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Now ready , in . 3 vols . post 8 vo ., ^ v " " U NDE RGIIR B E NfS , " A JSTOVEL . By VANE IRETON ST . JOHN , Author of " St . Eustace . " WILLIAM TINSLEY , 314 , gTBAID , W . C ., GENERAL PUBLISHER .
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This Day , Two Volumes , Post Octavo , 18 s ., M IS REP RES E NT AT I ON . A NOVEL . By ANNA H . DKURY . By the same Author . FRIENDS AND FORTUNE . Second Edition . 6 s . THE INN BY THE SEASIDE . An Allegory . 2 s . London : John W . Parker and Soy , West Strand .
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Foolscap Octavo , 2 s . 6 d . REMARKS ON THE DIFFERENCES Iff SHAKESPEARE'S VERSIFICATION IN DIFFERENT PERIODS OF HIS LIFE . London : Johm W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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Now ready , price One Shilling , or free by post for Fourteen Stamps , THE LADY ' S ILLUSTRATED ALMANAC For i 860 . The Almanac , greatly enlarged and Improved in every respect , will form one of the most attractive of our Annuals . Choice and numerous engravings are freely interspersed , many of them illustrating subjects from the London and Paris Exhibitions of Paintings for 1859 . It contains beautiful Work-table Patterns—Notes on the Months—Remarks on the Weather—Festivals , Anniversaries , and Remarkable Events—Proper Lessons for Sundays and Holy-days—The Queen and Royal Family—Her Majesty ' s Ministers—With other Useful and Interesting Information , comprising Postal Regulations , Law and University Terms , Stamps and Taxes ? &e- &c . Ac—Published by W . J . Johnson , at the " Lady ' sNewspaper * ' Office , S 3 , Fleet-st ., London , E . C .
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CRAMER , BE ALE AND CO . 'S NEW PUBLICATIONS . ¦ pAVARGER'S Fantaisie from Ghiillaume , J ? . Tell . 4-. FAYARGER'S Le Depart du Conscrit " 1 ^ FAVARGER'S Promenade sur 1 'Eau .. 3 s ' 2 FAVARGER'S Lydia ( sans Octaves } .. . 3 s . " od NEW EDITIONS OF OBERON AND | L BARBIERE FANTAISIES BY THIS POPULAR . COMPOSEK . CRAMER'S INTRODUCTORY PRACTICE and EXERCISES FOR THE PIANOFORTE , In Parts , os . and Os . each . These Exercises form the Standard Studies in all Musical Academies of Kurope . M . Tbalberg , Sterndale Kennett , C . Halle , Kikexstkin , Mmcs . Goddakd , 1 ' i . eyel and . other Pianistes , have employed them in their " -cnernl course of practice . ° NEW SONGS . THE SUBJECTS FKOM POPULAB S'OVELS . MURIEL ... ; .. From " . Tohu ITiilifiix ' . " DINAH .. „ "Adam licrto . " HETTY Do . LITTLE SOPHY .. „ " What will Ho do with it ? Written and Composed-by G . LINLEY . 2 s . each . W . MAYNARD'S ART OF SINGING , AFTER THE METHOD OF THE BKST ITALIAN MASTERS . Fourth Edition . JVice 7 s . QLD ENGLISH DITTIES , From W . Chappell's " Popular Music of the Olden Time , " with Symphonies and Accompaniments by Ci . A . Macfarren . In Parts , containing Twelve'Songs , Id . each ; or in Single Songs , Is . each . PIANOFORTES . CRAMER , BEAEE , AND CO . have the best of every description for Sale or Hire . Crmrier , JJealc , and Co . are the Proprietors of the NEW MODEL OBLIQUE GRAND PIANOFORTE . HARMONIUMS . CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO ., arc the chief agents for Alcxandre and Son ' s NEW MODEL HARMONIUM . Every variety . CRAMER , BEALE , AXD CO ., 201 , REGEXT STREET , anp 07 , CONDUIT STREET .
