW ^ lrko y SV vS ^ VcBtprativos , ol cornjnondH . Uself , to the m « dicaUnan us bei » K aw t ni » i « »» the aoAiidtiBt toachinpra of phyeiolo ^ y . l * y t' ^ aiosi ouv ro-oBtabliBhed to n degree nlwiOHt warrantIntf tuo «'» ' « tlon of Sooond LU ' o . ' . , ., „ ,, nt . Miiim , : > " > PubliBhod by the author , and may bo had or j > i » " » . Coruhil ) , and all bookaellwH , -
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DE . KAHN'S MACrNIFIOENT ANATOMY OAI . IMUHMUNF . top of the Haynwrkot 0 **\™ " \ ^\ % ! , | Vo tic whole of the Wohb to lie tha most line |» . ' » ' " ^ , , ly , of any in oxlHtonco ) , io oi > i 5 N daily tor U » l «^ ' ' N < ; ,. from fa till 0 . andfrom 7 tillI 10 . 4 » mihbion O ^ J » , ; ' | A , . Deeorlptivo handbooks uratla . J > " - KAI , , i . | iv . Mini 8 tuiMia on the " rhilpapiiiiy of Mnprlnffo , " d «« ly " ' ( j loll » o ' clock prouiaoly . Svx . bAnuB Hnppy onrtU lw » i PX «• n {{ and tholr Oiiubob—You » Jiftil . VlflffH and liu » '' ( " , ' tM \ v their ItoflultB—r > lHquaU ( lofttlon 8 < or Mnrrlu ««; , " » J * tl , Cure - tho PUyflioloffy of Koproduotlo » -- . ^ »^ fl % rel MiBorlcs-Stoi'lllty and Ita Oauaoa-Uow to rtoowm nnd l'livHloul HnppinoHU . , ^ .. i . irw . irt eiillll " N . JJ . hr . Kahn ' a Trentlflo on the above h ljo « t » . «¦« , t of » T |» o l'hHoHophy of MnrriWQ , " nont P «» Vi ^ i ' lrool Ouvwi-12 afcumpe , dircotftom ihv author , 17 , ll « u-l « y birooi , v » dlah Square , W . "
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Chevalier Tottie , Consul-General to the King Of Sweden and Norway , celebrated the 50 th anniversary of his wedding on Wednesday last , after a residence of 56 years in this country . Mr . Tottie is the father of the consulate body in London , having been appointed to the office which he so worthily fills in the year 1812 . Josep h Jackson , Esq ., of Orpington , has a grandson who has been engaged with his regiment
hi India during the whole period of the late revolt . On Wednesday he arrived on a visit to his friends in this village , and , on the same morning , the postman brought to him at the house of his grandfather a letter which had been posted for him in London in May 1857 , and which has been following him for twd-and-a-half years . It being directed as a soldier ' s letter , there has been no necessity for the postmaster at any place to open it , and the seal is intact .
It is positively asserted in a letter from Venice that there is no truth in the statement which has lately been made , that the great hall in the Palace of the Doges is falling into ruin ; it has , on the ephtrary , for the last two months been under repair . . The repairs which have been for some time in progress at the Episcopal Palace , Norwich , are now completed . Part of the old buildings adjoining the cathedral have been removed , so that the venerable fabric stands out more clearly and distinctly than formerly . The old chapel in the palace has also been restored and fitted up for Divine service . The palace had been suffered during the administration of preceding bishops to fall into a dilapidated condition . '
The commissioners appointed to inquire into corrupt practices at the late election Tor the boxough of Wake-field , will resume their sittings on Saturday next at the Court-house , Wakefield at 11 o ' clock . The evangelical section of the Nottingham clergy have appointed revival meetings weekly in the school-rooms attached to their churches . The first is to be held on Saturday in St . Mary ' s schoolroom ; service to occupy from 7 ' 45 to not later than 9 p . m .
