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he European Assurance TSOCIETY.
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Empowered by Special : Act . of Parliament , FOR THE ASSURANCE-OF LIVES , ANNUITIES , AND THE GUARANTEE OP FIDELITY IN SITUATIONS OF TRUST . Chief Office—2 , WATE RLOO PLACE , PA LL 31 ALL , LONDON , Theexisting Revenue . jro ' m Premiums exceeds ONE HUNDRED , THOUSAND POUNDS . Presidetit- — ¦ The Right Hon . T . Milner Gibson . M . P . Chiurmnh of the Hoard of Directors—Henry Wickham . W . ickhSii ) -, Esq ., M . P . BOARD OP DIRECTORS .- , • . folin Clicelbara , Esq ., Stalybridge . ' James Davidson , Esq ; . BrO : id-street Buildings . John -Field . Esq .. Warnford Court , City . Charles Former . E .-q .. M . P . for Walsall . Richard Francis George , Esq ., Bath . , -.-Henry if . Harrison , Esq ., Hamilton-place , Saint John ' s SVood . , Thomas C . ll . iyivard , Esq ., Winorios and Highbury . John lledtsins ,-Esq ., Cavendish Clttb . T . Y . McChristie , Esq , Revising- . Barrister for the City of-London . James Edward McCbnnell . Esq ., Wolverton . John Mops , Esq , Litchurch , Derby . Charles William Reynolds , Esq ., Eaton-place , Belgraviu . .--.- ' . Jiiehard Spooner , Esq ., M . P . for Warwickshire . II . W . Wickham . Esq ., M . P , for Bradford-. Thos . Winkworth , Esq ., Greaham Club , and Canonbury . ¦ J , P . Brown-Westhead , Esq ., M . P . for York . The Guarantee Policies of this Society are authorized to be accepted by Government . Poor Law Board , and other Public Departments . The leading London and Provincial Joint Stock and private Banks , the principal Railway Companies , Life and Fire Offices , Public Companies , Institutions , and Commercial Firms throughout the Kingdom , accept the Policies of this Society . iid Security ( or their Employe ' s , Immediate Annuities , payable during the whole of Life , may bo purchased on the following scale : — Annuities granted at the undermentioned Ages for every £ 100 of Purchase Money . Ages . 50 05 CO 05 70 A " cfir 7 " 1 C 7 17 0 8 10 a 10 3 < l 12 1 3 14 10 2 Lists of Shareholders , Prbspeotusen , ' und Agency applications , may bo obtained on" application to the MANAGER .
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Law Union Fire and Life INSURANCE COMPANY . Chief Offices ? , 126 , CHANCERY LANK , London . W . C , Birmingham . Branch ., -17 , UNION PASSAGE . Capital , ONE MILLION STEltLING . The Fire and Life Departments are under one Management , but with separate funds and accounts . Chmrmo-n , . . . Sir William Foster , Bart . ; Vice-Chainnan ,- . Jamea Parker , Esq ., Baddow House , Chelmsford . FIRE DEPARTMENT . Capital responsible for Losses , £ 750 , 00 i v The business is conttni'd' to the best classes of insurance . The discbunt allowed by the ( . Jovernment on . the duty is in till cases given to the insured . . Claims settled with promptitude and liberality . LIFE DEPARTMENT . ^ Capital responsible for losses , £ 250 . 000 , A Bonus every five years , —next Bonus in 18 Gt . Moderate 1 rates of Premium . ¦ Annuities granted on favourable terms . Prospectuses , forms of proposal , copies of annual reports , and every information , on application to FRANK McGEDY , Secretary . , Chancery-lane .
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ESTABLISHED 1838 . Vic toria and Legal and COMMERCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 18 , KING WILLIAM STREET , CITY . The Business of the Company embraces every description of risk connected with Life Assurance . . Credit allowed of one-third of the Premiums till death , or half the Premiums for five years , on ]) Olicies . taken out for the whale of life . . Advances in connexion with Life Asi-urancc are made on advantageous terms , either on real or personal security . WILLIAM ; RATKAY ; Actuary . .
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NOTICE OF DIVIDEND . "Dank of Deposit—( Estar JlJ Wished a . t > . 1 SW)—No . 3 , PALL MALL EAST . LONDON , 'S . W . —Tire Warrants lor the Half-yearly Interest , at the rate of 5 per cent , peraniuuii ,-pn De-: posit accounts , to rlie 31 st December , iiro . rejuiy ii > r deivery , and payable daily between the hours of 10 and 1 . . PETER MORRISON , Managing 1 Sector . 10 th January , . 1800 . . . . Parties desirous of investing money are requested to examine the plan of tliel 5 ank of Dejjosit . ' ; _ ¦ Prosuectuses and forms « ent free on aiiplicntion .
