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We have the pleasure to say that Mr . Albert Smith resumes work at the ¦ . Egyptian Hall on the 10 th inst . _ The seventh of the London Popular Concerts takes place on Monday evening .., at the St . James ' s Upper Halh The programme is a very attractive one , comprising ' , in addition to the usual strongquartet party , the names of Lazarns ( clarionet ) , Sims Reeves * Sherrington .
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The New Year s reception at the nas ^ aa many expected would be the case ) produced any remarkable declaration of policy from the Empebob of the Fbkkch . On Monday , 1 st January , Napoleon and his Empress received th « homage of the princes and princesses of the imperial family and the courtiers , then proceeded to attend the celebration of high mass , and at one o ' clock the French Sovereign received the diplomatic body . ^ 1 he Papal Nuncio , it had been insinuated , would be " indisposed " and unable to attend ; he was however present , and acted as spokesman for the body of foreign ministers , conveying their compliments to the French Sovereign . In reply , the Emperor thanked them , and confined himself to the observations that since his accession to power he had ever professed the most profound respect for recognised rights * and that the constant aim of his future efforts will be to re-establish everywhere , as far as depends upon himself , confidence and peace . It was remarked that the attendance of priests at the levee was very small ; on the other hand , there were present the large number of twenty-seren Protestant ministers . After the reception Monsignor Sacconi said to the Russian Ambassador , "I am afraid that henceforth the Catholic Church must rely upon schismatic Russia . " The same night Lord Cow ley left Pans for London . The turmoil about the " imperial pamphlet has not yet subsided . Oil Tuesday , Jan .-3 , appeared in the Constiiuttonnel an article signed by M . Grandguillot , addressed to the Bishop of Orleans , refuting the objections of that prelate to " Le Pape et Ic Congres ; " and demanding what solution he would prefer ; M . Grnudguillot also acknowledges himself the , authnr of the semiofficial articles signed , " A Catholic Journalist . " On Thursday the 5 th Jan ., the Morning Chronicle , a journal which has lately changed hands , but whose varying fortunes can never obliterate the impression of its former -power— addressed an appeal to the Emperor Napoleon which is worthy of iratice . It calls upon Mm-as the most successful potentate , warrior , and statesman of his generation to be as bold now in conciliating public opinion as once he was in assuming an " awful responsibility , ' and to give freedom to the assemblies and . the press . .. ; Hie . Moniteur of Thursday , Jan . 5 , contains an imperial decree , appointing M . Thouvenel Minister for Foreign Affairs in place of the Count Walewski , who lias been permitted to resign . Until M . Thouvenel can arrive , M . Baroche is intrusted with the duties of the ministry . The Emperor appears anxious to avoid giving umbrage to the Catholic party . The Constitutional of Wednesday , Jan . 4 , was directed to inse ' rt the following ;— ' * We are authorised to give a denial to the assertion in the Parisian correspondence of the Independance Beige that the Archbishop of Paris had Addressed to the Metropolitan Chapter words full of profound uneasiness on the state of the Church . The Archbishop , alluding to the present pre-oceupation of the catholic world , on the contrary , exhorted the memb ers of the Chapter to prayers for obtaining tranquillity and peace , recommended them to have confidence , and reminded them of all the proofs of devotedness the Emperor has given to the Church . The Xnditpendance Beige , was accordingly stopped at the post-office on Wednesday , for containing an inaccurate account of what Cardinal Morlot said on New Year ' s day . The Paris Archbi s did , m fact , not venture one word of censure oil the French Government , as stated in the Belgian journal , but dealt in generalities of a vague sort , trusting that peace and concord among men might be the result of the Imperial policy . The known sentiments of the prelate rendered the contradiction almost superfluous in the Constitution ' nel . The weather in the French metropolis has been subjected to ( similar variations as in London , and on Tuesday night Puris was visited by a hurricane which for violence has not been equalled for many years . It commenced at twelve , and continued until seven in the morning , accompanied by torrents of rain . The weather moderated slightly on Wednesday , but the rnin amd sleet still continued . Tine Moniteur of Friday , January Q , announces that Mr . William Grey , secretary to the English Embassy , has been appointed charge " d ' affaires during" the temporary absence of Lord . Cowley from Paris , An attack upon the pamphlet called Ze JPape et le Congres , having appeared in the Qiornale di Roma , which belabours the Emperor ns well as the scribe , the CoHstituUonnel of Friday ¦ , Jan . 6 is instructed to say that " France will bo grieved but not offended by this publications , and above nil , will , not mnko the common Father of the Faithful Believers responsible for it . " The Grand Chamberlain of the Empbrob of Avavaxx , on the 1 st of January , received the congratulations of the diplomatic corps in placo of the Emperor , who did not honour the occasion with his presence . A letter from Vienna , d . ated January 3 , states that the Governor of Venejtia had arrived in Vienna to warn the Cabinet that the province would become ungovernablo if concessions were not at once made : ho implored the Etoperor to take conciliatory stops before compelled to do so by the action of the congresa . The Emperor received his servant ' s warning with stolid indifference On Mondavi January 1 , an article appeared in tlio Daily Men . senqer , a journal published nt Prague , which has created some senention . Thin j-apur tmvs , thut M The i ' liliubituuta of all thy provinces
