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Untitled Ad
SPECIAL NOTICE . To secure the advantage of this Year ' s eatry , proposals jnust be lodged at the Head Office , or at uny of the Society ' s Agencies , on or before 1 st Marco . ¦ Potfcfes effected on or before 1 st Marc h , 1860 . will " receive Six Years' Additions at the Division of Profits at istJMarch . 1865 . Scottish Equitable Life ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Head Office , 26 , ST ; ANDltE WSQUARE , EDINBURGH . The Profits are divided every three teabs , and -wholly belong to the Members of tlie Society ; The last division took place at 1 st March , 1859 , and from the results of it is taken the following EXAMPLE OF ADDITIONS : — A Policy for 1000 / ., dated 1 st March , 1632 , is now increased to 16 ?> 4 l . 9 s . HcL Supposing the age of the assured at the date of entry to have been 40 , these additions may be surrendered to the Society for a present payment of 363 / . 17 s . 8 rf . ; or such surrender ¦ would , not only redeem the entire premium on the policy , but also entitle the party to n present payment of 10 i / . 4 . 9 ., and in both cases the po + icy would receive future triennial additions . . The Existing Assurances amount to ... £ 5 , 272 , 367 The Annual Revenue .. .. -. 137 , 2-J 0 The Accumulated Fund ( arising solely from the Contributions of Members ) .. 1 , 194 , 057 ROBERT CHRISTIE . Manager . WM . F 1 NI .. AY . Secretary . Xoridon Office , 26 , POULTKY . E . C A . T . KITCHIJE , Agent .
Untitled Ad
Boinrs division . lobe Insurance / Cornhill G and CHARlN&eROSS . XONDON . Established 1803 . Capital ONE MILLION , all paid-up and Invested .. The following are examples of the PROFITS accruing on GLOBE PARTICIPATING LIFE POLICIES under the BONUS declared as at 31 st DecemberV 1858 : — . ¦ I Bonus applied—Age at Original Original Com- ¦ ¦ p ¦•¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - Date Sum Annual plete By By payof Insured . Premium Years Addition a » eutm Policy . in force , to Policy . CASH . 25 Yrs " £ 1000 ~ £% 9 26 Years £ 72 £ 27 17 35 „ 1000 28 2 66 .. 72 32 15 40 „ 1000 32 15 0 , ' e . „ 72 Zo 7 50 „ 1000 45 12 6 6 ,. 72 42 9 ( Policies of One to Fioe complete Years participate tn proportion . ) The above Profits are equivalents * " added to the Policy— to a Reversionary Sum at Death equal to One Pound Four Shillings per Cent- per Annum on the Sum Insured for each of the comp leted years of the Policy : —Or , if taken as an Immediate Gash Payment , , at most ages , considerably more than One Year ' s Premium . '¦ -. ¦ ¦ ¦ The Bonus Periods are FIVE Years , and the Rates of Life Premiums , whether with or wit / tout Profits , very economical . ' . ^_ . . FIRE . LIFE , AITNTJITY , ENDOWMENT , and REVERSIONARY business transacted . WILLIAM NEVVMARCIT , Secretary . •*» No Charge for Volunteer and Militia Corps . For upwards of Thirty years No Extra Premium has been charged by the Globe for service in the Militia and in Volunteer Corps in the United Kingdom . . '
Untitled Ad
f ^ adiz . — -A Pure Pale Sherry ' V >/ - pf the Amontillado character ,. 38 s . per dozen Cash . We receive a regular and direct shipment of this " HENRY BRETT & CO ., Importers , Old . Furnivais Distillery , Holborn E . C .
Untitled Ad
Eau - de - Vie . —This Pure Pale Brandy , though only 16 s . per gallon , is demonstrated , upon analysis , to be peculiarly five from acidity , and very superior to recent importations o . l " veritable Cognac . In French bottles , 34 s . per dozen orVecurely packed in a case for the country , 35 s . HENRY BRETT-& CO ., Old Furniyal ' s Distillery , Holborn . To be obt ained only at . their-Distillery .
