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A gymnasium is now established at 20 Leicester square , where an entirely new system for the prevention of deformities is carried out undertho superintendence of an experienced gymnastic master . —For particulars apply to the Aropriotor , Mr , Heather Bigg , 2 « Leicester-square , nnntnmifial Mechanician to the Queen .
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ELECTRIC AL ~ INFLUENCE ! IN HEALTH AND DISEASE . Just published , price Is .,, free by post for 13 stamps . SECOND LIFE ; Or Electrical Nervous Force : A Medical Work intended for the special perusal of all who nro suffering from the various modes of nervous and physical debility , and the distressing ulterior consequences to which they load ; with practical Observations on the grout curative power of electro-galvanism in the treatment of these disorders , by infusing tone and vigour In constitutions relaxed or debilitated from various enervating causes . Illustrated with cases compiled from the Notebook of a Kogiatorcd Medical Practitioner or twenty years' standing . . . Unlike many vauntea rqetorativoe , electricity is one which commends itself , to the medical man as being accordant with the soundest teachings of physiology . By tho most obvious Indication It admits of being * shown that the electrical and nervous energies are Identical ; hence , that when tup latter folia , the forjnor can take Its place , w& that when , from Irregularities of any kind , tho nervous system , has become debilitated , paralysed , or exhausted , and the patient brought to a condition little short of total prostration , then , by the action of electricity * imparting certainty and pilloaoy to medical treatment , he can bo rc-invlgoratcd , nnd Uih health re-established to a degree almost warranting- the designation of Second Llfo . Published by the author , and may bo had of Mann , . 10 , Cornhlll . and all booksellers .
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" MI J ) WI 1 BUY . Private Modloal Advice in Procuancy , ObBtruotions , Sterility , irod DiBappolntmont of Mnrxlago , by Hkwiiy Scott , B ; 5 R ; auS ., Acobu 6 lioMroftwonty-BlxyearB'Xiondonnrftotioo . Lndlenconuiining by letter muutbo explicit and confidential . At home for consultations fronitwolyo to flvo dally . Fomalo Obstruction J ? U ) s , 4 a . the box . Vino ^ Ladles' Medical Con-ISCTiVJ ! J 1 SSJJ 2 P * i * ° uovon stomps . Address , 17 , ADAM fWJajOHT , STfcAND , LONDON ,
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DR . KAHN'S MAGNIFICENT XlTATOMI-0 AL MUSEUM , top Of the Haymnrkot ( acknowledged by thcwholo of tho Pro » B to bo the most useful and Instructive ' of any in oxtotonoo ) , in opkn daily for Gentlemen only , from 18 till 0 , and from 7 till 10 . Admihhion Onr Huili-ino . JDcaorJjptivo lumdbookB crfttifl . X )« , Kahn ' h J'opulnr Loo-, turos on tho "Philosophy of Marriage , " dally at fl and 8 o ' clock proolsoly . Svjtii < AmJH- ~ IIappy and Unhappy Unions , and tnolr Oausorj—Youthful Vices and Indiscretions , ana their Kosultfl—DisquaimoatlqnH for Marriage , and their Cure—tho Physiology of Reproduction —• 8 olf-infliotod Miseries--Storlllty and its Causes-How to Hoouro Moral ajnd Physical Happiness . N , JB . pr . Kftlin ' flU ' rofttlflo on tho above subjects , entitled " Tho Philosophy of Marriage . " sent past-froo , on roooipt of 12 Htanmps , direct from tho author , 17 , Jlarlcy Strcot , Cavendish Snuuro , W .
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MEDICAL ADVICE . DE . LA'MERT , Roistered L . S . A ., Honi > r « y Member of tho London Hospital Modltml Wocloty . » ' . »• « tho University Of Krlangon , &e ., may bo C ^ C > 7 srtLILlh ' "" all Oases of Mobility , KorvouBnosn , « " «> tl . io Jn U-mltK'fl »» Vouth and Maturity , from 11 till « . and ifrom / till « , at m » residence , « 7 . lUflDFbUD-HQUARM , LONDON . J ? r ; Liu'Mort has JiiBt published , price SIxpuiiiH ; , "' Vi ' o-t morous EngraviiiffS and Cnno » , a Now Editfou ol bin worn 0 ntUl 0 U > SlflLF-PKESJUJRVATION ; whloh will bo Bout ftoo , l » n watoq oiivolono , by Mnnjji « J 3 Oornhlll , London . or by tho Author , to any addroSH , lor eig »" stamps . Contents ; --. ,. Manhood-Truo and Fnlso Morality . Man-hflpo li «»• Moral , Social , and Physical Molat ons . » i > m' « } t ™^ Importance of Moral Discipline Trvntinont f . ^ , ' ^" . DlrfoasoH . ~ DunBoroua KchuAb of vartouB H «*« rUoyB opw oUloH The Author ' s Principles of Troatnionti , ^ "S Dlctotlo , and Oonoynl , aorlvoaftomTwenty yoiurt uuocobb ful practice
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HOUDOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS . SUDDEN CHANGES . ChangCB of temperature constantly occurring during tho Autumn , are prone to produce lilioumatiHin , Noiiralgia , and other painful disorders of tho nerves and muscles . For upwards of twenty yoars Holloway'tt rcnuodleB bavo been particularly celebrated for curing thin class of cornplaintM ; tho part , previoimjy fomented in warm water , hnn only to bo well rubbed twice a day with IiIh noothlng ointment to bo rollovod from all pain ; by still porseverlhg tho awolling' ) b reduced , and freedom of motion pcriootly restored , when the afllioted parts eoase to trouble . IIolloway ' a remodiOB roliovo likowlnp , gout , spinal aflectlonu , weakness of tho limbs , and all scrofulous swellings . They expel the local ailment , regulate the disturbed digestion , oloanao every organ , and purify tho blood .