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FURNISH YOUR HOUSE WITH THE : BE ST ARTICLES , AT DEAN E' S . ESTABLISHED A . D . 1700 . T | EANTE'S TABLE CUTLERY has been cele--L * brated for more than 150 years for quality and cheapness . The stock is extensive and complete , affording a choice suited to the taste and means of every purchaser . KNITES , PER DOZEN . Table . Dessert . C p ™ f r 7 Transparent Ivory Handles .. 33 s . .. 2 gs . .. Us . Od . Best Do . . ^ X ) p 29 s . .. 23 s . .. 9 s . Od . Fine Do . Do . 23 s . » . 18 s . .. 7 s . 6 d . Good Do . Do 16 s . .. 12 s . .. 5 s . 6 d . Kitchen Do . Do . .... ; 10 s . .. 8 s . .. 2 s . 6 d . Ladies' Scissors of the finest steely the most finished workmanship , and in choice variety . Scissors in handsome cases adapted for presents . Penknives and every description of pocket cutlery . Deane ' s Monument Razor has been iSOyeors before the Public , and is a plain , thoroughly good Old English Razor . Price 2 s . 6 d . T \ OMESTIC BATHS—a very large variety U of SHOWER-BATHS of the most improved construction ; also , vapour , hip , plunging , sponging , nursery , and every description of Baths for domestic use . Doane s Baths are distinguished for their superior finish , strength of material , and great durability ; while the prices are on that low scale for which their Establishment has so long been celebrated . ' ¦ For Illustrations and Prices see their Pamphlet on " Baths arid Bathing , " to be had gratuitously , on application . TlRAWING ROOM STOVES—A large and -L / handsome collection of BRIGHT STOVES , for the © rawing or Dining-room , embracing all the newest Designs . Deane and Co ., have applied to these and other classes of Register Stoves Patented Improvements , economising the consumption of Fuel , for which the highest Testimonials have been given . Hot Air Stoves , in New and Ornamental Patterns , with ascending or descending Flues , . suitable for Churches , Public Buildings , HallB , Shops , &c . S POON'S and FORKS .- —Silver Pattern Spoons and Forks . —All the newest and best designs or these Cheap , useful , and elegant Articles in Electro-Silvered and Deanean Plate . Prices of Electro-plated Spoons and Forks : — , Table Forks per doz . 88 s . 31 s . Table Spoons .. ., .. " 4 , 0 a . 33 s , DessertForks .. .. " JMIh . 2 ! Jh . Dessertspoons .. .. " 30 s . 24 s . •• Tea Spoons .. .. " 18 a . . Ha . < M . Mustard and Salt , por pair , 3 s . Sugar Bows , SJh * Od . OPENING TO THE MONUMENT , London-bridge . , * % SEND FOK DEANE'S FURNISHING LIST , Free on application .. *
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Now ready , in 2 vols . with fine Portrait , LITERAKY REMINISCENCES AND MEMOIRS OF THOMAS CAMPBELL , Author of "The Pleasures oi Hope . " By his Friend and Coadjutor , CYRtJS REDDING . Author of "Fifty Tears * Recollections , Literary . and Personal . T " Those in search of a sustained account of Campbell's Life and Works we refer tp Mr . Redding's volumes . ''Athexjeum . Chabi . es JV Sheet , Publisher , 10 , King William-street , CharingTcross .
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Next week in 2 rols ., with numerous Illustrations ,. 21 s . POSTHUMOUS WORK BY THE CELEBRATED AFRICAN TBAVELLEK , JAMES RICHARDSON . TRAVELS IN MOROCCO . By the late JAMES RICHARDSON , Author of "A Mission to Central Africa , " " Travels in the Desert of Sahara , " &c . Edited by His WIDOW . With an Introductory Chapter on the Present WAR WITH THE MOORS , By Capt . L . T . CAVE , F . R . G . S . i Author of " The French . ¦ ' in Africa . " ¦ ¦ " Notwithstanding the vicmity of Morocco to Europe , there is scarcely any country which is so imperfectly known . "Satdeday Bevtev .
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MAPPHTS ts SHILLING " RAZORS . . Warranted good by the Makers . MAPPIN'S 2 s . RAZORS Shave well for Three Years . MAPPIN'S 3 s . RAZORS suitable for Hard or Soft Beards ) Shave well for Ten Years .