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r Phe District Savings Bank J- ( Limited ) , 67 , FLEET STREET . LONDON . E . C . —The experience which has attended tlio ojierations of savings banks and loan societies is siidi as to , make it evident that an extension of their principlps , upon a liberal yet sound basis ,- will pr < vv <; highly advantageous both to the proprietary and the public . 1 The District Savings Hunk receives iU' ; osit 8 ( paid in atjorie time ) from One Penny to Ton Pounds , the siggrogate aniount to be unlimited , arid .-ulijcct to tlio usual arrangeinents , on withrlrawiil . Of ordinary savings banks . JOHN SHERIDAN ,. Actuary .
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INVENTORS' ASSISTANCE COMPANY , ( LIMITED ) . . Large and Small Capitalists are invited to investigate the merits of thin Com puny ns an investment , und Philanthropists aa u means of u . ssi . stfuico to humble gcnin .-i . Frpni the variety of inventions duily Kubinitlcd for ins )) cction , it will be evident thut iinu . sital iu ( v .. n-¦ tages are poHHessed , of foleeting hiicIi as nre of a useful niulconunorciiil chitractor , some of great promi ^ u beiiig now under the consideration of the Uirecturd . A working model of a V . elf-fuel supplying , qoul and labour saving , « nd amokC'Consuining ( urntiei 1 , is ixivr on exhibition at the Manufactory , nil onlui-H for which are to be addressed to th « Hecn'tnry of the C ' onjpany . Thl « patent i . s interenlluw to tlio onginuer , and nationally and coinnicrcinlly iuiportimt , from the saving it efli'dH ( ' 10 per cent . ) in the conpiimptlon of conl , by tlio ontiro comlmslivu of it « smoke , nnd other irhportiuit ndviintiigc « As tlici elilcloncy of tlila furnaco lum been proved beyend question , { in Inspootlon of tlio inodul i <* t'ariicrttJyroqueateil , which will expluin the principli-H of tlio in . volition , ns wull us by seeing tlio fimmce in operation . Mso , a henutifiil apeciniun of l'hotOKrupliy on wood , by wlilch ii grout ; Having la v"eoii ' d , Jh jiow to bo neon at the OHioea , wheru tenna for the sulu of tliu pnleut can bo hml . Applications for Rharea , and Pros ] i (> c . tiircn giving tlio fullest information , to be inudo , at iho Coinpimy ' t * OinooH , I , 2 , und 3 , Gough-Htreet , north , liriiy ' ii'innroiul , London . WILLIAM AODISOX , . Seoictnry ,
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ESTABLISHED 1841 ,. TV / Tedical , Invalid , and Gene-XVJL ltAL LIFE QFFICE , 25 , PALL MALL , LONDON . —Empowered by special Act of Parliament . At the Eighteenth Annual Meeting , hold on tho 21 th Nov ., 1 S 59 , it was shown that on the SQih Juno lust—The number of policies in force was .. . . 6 , 110 The amount , insured was . . £ 2 , 001 , 925 \ 0 a . 8 d . The Annual Income was . . . dCl' 21 , 203 7 s . 7 d . The new business transact od ( luring the last five years amounts to jS 2 .-J 83 . 708 KiH ; lid ., showing an average yearly amount of new businora of nearly HALF A MILLION STETlLTNCi ' . The Society lias paid for claims by death , sin .-o its establishment in 1 H-11 , no lcss-a Him than JCf > u 3 ., ( il 9 . HEALTHY LIVES . —Assurances nre effootod at homo or abroad at aa moderate rates as the most recent data will allow . ' INDIA . —Officers in the Army and Civilians proceeding to India mny insure thoir lives on the most favourable terms , nnd every pos . iib . e ^ icJlity i » ullbrilod for the transaction of business in India . NAVAL MEN AND MASTER MARINERS arc ns 9 urod at equitable rates for lll'o . or for # voyage , VOLUNTEERS . —No extra charge for persona serving in any Volunteer or Rifle Corps within the United Kingdom . RESIDENCE ABROAD .-Greater fiioimi . es glvon for residence in the Colonies , &c , tlmn by most othor Coin pan ies , INVALID LIV 12 S ftflaurod on Polontincully constructed tableri bused on extensive dutn , ond n reduction in tliu premium is made when thy cuuaos for an incroiisod ruto of premium have ceased . STAMP DUTY . —Polloies , issued froo of every charge but tho promiuma . Evory Information mny be obtained nt the ohlof oflloo or on application to any of'tho iSooioty ' siigenta . ¦ C . DOUGLAS SINGER , Suorotiiry . _
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T ondon Chartered Bank of J-J AUSTRALIA . Incorporated by Royal Charter . Paid-up capital , . € 700 , 000 . Clialrin < tn * -W \ iwnn DunUar , Esq . Dtn > uty-Utialrtn <( n- \ MttU \ m Fnno Do'Snlis , Esq . Q / ftoctf . 17 , Oannou-Htroot , 10 . C T <« ttors of Crud'iti » i |(} Hills of Kxcluingoflrcgnuil ; o < J on the HranohoH of thin Uunk at Sydney , Melbourne , Goulong , Maryborangli . Arnriit , mill Uiifliirni . DraftH on tho AtiHtrallitn Colonies negotiated and Bont forcolloction , —Uy order of tJio Oonrf , Q , U , HULL , Secretary .