Untitled Ad
NOTICE . To induce a trial of South African Wines at 20 s . and 24 s . per doz ., bottles included , ( the consumption of which has now reached 420 , 000 dozen per annum— vide " Board or 1 radc Returns" ) , a case containing four samples , sealed and labelled , will be forwarded on receipt or UJ-IKlx POSTAGE STAMPS * viz . : — Half-pint Bottle of beat South A frican Sherry , Half-pint Bottle of best South African Port , Half-pint Bottle of best South African Madeir .-i , Hall-pint Bottle of best South African Amontillado , Bottles and Case includedi COLONIAL BRAN JDY , very superior , 153 . per gallon . BEST GIN , full strength , lls . 3 d . per gallon . Price Lists free on application . Address—ANTHONY BROUtxH , Wine and Spirit Importer ,. 29 , Strand , London , VV . C .
Untitled Ad
"Pelican Life Insurance XT COMPANY . Established in 1797 . 70 , LOMBARD STREET , CITY , and 57 , CHARING CROSS , WESTMINSTER , DiRifG ^ TORS . Qctayius E . Coopei Esq . Henry Lancelot Holland , William Cotton , D . C : L ., Esq . . F . R . S . ¦ Wm . Jas . Lancaster , Esq . John Davis , Esq . John Lubbock , Esq ., Jas . A . Gordon , M . B ., F . R . S . F . R . S ; Benjamin Shaw . Esq . . Kirkmah D . Hodgson , Matthew Whiting , Esq . . E 8 q ., M . P ; ' 1 M . Wy . vilI , jun ., Esq ., il . P . This Company oflers COMPLETE SECURITY , MODERATK RATES of Premium With Participation in Four-fifths or 80 per cent , of the Profits . LOW RATES without participation in Profits . LOANS in connection with Life Assurance , on approved Security , in sums of not lees than £ 500 . BONUS OF 1861 . " . \ - ALL POLICIES effected prior to the 1 st July , 1661 , on the Bonus Scale of . Premium , will participate in the next division of Profits ; ROBERT TUCKER ,. Secretary and Actuary .
Untitled Ad
Qpiced Breakfast I ' ongues * k 3 7 M . each , or 3 s . 6 d . per half dozen . Cheddar-Loaf Cheese , 6 td . and 7 Jd . per lb . Qsborne * * Peatsmoked Breakfast Bacon , 8 di per lb . by the half side . Butters in perfection at reasonable rate- ; . . A saving of 15 pjr cent , is effected by the purchaser at this vi \ ablishmenton all first-class provisions . Packagcs . yruti :,-r OSBOBNE ^ S CHEESE WAREHOUSE , OriBoitNE HOUSE , 30 , Ludgaterhill , near St . Paul ' s . KO .
Untitled Ad
A llsopp ' s Pale Ale . —lie-XX . commended by Baron Liebig , and al 1 tlie Facal tjv in the finest condition , direct from the New . Brewery at Burton-6 n-Trent ,. may now be had of Messrs . Harrington , Parker , and Co ., who have REDUCED the PIUCE of this highly-esteemed beverage to . ' : . 4 s . 6 d . per dozen , IMPERIAL PINTS . Ja . 9 d . per doxen . IMPERIAL HALF PINTS . Messrs . HARRiNGTON , PAKKKil , & CO ., alsa supply Allsopp ' s Ales in casks of eighteen gallons anclupwards . ' 5 J PALL MAU S . W .
