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Untitled Ad
n ^ eetli without Springs . By JL" Her Majesty ' s It oyal Letters Patent . Improper 3 fa « tication and the Kvils attendant thereon maybe avoided bv . wearing Artificial Teeth properly constructed and of pure Materials . Measrs GAHKI . EU the Old-Established Dentists' Treatise on the Loan and best means of Restoring the Teeth , explains their Svs ' cm of supplying . Artificial Masticators Irith Vulcanised Gum-coloured India ' 'Rubber as a base ; no metal- whatsoever is . need—springs and vrires are entirely dispensed with , while a greatly increased amount of suction is bbtnined , together with the best materials and first-clasa ' workmanship , at less than Jialf the ordinary cost . — " Gabriel ' s Treatise , is of imliortance to all requiring the dentist ' s aid , and emanating from such a sou , rce , it may be confidently relu-d on .-rUsiTKD Service Gazette . —" Thousands requiring artificial teeth are deterred from consulting a dentist , fearing the anticipated co * t . or dread of failure—To all such we say , peruse * Gabriel ' s Treatise . " — Civil . Service Gazette . Published by Messrs . Gabrikl ( gratis on application , or sent on receipt of three postage stumps ) , at their establishments , —33 , LTidgate-hill , and 110 , Regentstreet , London . Observe name and numbers particularly ); and 134 , Duke s ' . reet , Liverpool .
Untitled Ad
RUPTURES . By Hoyal Letters Patent . WHITE'S JfOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed , by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia ; The use of a steel spring ( so hurtful in its effects ' } is here avoided , a soft bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the Mpc-Main and Patent Lever , fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be defected , and may . be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , tvro inches below , the hip , being sent to the manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , . 228 , Piccadilly , London . Trice of a sinplc truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . 6 d .. and 31 s . < 5 d . —Postage Is . Double Truss ; 31 s . 6 d ., 42 s ., and . 52 s . 6 d . —Postage Is . 8 d . Umbilical Truss ; 42 s . and 'ii 2 s <" id . —Postage Is . lOd . ...-. . : . _ Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-office , Piccadilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , fee . for A A 1 lICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS inid SWELLING of the LEGS , -SPRAINS , - . &c . They are porous , lisht in texture , and inexpensive , and arc drawn on like aii ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . Gd- to 16 s . -each , —Postage 6 d . JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer ; 2-28 , Piccadilly , IJondon . ¦
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BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Pi ice la . 11 id . and 2 s . 9 di per box . This preparation is one of the benefits which the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during the rfirst twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance ; but now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully ¦ demonstrated , by unsolicited testimonials from persona in " every rank of life , that public opinion pro-. claims this ns one of the most important discoveries of the present age . These Pills require no restraint > of diet or confinement during their use , and are ' eertnin to prevent the disease attacking any vital part . Sold by all medicine vendors . Observe "Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Government Stamp .
Untitled Ad
Electrical influence in Ijfeulth and Disease . . Just published * price Is ., tfrec by post for 13 stamps , SECOND LIFE ; or , . Electrical Nervous Force ; a Medical Work intended ¦ for the special perusal of all who i « r « puflVring from the various modest of nervous ami physical dobility , ¦ and the distressing ulterior coiiHcquencen to which they U'tid ; With practical . observutiorw on the great -curative power of electrp-gnlvaniam in the treatment of these disorders , by infusing tone and vigour in -constitut ions relaxed , or debilitated from various ¦ cncrytiting onuses . ' Illustrated with cases compiled from the Note , book < of a Registered Medical Prncititioner pf . twenty yearn' standing . . " Unlike ninny vaunted ' restoratives , electricity is one which commends itself to the medical msin ns being raccpnlant with the . soundest teachings of physiology * 15 y the moHt obvious indication it admits of being dhown that the electrical and nervous energies are identical ; hence , Hint when the hitter fails , the lormcrenn tnko its plnco ; and that whon , from , irrofruluritien of any kind , tlio jipvvouh uystem hua become debilitated , paralysed , or exhausted , and the patient brought to u condition liftlotfliort of total prostration , then , by t ) tc act ' on of electricity , Imparting certainty nnd cfucuoy to niqdlcnl treatment , ho can bo reinvlgorntud , nnd hia huultli re eMiibllnhttd to it degree ftlmont warranting th <' do .-lgnntloit of St-oond Life . Published by thu nutlior . and may bo had of Mann 30 . ( Jornhlll , nnd nil Hookrtellorfl .
