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THE FESTINIOG SLATE QUARRY COMPANY ( LIMITED ) . A LARGE portion of the required New Capital is now Subscribed for , and it is probable that allotments to the public will shortly close . . '; . „ .. The contract for the purchase of the fee-simple ot the Estate ( 200 acres ) has been effected upon very advantageous e Sreiiminaries for the construction of the proposed Railroad and the expansion of the Works are entered ^ upon , and both operations will be earned out with as littledelay as possible , so as to sepure an early dividend . The CAPITAL , of the CO 3 IPAJSTY consists of . £ 100 , 006 , -in 20 , 000 SHAKES of £ 5 each , Of two classes , viz . . —A . participating in the entire profits after ™ paying- of Dividend to B . B . bearing a Preference Dividend not exceeding 7 £ per cent , per annum , payable out of the profits of the year . Deposit Is . per Share on application , and Ms . per Share on Allotment . DIKECTOES . David Davies , Esq ., St . James ' s Mount , Liverpool . Alfred Erasmus Dryden , Esq ., Lincoln ' s Inn , London . Richard Morris Griffith , Esq ., Banker , Bang-or . "William Mountcastle ; Esq ., Market Street , Manchester . Hugh Pugh , Esq ., Banker , Pwllheli , North Wales . BANKERS . The London Joint Stock Bank , London . The National Provincial Bank of England , Bang-or . The Quarries of the Company are situated on the Tyddynbach Estate , Festiniog , North Wales , contiguous to the extensive and profitable quarries of Lord Pajmerston and others , whose production is known as the Portmadoc Slate The Tyddynbach Estate contains 260 acres of Proved Slate Rock of excellent quality , and of a dip most favourable for economic Working , affords natural drainage , a plentiful supply of water power , and ample room for deposit of The Property is held by the Company under a 42 years ' lease granted in 1848 to the former small proprietary at a low Royalty , with an option to purchase the fee-simple . This Lease and Option with the whole of their Quarries , Buildings , 'Works , and Plant have been purchased from the former proprietors by an allotment of 7 , 514 Shares in the present Company taken at £ 4 per share paid . The Quarries have been in operation since 1 S 4 S ; and the quality of the Slate and Slabs produced , the Reports based upon Scientific Suryeys of the whole Estate , and Experimental Tests applied at different points ( see Prospectus ) , fully establish the soundness of the undertaking-and the certainty of a large dividend resulting from further outlay of capital . It is estimated that a further capital of from £ 30 , 000 to £ 40 , 000 will enable the Company to purchase the Feesimple ; to construct a Railroad thiee miles in length , con netting the Quarries with the Port of Shipment ( Portmadoo whereby the cost of transit will be reduced two-thirds , and to increase the Workings up to a production of 50 , 000 tons per annum , from which it is estimated a profit of from £ 30 to £ 40 per cent , would be realised . Application for Shares must be made to the undersigned , from whom proper forms and prospectuses may be obtained . HARE & WHTTFIELD , Solicitors . HENRY WHITWORTH , Secretary . Office , 0 , Cannon street , London , E . C . ¦
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[ Third Edition . —This day , crown 8 vo ., clot h , price Os . S& ^ Kjp " ' YEARS AGO . By the « Etr . TCftARLES KINGSLEY , Rector of Evcrslev tChaptein in Ordinary to Her Majesty . y By the same author . 1 . VV < l ! J *! WV JBtm HO I New edition 6 s Od 2 . OL ^ BSCBS : WONDERS OF THE SHORE ' ' l JaWfetrated edition ¦ . * -g g , 3 J : T ~ HJ £ JEHEROES : GREEK FAIRY TALES '* V « lih Illustrations . 5 s Od 4 . PHAjjSMjON * LOOSE THOUGHTS for LOOs ' e ' ' l ^ BHSBKEERS-..-. > .... 2 s Od SJL * A 1 , E 3 LAJ 8 &B . IA . AN © HER SCHOOLS ........ " 53 . qd ! ** MACMM . i . AN > and Co ., Cambridge ; and . 23 , Henrietta-street ' Covent-garden , London , TE . G . Sold by nil Booksellers . '