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THE SECRET GUIDE TO HEALTH AND HAPPINESS .-A Medical Work by a Physician ami aiombor of tluj Hovnl 'College of Surgeons of Englan < l ( Rotfistturd wuWr tno MedlSal Act ) , who attends daily from uU-vw * to two , and from Hvo till eight , ( Sundays cxcoptml ) , wont l > v Wwllcua direct lrom tho JCstabllHhment , No . 1 » , UonurH-Htirrt , oxford-Htrcet , London , on receipt of six penny stum > n , post froo . It Iu boautii'ully illustrated with 100 oiitfPiivlii « j \ oa steel , and enlargo ( l to 124 pageH , containing tho oiiinlonsoi Valpoaii , ltoux , llieord , tallemand , & . o . It givi-s « ' » l > l 0 " » lnHtructionti for tho perfect restoration ol tluwo fflww provbnted by impediments iVom ontorlng Into tin- »»« " ^ n state , showing tho ( lrcadful results from Early Ah % l Qonorrhoan , and Syphilis , and tho bonofltn ni-lHlng ivom « cliemical tosts , aiul examination of tho Sp »? niiitlo / . ou , b ) u »" nowly-coiiHtructod Mioroscopp , with poworftil Ii-iim ..-m ii «« oonttiinlwg'a valuable Prbsorlptlon of a Lotion to prcvoni lufoctlon . ¦ . .
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THENDERS , STOVES , JBIRE-IKOJ ^ S , and J . CHIMNEY PIECES . Buyers of the above are requested before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-KOOMS . They contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES , CHIMNEY PIECES , FIKEIRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of workmanship . lirig-ht stoves , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , £ 3 15 s . to £ 33 10 sl ; bronzed fenders , with standards , 7 s . to £ 5 12 s . ; steel fenders . £ 2 15 s . to £ 11 ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from £ 2 15 s . to £ 18 ; chimnoy pieces , from £ 1 8 s . to £ 80 ; fire-irons , from 2 s . 3 d . the set to £ 4 4 s . The BUltTON and all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearthplates . CUTLERY , WARE ANTED . —The most varied \ J Assortment of TABLE CUTLERY ill the world , all warranted , Is on SALE at WILXJAM S . BURTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales . 34-inch ivory-handled table knives , with high shoulders , 12 s . (» d . per dozen ; desserts to match , 10 s . ; if to balance , Cd . per dozen extra , carvers , 4 s . 3 d- per pair ; larger sizes , from 20 s . to 27 s . 6 d . per dozen ; extra fine ivory , 33 s . ; if with silver ferrules , 40 s . to 50 s . ; white bone table knives , 6 s . per dozen ; desserts 5 s . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . per pair ; black horn table knives , 7 s > - 4 d . per dozen ; desserts , 6 s . ; carvers , 2 s . Cd . ; black wood-handled table knives nnd iorks , Os . per dozen ; table steels , from Is . each . Thelarg-est stock in existence of plated dessert knives and forks , in eases and otherwise , and of the new plntcd fish carvers . THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for SILVER . The Real Nickel Silver , introduced more than 25 years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when Plated by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling-. silver that Can be einplovcd ns such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from real silver . . . * . , ,. A small useful plate chest , containing- a sot , guaranteed of first quality for finish and duirabilitv , as follows : — ¦ ¦ : ' i l i l l l ' rf ISJ ______ jJ 2 3 _ . 5 £ s . d . £ b : d . £ s . d . £ s . d . 12 Table Forks -- 1-13 . 0 2 4 0 2 10 6 2 15 0 12 Table Spooiis .. ' ..: 1 13 0 2 4 0 1 10 Oj 2 15 0 32 Dessert Forks 1 4 V 112 0 115 0 117 0 12 Dessert Spoons 140 i' 1 . 2 0 115 0 117 0 12 Tea Spoons 0 lfi 0 120 1 5 0 1 70 G Eoo-Spoons , gilt bowls .... 0 10 0 0 13 0 0 15 0 115 0 2 Sauce Ladles ... 0 0 0 0 8 G 0 ¦» 0 0 !) O 1 Gravy Spoou 0 ( 5 0 0 10 0 OHO 0 12 0 2 Salt Spoons , gilt bowls .... 0 3 4 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 1 Mustard Spoon , gilt bowl .. 0 18 0 2 3 0 2 < i 0 2 0 1 Tair of Sugar Tongrs O 20036040040 1 Pair . of Fisk'Carvers 1 40 1 7 0 110 0 112 0 1 Butter Knife 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 Soup Ladle 0 10 0 0 17 0 0 17 0 1 0 0 1 Sugar Sifter 0 . 