Untitled Ad
D r . Kahn ' s Magnificent ANATOMICAL MlfSEUM . ton of thu II « yinnrkct ( acknowledged by the whole of the i > ronn to 'be the inoHt useful HiulintttrtioUvivof wiy in existence ) 1 h open dully for Gentlemen only , Irom 13 to C > , and 'from 7 till ) 0 . Admlsulon , One Shilling . Deaorlptlvu handbooks gratis l ) r . Knhn ' tt Popuinr Leo . luros on th « "PhlloHopliy of M « rrl « g « , " daily at 3 mix ! t ) o ' clock precisely . Svu < Aiu » ri- ^ IIni > py and Unhappy Union * , nnd tholr Chiihoh— -Youthful VIoob « nd IndlticrctloiiB , and tholr Reunlta—PIsriMiilllloiitloiiH lor Afnrringo , nnd their Cure—the Physiology ofUcproduotlon—Solf . lnfllctodmlrtork'H-SU-rilltyund Its Cuuaca—Uow toticoiiro Mornl « md PhyuiciO Ilnpj |)| ncHH . v N . H . Dr . Kahn's Trcntlne on thu above Buljeota , / entitled ' The Philosophy of Marriage , " pviit pomfrco , on receipt of ID HtuiimH , direct from the wuihor , 17 , Ilurloy-otroct , CiiYOiulfah > Hqunre . W ,
Untitled Ad
A DHOWN i \ ND TOLSON'S T > atent Corn Flour , pre-JL ferrcd to ( he bp » t Arrowroot . Delicious In l ' uddlngn , Cu » t « r ( l » , Dlnncmnugc , OMkv , &c , nnd linpectally Suited ( C Me Delicacy of Chddren and , Y ' Invalids . The / MTtcot Btfltos . •? Tl ^ rt 1 « hiiperlor to anything of thti kind known . " Tnide Mark mid Keolnca on enoh Packet , 4 , 8 , and 10 ox ,. Obtain It whiro inforlornrliolen nre not uubntltutdd . Vrom Funilly Qrouvrn , < 3 henil » ts , ConfnctlonvrH , mid Conidenlerd , —PnlHloy . Dublin s 77 a , 31 urkct-ut . Mnnch «» ter ; iinclu ;» , Irontnongcr-luuc , London ,
Untitled Ad
HARVEY'S PISH SAUCE . N otice of Injunction . Tlio adrniriT . s of this celebrated Fish Snuoe hi ' o particularly roqudHtt'd to obaervo that none is g <) iHAn << but that which hours the back liibcl with the name of William I , azkmiv , as well iih the front label signed " Jillanftrth haxvnhfi , " nnd tlmt for further security , on the neck of every bottle of the Gunnine Snucu will lu ; iicufonvnr < l iippenr nn additional label , printed in grettn nnd red , ns follows : — " Thin notice will ho nlllxod to Lii 7 . < iiit > v ' H Ilarvoy ' H Hnnoe , prepared at the orlginnl witfohoiiMo , in addition to the wellknown labels , which aro protected ugnlnut Imitation by a pi'iiietunl Injunotlon in Chancery of Ofh July , 1858 , "—0 , Kdwnrd-HlroHt , Porttnnn-Hnuaro . London .
Untitled Ad
THIS BEST AND CHEAPEST Teas and Coffees in England are to bo oWnim-d of PHILLIPS & Oo Tea Merchants , 8 , Ivinpr William Street . City . Good strong useful Ten , ' -Sa . 8 ( 1 .. 2 s , 10 d ,, 3 d . and 4 . i . ; rich Souchong , 3 h , 8 d ., 3 ^ . lod ., nml 4 s . Pure OoflPites , la ., U . 2 d , In . 3 d ., is . Id ., Is . Od ., nnd Is . ad . Ten and Cofloe to tl \ o value of 40 a . sent carriage-free to any railway station or m prket town in Kngland . A price current free . Sugary i » t murket prices . AH goods enrringe-free within eiulit miles of the City .
Untitled Ad
Qpiced Breakfast Tongues , W 3 7 id . each , or 3 s . Od . per half dosen . Cheddar Loaf Cheese , 6 id . nnd 7 jd . per Ib . Osborne ' d Peatsmok « 4 Hreakfast Uncon , Hd . per ih , by the . half side . Butters in perfection at reasonable rates . A saving of 15 p .. r cent , is << fll cte < l by the purchaser nt this vatablinhmt-nt on all flrst-claBs provisions . Packages gratis . OSRORNErS CIIICBSK ¦\ VAKEIIOUSE , OSBOHNE HOUSE , 30 , Ludptate-hill , near St . Paul ' s * K . C .