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DEA 3 ST-AND SON'S BOOKS * OR ( SISRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR . © &MTC BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS . >? iPlain , Is . v Coloured , Is . Cd ., boards . . m mHIN&S NOT GENERALLY ; SEEN : a JL Laughable Picture Panorama . By W . ROWBOTHAM . Plain , Is . £ XK * lGured , Is . ( kh-TtA&DOM SHOTS * at AEIi-klNlS ® oflHS-AME f Fancy Wrapper . A ^ 'Comic Picture ArtmiaPftf every Month , " on Stone , yfcy ' * W . VROWBOTHATtf . GXtone up as Panorama , bound- 'toi boartls . PWce 2 s . Gd . j Gplouredii 3 s . 6 d ., boards ; ECHOES ¦' ¦ : a Comic * B « W > k of ! Piates . ByJ ^ w 3 Barrbt . In imp ; leino .,-price Is ., boards FUN and FROLIC ; or , Parlour Amusements for the Young . A Book for all Homes . Full of Illustrations . Illuminated Cover . New Edition , cloth , gilt edges , Is . VICTORIA DANSE BXJ MONDE , Quadrille Preceptor , with all the latest Dances . DEAN AND SON'S BOOKS FOR PRESENTS AND PRIZE GIFTS . A New and Improved Edition , in royal lCmo , cloth gilt , 3 s , Gd . SIX STEPS to HONOUR . By the Rev . H . P . ANDREWS . Illustrated Title page in gold by Kichard Doyle , and with 7 Illustrations . In royal 16 mo , cloth gilt , gilt edges , 3 s . 6 d ,, SPRING BUDS , SUMMER FLOWERS , AUTUMN LEAVES , and WINTER BERRIES : a beautiful . Present for all Seasons : By Mrs . UPCHERCOUSENS . With six full-page Illustrations printed in oil colours by Baxter ' s process , and Title-page ia gold . In demy lC . mo ., Is . Od ., cloth , gilt edges , ENJOYMENT for ALL YOUNG READERS , Illustrated with twelve beautiful Oil Illustrations , the letter-press printed in various coloured inks . In fcap . 4 to , with fancy wrapper in boards , ALPHABET and ANECDOTES of ANIMALS . By JAMES BISHOP , Author of "A Visit to the Zoological Gardens . " With twenty-six beautiful Illustrations . Plain , Is . ; Coloured , Is . Gd . In royal 16 mo , cloth gilt , 2 s . 6 d ., ADVENTURES of a SUNBEAM , and other Ta b les , inVerse . By Miss GROVE : With Engravings by Birket Foster , Frontispiece by Clayton , and Illustrated Titlepage by Richard Doyle . ¦ In crown Svo , cloth gilt , 3 s . Gd ., NOTABLE WOMEN , and the Story of their Lives and Characteristics . By Miss CLAYTON . A Rook for Young Ladies . Beautifully illustrated with sixteen full-page illustrations . . In crown 8 vo , cloth , gilt , 3 s . 6 d .. REMARKABLE MEN : their Lives and Adventures . A Book for Boys . By M . S . COCKAYNE . With sixteen full-page Illustrations . ~ In crown evo ., cloth gilt , 3 s . Od ., MINISTERING WOMEN ; or the Heroines of Missionary Enterprise . Edited by the Rev . Dr . CUM - MING , Author of " The Voices of the Night , "&c . " When pain ; when anguish wring the brow , A ministering angel thou . "—Scott . Illustrated with Eight full-page Illustrations , by B . Clayton , &c , Svo ., fcap ., cloth gilt , 5 s . DURNDALE ; or , Woman ' s Duties and Woman ' s Worth . A talc of great Interest , founded on truth . By Mrs . UPCHER COUSENS . These are Woman ' s Duties : She learns to govern , having learned to serve ; And serve she does , and comes and goes . And waits on parent , brother , guest , and friend , With ready hand and cheerful heart . No road Too rough , no hour too late , no work too coarse- — Herself forgot , for others she must live . Become a wife ; her labours multiply ; Sickly herself , the Bick she must console , And watch her feeble bubo by day , And wake ( oft weep ) by night . No limit have her foils , no end her cares , Not twenty men could them support , nor should They ; but they should acknowledge Wovian'a Worth , la fcap . 8 vo , 2 s .,, or 2 s . Od . cloth , gilt edges , NEW BOY'S BOOK . By M . II . BARKEU ( tho Old Sailor ) . THE FOUR P . ' a , —viz , Piety , Prudence , Patience , and Perseverance \ or , tho Fortunes of Frank . A Tulo of the Sea . AVlth Frontispiece and Illustrated Titlo , and Five ftill-pagq Wood Mngr . avings by J . V . Barret . Just the book to make boya wiacr , bettor , and happier . In fcap . 8 vo , 2 s . ; or 2 s . Od . cloth ffllt , GOOD AND BAD ; or , Tales for the Evening Twilight . A book of nice tales for girls . By BIIhs . ANNA MARIA SARGEANT . With eight Illustrations . In royal 4 to , Is . Od . plain ; 2 s . Od . coloured , DEAN'S DELIGHTFUL PICTURE BOOK for HAPPY HQUKS . With nearly 100 Coloured Plcturee , and Verses to each . Plpturo by JAMES BISHOP . In domy 18 mo , cl th lettered , » s . Bible Companions for tl » o Young , ilrst SoriOH . SCRIPTURE TEACHINGS for the YOUNG . By tho Bev . ALEXANDER FLETCHJCR , of Finsbury Chapel . A good Sunday Reading-book for tho Young . With four illustrations , and Frontispiece In Colours , ^ tlfl ' iSri ^ MW GAMES FOR CHRISTMAS . TWELFTH NIGHT ; A Now Amusing Game , CutHto onoh Card . Prloo Is . WISHING CARDS ; or Your Secrets Told ; a Capital Joko . Plnln , Is , THE ROAD TO WEALTH , Is , Plain ; Colourod , Is , Od . COMIC ANIMATED FIGURES . Is . ; oils , fld . full Coloured . , THE FAMILY DOMESTIC HOUSEKEEPER'S ACCOUNT BOOK . Adopted for any Yoar , and any Timo of tho Your , In a vory attractive cover , printed In Colours , In . Dean nnd Bon ' s Itctall Catalogue of Now Books , Huitublo for Juvonllos , &o ., may bo had for distribution on application to ' Dean and Bon , PrlntorH and Publishers , 11 , Ludgftto-lUll , London , M . O .