Untitled Ad
TVF ational Provident Insti-_ L ^ I TUTION , 48 , Gracechurch Street , London . FOR , MUTUAL ASSURANCE ON" LIVES , Annuitiks , &c . Established December , 1835 . Directors . . : ¦ ' ' ' Samuel Hayhurst Lucas , Esq ., Chairman , Charles Lusliiiigton , Esq ., Deputy Chairman . John Bradbury , Esq . : Robert . Iiigham , Esq . JI . P Thomas : Castle , Esq .. Charles Ueed . Esq ., F . S . A Bichard Fall , Esq . RobertSheppard , Esq . John Felthartij Esq .. Jona t han Thorp , Esq . Charles Gilpm , Esq :, 2 kIiP . Charles ¦ y Vhetham , Esq . Charles Good , Esq , ;; ' . , . ¦ Physicians . ' ¦ . ¦ ' .. •_ ¦ ¦ J . T , Conquest , M . D ., F . L . S . 1 Thomas Ilodgkin , M . D . Bankers . Messrs . Brown , Janspn , and Co ., and . Bank of England . Solicitor . _ . _ " . _ . ' Septimus Davidson ,. Esq , Consulting ^ Actuary . - Charles Ausell , Esq ., F . R . S .. MUTUAL ASSURANCE WITHOUT INDIVIDUAL LIAfilLITlT . Extracts from the Report of the Directors for the yearl 859 : — - Number of new policies issued . . 052 Assuring the sum of . . . . . . . £ 491 , 026 10 7 Producing an unrmal income of . . 16 , 761 5 4 > Making the total-annual income , after . . , . » deducting £ -50 , 112 annual abatement in premiums . . ' . v . . . .... 283 , 546 5 3 Total number of policies , issued 22 . 580 . Amount paid in claims by the decease . ' . ' of members , irdmtheoomrnehcement ...... of the institution inDecember , ' 1835 ' : 919 . 10-3 10 4 Amount of accumulated fund . ... £ 1 , 753 , 635 G 11 ' The effect of the successful operation of the society during the whole period of its existence , may-be beet ex-Ijibited by recapitulating" the declared surpluses at the four Inveatigutiona made up to this time . * - ¦ * ~ , ' : ' .: <¦•¦ £ si < l . For the 7 years ending 1 ' 842 , the surplus was 82 iO 74 11 5 5 . „ 1847 „ „ 80 , 122 8 3 5 „ J 862 t , , { 282 , 061 It ? 4 6 ,, 18 & 7 , ^ „ 345 , 034 , $ I ? The directors accept surrenders ot policies at nny tfnie after payment of one . year ' s premium , and th , ey believe that tfnefr scale for purchase . is lnrg < i and cqultrtblel J . The proopectua . witli tne laatreport of lite directors , and with illustrations of the profits for tho five years < endlng the 20 th November , 1857 , maybe hud 6 ivapplication , by which it will be seen ^ hnt . the reductions on the premiums range ftovn'i } pdr cent , to ptil J ) erconti , t \ u < i that in one instance tho premium is extinct . Instances of the bonuses are nlso shown .- ¦ - ¦ ' " iMembers-whose premiums full duo oh tlie 1 st of Jnn ' ii . ary . are reminded Vf \ nt the * some must bo paid within ' thirty days from that date . ' JOSEPH MABSH , f )« pretary . January , 1800 .
Untitled Ad
NOTXCE OF PIVIPEND . , BanK of Deposit—( Establialied a . d . tSAJ . ) - * -No ., 3 , PAI # L MA ^ L EAST . LONDON , fi . W . ~ The Warmh ^ fl ( pr tbo liuW- ^ early lntcroat , ftt the rate . pf frper cent , por annum , on Deposit ACCoiAntn , to the 31 h £ December ,. art ) ready , # t ) r deT llyery , and pyyublo daily between the hours 9 ! ' 10 and 4 . PI 5 TJBR MOltWISON , MunnglngDirector . 10 th Junimry , 18 <} p . Parties dosirouH of in vesting money nro requested to examine tho plan of tho Bank of Doppqlt . l roBp < jo ^ uHC 8 ; uud forma sent free on application .
Untitled Ad
rphd DisMct Savings Bank X ( Xlmltod ) , 07 , FLEET STRJSJST , LONPON , JC ' . O . —Tho experience Ayhloh Una nttondcil tho operations of eavJiiKM banks itnd loan eoolotlos Is ^ uoU « s to make it evident tli » t an , extension of tljclr principles , upoi \ allbcru | y « t kjo \ md , baajBi wjlj , ' , prqyci Ulfrhlj' tt < l-¦ Vantngeous both to tho proprietary ana thapubHo . Tho District Savings Hunk roppfvo ^ donoslta ( nujd In ott opQ ttwj «) fr ° » Onij J . * finny ^ o . Tou J . o « n (^^ , { ho « ggicpgatp jnmqunt tp bo unllmltoa ,,, nn ( l aubjpot to tho uauftlnrriwi / joiMOuts , on wltJuinvvva ] , of orainnry gav-Ingebnhka . ^ ' JOHN SHBRiDAN , A <) tunry .
