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Untitled Ad
TDANIv OF DEPOSIT ( Established a . i > . 1844 ) J ) JVo . 3 , Pall -mall Kast , London , S . W . — The WARRANTS for the HALF-YJCA 11 LY INTEREST , at the rate of 5 per cent , per annum , oji Deposit Accounts , 'to . the : 50 th instant , will l > o ready for delivery on and after the 10 th January , and payable daily between the hoars of 10 and 4 . 1 'liTKU ' MOKKISON , Managing Director . December , lsv . i . Prospectuses : uul Fonns sent frco on application . .
Untitled Ad
PELICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . Established in 17 i > 7 . 70 , LOMBARD STHKKT , ( MTV . AM ) r > 7 , CHAKING c-i : uss , \ vEst-UN * tei :. VI KKCTOi :. ? . Octavius K . CoopOi Kpij . . Hunry Lancelot Ho ! hvul , William Cottoii , D . C . L ., Esq . . F . R . S . "WiKiMin Jar : iL 3 Lancaster , John Davis , Eso . Ksq . Ja- ) . A . Gordon , MIX . John LubboVJc , Esq ., F . Il . S . F . R . S . l > i < lij : vti : iu Shaw , Esq . Kirkman D . Ilodg-son , Esq ., Matthew Whiting-. Esq . M . I ' . | M . Wyvill , Jun ., Esq ., M , P . This Company offers COMPLETE SECURITY . MODERATE HATES of Premium with Participation in Four-fifths or 8 u per Cent , of the Profit . * . LOW RATES without participation in Profits . LOAN'S in connexion with Life Assurance , on approved Security , in sums-of not less than £ 300 . liONUS OF 18 61 . ALL POLKUCS . effected prior to the 1 st July , LSiil , on the Bonus Scale of Premium , will participate in the next division of Profits . RO 15 ERT TUCKER , Secretary and Actuary .
Untitled Ad
-Established in the Reign of Queen Anne , a . o . 1 T 14 . UNION ASSURANCE OFFICE , FIRE AND LIFE . OrricEa—81 , CORNHILL , E . C ., and 7 . ) , BAKER STREET , W . And ntUifstol , Liverpool , Edinburgh , Dublin , HiimVro ' , UerjUn ami Berne , - DIRE INSURANCES DUB at CHRISTMAS JL should be paiil on or before the Oth of January next . Gentlemen effect Ing-Lift Insurances with this Company do not render themselves liable to any extra premium by Joining Volunteer Kfftu Corps . ^ ^^ , otftry >
Untitled Ad
INVENTORS' ASSISTANCE COMPANY , ( LIMITED ) . TARGE aiul small Capitalists are invited to JU invest lento the merits of this Company ns an investment , and Philanthropists as n means ot assistance to From ftiu variety of Jnvehtions dally submitted forinsppotion , It will In- evident , tlmt unusual advantages are possessed , of mleoUng sueh , ns nro of a useful and commercial chnnielor , some of areat promise being now undor tho consideration of tha directors . , A working model ' of jv .. Holf-futI supplying , coal and labour Having ' , imd smoke-consuinlner funmeo Is now on exhibition . if tin- nuuiiifni'tory , all orders ior which nro to bo addressed to the soorotiiry of tlieCompany , 'Ahls patent l « iuterostliiK to the on « lneor , and untlomil / " »< J <; oinmorohiMy Imporluiil , from the rmviiitf It efleets (( 10 percent . } , In the consumption of eoal , by the entii-o eombuHHon ol its Bmokc , uiul olluu- importmit udviiutugeH .