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Untitled Ad
THE CHEAPEST WINE IN BNaLAND . SOUTH AFRICAN PORT and SHERRY , . fee , of superior flavour and great purity , 2 is . per dozen . Imported by H- K- WILLIAMS , 112 , Bishopgate-street Within , ^ Various liouses arc -becoming- famous for Cape Port and Sherry foremost amongst these stands the firm of II . It . Williams . "— Vide " Court Journal * " July 31 , 1858 . — " Mr . Williants ' s Wines possess , a value for wholesomeness fair surpassing any that we have seen . "— Vide " Medical Circular , " August . 18 , 1858 . NONPAREIL BRANDY , lCs . per Gallon .
Untitled Ad
THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TEAS AND COFFEES IN ENGLAND Are to be ' obtained or PHILLIPS AND Co ., TEA MERCHANTS , S , KING WILLIAM ST ., CITY . Good strong useful Tea , 2 s . 8 d ., 2 s . 10 d ., 3 s . and 4 s . ; rich Souchong , 3 s . sd ,, tts . 10 d ., and 4 s . Pure Coffees , Is ., Is . yd ., 18 . 3 d ., Is . 4 d .. ls . 6 d ., and Is . 8 d . Tea and coffee to the value of 40 s . sent carriage-free to any railway station or market town in England . A price current free . Sugars at market prices . All goods carriagefree within eight miles of the City .
Untitled Ad
CHEDDAR LOAF CHEESE Old . and 7 * d . per lb . Rich Stilton , 14 d . per lb . Ripe Blue Mould ditto , the Connoisseur ' s delight , lfld . per lb . Sugar-cured Bath . Chaps . Superior Westphalia Hams , 7 * 5 . and 8 d . per lb . Russian Ox Tongues , lod . eacli , or 14 s . 6 a . per dozen . Osborne ' s Peat-smoked Breakfast Bacon , pronounced by Paterfamilias to be the greatest luxury ever yet introduced into the domestic circle , now selling at Sd . per lb . by the half side . Butters in perfection at reasonable rates . A saving of 1 "> per cent , is cflectcd by the purchaser at tins establishment ou all . lirst-elass provisions . Packages gratis . **¦ Palm-am qui meruit ferat . OSBORNE'S CHEESE WAREHOUSE , O S B O R N K H O' U S E , 30 , LDDGATE HILL , XEAK ST . PAUL'S , E . C .
Untitled Ad
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . Notice of Injunction . —The admirers of this celebrated Fish Sauce are particularly requested to observe that none is genuine but that . which bears the back label with the name of William Xa'zenby , as well as the front label signed " 'JSlvzabeth Zave > i (> i / , '' and that for further security , on the neck of every bottle of the ( Genuine Sauce will henceforwardappear an additional label , printed in green and red , as follows : — " Tliis notice will be affixed to Lazenby ' s Harvey's Sauce , prepared at the original warehouse , in addition to the well known labels ' , which are protected against imitation by a perpetual injunction in Chancery of 9 th July , l * oS . " 0 , Edward street , Portinan-square , London . ¦ '
Untitled Ad
A BROWN AND POLSON'S PATENT " CORN FLOXTR , Prefi-m . ; l to the best Arrowroot . Delicious in Puddinprs , Custards , lilanemangc , Cake , &c .. and ESPECIALLY ¦ SUITED TO THE DELICACY OF ( . ¦ IIILDKK . V AXD INVALIDS . The Lancet states , "Tin ' s is superior to anything-of the kind known . "—Obtain it whore interior articles nro not substituted . Prom Family Grocers , Chemists , Confectioners , and ! Corn dealers . —" a , Market-street , Manchester j and 23 . Ironmongcr-litiu ' , r . qndon . _ ¦ .
