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The European Assurance SOCIETY , Empowered by Special Act of ParlUnnvnt . FOK THE ASStJRAXCK OF LIVES , ANNUITIES , AND THE GUARANTEE OF FIDELITY IS SITUATIONS OF TRUST . Chief Office—2 , WATERLOO PLACE , PALL HALL , LONDON . The existing ftevenu ? from Premiums exceeds O ' X £ ' IlUNDJiKD ' THOUSAXD POUNDS . ' President—The Right lion . T . Milner Gibson , M . P . Chairman of the Hoard of Directors—Henry "Wic'klia-m Wickha ' m , Esq ., M . P . BOARD OF PIUECTORS . . John CheetJiam , K « q .., Stalybridge . . ., . . Tiimes Davidson , Ksq .. Broad-stri-yt Buildings . . Tohn Field , E * q . Warnfbrd Court , Oitv . Charles Forster , Ee < i .. M . P . for Walsall , K'chard Francis Gt-xtrgo . Esq . -Bath . . Henry H . " Harrison , Esq ., Hamilton-place , Saint John ' s Wood . ¦ , „ , _ , Thomas C , II ay ward , Esq ., Minones and Highbury . John Hedpin ? , ' Rsq .. Cav . ndlsh Club . _ T . Y- McChristie , Ksq . Revising Barrister for the City of London . . ¦ ¦ , ¦ . Tames Edward MVGonneH ; Esq ., V , olverton . . Tohn Moss , E . < q , I . iteliurch . Derby . Charles William Xeynolds , Esq ., Eaton-place , Belgravisv . Richard Spoon er , TSsq ., M . P . for Warwickshire . ¦ H . W . Wioklmm , ICsq ., M P . for Bradford . Thos . "Wink-worth , Esq ., Gresham Club , and Canonburv . . v ' J . P . Brown-West liead , Esq ., M . P . for York . The Guarantee Politics of this Society are authorized to be accepted by Government . Poor Law Board , and other Public Departments . The leading London and Provincial Joint Stock and private Banks , the principal Railway Companies , L'fe and Fire Offices , I ublic Companies , Institutions-, and Commercial I < irms throughout the--. Kingdom , accept the Policies ot this Society as-Security tor their Employes . Immediate Annuities , payable during the whole of . Life , may be purchased . on the following scale : — Annuities grantt > d fit tluu / ndermenh ' pned Ages for every £ IOC of J ' nrchnse Money ' . Ages . 50 . 55 60 65 TO Annuity pay- ? j £ 7 17 6 s i 6 8 10 3 4 2 1 3 1 i 1 <* 2 able yearly . S \ . ¦ " ¦ ' . . ' " . ¦ , ¦ , »! " * n - - .. iv . AJ . r . * . .: > ' .. / I-. - ¦ MANAGER . .
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SPECIAL NOTICE . To eecure the advantage oftlrs Year ' s entry , proposals must be lodged at the Ilead Onice , or at anyof the Society ' s Agencies , on or before -1 st . March . , Policies effected on or before 1 st March , I 860 , will - receive Six Years Additions at the Divjsion of Profits at 1 st March , 1865 . . ' Scottish Equitable Life ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Head Office , . ST . ANDREW-SQUARE , EDINBURGH . The Profits are divided every three yeaes , and wholly belong to the Members of t lie Society . The last division took place at 1 st March , 1859 , and from the results of it is taken the following EXAMPLE OF ADDITIONS : — A Policy for 1000 / .. dated 1 st March , 1 S 32 , is now increased to 1 or . M . i ) .-.-. rul . Supposing the age of the assured at the date of entry to have been 10 , these additions may be surrendered to the Society for a present payment ol 363 / 17 . « . xrf . ; or such surrender would not only redeem the entire premium on the polifv , hut also eutitl- the party ( o a present payment ofioi ; .-4 s \ , and in both cases the policy would receive future triennial additions . ' . The Existing Assurances amount to .. £ 5 , 272 ; 3 fi 7- . The Annual Revenue .. .. .. 1 S 7 . 2-4 O The Accumulated Fund farising solely from theContributionsof Members ) .. l , 19 i , G 57 ROBERT CHRISTIE ^ Manager . WM . FIN LAY , Secretary . London Ofllee , 20 , POULTliV , E C . A . T . RITCHIE , Agent .