Untitled Ad
A flROWN AND POLBON F patent Corn lour , prem -M-. forrcrt to the boat Arrowroot , Delicious in JL-r « ndli ) B « , Ousturda , Blaiicm ^ nue , Uultv , Sea ., and . , MviieataUy Suited to tho Delicacy of VhilUran and < ' '< ' Invalids . Tho Lanoet mtntaa . " , ' 1 'hW is superior to anything of thu kind Jtnjvviv . " Trudo Murk iturt iteolpjja . on enph PttuUijt , 4 ) 6 , and 10 o « , Obtivln it wlinre iitturlor nrlioles aro upt BubaUtMtud , Prom Family Grown * , OhouUats , OoiUoctlonurfi , mid Oorn . Dealers , —I ' nlaioy , Pulilln ; Z 7 a , Arurkot-at ,, niuuolioatv-r ; & 'AS , Ironmongyr-lane , London .
Untitled Ad
A TTILIE FOR . TWJB SEASON , i ' T awrence Hyam has to aniEn /'¦ nounoo-hia pnjparfitlona for tho Autumn n , nd VVintor . QeiUlomun will now find hi « btock gl' Uurmonta for vnrtVedlate- w « ur-pompleto in every department , Tho productions ol' the vurious Manutaolurttrs-exotiedi in -variety of design arid material , those ofiiU former yeiira . ,. . „ T AWItBJNCE liYAM 'S O V E R C OAT s \ JU of Aha . LATEST JTAailXON , conntrlstiiK » ho IN Vl&UNACSb OAWi , the AiiWflttT . Uio ULAKKNJDOlv , tlie MAC , &u ., lU'OnuiUc lioin tho moat aultublo nuvtei-lalB , ami lu . the utrongest maiuu-r . 2 U , 3 i ) s ., » taa , > ( iOq .. ' ¦ ' , . I AW « IiN 01 S HYAM'S WALKING " j 3 lt'J £ i 3 Ur JU and SURTOUl OOATS . —Bouna in mfttorlnl und n » , ako , ox net in ill , und'luijhioniibly duulgnud and iimhhea . —Surtont ^ ftiid Dro « s Oojits , ' AOa . and « 0 s , > V » lklng Coats , from Us . tp 35 n . ¦ I -AW KiSJN UK U Xh JVPa V JbJ S T ti , in JU Olpth , Sillf , Batlns , Tweeds , &o ., t'Hhor ; for ordinary wear or drust ) purposes , fuUltlons in tlcelgn And muterlul , yaryjug in prleu , lV 6 iU | 4 « . ( id . to 2 l « . T A , WIlENCi 2 UYAM'S "; Jl ll O U ' SE H % XU oololmitpd ijfor their truo And oomlortalilo lit , { undo qi' tho fltrotjgent imd newoat fnbrloa . ' — I ' rlooa , 1 , 0 a . « Jd ., 128 ,, 14 a , fltC , I 7 h ., «| b ; ' Oigcr KutadliciumisNt—30 , , UWAUEpumtOU STREET . Wl 58 T 13 n « jKsXAilJilBUMiSWTr-180 AMD JOQ , TOXTiflWHAM 0 OUKT KOAD .