Untitled Ad
A TREASURE FOR THE TOILETTE . Among the many luxuries of the proscrit age none can be obtained possessing the mntiilold . virtuesot ( . ILDKlDU ^ b BALM of COIA ' MIUA . If applied to the roots and body of thchuir it impartH the most delightful coolness . with un aerecable fragrance ot' porfunie . It also at tins period pi tu \> season prevents tho hair from fulling off , or if already too thin , or turning groy . will prevent its further progress , and soon restore it again . Those who really desire to lnivo beautiful hnir , oil her with wavu or curl , should use it daily . It Js also celebrated for strenffthenlng the hnir , freeing it from scurf , mid . producing new hair , whiskers , and moustache . Established upwards of 30 years . No imitative wnsh can oeiuiil it . Price 3 s . Oil ., « ls ., and 11 s . only . C . and A . Ol . pKIDUK , 13 , Wellington-street , Isorth Strand . W . C \
Untitled Ad
KEEP Yo ' uit PREMISES FREE FROM MICE BARBER'S POISONED WHEAT Mil * Mico and Sparrows on tho spot . —In Id ., ad ., -Id ., and Sd . packets with directions and testimonials . No risk nor damage In laying this Wheat ubout . From n slnglo packot hundreds oi mice and sparrows , uve found dead . Agents : — Barclay and Bonn , Wi , Farrlngdon-strot ' t i A \ . Button and Co ., How Churchyard ; B . Yates and Co ,, iM , Budgo-row , London ; and sold by all Druggists , Grocers , &C , throughout tho United Kingdom . ««„„ , ! Barber ' s Polsonud Wheat Works , Ipswich . Removed from Eye , Suffolk .
Untitled Ad
KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . STATISTICS SHOW THAT FIFTY O THOUSAND l'EKSONS , annually iall victims to Pulmonary DlaondorH , Includin g Consumption , PIboosos of tho Ghost , and tho Respiratory Organs . Prevent on l « ot nil timoB bottor than euro t bo , thoroforo , prepared du "g tho wet and wintry Benson , with a supply oi KluAilNU S COUGH LOZENCUCtf , which possess ( ho virtue oi averting , us well as of curing a Cough or Cold . Prepared and sold U \ boxen . U . U < J .. nnrl 1 i s , Sn . M .. 4 s . Ocl ., and 10 s . ( Id . oiidi , by THOMAS IvKAi IM « . Chemist , &o ., ?\\ St . Paul ' s' Churchyiird , London . Hciiillby all Druggists . _ .
Untitled Ad
BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Price Is . IJd . and Ss . lid . per box . This ijropnra-Mon Is ono of tho bonoflts w \\ M \ tho soloneo or modern ohomiBtry han oonlbrrod upon mankind » for during theill ™ t twenty yom-s of tho nrosont century to apaak of a ouro loi tho Gout was conBldorod a rommioo « buV now tho ofllcney andsaioty of this modlolno ia ho fully demonstrated , by un solicited tontlmoniiilM from persona In ovory rank of Hto , that public opinion proclaims tliie aa ono of tho most important dlBoovorluuol' t | iu nroaoitt « go . Those Pills ruquiro no roBtrnlnt of dipt or oonflnoinontduring tholr uflo . nna mo certain to provont tho dlScuso nttaokihg nny vJinl pnr . Sold by all modlolno vondors . Obaorvo lf Tl » oinna Prout , " 820 , Strand London . " on tho Government Stamp .
Untitled Ad
TEETH WITHOUT SPRINGS . By Her Majesty ' s Royal Lottors Patent . Imnroner Mastication nnd tho Evils attondnut thereon may bo avoided by wearing Artiilolal Tooth proporly oou-Btruotcd nud of pure Materials . i \ tv . Hsrs QA'lUtlKL . the Ohl-Kstabllshod . liontifltB ' tSiso on tho I oss and boat iuuiuib of Uoetoring tlio 3 iiva * q ^ B { n ^ s ££ S ^ boconllilontly relied on , —Unitkd Skbviob QA / . i . nn . "TIioubiuuIs rcMiulrlng nrtinolnl tooth aro doterrod from eoiiBt m S ™ do « lit . ft « ffli »» tho «» it »« 'Ptf i ?? Mttao '" ofnilluro--Tonll buoIi woHay , ponmo CJabrlul ' HJ . lOftUBO . ClVU < BUHVICJH CJAJSKTTH . l ' ubliHhod by Messrs . Qabbibi . ( ffraUs on fPP" ^ " ?? . 'g ^ K 4 W £ X ^ r ^ . gaJ » f 42 ! affi obnorvo naino and nuinbors partiouliirly ) \ ft « d 18-1 , Uuiwutruot , Liverpool .