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T aw Union Fire and Life I J INSURANCE COMPANY . Chief Offices , Ii 6 , CHANCERY LANE , London , W . O . Birmingham Branch , 47 , UNION PASSAGK . Cajrital , ONE MILLION STERLING . The Fire and Life Departments are under one Man agement , but with separate funds and accounts . " Chairman , Sir William Foster , Bart . ; Vice-Chairman , James Parker , E ^ q .. Baddow House , Chehns . ' ord . FIRE DEPARTMENT . Capital responsible for Losses , 4 . 75 . 0 , 00 : ) . The busincssisconiined to the besstclasses of insurance * The discount allowed by the Government on tho dul > is'in all cases given to the insured . Claims settUU with promptitude and liberality . LIFE DEPARTMENT . Capital responsible for losses , £ 250 . 000 , A Bonus every five years , —next Bonus in 13 'Jl . Moderate rates of Premium . Annuities granted on favourable terms . _ Prospectuses , forms of proposal , copies of aunua . reports , and every information , on application to FRANK McGEDY , Secretary , 126 , ehancerj »\ an-o
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BONTTS DIVISI 0 ' . flllobe Insurance / 11 V _ J and CHARING CIIOS : . ' KsTAiiLisiiEO 1803 . Capital ONE MILLION , all paid-up i . nu Invested . The following lire examples of the PROFITS accruing on GLOIJIi PARTICIPATING LIFE POLICIES under tho ItONUS declared as at 31 st December , 18 i > 8 : — . ' . ¦ , , , _ . Bonus nppliod—Age at Original Orlglnnl Com- -, . Date Sum Annunl plotQ IJy By payof Insured . Premium Years Addition mentiu Policy , n force , to Policy . CASH . » -, Yrs . £ 1000 . « S' 21 9 2 f ) Years , £ 72 £ 27 17 : » 5 „ lono 2 t ) 2 o « „ 72 « 2 is ¦ 10 ,, 1000 32 If ) 0 ( 5 „ 72 35 7 TjO „ 1000 ' , 45 12 0 ( i " „ , 72 42 0 { Policies of One to Wive complete . Years participate in proportion . ) Tho nbovc Profits tiro equivalent—ifnddod to tho Policy —to a Rovorelounry 811111 at Death equiil to One Pound Four Shillings per Cent , pex * Annum 011 tho . Sum Insured for oatfli of tho completed yonrs of Uiq 1 ' olicy : —Or , K ' . tnkcnna an Immediate Cash Payment , . is , at most WR 03 , coivs } i * lcri \ lily more tlitm One Year ' s Premium , Tho Bonus Periods nro FIVE Yoivrs , and tho itu ' toH of Llfo Pronilumu , wliethor with or wft / iout Profits , very economical . FIRE . UFE , A . WNUITY , ENDOWMENT , and REVEiRSIONAHV fcuwiees transacted . WILLIAM KKWMA 11 GH , Sooroinry . % No Cliargo for Volunteer niul Militia Corps . For upwimlH of 'i'lilriy yours No Extra Premium luiH been cluu-Koil by tlio Globe for service in tho Militia niul m Voluntoer Corps *» t' » UnituU Svlngdom . h
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Argus Life Assurance Coin-: PAN-Y . 30 , TIIROGMORTON STREET , ¦ KANK . — -Chitrrman , William Leaf . Ksrr Deputy Chairman , John Humpliery , Esq ., Alderman . Richard E . Ardeii . Esq . Ifupert Ijigleby , Esq . Edward Hates , Ksq ^ Safl'ery WmJ Johnson , Thos . Farhcomb , Esq ., Esq . Alderman Jeremiah Pilcher , Esq . Professor Hall , M . A . Lewis Pocock , Esq . Physician , Dr . Jeafrieson , 2 ; Finsbury-square . Surfffon , W , Coulson . Esq , 2 , Fredefick ' STplace , Old Jewry .. Aetna ? - // , George Clark , Esq . ADVANTAGES OF ASSURING WITH THIS . COMPANY . . ¦ The Premiums are on the lowest scale consistent With security . . " . ¦ ¦ . . ~ ¦ , - ¦' The-assured are protected by an ample subscribed capital ~ -an assurance fund of ^ 480 , 000 , invested oft mortgace and iii . the Governinent stocks- —arid an income ' pf JEsS . OOO aryear . . ' ¦ . Premiums to Assure £ 100 . Whole Term . a ' U ¦ v Seven With Without Age One "iear . years . Profits . Profits . X' si d . £ h . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . 20 0 17 S 0 If ) f > 1 15 10 1 11 10 30 113 12 7 2 5 5 2 0 7 40 1 ft 0 1 6 9 3 0 7 2 11 10 CO 1 11 1 1 19 10 4 0 8 4 0 11 GO - 3 2 4 . 