An effort is being made to establish , a pack of harriers , to be called "The Bristol and Bath Harriers , " —to hunt the country between and around Bath and Bristol . Mr . John Paull , of Upper Park street , has accepted the mastership . It lias also been agreed upon that the hounds are not to enter the fox coverts i « the hunts of the Duke of Beaufort and Sir Maurh- « Berkeley , The official Gazette ofVienna says : — "HIE the Duke of Modena has left Vienna for Italy , to inspect his trcoys , and to ascertain for himself , on the approach ol winter , their position and their wants . " Prince Napoleon and the Princess Clothilde are going to Compiegne on the 14 th , for the
Empress ' s fete day , which . is to he kept with more ceremony than usual tliis year . A letter from Rome , in tho Xndipendente of Turin , gives some details of the subscription opened for the purpose of offering two swords of honour , one to the Emperor Napoleon and the other to King Victor Emmanuel . The committee is composed of Prince GabrtelU , the Marquis Giivolli , and MM . Buspoli , Luigi , Selvistrelli , Maitricolu , and Siintangeli . The Hubscriptions have been very numerous . On the blades of each sword are two phrases of the Koyal speech and of the Imperial proclamation .,, ' A deputation will be chosen to convoy the swords to Pans and to Turin , and to present appropriate addresses to the two rnonarchs .
The remonstrances whioh have Ibeon addressed to the Neapolitan government , with regard to the delay in the passage of telegrams between Malta and this country , having been found ineffectual , the intervention of the British Government is about to be solicited . The past summer ' s fishing on the upper portions oi the tipey and in many others of the northern rivers hao been the worst'for nanny years , and the spawning season seems to givo no butter promise for . ntjxt years . Scarcely a fish bus buen seen going to the upawn buds . A few sea trout made their WR « « tWM » c . e aboujb three weeks ago , but since that tttncnQ fl « U . of any aor * Jbwve teen aaon .
Her Majesty ' s ship Shannon , which rendered herself famous in the war of American independence by her fights with the Chesapeake , i ^^ to be sent round to -Liverpool for the purpose of training youths for her Majesty ' s ships of war . TheConway , a merchant training ship , has , no doubt by the usefulness of the experiment , caused the Admiralty to imitate , as far as possible , the example of that vessel . The Shannon , however , will , we believe , be only accessible to destitute boys ( not criminals ) .
Died at Port Marly , near St . Germain , at the great age of ninety years , the Count de Keratry , an ex-peer of France . He was the senior member of the last National Assembly , and took the chair in that character on the first day of its meeting . He belonged to one of the oldest families in Brittany , and was the son of the Count de Keratry , who , in the absence oi the Duke de Penthievre , a prince of the blood , presided at the assembly of the nobles at Henries .
Last week a man named Thomas Mel la , aged 50 , hanged himself with a rope in a Post-office van , in Warwick Place , Bedford Row , Hoi burn . No cause is assigned for the rash act . An inquest was held at Wakefield on Tuesday , on the body of a little girl named Alice Goldthorpe . Last Saturday afternoon , Mrs . Goldthorpe , the child ' s mother , had " mashed " some tea , and put the teapot on the kitchen table . While the mother ' s back -was turned , the girl got hold of the teapot spout , apd drank a quantity of the boiling hot liquid . She was terribly scalded , her throat was soon afterwards swollen up , and she died in convulsions . A verdict of . " Accidentally scalded " was returned .
There have been two sad occurrences at Paris within a few days . A lady got out of her carriage with her daughter only two years of age ; an d allowed her to quit her hand for an instant only , when the poor infant was immediately crushed to death by a waggon . At the sight of this dreadful disaster , the mother fell down as if struck by lightning , and both were takeii up dead . : > George By Tie , residing at the Cruives on the River of Thurso , observing large quantities of grain
carried down by the stream , comnienced collecting it as it was swept past his dwelling , and , in company with his wife , had gathered several lots . At last the poor fellow ventured too far into the river , and was swept away . His wife bravely endeavoured to rescue him , and had twice hold of his hand , but was compelled to \ &J , go to save her own life , and she had to endure the agonising sight of seeing her husband perish within a few yards of her . The poor woman was within a few days of her confinement , and has been left with " three young children , poor and
helpless . Galignani of Monday has the following : — "We regret to state that Mr . Mitchell , the originator of the Zoological Gardens in the Regent Vpark , and inventor of the aquarium , who was intrusted in Paris with the organisation of the grounds belonging to the Societe d'Acclimatation , committed suicide , at his residence at Neuilly , on Thursday night . The motive for this melancholy act has not transpired . " A letter from Rome , of Nov . 2 , states that the Tiber has overflowed its banks , and that the Ghetto and all the streets near the stream are flooded . The shops are shut up and the inhabitants have taken refuge in the upper storeys of their houses ,, where provisions are brought to them by boats . The Pantheon is completely surrounded by water .