- Art , thu elllelency of this Airnaei ! lino been proved beyond mipntloii , an iusni' - tlon of tho modul in earnoBtly requested , which will explam tho nrliielnli-H ' of tho invontlon , an well ns by Heel >« tho ftirn ' iee hi opWflllon . AIho ii beantllul spfi-lmen o J " " ; ffrnphy ou wood , by which affront navhitf In elK-etml , If * inn to bo soon at tho Onii-en , where terms for tho mile ot tho patent wm bo lind , , , ¦ „ n ,. AppllofttloiiH l \ v HhnroH , and pnwieetuHefl P'lvhiff lio ftillvst lunirmnlloii , to bo made nt tfio Cojnpiuiy s ( H 1 U h . l ^ ancl 3 , Oo « Wl ... trooy « ri l , , Jg ^
Untitled Ad
jHhtaiu . ihiu : i > IHUcs . VICTORIA AN . D LEGAL AND 00 MMEBOIALLIFB ASSUBANCS COMPANY . IS , Itfxa U'lLMAMHTKKirr , IMTV . Tun lUisliiowB of the Oompnny onU ) rncc 8 every description of rlHkcouiiocU'tl wlih LHo Assuraiieo . . Credit ( iIIowpiI of oiu-tlilrd of tho 1 ' reniimnH till iIobUi , oj half tho 1 ' reinlinuH for live yours , on I ' olloies taken out ior AiVvniici-H in poiinoNlonwlth Life AflBiirnneo ni-o made on tfvanlngwu . 'Miriii . S dll ^
Untitled Ad
E . iTAJJIilSHED 18 il . MEDICAL , INVALID , AND GENJ 3 BAL LIFE OFFICE , 25 , PALL MALL , LONDON . Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . At the EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING , held . on tho a-ith November , 1850 , it was shown that on tho JOth June lust— ' TJie Number of 1 ' oJIoIob in force wi » s O , J 10 ' Thi ) Amount Insured wu « . *¦ . » , , 02 ft 10 a . 8 d . Thi ) Annual Income was £ 1 * 1 , 203 7 s . 7 d . Tlie now biiHinoss trnnnnctod during tlio last live years amounts to . i '' , ! , 4 H ' . J , 7 l > rt 10 s . lid ., showing an avern « e yearly amount of new business of imarly HALF A MILLION STERLING . The Society has paid- for claims by ilonth , since Its establishment in 18-11 , no less u Hum than £ 003 , 010 . HEALTHY LIVES . — AHtuinineert nro effected at home or abroad at as moileratu rates as tho moot recent duta will JN 1 ) IA . —Oflli'ors in the Army anil civilians proooedliitf to India may insure , their lives on the most (• avouritble term " , and every ponslhlo facility 1 h afforded for tho transaction vl bl NAVAl ! MEN AND MA 8 TEK MAUINMIW nro assured nt equitable raten for life , or for n voyaRO . VOJ-UNTEIOH ^ . —No extra charge t \ ir persons Horylnu in any Volunteer or JUUlo Corps wit din thu United Jvini , - ' inCSll ) KN ( TK A HUOAD . —Greater fncllltlos Rlvon for resldonco in the Colonies , & ., than by niost othor Cympa"' iNVALID LIVKHnsfiurorl on sclentliU-nlly constructed tables based on extensive diitn , iind a reduction in 111 o pi - mlum Is made wlu-n the oiiuhoo for an . increased rulu ol pioin 5 wwi' nUTV .-rollc'leB ihBUed trco ot every charge but "WyVn&nllon may bo obtained at Mio chief offloe , or on nppflcatlou « " ""^^^ K ^ ' ^^ iSif , SocreUry .
