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Crystal Palace.—Arrangements for week ending Saturday, January 28th. Monday at 9
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JHOJfDAY . uuen i » » . ¦ Tobsoav to Friday . Open at 10 . Admission One Shilling ; Children under 12 , Sixpence . Saturday . . Open at 10 . . Concert . Admission Haifa-crown ; Children One Shilling . The Picture Gallery remains open . Orchestral Band and Great Organ , Performances Daily . . . The Camellias , Hyacinths , Primulas , and other plants are in full bloom throughout the Palace . Sunday . Open . at 1-30 to Shareholders , gratuitously by tickets . . .
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TWENTY-SECOND REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE . / Commercial Bank " of Lon-\ J DON , for the " half year ending 31 st Dec , 1859 . ¦ At a . half-yearly general meeting of . the "" . Sharehdlders , ¦ .. held at the banking-house , lio'thpury , on Tuesday , the ' 17 th Jan , ltiGO—present , the Directors and forty-seven — Proprietors—the advertisement calling the meeting was read , and afterwards the following .. ' ; . ' . .. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ . ' ..: ; re for T .. . ¦¦ ¦ The Directors have now to lay before the Shareholders . of the Bank the Balance-sheet for the half year ending ¦ Slat Dec , 1809 , exhibiting a net profit ( including £ 1 , 014 10 a . 10 d . brought forward from last half year ; of £ 15 , 243 9 s . 2 d ., after paying all / expenses of management , and making provision forbad and doubtful'debts . This enables . the Directors to recommend a dividend for the half year , at the rate of £ 7 per cent , per annum , paynble on and after the 28 th instant . The dividend will absorb £ 10 , 500 , ftnd after allowing £ 3 , 458 da . lid . for rebate on current bills hot yet due , a balance of £ 1 , 285 4 s . 3 d . will remain to be carried forward to the next half-yearly account . Edward StilllngtUet Cayley , Esq ., M . P ., having resigned his seat in the direction , James Clay , Esq ., M . P ., who is a duly qualified Proprietor , offers hijmself as a candidate for the vacant seat , pursuant to notice .. COMMERCIAL BANK OJ ? LONDON , Dr . Balance-sheet to JDcc . 3 \ , 185 !) . Capital subscribed . . . £ 1 , 500 , 000 Capital paid up , ZOi . each on 15 , 000 shares £ 300 , 000 0 0 Guarantee fund .,,....., 75 , 000 0 0 Balance due to ' the customers of the Bank ,...., 926 , 314 9 2 Balance of undivided profit , June 30 , I 860 .. . jtf l . 014 10 10 Net profit for the half year ending l ) ec , 31 , Ittoo , after paying income tax and deducting all charges and expenses , and making provision for bad und doubtful debts . . . . 14 , 228 18 4 _—__—_ 15 , 213 9 2 £ 1 , 310 , 667 Wit Cr . Cash in tho Bank and at call , at . the . Bqnk of JGngltiml , Exchequer Bills , India Bonds , and Government Securities . . . £ 207 , 406 15 10 Bills djseouuted , loans on stock , and ' othor securltk-a ... ...... 1 , 100 , 152 1 0 Strong-room , fittings , and furniture ( promisee held on lease ) 3 , 000 0 0 _ , ' j 6 ' 1 , 310 , 6 & 7 17 4 Dividend at tho rate of 7 per oont . per annum , for the half your ending Dec . 81 , J 8 M > ....:.,..,. £ 10 , 1500 0 0 Rebate of Interest on current bllla carried to i ' roflt and Loss Now Account , 0 , 408 4 11 Balance carried to next half year ; , . , l , 2 tit > 4 3 £ 16 , 243 0 2 Balance brought down ..... . . £ 15 , 343 ° 2 Tho Report and Balance-sheet having boon read , 1 . It was Resolved—That tho Report und Balanceehoot Juat read bu approved , prfutotl , nwd circulated . nmongst the Proprietors . The Chairman , Mark Hunter , Esq ., on tho part of tho Directors , declared a dividend on tUo paid-up capital of the Company ut the ratu of £ 7 per cent , per annum for the poet hu | t year , free from income ta « , pnyabla on and aftar SMurrtia ' , tlyj 8 t ) th lint . ' " ' 8 . KosoJvcd—That JameaClfty , Esq ., M . V ,, bo elected
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¦ ————— —7- ! ^^ r , Commercial Bank of Xjpfl-V ^ DONV—The DIRECTORS HEREB ^ ' oiVB NOTICE , That a DIVIDEND on the paicF-tip Capital of the Company , at the rate of £ 7 per cent- pei ^ annum . for the half year ending Dec . 31 ; Ife 59 , free from income tax , will be payable at the Banking House , in Lothbury , on and after SATURDAY , the 28 th irist . U By order of the Board ,. T Dated Java 17 , 1860 . A . R . C UTBILL ,. M *» fager .