3 17 0 0 12 9 CO 10 MUTUAL BRANCH . Assurers on the Bonus system arc entitled , after five years , to participate in nine-tenths , or 90 per cent , of tho . profits . ¦ ¦ The profit assigned to each Policy can be added to tho sum fissured , applied in reduction of the annual premium , or bo received in cash . At the firsf . division , a return of 20 per cent , in cash on the premiums paid was declared j this will allow a roversioni | ry i ci' < mii < c , varying , according to ago from ( 10 to 28 percent , on live premiums , or from 5 to . 10 per cent , on tho 6 inn assured . One half of the "Whole Term Premium may remain on credit for seven yours , orone . third of tho premium may remain for life us 11 debt upon the policy nt !> per cunt ,, or may be paid o ( fat any timO without notice . Claims paid in ono month after proofs have been approved . LoiiiiK upon approved sccurily . Noohnrgo for i ' ullcy StninpK . Moil ion 1 ( ittunihmis paid for their reports . Pcr . sonH mny in time of pence proceed to or reside in » ny pnrt . of Euvopc or IJi'itinh North America without extra charge . No extra chnrgo for thu MilitiiVi Volunteer Rifle , or Artillery ( , ' orpn on Homo Service . The medical olllcors attend every day at a quarter beforo two o ' clock . - . K . BATICH EeaiJon Director .
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Furiiisli your House with the REST ARTICLES , at DRAKE'S , Established A . p . 1700 . . :. ¦• . ¦ ¦ Deaiie ' s Table Cutlery lias been celebrated for more than . 150 years foi quality and cheapness . The stock is extensive ami complete , affording a choice suited to the taste , and means of every purchaser . . KNIVES , l'ER DOZEIT . Table . Dessert . Carvers — . per pair . Transparent Tvory Handles 33 s . ... 28 s . ... lls . Od Best Do . Do . : 29 s . ... 23 s . . ... 0 s . Oil Fine Do . Do . ...... 23 s . ... 18 s . ... 7 s . Od . Good Do . Do . 16 s . ... 12 = s . ... 5 s . lit ) . Kitchen Do . Do 10 s .... 8 s .... 2 s . fid La ' dies' Scissors of the finest steel . the most tmis . lie I workmanshipi arid in -choice variety . Scissors in handsome cases adapted for presents . Penknives and eyery description of pocket cutlory . Deane ' s Monument itazor has been 150 yenr .-Oi <; fi > rr the I ' ublic , and is a ¦ plain ' , thoroughly good i . iJii English Razor . Price 2 s . Gd . "T | omestic Baths—A very JL / lar / re variety of SHOWER BATHS of the mobt improve ^ construction : also , vapour , hip . plunging , sponging , nursery / and every description of It ; il Iik ¦ for . domestic use . ' Deane ' s Baths are distiiigiii .-htd , lor > their sujxirior finish , strength of materiiil , ami great durability ; while the prices are on th . H lowscale for which their Establishment has so lung bi ' i'ij celebrated . ¦ . For Illustrations and Prices see their Pamphlet on " Baths and Iiathing , " to be had gratuitously , on application . ¦ Dra wing Room Stoves—A inrpe and handsome collectyni of Hit Kill 1 STOVES , for the Drawing or Dining-room , embracing all the newest Designs . Deanr and Co . have applied to tlrese and other classes of Register Stovt-f Patented linprovcinents , cconomifitig tho ooilsuui |> - tion of Fuel , for which the highest Testiiriouiiils Imvi been given . Hot Air Stoves , in New and Ornamental Patterns ' , with ascending or descending Flues , suitable li « r Churches , l ' ublic Buildings , Halls , tihojis , &c . poons and Forks—Silver SPattern Hponn ' saml Forks . —All the newest niil best desigxis ot those Cheap , useful , and cl < ;; unt ¦ Articles in Klcqtro-Silvercd and IJn-aiieini rintc Priccfl of JClcctto-pliited Spoons nnd Forks :-Table Forks pur do / .. aSn . ilN , Table Spoons ... > , 4 iM . U' ^' . Dewflert Forks „ aiisi . ^ : i " . DeHSert Spoons 30 h . -H . TonSpoona ... ' ... „ 1 B ^ . 11-. Hil Mustnrd and Suit , per pair , 3 s , Sugar Hows ' , n . . FOK DEANIv'S FUUNISHINO l . l . S'J , Free on application .