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Oporto . — - An old bottled PORT of high cliaraotor , < 188 . per doiion ca « h . Thin gonnlno wino will bo much approved . — II KNK \ BKETT & , CO , Iinportura , Old Furnlviii ' a Distillery , Ilolborn , E . O .
Untitled Ad
aw , Property , and Life I Ji ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 30 , ESSEX STREET , STRAND , LONDON . Capita i . —JU 260 , 000 . DIUEOTOKS . Ralph T . Brocltman . Keq ., Folkcatono . Edward Win . Cox . E , sq ., aO , RiiMSoll-squaro . Gcorgo Frederick Fox , Esq ., Brlutol . Ifl . K ? Pf XvcilHoy , Rnq ., Salisbury . J . Moml . Ksq ., » , King ' s Bonch Walk , Tomplo . II . Paull , Esq ., M . I * ., 83 , Devonshlro-plaoo , Port . lnnd-plnco . Eighty per Cent , of tho Profits dlrldod among tho Assured . At tho First Divlson of Profits in May , JP 8 ^ i \ boim s was declared , varying iVom Two to Efovon per Oont . on tho amount aHsurod , and amounting in many instanooa to upwards of Fifty pur Cunt , on tho Premium paid . At tho Second Dlvlwloivof Pr , ollta in 1608 , an EQUAL PRO RATA BONUS was doolarqd . Tho next Division of Prollto In I 8 oi . * , * Every description of Life Assurance business transnQtod : ' MDWAHD Si BARNES , Seorotftry ,
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Xpau - de - Tie . —This Pjkfi . ¦ A ~ J PuUt Hnmdy , thoiitth only l'Js . per mUUiiiJ-tejii ?* - ' '• s \ tnoiiHtnitud . upon lundyrtls , tp . bo V ^^ MiuWtn ^ ftopn , ^ ^>< N \ iiQldlty , mid vory euporlor to refuiit ' ^ VgS ^ SSi ^^ lf ,: ]/ , ' y vorltnblu lloffiuiu . in Kronen hotth-w , a *^| ic **(^ feWV- M \\ or Ruoui'vly piu'ltod In u eimo for the eoiMifbfl '' MVl . ^ twW ^ /• rn ' iW I 1 KNUV nilKTTWs CO ,, Olrl I < u > ' " h ' ' ! M , $ J # y iM& 5 r % **{ Holburi ) . Tobu olititltiud only « l thvlr D ^ iffK ^ Tif ^ ^^' / vlWffla
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^^^^ HBBBjH ^^^^^ T ^^^^^ BBJS ^ HS ^ jT ^^^ s ^^ T y ?!?^?^ ' ^^" . ' ' ^^^ y ^^ - j ^ iiZr ^ - ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ r ^^^^^ T ^^^^^ P ^^^^^ y !^ •"•¦(]• \ y-r- ' - ;¦¦ ¦ '¦;; " •¦ " v . ¦ " ¦'¦ ¦ - •* ¦ ¦ ¦ " " , * ¦ ¦/'¦ " ¦ ¦ ' r" ¦ '•"" . ' * . ¦' . - '¦ ¦ ¦ : " .: - ' * ¦ ¦" ¦ . ''•' ¦¦ , v - ¦;* ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • , ; ¦ - --.-,., ¦ . ., ¦¦ .-. - ¦ , ¦ . ¦¦ , ..-.. ¦ . ,. ^ - ^ JSJot ^ W "'* * ' - '' 1 *^*' ' " ^"'*™? ' , ' . . ¦ ¦''¦' , « . "' -.. ' " ' - . ' ' , ¦¦ . '¦ ' ¦ ,. " . . ' " ' . '' . '"' . ¦ " ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' * ¦" . '¦¦ ,. ' , ¦'¦ ' ' . " ' . '¦ ¦ ''' .. ' " '¦¦¦'"*'" ' ' . ¦¦¦'¦'*'*'¦ . '• ••¦¦¦; . • -P . _ . ^ ^[ . '' ;^ a-THE LEADER ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ,. ' . ' ' ¦ ' ¦ . AND , ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ . ¦' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' • SATURDAY ANALYST ; A BEVIEWAND BEOOED OF POLITICAL , ITTEE 1 EI . ARTISTIC , AND SOCIAL EVENTS .
Untitled Article
; ¦ ¦ ^ t&i } '' January 14 th , 1860 . { « ££ & ' ; '
He European Assurance Tsociety.
he European Assurance TSOCIETY .
Untitled Article
Shall we make Friends with France ? The President ' s Message . Mr . Bright at Birmingham . The Spanish Crusaders . Musketry Teaching and Army Reform .
Disgraceful Economy . New Members of Parlia-Lord Macaulay . — The ment . Author . Rifle Clubs . Reform . —The Claim of Caricatura . Chelsea . Letter from Germany . M . Bastiat . The Russian People and The Schoolmaster Abroad . Socialism .
China and Japan . The Art of-. Dining . Recent Novels . Proverbs . How to Get a Place . The Earl of Dundonald . Record of the Week .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 14, 1860, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2329/page/1/