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M a p p i n' s Electro - Silver PLATE AND TABLE CUTLERV . MAP PIN BltOTHEttS , Ma- ufacturers by Special Appointment to the Queen , are the only She ( Reid niakei-s who supply the' consumer in London . Their London . Show Room * ,-07 . und <> 8 , Kiug William Slre . Kt . Lond . ou Bridtre .. contain bv far the largest stock of ELKOTROSILVER PLATE and TABU-: CUTLERY in the WORLD , which is transmitted direct From their manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield : " Fiddle Double Kuigs's . Liily Pattern Thread . Pattteru Pattern . \> . £ s ; d . £ a . d £ s . d . £ s . d . 12 Table Porks ... 1 = 1 16 U a 14 0 : * 0 0 3 12 0 12 Table Spuorm ' . = 1 16 0 'I li 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 JJyssert Forks ; & 1 7 ' <• ' 3 0 0 2 4 0 2 It Q 12 Dessertspoonst ? 1 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 ! 2 14 0 . 12 Tea Spoons ) * 0 IOC I 4 0 17 <> . 1 16 6 SIDK-DISHES , ELECTRO-l'LiTED ON HARD NICKEL SILVER suitable for Vegetables , Curries ; and Entrees . Per set of 4 Dishes . No . . £ . * . & . K : < G 78 GadroonOblong Pattern , Light Plutng 8 8 0 k 5137 Beaded 'Edge and Handle , similar to . E 4013 J ..... 10 1 . 1 0 k 178 G Ditto ditto stronger ditto -13 0 0 >; 4012 Antique Scroll Pattern , Melon-shaped Dish' 12 0 0 i : 4013 J Bended Pattern Dish IS 4 . 0 By removing the Handles from the llovers , the set of four ran " Ire made to form a set of eight Dishes . 11 171 * 2 Norfolk Pattern , a very elaborate Design , with rich Scroll liorder all round 17 10 0 Hot . Water Wishes for iibuve extra' 15 0 0 E ' 17 ' J 7 Threaded Pattern , equally good-as ; the Norfolk Pattern . '¦< 16 12 0 Hot Water Dishes for above .... extra 15 10 0 : DISH OOVICRS . ELECTRO-PLATKDON HARD NICKEL SILVER . Kitch set contains one Cover 20 ! inches ; one of 18 inches ; and t \ voof 1-1 inches each . No . . ' Complete set of 4 Covers , u 27 S 0 Plain Pattern , with Scroll Handle .... 10 10 0 k 27 . ) 1 Melon Pattern , French Scroll . Handle , either Plain or Gadroon edge , very ' handsome .. .,.- ¦ ¦ 13 . 12 0 E 3312 Shrewsbury Pattern , with bold Beaded Edge ' n . nd Handles ......... ... 1512 0 e 40 S 5 Greek Ornament Pattern , matches e 4 . V 5 Side Dishes . ... < 2 . V 0 0 S -1851 Warwii-k Pattern , matches s 4353 Side Dishes .......... ...... 23 0 0 ; A Costly Boole of ¦ Eiigravinijs , with Prices attached , may be had on application ^ Kilimates furnished for . Services of Plate Tor Hotels , Steam Ships , and Regi .-liiriital Blesses . MAPP 1 N HKOTHKItS , 07 aiifl 6 * , Kinp : Wiliam Street . City . London , . 10 . C . ; ¦ Manufactory , Q ( feu ' s Cutlery Worl-- « . , SliefHelil . .