3 : i 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 Total .. :. . ' J 11 ) ' ¦) 13 10 3 14 . 1 'J 0 10 4 0 Any article to hu hud siiiprly at the same prices . An oak chest to contain the above , and a rclat ive number of knives , &c , 21 . 10 s . Tea and Coffee Sets , Dish Covers uud Corner Dishes , Cruet and Liqueur Frnmes , & <\ , at proportionate prices . All kinds of . re-plating done by the patent process . DISH COVERS and HOT WATER DISHES , in every material , in great variety , an <] of the newest and- most recherche patterns . Tin dlah covers , 7 s . Od , tho set of six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 27 s . the set of six % elegant modern patterns , 353 . Oil . to 02 s . ( id . the sot ; Britannia metal , with or without silverpliitedhundlen , £ 3 11 s , to £ 0 fe . the set ; Sheffiold plated , £ 10 to £ 10 10 s . the set ; block tin hot water dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 a . to ' Mia : ; Britannia metal , 22 s . to 77 s . ; electro-plated on nickel , full size £ 1111 s . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISH 1 MG IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may bo had cratiB , and free by post . . It contains upwards of -luo Illustrations of his illimfted ( Stock oi ' Electro and Shvflleld Plate , Nickel Silver , and Britannia Metal ( jioods . Dish Covora and Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chlmncypleces , Kitchen Kan yes , Lamps , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brans Bedsteads , Bedding , Bedroom Furniture , &c , with Lists of Prices , and Plans of tho Sixteen largo Show Rooms , at 3 (» , Oxford-ntreot W . 51 , 1 a , 2 , and 51 , Nowmnn-etreet \ and 4 , 5 , and « , Perry ' splaco , London . —Established 1820 .
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AL&SqPP'S PAXiE AIiE , Recommended by Baron Liebig-, and all the Faoulty inrthp finest condition , direct from the Now Brewery at Burton . on-Trent , may now be had of Messrs . Harrington Parkor " and Co ., who have ltEI ) UCEr > the PRICE of this htehlvesteemed beverage to . ° * 48 . fid . per dozen , IMPERIAL PINTS , " 2 s . < Jd . per dozen , IMPERIAL HALF PINTS . Messrs . HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., also sun ply Allsopp's Ales in casks of eighteen gallons and upwards . 5 £ , PALL MALL , S . W .
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GEAMER , BEALE AND CO . 'S NEW PUBLICATIONS . FA VARGER'S Fantaisie from Guillaume Tell 4 s . Od FAVARGER'S Le Depart du Conscrit , a 8 m FAVARGER'S Promenade sur l'Eau ... 3 s . © d ' FAVARGER'S Lydia ( sans Octaves . ) .-. 3 s . od-NEW EDITIONS OF OBERON AND | L BARBIERE FANTAISIES BY THIS POPULAR COMPOSER . CRAMER'S INTRODUCTORY PRACTICE and EXEKCISES FOR THE PIANOFORTE , In ' Parts , fls . and Cs : each . These Exercises form , the Standard Studies in all Musical Academies of Europe . -31 . Th-albbbo ; Steuni > ale Bennett , ( , ' . Halle , Kitbenstein , Mmcs .-Goi > pAni > , 1 ' j-evel , and other Pianistes , have employed them in their general course of practice . NEW SONGS . THE SUBJECTS FROM POPULAR NOVELS . . 3 LURIEL From "John Halifax ;"' DINAH ,. "Adam Bode . " HKTTY , Vo . . LITTLE SOl'HY-... „ " What will ho do with it ?" Written and Composed by G . L 1 NLEY . ' 2 n . ench . W . MAYNARD'S ART OF SINGING , AFTER THE METHOD OF THK BEST ITALIAN MASTERS . Fourth Edition . Price 7 s . OLD ENGLISH DITTIES , From W . Chappell's " Popular Music of the Olden Time , " with Symphonies and Accompaniments by U . A . Macfariien . ' In Parts , containing Twelve-Songs ,-4 s . each ; or m Single Songs ,. Is , inch . PIANOFORTES . CRA ^ nCR , BEALE , AND CO . lidvo the Lest of every description for Snlo or Hire . Crwm-r , IS . iil . ; , nnd Co . lire tho [ Tonrietorn of the NEW MODEL itliLHlLL ( Ut ^ VNL * PIANOFORTE . HARMONIUMS . CRAZIER , BEALE , ANJ ) CO ., nro the chief nH-entB for Aloxnndro and Son ' s NEW MODKL 11 A 1 OI 0-NIUM . Every yiiricty . CHAM E R , . !» E A L E , AN U CO .. 801 , REGENT STREET , and 07 , CONDUIT h 1 Ul . lA .