are of opinion that the principle of the representation of the people ought to be adopted . The special wishes of the Hungarians are hot likely to be . fulfilled , but the Hungarian question would be simplified if the Government had a weli-defined plan of action . The general impression in Vienna is that the Governmeht' docs" not know how to set about the re-organisation of the Empire , and that the question of Hungary is one of insuperable difficulty . On Sunday , Jan , 1 , a great battle was fought between the Spaniards and Moobs before Ceuta . The Spanish account claims a victory for their General Prim over 4 ^ , 000 Moorn , who lost 1 , 500 men , while the Spaniards only suffered to the amount of 600 ; a very different story is told by the Moors ; but , though the Spanish account is doubtless exaggerated , the Moors really suffered a severe repulse . A telegram of Tuesday , 3 rd Jan ., states that three vessels under the English flag had been brought by the Spaniards into Algesiras from Ceuta , accused of carrying contraband of war . The news from Italy is of interest . On the 1 st of January , a reception was held by King Victor Emmanuel , but no official speechmaking took place . —In the duchy of Modena , on Monday , 2 nd Jan ., the relations of the boy Mortara made a demand upon the government for the arrest of the Father Inquisitor , Filletli , accused of kidnapping the boy . The priest is in custody , an A awaits his trial . The next day , Fariui appointed a commission to take charge of the property of the Company of Jesuits , who have been banished from the states of Parma , Modena , and tire Romagiia . — -On Thursday , Jan . 5 , the intelligence arrived that Garibaldi had resigned his post as president of an anti-Mazzini Society , called the " National , " and has become the head of an association bearing the significant title , " The Nation Armed . "— -At Rome , on Tuesday , Jan . 3 , the Due de Graminont ; positively assured-tlie Papal Government that the celebrated " pamphlet" does not express the programme of the proeedings of the French Government in the matter of the Congress ; By letters which arrived on Friday , January 6 , we learn that a grand dinner was offered to General Garibaldi , on the 1 st , at Turin , by Advocate Brofferio and other partisans of the Extreme Left . The general addressed the crowd assembled under the balcony of the hotel , in a speech in which he reiterated his professions of patriotism and devotedness to King Victor Emmanuel . Our Correspondents in Gebmant allude to the growing desire in the Northern States for the establishment of naval arsenals and the formation of a national fleet . A telegram from Berlin , dated on Wednesday , Jan . 4 , informs us that the conference of " the ^ German States on the sea-coasts ( which was convoked by Prussia on the 14 th ult . ) , for the purpose of discussing the question of fortifying the shores , will be opened on the 9 th inst ,, at Berlin . Further changes are reported in the government of the Tubkish : Empibe . A Marseilles telegram of Thursday , 5 th Jan ., announces the sudden dismissal of Kibrisli Pacha , and affirms that it was caused by his demanding a settlement c > f the debts of the Seraglio and Harem . Ruchdi Pacha had been appointed Grand Vizier , and Aali Pacha President of the Tanzimat , which office was formerly held by Ruchdi Pacha . It was believed that Mehemet Kibrisli Pacha would soon be reappointed Grand Vizier . We sire also told that the friends of reform were dispirited , although Rnchdi Pacha lias the reputation of being 1 a reformer . The new Grand Vizier had despatched a note to the European Powers , promising . his approval of the Suez Canal scheme , should they come to an understanding on the question ; and M . de Lesseps was preparing to leave Constantinople ^ possi bly to make what use he can of this concession . The American mail , which arrived on Tuesday , Jan . 3 , informs us that the United States' House of Representative * had not yet elected their Speaker , and . that the President ' s Message therefore remained in abeyance , A strange light has been thrown upon social relations in America by a correspondence published in the Daily News of Friday , Jan . 6 . A lady of colour , Miss Sarah P . Redmond , bearing an American passport as , a citizen of the United States , signed " Lewis Cass , Secretary of State , " being in London , applied to the American minister there for a visa for France . Tins has been refused-, because " the indispensable qualification for United States' citizenship " does not exist in Miss Redmond , since she has African blood in her veins . The fact of General Cass having granted the passport as to an American citizen does not carry any weight with Mr . Pallas . The mails from Bbazil and tho Rivkb Piatb arrived on Wednesday , Jan . 4 > . Hostilities between Buenos Ayres and tho Argentine Confederation have been terminated , and a treaty of pence was concluded . Peace being declared , General Urquizn immediately commenced tho embarkation of hia tropps at the Tjgre , sending 1 his horses and waggona overland , and with such rapidity did ho conduct tho operation that on tho 18 th November he embarked on board tho French war steamer Bisson and returned to Sun Jose " . Hia avmy is by this time completely disbanded , eaoh corps proceeding 1 direct to the province in which it was levied . Tho Porteno volunteers , under tho command of Lagos , Laprida and others , remain jin tins , province , having 1 placed themselves under the ondara af the Government , according to instructions * Itteuctl to them by General Urquisa previous to hia departure . Until after the meeting of the convention for tho revision of tho national , constitution , Bueno * Ayres cannot bo regarded m one of the Confederate Provinces , hut alie is nevertheless already incorporated into the Ar $ rentln 0 ltunublic , ttinco * ho lms a voiev in the election of tho 1 ' romcleiii .
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Jan . 7 , I 860 . ] The Leader and Saturday Analyst . 23
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 7, 1860, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2328/page/23/