There can be now no want of Protestant church accommodation in Paris . GalignanVs Messenger of Saturday contains eight distinct advertisements of divine service which were to take place on Sunday- *—viz ,, at the Rev . A . Gurney ' s " English Church , " the " Church of Scotland , " " Wesleyan Chapel , " " Congregational Worship , " "Church of Eng and , " "English Church " ( Hue d'Aguesseau ) , ? 'American Episcopal Church , " and the " American Clmpel , " » An interesting lecture on the search for the Franklin Expedition was delivered in the Music
Room of the Brighton Pavilion on Monday evening , by Dr . King , who accompanied Sir George Back ' s Expedition to tl ^ e Gre at Fish Rlvor . W . Coning ,-hnm , Esq ., M . P ., occupied the chair . The Gazette publishes various papers in refer * sneo to the Indian mutiny ; among others a report from Lieutenant Roor ae , of / the 10 th Bombay Native Infantry , commanding the field detachments at Busoda , of a spirited ' and successful action against the rebel forcos , under Adil Mahomed Khan , near Goonapoora , on the 23 rd June last .
It is stated that there are indications of the existence of a submarine forest nutu to the beach at St . Bees , where the Poebeok emptied itself into the sea . « In consequence , says a paragraph in the French journals , or the " new interests " of Frnnce in the Red Sea , the Emperor ' s government has decided that a permanent charge d ' alfulroa shall be accredited to the King of Abyslnniu , and shall reside at Gondar .
A company is in treaty with the city of Paris for the open space of ground around the city wall which is to be pulled down , In consequence of the extension of the barriers to the line of the fortifications . The space thus become applicable to building purposes is six or seven leagues long , and perhaps a hundred yards wide on the average . An accident delayed about an hour and a quarter the arrival of the X . ondon and North-Western Company ' s express tram froxu London on Tuesday night . A carriage or carriages got off the rails about twenty miles north of London but no one was injured , and no material damage was done .
In the Times of last week appeared the particulars of a case of fraud perpetrated by a notorious swindler named Flood of Manchester , upon Messrs . Hall , Sons , and Co ., patent starch manufacturers ^ New Lenton , near Nottingham . After Inspector Taylor , of the Manchester detective force , had procured a warrant for his apprehension Flood left Manchester , and could not be found for several days . However , on Saturday he was discovered in Liverpool , and brought to Nottingham on Monday ; on Tuesday he was privately examined , and remanded until Saturday , upon the application of detective Taylor .
MM . Bogolouboffj Strom , Bouclkovsky , Tschernikoff , and other Russian artists residing in Paris have just addressed a letter to Count de KisselefF , complaining of the extraordinary conduct of a Russian named Wassilitchikoff . "It appears , " says Gulignam , '' that this person , on his own authority only , had gone to the residence of these gentlemen , and in their absence had , under some pretext or other , obtained access to their apartments , where he examined all their papers and afterwards interrogated the servants and porters as to their habits uncl means of existence . "
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dB 4 , 00 Oj 000 is to be issued at the price of 80 , and that owing to certain arrangements regarding the payment of the instalments this will practically be reduced to 76 . If this be correct , the fact stated in . the last Paris letters , that the applications had reached five times the amount proposed , will not appear surprising . But it has been suggested that there must be some mistake .
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R Up T U R E S. By Royal Letters Patent. White's Moc-Main Lever Truss Is
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125 S THE LrE A P EB . fNo . 5 Q 3 . Nov . 12 , 1859 .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 12, 1859, page 1258, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2320/page/22/