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THEATRES AND AMUSEMENTS . THEATRE ROYAL . DRURY LANE . ¦ Lessee . Mr . IS . T . Sbiitii . Engagement and First Appearance , at this theatre of the eminent Tragedian Mr . Charles Dillon . Triumphant career and continued success of the brilliant Pantomime . . The Reduced Prices , as usual , at tin ' s Theatre , viz . : Upper gallery , 'fid . ; . lower gallery , Is . ; pit and upper boxes . 2 s . ; first circle , 2 s . fid . ; dress circle , 4 s . ; stalls , Ss . ; private boxes , for two persons , 10 s . oa . j do ., four persons , 1 , I i , and 2 guineas each . On Mbndny and during the week , Her Majesty ' s servants will " perform ( compressed into three acts ) , Sheridan Knowlus ' s play , [ WILLIAM TELL . Characters by Messrs . Charles Dillon , Mellon , Peel , Farrell , Dellatield , and Emery ; Miss Thirlwall and Miss Page . . To conclude with the original , magical , comical Pantomime of JACK AND THE BEAN STALK , by E L . Blancharcl . The New and Splendid Scenery , with Novel E « ects , by Mr . W . Be verify . Mdlles . Worlacchi and Balbo , with 100 Coryphees and Ladies of the Ballet . The last two Grand Morning Performances of the Pantomime on "Wednesday next , Feb . Sth , and Wednesdav , Feb . 13 th , at Two o ' clock precisely . Doors open at half-past six , to commence at seven Drsclscl V ' Parties at a distance , by addressing Mr . Nugent , box-office , with a post-office order , will ineet with attention . ' . „ .-. ' ¦ On Monday . Feb . 13 . will be i ) roducert aAcwand Original Drama , by an English author . Stage-manager , Mr . Robert Rcxby .
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ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE . Lessee . . Mr . A . Harris- ' ' Mons . Espinosa , Mdlle . Marietta Rosetti . the De ' lepierre . Family , and the Itoyal Princess's Rifles every evening . {* Last Six -nights . of -THE CRICKET ON THE ¦ HEARTH . Characters by Messrs . Ryder , Meadows , Frank Matthews , Cathcart ; Meidiimcs Leclerq , Clifford , R . Leclerq , "Wadham , and Lnidlaw . After which , tile new grand comic Christmas burlesque Pantomime ( by H . J . Byron , Esq . ) , entitled JACK THE GIANT KILLER ; or , Harlequin King Arthur , and the Knights of the Round Table . Jack , Miss Louise Keeley ; Clown , Mr . A . Forrest . ; Pantaloon , Mr . T ' aulo ; Harlequin , Mr . Cormack ; Columbine , Miss Caroline Adams . . On Monday , February 6 th , will be produced a NF . \ V and ORIGINAL COMEDY , by H . Holl , E > q . Principal Characters by Miss Carlotta LecTerq , Miss Clifford , Mrs . WestOn , and Messrs . G . Melville . 1 «\ Mattliew . s , II . Suker , Graham , It . Cathcart , Garden , & . c . By desire , an extra Morning Performance of tin ; Pantomime on Monday , February 6 . Children under 10 years of age , half-price . Commence at ! 2 .
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ROYAL ST . JAMES'S THEATRE , King stiieet , St . James ' s . Sole Lessee , Jlr . F . B . Ciiattkrton-. Directresf , Miss AVvndham . Nearest theatre to Chelsea and Westminster , 111 «• l ' sirk being open to carriages and fqot-p : issenger > -al ! hours of the night . On Monday " and Tuesday A DEAD SHOT . A HOUSEHOLD FAIKY , JIV NAME LS . NOUVAL and a BORDER MARRIAGE On Wednesday wili positively : be produced , an entirely new BurU-.-qui » . entitled DIDO , supported by the entire strength oi the Company . Reduced Prices—Pit , Is .: Gallery , fid . ' Bpx-ofiice open from r 1 till 5 daily . —Doors open at half-past 6 y commence at 7 .
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ROYAL ENGLISH OPERA , COVEBTT GARDEN . tinder the ' Management of Miss LOUISA 1 ' 1 'NE and filn . W . HAHUISON SEVENTH WEEK of THE PANTOMIME , Complete si . ioccss of Henry Leslie ' s now Operetta . ° >[< to ] ily . TU 0 VAT : 0 RK . Messrs . San Hey , Henry Haigh , Wai worth , Lyall . Miss ¦ Parepa . and Miss Pilling- ¦ " . .. '¦' Ou Tuesday , Thursday , and Saturday , anw . opcretta . entit . cd ^ Q M A x c K . . .. ¦ ' Music by Henry Leslie . Messrs , ('• .. Ifoney and W . Harrison , Miss Tljirhvall and Miss Louisa Pync . On Wednisday and Friday T II E C R O _ W N D I A 31 O N D S . Messrs . 6 . Honey , St . Albyn . Hv . Corri , and W . Harrison ; Misses Thirlwall and Louisa Pyiie .. Conductor , Mr . Alfred Mellon , To conc ' iide each evening with PUSS IN llOO T S , Or , Harleqivin andthe Fairy ' of the Ooldcn Palms . . Messrs . W . II . Payne , H . Payne . F . Payne . Barnes , Talliens , Clara Morgan , and Infants Kauri . Splendid scenery , new effects , transformations , French dances . Mdlles Lequine , Pasquak " , Pierron , Mon . s . Vajidns . Tlio I ' antomin . e produced by Mr . E . Stirling . Doors open tit half-past Six , commence at Seven . No charge for booking , or fees to box-keepers . . Stage Malinger , . Mr . EJivurd Stirling , Acting Manager , Mr . Edwiini Murray , . J , nst grand Mornjng Performances , on Wvilnosdny next , at Two o ' clock . Private Hoses , to hold four nersons , from Ifls . Cd . upivards ; Stiills , 7 s . ; Dress Circle , 5 * . ; Amphitheatre Stalls . 3 s .: Pit , 2 s . ( id . ; Amphitheatre , Is .