Untitled Ad
LAW PBOPERTY & LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 30 , ESSEX ' STREET , STRAND , LONDON . Capital , £ ' 450 , 000 . DinECTORS . Ralph T . Hrockman , Ksq ., Folkestone . Edward Win . Cox , Esq ., 30 , Rnssell-sqiiarc . Georg-e Frederick Fox , JSsq ., Bristol . Ji . E . P . Kelsoy , Esq ., Salisbury . . T . Mead , Esq ., 2 , Kingr ' s IJonch Wnlk , Temple . II . Paull , Esq ., M . r .. 33 , Devonshire-place , Portland-place . Eighty per Cent , of the Profits divided among ' the Assured . At the iirst division of Profits in May , 1653 , a bonus was declared , varying from Two to Eleven ppr Cent , on the amount Assured , and amounthifr in many instances to upwards of Fifty per Cent , on the Premium paid . At the Second Division of Profits in 185 S , an EQUAL JPltO KATA 1 JONUS was declared . The next Dlvisioa of ProfltR in 1801 . ? * * Every description of Life Assurance business transacted . EDWAUP H . l $ AIiNES , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE . SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE" SOCIETY . Instituted 1831 . IlE . vn Office :- -2 (\ ST . ANDREW-SQUARE * KO TNUnfGH . Tho profits are divided evory ' three ' / ears , and wholly belonjr to the members of the Society . The last division took place at l * t 3 Ijircli , l . y . " > : > , and from the results of it is taken the following' ¦ . ¦ EXAMPLE OF ADDITIONS . A Policy roit £ l , ooo , j > atei > 1 st 3 Iarch , 1 S : K , i . s now increased to fil , i > . > l i ) s . jid . Supposing' the ajre of the Assured at the . dare of entry to have been 40 , these Additions may be . siirreiulerecl to the Society for a present payment * of j £ 3 < i 3 17 s . Sd ., or such snrrenfler would not only . redeem the entire premium on the Policy , but . ' also entirl' - tlie party to a present payment ol £ 101 4 s ., and , in both e . ises , the 1 ' oHeywoiild receive future triennial additions . THE EX LSTING ASSURANCES AMOUNT TO £ 5 ,-27 ^ . 3 f . 7 THE ANNUAL KEVENUIS ... 1 £ 187 , 240 ' THE ACCUMULATED FUND ( arising solely from tlie Contributions of Members ) £ 1 , 1 . . ROUT . C'HKISTIE , Maiiag-er . ^ YM . FIN LAY , Secretary . " LONDON OFFICE , 20 , POULTRY , E . C . * ARCH-I ) . T . RITCHIE , Ajarent "
Untitled Ad
LAW UNION PIBE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . . Chief Offices—120 , " CHANCERY LANE , LONDON , "VV . C Biujungham Brakch—47 , UNION PASSAGE . CAPITAL-ONE MILLION STERLIMC . The Fire and Life Departments are under one Management , but . ' with separate Funds and Accounts . ¦ - — Chairman—SIR WILLIAM FOSTER , Ba « t . A'ice-Ciiaikman — JAMES PARKEKi Es # < Baddcw House , Clielmsford . ¦ y ^ ^___ ¦ y FIRE- 'OEPARTNiEMiT . ' Capital responsiMc for Lo . ssep , £ 7 pO , 000 . The business is confined to'the best classes of Insurance . Tlie Discount allowed by the Government on the Duty is in all cases given to the Insured . ' ¦ . ¦¦ '"' Chiiiiis settled with promptitude and liberality . LIFE DEPARTMENT . Capital responsible for Losses , . £ 2 oO , 000 . A tfonus every Five Years , —next Bonus in 1 S 64 . Moderate rate ' s of Premium . Annuities granted on favourable terms . Prospectuses , Forms of Proposal , copies of Annual Reports , and every information , on application to FKANK McGEDY , Secretary , !•„ ' (! , Chancery-lane .
Untitled Ad
THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIliE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . Established 1830 . Offices , No . 1 , DALE-STREET , LIVERPOOL , AND HD , AND 21 , POULTRY , LONDON . LiAJiirarv- of i » ropkietobs unlimited . INVESTED -FUNDS £ 1 , 150 , 033 . rnocitK . ss of the compasv . Wnr . l'iri ! Life IriTMted rn-iiiiuino . Premiums . J-imil » 184 tf .... & \ -i ; - > n > , 840 — aas , wn 180-i .... J 1 V . 1-J .... 41 UU 8 .... *^ . 8 }*« 1 $ 58 .... ~ ' 7 H , 0 . j . S .... 1- ^ 1 , 411 1 , 150 , 0 . 15 THE ANNUAL INC () ME EXCEEDS £ 450 , 000 . Policies expiring on CHRISTMAS-DAY ahoulil be renewed before the nth of January . HW 1 NTON IJOUI / r , Secretary to the Company .