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Eighth Report of the fJity BANK , LONDON . ^ At a General Meeting of the Shareholders , held at » the Lohdon Tavern , on TUESDAY . Jan ; l £ aS 60—Alderman Sir ROBERT WALTER CAEDEN , Chairman . . ' PETER BELL , Esq .., Deputy Chairman . DIHECXOB 3 . . - . Peter Bell , Esq . ' . Sir Robert VV . Garden , M . P . *"• Henry Vigurs East , Ksq . William Gardner , Esq . John Hackblock , Esq .. ' ¦ John Jones , Esq . Andrew Lawrie , Esq . / John Lidgett , Esq . \^' Robert Lloyd , Esq . William Maonaughtan , Esq . Jonathan Thorp , Esq . John Vanner , . Esq . Tub Manaqeb— -A . J . White , Esq . SoMOiTORB—Messrs . Penrce , Phillips , Winckwprth , and Pearce— " . The following Report was presented : The Directors have -now to place befpre the Proprietors a report of the state of the Bank on the 31 st day of December last . . . By the annexed Statements of Account the Shareholders will perceive that , after paying the current expenses of the naif-year , the usual proportion of the cost of the Bank building , and making liberal allowance for bad and doubtful debts , anu for rebate on bills diacounted not yefc duo , the sura of £ 17 , 079 19 s . jod . remains available ; from which the Directors have determined , after mature deliberation , to declare a . Dividend for the past half-year at the rate of £ 0 per cent , per annum , free of income tax , thereby appropriating ^ 9 , 0 p 0 ; and they carry forward the surplus , viz ., ^ 8 , 079 19 s . 10 d ,, to tl » o credit of tho Now Profit and Losa Aocount , for further appropriation at Midsummer next . The Directors hope that the Proprietora will continue to oxert themselves to introduce new business to tho Bank , and so aid in still further augmenting Its profits . * Tho Dividend will bo payable on and after , the 24 th inst . After the " Register of Shareholders , " and "Register of Transfers , " had been authenticated , by impressing thereupon tho corporate seal of the Bank , tho Secretary roud tho report and accounts , and It was resolved unanimously that tho report now road bo roooived and adopted . Whereupon a dividend was declared * for tho porlod ending the 31 st December last , at and after tho rate of j&O per cont . per annum , free of income tax , It watt then , resolved unanimously , That the boat thanks of the rnoetlng are eminently due , and are hereby given , to the Directors for their groat aorvlccs to tho Bunk , That tho best thiutlw of this meeting nro duo to tho Manager for h ) a zotvlous and valuabio services , and . for tho unremitting attention which he has devoted to tho interests ol' the Uank . That the thanks of tho Shnroltoldora are presented to M > . Worth , our Secretary , for tho urbanity and courtesy with which he Uluohurgea hla duties In hisintercourse with tho Proprlotora , ,, ' That tUo thanks . of the mooting bo convoyed to Moaws , Wm . Annlng and Owun Lewis foe their oarolUl examination of the accounts of tho Bunk . ( Signed ) ROBERT WALTER . GAUDBN , OhiUrmiui . Extracted from the Minutes . 0 . J . WORTH , Secrotwrj ' .