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THE MINERVA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Established 1836 . Head Office—No . 1 , CANNON STREET WEST , LONDON , E . C . EDWARD S . CODD , Esq ., Chairman . WM . CHIPPINDALE , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . The Assurances in force on 31 st December , 1858 , amounted to £ 1 , 771 , 80 $ . The accumulated funds amounted to £ 362 , 0 * 5 . The annual Income exceeded £ 77 . 000 . A fixed surrender value for whole-term policies . This Company has always permitted the Assured to aervo in Volunteer Corps or Local Militia without extra charge . Policies effected on or before Slat December next will acquire an additional yoar ' B standing , if then in force , at the fifth division of profits in 1802 . W . T . ROBINSON , Actuary and Secretary .
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This day , in domy 8 vo ., second edition , prioo Od ., HOW TO REPEL INVASION . Tho Rural Police of England an Auxiliary to Rifle Corpa , In Two Letters to Arthur KJnglake , Esq ., Justice of Peace forSomoraet . ^ 3 BDWARD HARDY , R . N ., Inspecting Commander , CoaBt Guard , Bristol Channel . London : RobeiW Mardwicke , 102 , Piccadilly and all Booksellers .
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Just published , in ono volume , 8 yo , cloth , price Ob . TRAVELLERS' TALES . Re-told by THETA . AJbBO , ClotlJ , elegant , gilt-edged , lettered , back and eldo , &o ., 7 b . 0 d . j Morocco , neat , 10 b . 6 d , London : Thompson and Co ., Ill , Strand , W . C ., and SiMiutik . Makbhall . and Co ,
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PERMANIQNT ENLARGEMJilNT OF "THE NEWS . " On Saturday , January 7 th , 1800 , wlU bo published No . 93 of THE NEWS . Fyloo 4 a . —ThK 8 enterprlBlng Joarnnl Is onlwrffoa to ? ixteon pages weekly , imd tho elzo Is pxtonaod to that of tho ttifax . Sbrvxob Gajbkttb , whUst this will continue to give that nndovlatlncr attention to nsBuranoo JnteroBtH , wliloU has placed it atTjho head of aBBuranoo Journals , and caused ittaberegarded ae tho loading organ of aetiuranoo Interests . It will also otien out a now department , embraoing BanklngjMioiner , Kailway , and Ooxmnoroial tntorests gonwftlly , «« l ^ twlifbo t ] Uo conBtant Btudy of tho proprietor to make to ; HQ'tHwfnl to commercial mo , n , as to rondor it on indla-V ^ ne ablQ AdjunQt in every office and cowntlng-houB « . Aavortt « em « atBio ^ nnot bo roooivod for tho current number after | E £ } vo atunopn-on WrldayT-Oflloo , % , Strand-buildlngB , » nmno ^ on any Tfoupectwbio . nowsvonaor and bookflollor .
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PEllFKCT FREEDOM from 00 UGHH IS BlflCURMU 0 Y J ) R . LOOOOK'S PULMONIO WAFEBS . Tiiev fflve instant relief , and a rapid Cured A . » llj »>" j < - ° " Humption , Couglis , and a \ l dlsordora of the brontli and w » & TUoJr havo it moot pleasant taste . 1 ' rloo l « . 14 « -. - »• " andlls . porUox . Sold by all modlolwo voudorH .
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EAXJ-DE-VIE . Thin puro 1 'ALE BHANDY , thputfli O " / , / , ;; » ^ . Jf"Bi Ih ( lamotiBtratod , upon AnalyslH , to ^ o pecu I rly l ^ ' , '( «» l iiolrtlty , and vory suporlor t ' o rooont Importation !* o ^ »«•¦ able Sorniiw . lnVronoh Bottles , Mb . nor dowiii i or hmiwlj pnokodln n . enso for the country , atfH .--ll IONK \ J »»«** find CO .. Old Furnival ' B Distillery , Holbarn .