Untitled Ad
A Usopp ' s Pale Ale . —Recoimnended' liy Bciron Lioliifr . iind all thtf'Faculty , in the finest condition , direct from the Ne « r Brewery at Hurton-. qn-Trent , may now be had of Messrs-. riurrinRton . I ' urker . and Co ., wiiohnve 1 JKDCCKD the PKIGE of this liighly-eBteenied Leverage to 4 s . 6 d . pefclonen , IRIPEIMAL PINTn . ' 2 » , 9 < 1 . perdoiea , LMPERIAL HALF . PINTS , Messrs . HARRINGTON , PARKKR . GO ., also sunplv Allsonu ' s Ales in ciisks of elfjlit ^ en gnllbns and upwards . ' 5 J PALL MALL S . W
Untitled Ad
Eau - de -Tie . —This Pure Pale Brandy , though only lR ^ Tper ttallon , is demonstrated ; upon , analysis , ' to l > tf ~ pfculi ; arly free from aculity , . iind very ^ uptrior to retent importations ol veritable Cognac " . In French bottles , 34 s . per dozen or neciirely packed in a cswe for the ; country , 35 » 1 IKNRY BRKTT& CO ., Old Furtjival ' si Distillery , Holborn . To be obtained only at their Distillery .
Untitled Ad
f ^ adiz . —A Pure Pale Sherry \— ' of the Amontillado character , 38 a . " per- dozen Cash . We receive a regular and direct shipment of this fine Wine ¦ HENRY BRETT & CO ., Importers , Old Kurniral s Distillery , Holborn K . G ;
Untitled Ad
To the Clergy and Beiievo-LENT INSTITUTIONS . —RLE WITT & CO . ( Established 1820 ) having bestowed great care in itelecting Wines of South African produce , which Wines , for purity arid excellent qualities , are so much recommended by the Medical Profession for Invalids , invite attention to their Hat of Prices , which will be forwarded , post free on application . , . Communications addressed , to the Stores , 211 , Sloane-street , Knightsbrldge , S . W , will have immediate attention . . . .
Untitled Ad
NOTICE . npo induce a trial of South . J- African Wines at 20 s . iand 24 a . per doz ., bottles included , ( the consumption of which has now reached 42 O ; 000 dozen per annum—vide " Board of Trade Returns " . ) , a case containing four samples , sealed and labelled , ' will'be forwnrded on receipt of THIRTY POSTAGE STAMl'S . viz : — Half pint Bottle of liest South . African Sherry , Hairpint Bottle of best South African Port , Half-pint Bottle of best South African Madeira , Half-pint Bottle of'l > eat South African Amontillado , Bottles and Case included . COLONIAL BRANDY , very superior , 15 s . per gallon . BEST GIN , full strength , lls . 3 d . per gallon . Price Lists free on application .. Address—ANTHONY BllOUGH , Wine and Spirit Importer , 21 ) , Strand , London , W . C .
Untitled Ad
Benson ' s Watches . "Perfection of Mechanism . " - -Morning Post . Gold , V to 100 guineas ; silix-r . 2 : to 50 guinens . ( Send two stamps ( or ItcnsonV Illustrated Watch l ' amphlct . ) . Watches sort to all parts of the World free per Post . 33 and $ 4 , Ludgatc hill , London , K . C .
Untitled Ad
B ennett ' s Watches , 65 and fri , Cheapside . in gold and silver , in great variety , of every construction and price , from 3 to 60 guineas . Every watch skilfully examined , . and iti correct performance guaranteed . Free and safe per poet . . . Money Orders to JOHN BENNETT , Watch Manufactory ; 65 and 64 , Ch upside .
Untitled Ad
A Toilette Hequisite for the - *• ¦* - SPRING .- —Among the many luxuries of the present age , none can be obtained possessing the manifold virtues of OLDRIDGE'S BAl . M OF COLUMBIA , it nourishes the roots and . body of the hair , Imparts the most , delightful coolness , % vith an agreeable fragrance of perfume , and , at this period of the year , prevents the hair from falling off , or , if already too thin' or turning grey , will prevent its further progress . and soon restore it again . Those who really desire to have beautiful hair , either with wave or curl , should use it daily . It is also celebrated for strengthening the hair , freeing it from scurf , and producing new hair , whiskers , and moustaches . Established upwards of 30 years . No imitative wash can equal it . Price 3 s 6 d , 6 s ., and lls . only . . C . and A . OLDRIDGE , 13 , Wellington-street , North . Strand , W . C .