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* f ondon Chartered Bank of . ¦ -J AUSTRALIA . Incorporated by Roynl Cliartor . Paid-uj ) capital ,. £ 700 , 000 . Chnlrtiiaii- ~ Diinci \ i \ l )[ i \\ biu \ !<>(] . Dunutu Chairman—William Fano Do Willis , Ksq . OJ / loen , 17 , Oniinon-Htroot , K . G . Ldttors of Cncllt ami Bills of Kxchiingo nro granted on the Hrnnclien of thlri Hank at Sydney , Melbourne ' Gcelong , Maryborough , Ararat , and Ballurat , Drnfta on the Australian OoIoiiIoh negotiated anil sent for colleoUon , —IJy ordor of thu Court , G . M , llliliL , Secretary .
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ymnastics . Applied to Gtho Prevention and Relief of . Spinal Cuiviitnic and other Deformities . A gynmuslum is now CHtiblinhod at . 8 t > , Li ' Il'imkr Hfiuaro . whore an entirely nkw svnti ' . m for tlio pruviiitlon ol dufoi'initios in onriitxl out under the nupirintendenco of an cxporloiu'ocl gynmahtlc m ur . i < i ' . — !¦ or niirllculiu'H iipply to tho'I ' roprietoivMr ; Mvatln r H'tftf \ i ( jo iucHtur-uqiiare , Anatomical Mculinnlclau lu tin .. Queon .
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I'lUE , Tl-JlUVlfiS , PllUL Second-hand Fireproof SuI ' ob , thu inoHt extoiiHlvo aHHoitiiioni l . iy Miliivr and oilier eminent Makurn . at hull' thu pi ice of m ¦«" . DimonhioiiB , ai In . high . 1 h in , wldo , and Hi in . ( UcP ' £ ' , i 10 h . At O , GRIFFITHS ' , iiii , Old C'lianjrc , > 'r . Paul ' H , IQ . C . U'antod , Sooynd-lmunl Bi \ l \ ta by . vniiiui Chubb . Mavr , orAIordan . ' ' NO'HOls . —Uontlemc-n poaBestied oH Tann ' u M ; i < cn neod not apply .
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" \ A 7 heu you usk for Glcn-, * » field Patent Starch , hoo that you ( in It , n » lnfurior kliulo Jiro often uiibstltuted . Sold I > V nil OhancllcM , Clrot'ora , «{ o ., &o . WOTHWUHPOUN ami Co ,, Uliitmow and London .
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ESTAHMSIIKD IMS , Victoria and Legal and COMMERCIAL IJFH A 8 SURANOIC COMPANY , 18 , KING WILLIAM ST ' UKKT , CITY , Thq Uuslnosri ol' tho Com pony ombraooB every description ol rink comutolo < l with Llle'AuHiii'ance . Credit ullowod of one-thin ] of tho Promlums till duuth , oi' liaU'tho PrcmluniM for five yenrn , on polioluH taken out (' or the whole of llfo . Advanoort in connexion with Life A «» uranoo are made on udvautuRtioun termu . either on real or per . floiml ooeurity . WILLIAM KATKAY . Aotuary
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Hj ^ he Distxict Savings Bank X ( Limited ) , 07 , FLK 18 T 8 TKKWT , LONDON , 10 , 0 . — 'The oxparlynoa which Ikib attended the operatlona of aavliiKH biinlcHiind loan societies In such a » to make H evident tlutl an cxteiiHlon of their prlnoiplos , upon a liberal yet . aojind IxihIh . will nrovo highly ailvantugoourt both to Iho iiroiiriotury and the public Tho JDIfltrk'tSavIxiffii Hunk roeolvoudoposlta ( piUtllii nt 0110 tJrrui ) from Oihi Ponny to Ten Pounda , tlio ag-Krogato iiinoiint to I . ki nullmltod , nnd Hiilileot to the UHunl-iirnuigoHumlp , on wlllnlrnjynl . of ' ordinary eaviiiKH ixmkH . JOHN MIIKUIpAN , ' \ otuury .
Untitled Article
102 The Reader and Saturday Analyst . [ Feb . 4 , 1 S 60 .
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 4, 1860, page 102, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2332/page/2/