Untitled Ad
CERTAIN WEANS OF SELF CURE . an ACT OF 0 I 1 A 1 UTY , — A Uontlomun havlnff i >« on m . VoiiI of norvouB dobil ty of U »» ff Htandlug , tho nmult of ii iiIch it bul charitable , to roiidor suoli luiormivtlon toothers ehr far v a tuaW iw way rostoro thorn to health without SffoSSK . l"ill purtlouJi&B Hont to any nddroBB , by onciOB ing two poBtngo Btampw to propay poHtngo . AddroBS TnOMAS JloHvARD , Jflflq ., Cllvo-houao , noar IJirminghivm .
Untitled Ad
TEETH . By Her Mi \ josty ' H Koyal Letters Patent New . ly-invented and Patented Application of Chemically prepared INDIA KUUBER , „ , * in tho Construction of ArUHolal Teeth , Gums , and Palates . Mlt . E PUR AIM MO 8 ELY , SUHGISON DENTIST , 0 , GBOSVBNOB-BTBEJ 3 T , OROSVENQR-SQUAnK , ¦ Solo Inventor and Pa ten teo .- A now , original , and invaluable invention consisting in the adaptation , with tho most abnoluto purfeetlon mid sucoess , ol ' ohomlcally prepared INDIA HUJJBER in lieu of the ordinary gold or bone frame . All sharp edges aro avoided » no springs , wires , or fastenings are required ; a greatly Inoroasod iVeedom of suction is suppliedi a unt . ural 'olnsticity hitherto wholly unftttalnablo , and a lit porlcotca with the the most unerring accuracy , are secured » tho greater support Is given to tho adjolnfngtooth when loose , or rendered tender Iby the absorption oi the gums . Tho acids of the mouth exert no agency on tho preparod /?««« JiHbber , and , as a lton-oonduyFor , fluids of any fomporaturo may with thorough comfort bo imbibed and retu uud In tho month , ull unplcwantnosB of smell or tasto being at tho samo time wholly provided afjalnBt by tho pooullnr nature ° { 4 XSlTedwitli gold and Mr . Ephralm Mosoly -H WhWo Enamol , the only stopping that will not booomo difloolourod , and particularly recommended lor tho mmt toeth . 1 ) , OroBvunor-Btroot , GroBvonor-Hmiuro , London « » ' » ; Jf * y-Btroet . Hath j and lO . Eldon-Hquare . ^ Newoastlo-on-Tyne .
Untitled Ad
PRIZE MEDAL LIQUID HAIR DYE . OXLY ONE APPLICATION . INSTASTASEOtS , INDELIBLE , HARMLESS , & SCENTLESS . In Cases , post freo , 3 s . 3 d . and 08 ., direct from E . F . LANGDALE'S Laboratory , 72 , 11 at ton Garden , London , E . C . "Mr . Laugdale's preparations are , to our mind , the most extrnordinnry productions of modern chemistry . — Illustuatbd London Nf / wh , July 1 U . 18 & 1 . , . „ _ , „ A long and interesting report on the Products of E . 1 ' . Limgdnlo ' s Laboratory / by a Special Scientino Commission , fronr tho Editor of the Lancet , will be found in that Imn-nal of . Saturday , January 10 th , 1807 . A copy will be Worded for two ^ ^^^ THE NKW DISCOVERY . —I ' or tho Itestoi'ation and Konroductlon of the Hair . —Mr . Langdalo guarantees his (» l " nTKSSKNCE of CANTlIAKIDlfS mosl successful as a * restorative , also in clu'ckinggrcyncss , strenR-thonlng weak In lr and preventing its falling oiT ; most olloctual in the Jrowth orwhlakora " , nioustaehios , Ac . Tho money Jmmetl utely rt-turnod if not eiroctual . Post free for iia . Ocl . m Stamps . —Laboratory , 72 , Hntton Gnrdon . ' E . F . LANO DALE'S MASrllKRWY AND CIIKIlltY TOOTH ' I'ASTE . — The most delicious preparation ^ ver nroduci ' d for tho Teoth , Gums , and Breath . Po « t freofrom ho Laboratory , 72 , II at ton Garden , for Is . 3 d . In stamps .