Untitled Ad
Prize Medal Liquid Hair Dye . Only one application . Instantaneous , Indelible , Harmless and Scentless . In cases , post free , 3 s . 3 d . and 6 s ., direct from E . K . LANGDALE'S Laboratory , 72 ,. Hatton Garden , London , K . C . * ' Mr . Langdale ' M preparations are , to our mind , the most extraordinary product ionsof Modern Chemistry . " —Illustrated London News , July lt > , 1 H 51 . , , A long and interesting report on the products ot E . F , Langdale ' s Laboratory ,, by a Special Scientific Cornmifisiou , from , the Editor of the . Lancet , will . be found in that journal of Saturday , January 10 th , 1857 . A copy will be forwarded for two stamps . AGENTS WANTED . THE NEW DISCOVERY . —For the Restoration and Reproduction of the Hair . — Mr . LanRdiilo guaranteeshisQUINTESSENCE ofCANTHARIDES most successful as a restorative , also in chfcki . hg greyness , strengthening weak liair , and preventing its falling off ; most effectual in the growth of whiskers , moustachios . ^ c . The money immediately Tcturned if not efTcctual . Post free for 2 s . Gd . . in Stamps .- - . Liiboratory , 72 , ' Hatton Garden , . . E . ^ F . LANGDALE'S KASPBERRYand CHERRY TOOTH PASTE . —The most delicious preparation ever produced for the Teeth , Gums , and Breath : Post free from the Laboratory , 72 , Hatton Garden , for Is . 3 d . in stamps . ' . : ¦
Untitled Ad
ATTFUE FOP " , i-.. \ Si - . i . > .. - Lawrence ¦ L >*^ - to ailnounoe hia :.: i . ns for the Autumn and Winter . Gentlem > , 1 ja-wfind his Stock of Garments for immcdiut' . ' ¦ iir complete in every department . The pr <~ i . oijs of the various Manufacturers exceed , in ¦ yf design and material , those of all former years . T AWRENCE i' M'S OVERCOATS , JU of the LATEb . V ASH-ION , comprisinw the INVKRNESS CAPE , . j . e ALKKRT , the CLAKENDON , the SAC , &c , are made from the most suitable materials , and in the strongest manner . 2 Is , ' Ms . 42 s ., 50 t » . T AWRENCE IIYAM'S WALKING DRESS , JJ and SUUTOUT COATS , —sound in material and make , exact in ill , and fashionably designed and finished . —Surtout and Dr «« 3 Coats , 2 «» . and OOn . Walking Coats , irom Ua . to 35 h . ^ AWRENCK H YAM'S VESTS , in -CJotli , Silt , Satins , Tweeds , &c , titlifr for ordinnry wear or dress purposes , faultless in < hiHign and nintcriul , varying in price , from 4 d . 6 V 1 . tp 2 l . i . T AWKENCE HYAM'S TROUSERS 1 J celebrated for their true and cpmfortablu lit innde of the fltronge » t and nuwoat fabrics , — Trice , 10 a . Ud ., Via ., Ids . Od ., 17 b ., 21 s . ClTT EsTlABMSIIHrNT ^ - 30 , GRACECHUKCH STREICT . Wkit End KaTA » i . i » HMHNT— to 180 and 100 , TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD .
Untitled Ad
nnhe Surplice Shirt ( ac--L knowledged as the moat comfortable and durnhlu Shirt evor yet produced ) , inado to men « uro . fl « . ( Id ,, 7 a . Od ,. 8 » . « d .. » nd 10 n , « d . CtirdH for lutlf-misamiri' - incnt , JOHN SAMPSON , HoHior , 133 , Oxford-wt ., > V
Untitled Ad
Greenhall , maker of the SIXTKKN amUAHO TKOVSEUH , 82 ( 5 , Oxford-Htroet , London , W . ( Two doom wost of the < : iroiiH . ) Overoouts , ii ' i 2 h , J ' roek Coatn . A 3 10 * ., Dro . ih Oont (» H ' i 10 h ., Morning OoiUh JB 3 2 n ., Wulatcoutti 12 s ,, Ulnok DrcHS TrotiHCra XI Is . 3 !? 5 , Oxtord » t ,, > V .
Untitled Ad
CERTAIN MISANS OF SELF CUUK . An Act of Charity . A Gcutlomnn hnvlng boon cured of nervouu debility of longstanding , the jroiiiilt of « nrly orrorH . iintl nftvr mud ); montftl « nd bodily fluflbrJntf , thlnkn H but ohnrltablo to render miob inforuintlpn to . ollierH ntuiilnrly flltuntod oh may roBtori- tlionj to huiilth wltfiout oxpoHuro . Full purlloulnro Hunt to imy nddrvHH , by t ' nplohlng two pontnKO Htninpt * to I' /^ P" ) o " tng « , AddruMM TJIOMArt HOVVAUl ) , Kmq .. Olvchouai' , near HlrmliiKliiuu .
Untitled Article
Feb . 4 , ISOO . j The Leader and Saturday Analyst . 103
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 4, 1860, page 103, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2332/page/3/