Untitled Ad
INCORPORATED 1847 . BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 32 , ' NEW BRIDCJE-STJIEET , LONDON , B . C . Annual incoine , ; 85 t $ , 388 . * K ^ lSW « l 5 at"A M&ntod to « 03 . 4 ia Tloldlnff « Bonus of 27 i per cent , on the premiums , returnable In Cask t 0 S ince the l > c o ! nmoncement of the Company the nmoimt paid to the widows uud other represontatlves ot deceased m HoWS In the Bonus to be doclnred up to bece . nber , 180 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^
Untitled Ad
LONDON CHARTERED BANK OF AUSTRALIA . INC'OUPOKATKl ) 1 » V HOVAL CHAItTER . TAJ D-UT CAPITAL , 700 , 000 / . riJAIiiMAN—DUNCAN DUNBAltf EsQ . Dpputv-C ' ViliMAN-AVI I . MAM FANH DE SALIS , L ' aQ . UBP OFi'iCFH-17 CANNON-STltEKT , E . C . IBTTKlrtorV'llKDrr mill lULLHof KXCIIANCJE nro u-niuted on tho Mnmohes of ( Ills bunk at , . Sycjuoy , Melbourne Oeolonu , MuryboroiiU ' h , Arnrat . and Ualliinit . DUAl-Trton the Australian Colonies negotiated and sent «•„ ,. ,, liii .. Ulioii J > y onli-r oJ'tliu Court , foi uolU'ttion . * u . M . _ 1 > 1 ' ^ L _ L , Bt'orotary . _
Untitled Ad
THE DISTRICT SAVINGS BANK , ( I , I MIXED ) , 07 , FLEET-HT It KKT , LONDON , E . C . rpIIE oxpunoncu which hue attcMulod tho oporn-X tloiiH ol ^ Hiivliitrtt bnnkH nnd loan Hoclotlofl is Hiioh ae to mil " it cvll . 'uti that an oxtonnlon of their . principle * , upon v IIbend yet , hoUm ! IminIh , will iirovo WflfhJy ndviwtnfrt ' oiiB both to fhu proprietary « ind the publlo . .,. „_ . TlioDiiirlot . SnvrngH Uank roo « lvo » OopoultH ( p « td in Pit one t mo ) iVom ono J ' unny to Ton Pounds , tlio nfmrogntg anmi ttobounllmlte . l , ami H . ibjeot to the ueual nrrangun . onts . on withdraw ,,., of Sgl ^ ff ^ uSa ^ t ^ .
Notice Of Dividend.
Untitled Article
'"" ' ¦ ¦ ''¦ . " ' ¦'¦ '¦ . ¦ " ' ' ' . ' ,,,: -. ¦ - •¦ ¦¦ - :.. ¦¦¦ : ¦ \~ . -. i ¦ .. « .,- £ .-w . __ a » . ^ ,, ; . ¦ . ¦ ¦ «» , ¦ ..-. ... . --. , - ' -I . -. -.-. ' :- ¦ : * ' 7 " V ¦ * 1 * 7- *^ &frWW&&Ti ft % . . - -. - .. ¦¦ _ - . - T-- - -. ¦ - ^ i vi . ¦ ¦ ¦ > ¦ ¦ :. ¦ ¦ - ¦ . . ' ¦ : > - ¦ . - : ' - ¦ . ¦ . ¦¦¦• ¦ sr-- * - ^ ' r ^^ Aw ^ tf A POLITICAL , LlTERARy , COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER , RECORD OF JOINT STOCK COMPANIES , BANKS , RAILWAYS , MINES , SHIPPING , &c .
Untitled Article
VOL . X . No . 510 , ] SATURDAY , DECEMBER 31 , 1859 , Price { g ^^™ ; . JBgjg EMCB . "
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 31, 1859, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2327/page/1/