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MAPPESTS DRESSING CASES AND TRAVELLING BAGS . Gentleman ' s Leather Dressing Case , fitted £ 110 QentlemaVB Solid , Leather Dressing Case , fitted £ 2 2 0 Gentleman ' s Leather Travelling and Dressing Bag * fitted with 16 Articles , Outside Pocket , complete , , £ * o o Do . do . do . with addition of Writing Materials , Patent Ink , and Light , complete £ 5 0 0 Gentleman ' s very large , v $ in . Bag , with Dressing and Writing Mtatemis , 21 Articles , Out-BidoPocket £ 7 0 . 0 Gentleman ' s 17 in , Writing an * Dressing Bag , Plated FlttingB , best Glass , fitted . with 20 Articles , complete £ 1110 0 Gentleman ' s 17 in . Writing and Dreu « inKBag fitted with every necesBary , very handsome , complete , p ,...,.. £ 15 0 o fJnaraol Leather Xady ' s Travellhiff Bag , 13 in .. Lined Silk , flttod with 14 ArtiqleB , OutBia < j Pocket , comolete £ 2 15 q Morocco Leather lady ' s Travelling B » g % Lined S * lk , fitted with 10 Artiolee , QutBldoXockct , complete ..: . v . " "ii : ;/ - * * ° Do , do . do . with nddltion > of Writing Materials , Ink , and Light , complete £ 5 5 0 Levant Leather Lndy' 8 Writing and Dressing Bag , 15 In ., fitted -with 28 Articles , complete . £ 10 0 0 Levant Leather Lady ' s Writing and Dressing Bag * , 15 In ., fitted with 80 Articles , Outside Pockets , completo ,. £ 13 0 0 Levant Leather Lady ' s Traveling and Dressing Bag , 15 in ., fitted very complotq . Silver Tpps to Glass and Bottlos , Ivory BriiBhos , very handsome , complete ., £ 22 0 0 A costly Hook pf Una'ravings , with 1 ' ricos nttaohod , forwarded by Post on receipt of Twelve Stamps . MAPPIN BROTHERS . 07 and 68 , KING WILLIAM BTRKTC / 1 \ CITY , LONDON . Manufactory—Queen ' s Cutlery Worlts . ShcOlold ,
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THE BEST AND GHEAPEST TEAS AND COFFEES XN ENGLAND AUK TO SB OBTAINED OF PHILLIPS AND Co ., TFyV . MERCHANTS , 8 , KING WILLIAM ST ., CITY . Good strong useful Tern , is , 8 d ., 2 a . 10 d ., . In . nnd -in . ; rich Souohonff , 3 s . 6 d ,, !) s . 10 cl , and 4 s . Pure Coiroos , 1 b ., Is . 2 d ., Is . » d ., la . 4 d .. Is . 0 d ., and la . 8 d . . Tea and coflbo to tho value of ' 10 s . sont enrringo-fruo to any railway station or market town In Mnglund . A prloo current free . Sugars at mnrkot prlocs . All goods carriagefroo within eight miles of tho City .
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DRESSING OASES , DURSSINC * BAGS » and highly flntshed Mlemwoios for pro-Hontatlon . In groat variety . Ivory-handled Tnblo ( Jutlory . IQvory roqulslto for tho Toilot and Work Tablos . MIQCIil imcl UAZ 1 N , 1 U , Hegont- 'Htreet , 4 , Lciulenhull-sti-oot , nnd Cvystal Palace , Bydonhain .
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' CARDS JPOR THE MILLION . A Copper Plate Jffincri'ayed In any stylo , is . GO Best Cards ( any klna ) Printed for Is ., post froo . AlfXHUR GRANGER . Btatlouor , 308 , HlffU Holbom .
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DR . H . JAMES , THE RETIRED PHYaiCIIAN ,, dlscovorod whilst in tho JOunt IndU's a Curtain Cure for Consuinntion , Asthma , ISrouohltlu , C ' oiiff w , < - oKia and Uonernl DobiHty . Tho roniody was dlHovuroil by Mm , when his only ohllcl , a Uaufflitcr , was glvon up to uw . i « ' » child was cured , and Is now allvo and well , DoHirouu pi bonolltlng lijs follow oroatnice , ho will nond , iiost J " " ^ " ? thOBO who vvlHh It , tlio rooipg , containing Aill tllroolloim tor making' and RuaoussfUlly UHliiff this roniady , on Ay ' ' ,,,. , i nilttlnghlm bIx utiunps . A < UI ? obs to O . P . Kiw" .. !' . c IVU a tryot , fttruud .
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THE CRITICWl' ^ KKLY JOUKNAL OF LITKKATUHK , Alt' !' , SCIKNCM , nnd tho DKAMA , Is . now l'ubllnhwl vvyry Saturday , price -Id ., utanipnil 5 d . Tho Onmo con a na Revlotvelofall tho current Litornturo of tlm Wwk . llonw and Foreign , Including ft'ronch . Gurnmn , Italian . »« l ' , ?' and Oriontnl . Archioologlunl , Sclontillo , Arllrititt . Mn » lo l , and Dramatic Summaries . Jtoj > orte of tl » o 1 ^ -arned Soo oties . Loading Articles upon Lltornry anil ArtlBtio lop ts , and all tho Literary , SuunitMc , iiml ArtlHtlo Nuwn oi tlw Wook . Tho Critic inny bo obtahuid throiiKli < 'IU fr"do i ,, ? , ' ordored direct ft-om tho 6 / neo , ID . Wclllnfftou-stroot , « trnu < i . yy . o . „
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LoNDon i Trlutoa by Messrs , Kelly and Co . 18 to 81 , Old Boswoll Court , In tho Fnrlsh of St . Olbmont's Danes , Strand , W . O .. nnd publlohod by Ifredoriok Guoat r J . 'on » H »« . nt '' The Lender " OiWNp . 18 , Onthorlho-stroot , BtraMd , both in tho County of MlddloaoK .-. Nov . 18 , 1800 . 3
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1266 THE XEADlJt . jNo . 503 . Nov . 12 , 1853 ;
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 12, 1859, page 1260, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2320/page/24/