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officers on board on that day . I overheard a council among the seamen whether th . ey-. -wo . uld not chair her round , the decks , which one old fellow said might easily be done , if they could only get her to " close reef her - crinoline . " The seamen and the soldiers have leave to go into the town , but the officers-are very wisely doing all in their power to induce them to make their ships and their barracks their home . A quantity of holly and mistletoe " was brought out in the Pera , and has decorated the shop of the Gunter of Malta , and great has been the demand upon him for a little bit of his
treasure . Tho se who could not get mistletoe , have , ¦ without hesitation , christened some other green plant by that name for the nonce . Her Majesty has also sent to her sailor son a good supply of mincemeat from Windsor Castle , and I saw a gentleman taking some of this as a great prize to his Maltese wife . Bands are perambulating the streets , every second tune being " God save the Queen , " and her . health will be drunk over and over again by her soldiers and her sailors at Malta this Christmas . The soldiers of the 23 rd give a ball on the 26 th in honour of their new colours . The demand for the "Ballroom Guide "has no-nr for the time quite superseded
that for the Drill book . A Fratjdttleijt ITbench Stockbroker . •—The trial of M . Giblain , agent de change , on a charge of falsifying public documents , creates great interest in Paris . The accused was charged in the indictment with having been in receipt of about < £ 6 , O 0 O a year , but , not being satisfied with that amount , with having had recourse to all kinds of manoeuvres to increase his gains . He was accused of deceiving his clients as to the operations he managed for them , and of keeping systematically a set of false books or ||
entries . In April , 1857 , he paid the sum oi 27 , 000 odd francs to escape a criminal prosecution threatened \ by some clients of Amiens ; and > about the same tinie , the Earl of Gal way ceased to be a partner in Griblain ' s agency , and demanded the immediate reimbursement Of half a million of francs which , he put into the concern . The instances of trickery are almost endless . The official examiner of the books of Giblatn asserted that between August , 1855 , and July , 1858 , the accused had reaped 320 , OOOf . by the use of fictitious names . The trial is not yet
completed . ; The Tokos . —We understand tfiat Mr . Jobson , for- ^ merly surgeon-dentist to her Majesty and the late King WiBtam IV ., who has recently returned from a lengthenM tour inAmerica , has discovered this celebrated Indian remedy , the long sought for antidote to the bite of the Cobra di Capello and other deadly 6 nakes . It s identical , we believe , -with the snake-stone recorded by Sir James Tennent iu his "Travels in Ceylon , " and possesses restorative or sustaining powers of the highest description . Combined with our ordinary medicines , it intensifies them in a wonderful -degree , and is almost a sovereign specific for all affections of the chest , digestive organs , muscles , and impurities of the skin , gout , rheumatism , &c For details , however , we must refer to himself at the New York Hotel , Leicester-street , Leicester-square , where he is at present to be found .
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¦ ¦ . '¦ ; ,. ¦ ' ¦ , ' - /• . - . . ¦ V . " ¦ , ¦ .. ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ . . . ¦ ¦ ¦¦ : ¦ ; . ¦¦ __ " - . ' __ - . ' .... " _ ¦ . _ -X ^ s * - - ~ t— .. ¦ «• ¦ — ^ v ^~»'»» im ^« WiM ^^ ft ^^ 3 ; 8 M »^« M ^^ r ^^ - »» , ; ,. -, P ,,,---.-1 .. ., : . . . ; . . • . 1426 TjH E M 1 JER , pHo . '&iO .. Dec . 31 , 1859 .
Qtmnastics. Applied To The Prevention And Relief Op Spinal Ctjrvature And Other Defoxi-Mities.
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 31, 1859, page 1426, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2327/page/22/