Untitled Ad
THE SURPLICE SHIRT ¦ Acknowledged as the most comfortable and durable Shirt ever yet prouuoed ) , made to measure , ( 3 s . 0 d ., 7 s . 0 d ., Ss . 0 d ., nnd 1 US . ( id . Cards for self-measurement . JOHN SAMPSON , Hosier , 123 , Oxford-street , W .
Untitled Ad
RUPTUR E S . BY KOYAL . LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAINT LEVER TEUSS is allowed by " upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be the most effective Invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring ( so hurtful m its effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by tho Jloc-JIain Pad ancl Patent Lever , iitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected , and mny be worn during sleep A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hip , bemff sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE ; 228 , Piccadilly , Price ol a single truss , 10 s ., 21 s ., 2 Cs . 6 d ., and 31 s . Od . — Double Truss , 31 s . 0 d ., 42 s ,, and 52 s . Od . —Postage Is . Sd . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 0 d . —Postage Is . 10 ( 1 . Post-oiUce orders to be made payable to JOHN WJiUJii , Post-ofllce , Piccadilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , &c , for VAIUCOSia VEINS , and all -cnseB of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LEGS , SPHA 1 NS , &C , They are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive ' , and aro drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . Od . to 10 s . each . —Postage Ocl . JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , London .
Untitled Ad
T AWKENCE IIYAM'S JUVENILE ATTIRE JU has secured for him the largest ' connexion among Parents and Guardians ; and having now been established above 20 years , he can safely refer to Iris great and continued success , as an indication of the upright manner in which his large business is conducted . ., **„„ ^~ . City Establishment , 30 , GKACECHUBCH-ST . WEST END ESTABLISHMENT , ISO and 1 < M , TOTTENHAM COUXtT ROAD .
Untitled Ad
LAWliEXCE HYAM , in his Bespoke Department , employs the most . skilful Cutters , under his immediate superintendence , and carefully examines every garment previous to its being sent home . The TROUSERS , at i ? s . ' . made to measure , are cut upon such principles as to ensure true and elegant fit , —whether the wearer be walking , riding or sitting . Gentlemen may select from a stock of cloths of all descriptions , —amounting to £ 10 , 000 ;—and the extraordinary variety cannot fail , to meet the taste of the most fastidious . ' _^__
Untitled Ad
GREY H A 1 R R E S T ORE D TO ITS NATURAL . COLOUR NEURALGIA , Nervous Headache , Rheumatism , and Stiff Joints cured by F . M . HERRING'S PATENT MAGNETIC BKUSHES , 10 s . and 15 s . ; COMBS 2 s . Cd . to 20 s . Grey hair and Baldness prevented by F . M . H . ' s Patent Preventive Brush . Price , 4 s . and ; 5 s . Offices , 32 , Basinghall-street , London , where may be-had , gratis , the illustrated pamphlet , "Why Hair becomes Grey , and its Remedy . " Sold by all Chemists and Perfumers of repute .
Untitled Ad
WINTER HOSIERY Of the softest and warmest description , including all the newest patterns and colours- Under clothing for family use , and for invalids . Printed flannel shirts and dressinggowns . POPE and FLANTE , manufacturers , 4 , Waterlooplace , Pall-inall , London , S . W .