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CADIZ . A PURE PALE 8 HHRRY , of tho Amontillado «« linrnctcr a « s . nor dozen , Cash . We receive a regular nnd dlnut hiw » ( nuncof thlalhic wino , o HENRY BRETT and Co ., ImporttTH , OldFurnival ' H DlHtllKiT . ''" I' ^ iiiilH
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Just I ' ubliHhed , 1 vol . Svo . with nunieroiiH Anatomicnl Pktca , post ft-ce , on receipt of 1 ~ ' Htnmpn . VITA VITALIS . A Now Medical Wortf pn tho Natukb , TaHATMENTanU Cure -of Spekmatorrhcb , and other Diskabkb , ni ) d coueequvnt exhaustion of the Neuvouh Stbtkm , chiihlmi dv the errorB of Man in youth and ngo producing udwnoraoy of Mental and PnvsiOAt Stubnotii , tonnlniUtnff " dubility and Incapacity tokMakiuku ; LirB , Hl » e \ vlnB wny these DisoaBes so often appear incurable when in > « " » " / thoy cau be orteotually romoved by tlio most slnipJo > n «"" ' . together with tho Author ' s romediow Jor pniventiiiR ' ' ity a ° Phy 6 lcian , &c ., &c . ( registered under tho Ncjv M ^ JonlAot ) . AddroBS , Mcdious , 1 » Jlorners Street ; < . xiorfl Street , London . Sold by J . Allen , « 0 Warwlok-laiu ' , lMtoi nontor-row , and all Booksollcrs in Town or Country .
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THE CRITIC : WEEKLY JOURNAL OF L 1 T 10 KATURE , AKT , SCIENCE , and the DRAMA , ia now published ivcry Saturday , price 4 d ., stamped fid . The Oimtic contains HeviowBOfVll the current LJtcrniuro of tin- Work , Home rind ¦ Foreign , Including French , German , Italian , . Seluvonlc , , nnd Oriental . Archaeological , SciontinY , Artiatio , aiimlcal , and Dramatic SummaricB . Reports of the Lcai-nod hocictlcs . Leadlnjr Articles upon Literary uiul Artistic lop es , and all tho Literary ,. Scientific , and Artintic News ot tlio Week . Tho Critic may be obtuim-d through t he tr « di > , or ordered direct from the OfUco , 10 . Wellington-street , titraud , vy . C .
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FirTII TEAR OF PUBLICATION . " THE MAN OF ROSS . " EVERY THURSDAYS-ONE PUNNY . An Independent Family Paper , having ( with one excoption only ) tho largest circulation in tho County of Hereford . Within a radius of ton miles of Koss it exceeds that of all the other local papers put together . Orders , Advertisements , and Books for Review , to bo sent to the Publisher , J . W . F . Counsels , Market-place , Hosh .
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Just published , price fid ., or ~ d . by post , the One Hundred Thousand of the MORISOKIANA : Or , Family Adviser , of the British College of Health , London , liy JAMES MORISON , the Hyjreist . May be had of all the Hygean Agents throughout the world .
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In Svo . Price 14 s . ESSAYS , MILITARY AND POLITICAL , WRITTEN IN INDIA . Contents :. —Military Defence of our Indian Empire—The King-dom of Oiulc—Mahratta History and Empire—Lord ilardinye ' s Indian Administration—Tbe Indian Army-Army Reform , by the late Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence ,. K . C . H . ' . London : ~\\* M . II . Axi . kn and Co ., 7 . Leadcnhall-strect .
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NEW VOLUME BY PROFKSSOR BLACKIE ^ Just published , in crown Svo ., price ? s . < id . LYRICAL P 0 E M S . By JOHN S . BLACKTK , Professor of Greek in the University of Kdinburgh . SoTHEKJ ^ iSD and Knox , Edinburgh ; Simpkin , Mar-SBAUt and Co ., London .
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IRISH REVIVALS . This day , in crown 8 vo , cloth , price 4 s . THE ULSTER AWAKENING . Its ORIGIN , PROGRESS , AND FRUIT ; with Notes ot a Tour of l ' ersonal Observation and Inquiry ; by the Kev JOHN WJilR , D . D . Introduction by the lion , and Kw ' B . W . Noel , M . A . Arthur Hall , ViRTUE , and Co ., 2 o , Tatcrnostor-row .
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1406 THE LEADED . [ No . 510 . Pec . 31 , 1859
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Now ready , price 2 s . 6 d . . WHO'S WHO , i 860 ? TWELFTH ANNUAL . EDITION . London : Baily Bbothers , Cornhill .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 31, 1859, page 1406, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2327/page/2/