Untitled Ad
IPS ^ hen you Glen-» » field Patent Starch /« ep that ypu get it , as { inferior kinds are often substituted , bold by all Ohundlers , UtO ( . eiH , Kc ., &o . WOTHEHai'OOoV and Co ., Qluaguw and JLondpn . v >
Untitled Ad
Aj ^ ristinas Toilette Kequisite . \\ o » d : . NtfW X y articles of luxury , And value , purchasable at thla season , none can bo obtained pQsudssiug the manifold Yirj ; ue » , or O ^ DlU'DaiD'S BAIj . A ^ ^ OJrGOJLIJMlJlA . It noiiriahuB the ' roots aud body ox the hair , Imiiurfs tU « mpst dejightl ^ , cooluesa , > yl , th on agreeable fr ^ gr « nce pf _ periump , and , at this period of tlte ypnv , prevents the ha'H from ftilllng on ' , or , if already too thin or turning grey , will prevent its further progress , and sopnjreatore . it uguln . Thosi ? > v ho really deaU'e to have benutlful hnlr , either with wave pr curl ,, should use it daily , Jt Is also celebrutedfor stBengthonii )( j tho hair , frceiug It L ' cqux ttaurf , ana uvoduuuig new huij ,, \ Vhlskerti , and . mpustaohes , K . i . tablislu'd upwards of 30 years . No lmitatlvo wash oun equal it , JL'rlce 3 d . ( Jd . Od ., aud Alp . only . ' , O . ana A , QLVt&DQE , 1 « , Wcmnfftp . n-atreot , North , Strand , W . O .. ,
Untitled Ad
( Theology . — -King ' s College ^ ^ jfi : V ,: Xonaon . r ^ Proftu 80 . r Tehndrit , j ? , Q& , ' will commence a COUUSKuFI . KGTUK : ES ON GEO ; JLOGrX , oh FK 1 DAY MQItNING :, JANUARY 27 th , u , t nina o ' clock . They will be continued on ' each , succeeding ^' . ednesday jdhd . Friday , at the ' same hOMr , ITee ^ Ji 12 a . 6 d , » . W . J&kF , D , D . Principal .
Untitled Ad
. ESTABLISHED 1 S 38 . . r \ # ? ietpjia and JLegal and V GOMBIlSKCIAIi LIFJS ASSUJUANCB QOMRiNX 18 ,- KXNQ WILLIAM STiiKE'lV CITY . Tho Business of the Company embraces every description of risk connected with JLile Assurance . Credit allowed of ' ohe-tliird ; of flie premiums'till death , or half tlie Premiums ibrflVe years , bitf pblicies taken out for' - ' . tlio whole of life . " ; ' .. ; ¦ ' . Advances in cpninex ^ on . . wJ ^ th . X . if
Untitled Ad
. _ . . . - . . HAJIVEY'S JFISH SAUCE , ptice of Injunction . ^—MThe admirers of this celebrated Fish Sauce are particularly requested to observe that uone- is genuine but that which bears the buck label with the name of W ; h . liam I ^ azembv , as well an the front label signed " lilizctbetli Jjazciibf / , ' '" aud that for lui'thev sepurity ,. on the neck of" every bottle of the Qcniiiriy Sauce will henceforward appear . nn itdUitioual laljcl , printed in green and reel , as follows :. i- " 'i'liis notice will bo aflixed to JLazoliby ' s Harvey ' s Sauoe , prepuj ? ecl at the original' warehouse , in addition \ tp th ^ > vellknown labels , wliicJU ure pr ^ eote | d uguiiiat iiuitutjon by a perpetuul injunction in QUancery pi Uth Jufy > I 858 . " —6 ,: Kdward- « jtreet , P . p ' rtinu , n \* u | iiare , Londou . ^ .
Untitled Ad
THE BEST AND CHEAPEST nPeas iarid Coffees in Eiig-JL land are to be obtained of PIIILLir . S & Co ., Tea Merchants , 8 , King William Street , City . Cxqod strong useful Tea , 2 s . 8 d .. 2 S . 10 d ., 3 a . and 4 . s . ; rich yduchong , 3 d . 8 d ., 3 a . lod ., and 4 s . . I ' ure CpiiV > c&-, Is ., lg . 2 d ,, Is . 3 d ., Is * 4 d ., is . Cd ., aud Is . Sd . Ton and Coffee to the value' of . 40 a . sent carriage-free to a , uy railway station or naarket town in I £ ha ; land . A price current free . Sugars at market prices . All goods caniuge-iree within , eight miles of the City .
Untitled Article
54 The Leader and Saturday Analyst . [ Jan . 21 , I 860 .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 21, 1860, page 54, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2330/page/2/