Untitled Ad
W A NTBD . Ladies and Gentlemen ' s LEFT-OFF WEARING APPAREL , of every description . —Mr . and Mrs . HUTCHINSON continue to purchase and give the highest price for Left-off Clothes , Officers' Uniforms ( naval and military ) , Old Jewellery , and all miscellaneous articles . Ladies and gentlemen waited on at any time by addressing to Mr . or Mrs . Hutchinson , 25 , Kea Lion-square , Holporn , W . C . Parcels from the country , the utmost value immediately remitted by post-office order . . .
Untitled Ad
FIRE , THIEVES , FIRE . Second-Hand Fireproof SAFES , the most extensive assortment by Milner and other eminent makers , at half the price of new . Dimensions , 24 in . high , 18 in . wide aiid 16 in . deep , £ 3 10 s . At C . GRIFFITHS ^ , 33 , Old Change , St . Paul's , E . C . Wanted , Second-hand Safes by Milner , Chubb , Mnrr , or Mordan . NOTICE . —Gentlemen possessed of Tann ' s Safes need not apply •" ,
Untitled Ad
£ 6 Os . . ¦ WHEATSTONE'S S-0 CTAVE HARMONIUM , ( New patent ) has double pedals , with soft agreeable quality of tone . £ 3 3 s . —WHEATSTONE'S PATENT CONCERTINA , 48 keys ( full compass 3 A octaves ) , Rosewood , with Box complete . WHEATSTONE and Co ., Inventors . 20 . Conduitstreet , Regent-street . ¦
Untitled Ad
BENSON ' S WATCHES iwS pwSSZSft ^^ ¦ ^ ffffssssap ^ sssfiKsi'Sr ^ wateheB 33 and 34 , Lndgate-hill , Xondon , ' E . C .
Untitled Ad
FIFTEEN to TWENTY , and even TWENTY-FIVE PEE CENT . PER ANNUM upon current value of shares in CORNISH TIN and COPPER MINES snares , in Dividends payable two-monthly or quarterly . , MESSRS . TREDINNICK AND CO ., MINING ENGLNEERS , send their SELECTED LIST OF SOUND , PROGRESSIVE and DIVIDEND SHARES upon the receipt of a Fee of One Guinea . Review of Cornish and Devon Mining Enterprise , 5 s . pel copy . Maps per post of the Buller and Basset , Great Vor , Alfred Consols * the Providence and Margaret Districts , 2 s . 6 d , each . ' Cornish Mines , well selected , pay better than other description of securities , are freer from risks , and entail lest responsibilities than banks and other joint-stock companies , Shares bought and sold on commission of 1 per cent . Money advanced at 10 per cent , per annum , for short oi long periods , on approved Mining Snares . . Messrs . Tbedinnick and Co . can with confidence draw attention to thfe favourable aspect of the Mining ShaW Market in juxtaposition to those forother securities ; money is still abundant , and the value of metals high ; whilst public attention is daily becoming more generally directed to mining Securities as an eligible and ^ desirable medium for the investment of capital , and correct data is more generally diffused . They especially draw attention to Dolcoath , Old Tolgus United , Trelawny , Rose , Rosewarne United , Craddock Moor , Providence , Margaret , St . lyes Consols . Buller and Basset United * South Caradon , Wheal Hooper , South Buller and West Penstruthal , Carn Brea , Basset , South Frances , Unity Consols , Buller and Bertha ,, and Carnewas . ¦ . . ¦ ¦ Offices , 78 Lombard-street , London , B . C .
Untitled Article
DOES YOUR TAILOR PIT YOU ? TRY J . SMITH , 38 , LOMBARD STREET , E . C . —SQLFEKINO TROUSERS , all Wool , of the Newest Designs , in endless Variety , to order . 16 s . —Observe the Address—3 « ' TifYTMrilAWT ) RTirTCTCT .
Untitled Article
¦ ¦ JSkr . &M * . ' Dec . 31 , 1859 . ] THE LEADER . 1427
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 31, 1859, page 1427, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2327/page/23/