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HPhe City Bank . Corner of X Flncli-lano , Thrcadnocdle-street , London . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1850 . Subscribed capital JEOOO . ooo Paid-up cnpltal 300 , 000 Reserved iund 33 , 0 . Current Accounts arc made up to the 30 th of Juno and the 31 st of December in each year ; and if the credit balance shall not , at txny time during the halfyear , have been bolow jC 500 . interest at tho rate of « per cont , per annuin is allowed on the minimum monthly balances . If not below £ 20 Q , interest at tho rate of 1 per cent , per annum is ullowoii . on the mini-, mum monthly bulunoos ; but if under Ji ' iOO , no interest ' ia allowed . Deposit AocQunts , —Money ' , s rooolvcd from tho public generaliy s and interest allowed thereon at tho current rate of the days the Bunk notifying any change in the rate of interest by advertisement in ono or nioro of the lending London newspapers . The Aymay oj Country and Foraign Hunks , whether Jolnt-stook or private , is undertaken by tho llnnk . Lattora oj' OroUit , p ; iyuble at any of the chief com-, morolnl towns and oitjoa of the world , are gruntod j ^ Olroular Notes arc Issued by tiie Hank , addrawffrw / , --. all , and buyable , at any , of tho pluooa on moyotm ? . - . ¦ , . ncnt whoro the Iifunk lina fin agont . "^ i * . < 5 rfi > . « il < i > 3 . i : <( v ?/ Dividends , Sto ., oil Government ftn < uBh 0 W | * wHfgt > fF ^ - ; t annuities , ponalons , &a ,, nro received / otoMaffl ifWMttf / MS ) tho Bank without ohnrge i aiid every PWoffll' P % 4 ftT * ' ( nw banking buslneas is transacted , / - » ' jwjy jy& ]* V— - London , Jn « . 17 , WOO . ¦ **} < Wi ^^ t ' !^ & '
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THE CITY BANK , LONDOK . Liabilities and Assets , Dec . 31 , 1959 . Da . To capital paid up , viz ., j ^ 50 per sha re on 6 , 000 shares ........ i-. £ 300 . 000 0 0 To amount of reserved fund 33 , 000 00 To amount due by the Bank on current and- deposit accounts , bills payable , letters of credit , &c .... 2 , 222 , 076 11 . To profit and losa , for the balance of that account , viz : — Surplus profit brought for-, ward from last liulf- " . year £ 2 , 663 2 0 teince t added ..... . 26 , 209 , 10 7 ¦ — .,- -. 28 , 872 12 7 £ 2 , 584 , 849 4 6 ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦* . Cb . . ¦ ¦—— - —— ¦ ¦ ¦ . By Exchequer Bills and East-India Bonds .. ..............,......... ; ..,.. . ^ 206 , 622 1 5 . By other securities , including bills dis- . . counted and loans . ; ...: 2 , 162 , 298 . 15 6 By building , furniture , and fixtures ...... 28 , 490 7 1 By cash in hind , at Bank of England , and a-Ccall ..... « ........ ; .......... ; .. 187 , 438 0 6 " £ 2 , 584 , 849 4 6 Profit and JLoss Account oj the City Bank , for the halfyear ending December 31 , 1859 . ' . Da . 'l'o current expenses , including salaries , - ' rent , stationery , directors' remunera-,. tion , proportion of building expenses , allowance for bad and doubtful debts , ^ in come * tax , &c . ' : ' .... £ 9 , 221 3 3 T < J amount carried to profit and loss , . new account , being rebate oh bills discounted , not yet due . , 2 , 571 0 C 'Wo'dividend account for the payment of a dividend at the rate of £ 6 per cent , per annum upon jeSGO . , the amount of paid-up capital upon G . 000 shares .. 9 , 000 0 0 To undivided profit transferred to profit and loss new account . 8 , 070 19 10 Cb . £ 28 , 872 12 7 By Balance brought down , viz . s * = Surplus profit brouglit forward from last halfyear £ 2 , C 03 2 0 Since added . 20 , 201 ) 10 7 % Qfin ^ y £ 23 , 872 18 7 We have examined , and do approve , tho above . accounts , WM . jANNIIVCr , \ Andirorq sOWE& LEWIS , / AudUora . London , Jan . 11 , I 860 .
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THE LEADER ¦ ' . . . ... ' ' ¦ '¦¦ ' ¦ AND ¦ '¦ ' . ¦ ¦ " . ,. '¦ . ¦ ¦ ; S A TIT RD A Y - AN ALYST ; ¦ ¦ ¦; A KEVIEW" ANT ) RECOKD OF POLITICAL , LITERARY , ARTISTIC , AND SOCIAL EVENTS .
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" rJ&SfJr ,. * . } ~~~ January 21 st , 1860 . \ { £ ™ S % . /
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French Progress and Aus- trian Decadence . Prussia . The Emperor ' New Year ' s Gift . Metropolitan Board of Works .
The Beatson Libel Case . The Photographic Society . Religious Desecration . Plea for Br ^ nsh Columbia . Italy . Letters frpni Italy and The Pope in Ireland . G 6 rmanyV Parliament : New Mem- TheW ^ nltfirgh Review : bers . Tasationj . / The Balance of Religions . Volumes of Travels .
Training and Strainingi Bastiat Translated . Gleanings from Foreign i . Books . Notes on Science . State Documents . Record of the Week .
Contents. J
Crystal Palace.—Arrangements For Week Ending Saturday, January 28th. Monday At 9
Crystal Palace . —Arrangements for week ending Saturday , January 28 th .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 21, 1860, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2330/page/1/