Untitled Ad
MR . HOWARD GLOVER Respectfully announces that his GRAND ANNUAT , CONCERT will tsiko ulace at DKl . IfY LANK THEATRE , on MONDAY -MORNING , Febriiaiy - '!» , commencing at One o ' clock , when Mr . Sims Hccvcf , Miss Parepa . Madame RiidersdorfT ; Madame Louisa Vinnintr . Miss Laura ltaxter , - Signor Jiclletti . Mr . Weiss , Miss S'tabbach , Madame Weiss , Mr Tlionia ? , Mr . Geo . Perren , Mrs . Clare Hepworth , 3 Iiss f > ascelles , M / iss Louise J \ eeley , Mi .-s E Iforder , Miss Lindo , Herr Molique . Miis EyleS , Mr Benedict , Sijrnor Randegger , Mr . Laud , ' Mr . 'Lawlcr , 2 \ Iiss Teresa . Jeffreys , Mr . Vincent ^^' alla ^ e , Miss Malah Hoiner : Mr . -Lindsji ' y Slojier , Sir . W .-II . Cuinniings , Mr . Baxter , Mixs . 1 . Wells . Misj . s ( icrard . JMr . F . l ' . iiirer , andthe LONDON GLEK and MADHIGAL l-NIOX will appear , in ' conjunction with all the other greatest arti-tsat the moment in London . . The Band will be complete in" every cU-partmcnt . Cqiiduetorj v -Mi-. Benedict , Mr . Howard Glover , and Mr . Alfred Mellon . Gallery , Is ; pit and upper boxes , Is . M-. first circle , 2 s . ; d . resp ' circle and stalls , 3 s . ; private bn . \ es < fV < . mi 10 s . Cti \ Tickets for all parts of the house to be had ol Mr . Howard Glover , 2 S , Alfred Place , Hertford Square , at thebox-olliceof the theatre , and ofall the principal music-sellers .
Untitled Ad
j ^ f ci tii ' iupii-i ^^ l . Decayed JL Teeth re > tored . Mr . ; a ESKHLL . Surgeon-Dentist . ^ implies patented Incox - rodible Teeth without extracting Teeth or Stumps on his never-failing and jjairileis . s principle of self-adlie . ^ 'On ; rendering detection impossible . Articul iiion Mid mastication guarantecrt . Ui-ciiyed Teeth rende ud- insensible to pain , and stopped with his Osteopl >• lie Enamvl ^ -ot the same colour us the Teeth , peimanently useful , and lusting unchanged for years , ( a most important discovery in Dental Science !) Loos . ! Teeth , fastened , &c . Hours , Ten to Six . ' t ' onaultution frou . Charges strictly inoilorate . 81 h . Regent . ¦ street' ( oj ) pnsi : e the Polyteclinic ) . and Bennett ' s Hill , Birmingham , -
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MR . SIMS REEVES'S ONLY APPEARANCE This Season at a MOHNING CONC ' i-RT will beat Howard Glover's Monster Concert , at Drm-y Lstne , on Monday , February 20 . . .
Untitled Ad
MR . SIMS REEVES , Miss ARABELLA GODDAKI ) . HEKR MOLKil'l ) , SIG . PJATTI , nnd MISS SUSANNA COLE wi-1 ! appenr at the MONDAY POPULAR C < ) . \ CKI ! TS , St . JniuL's ' s Hall , on Monday Kvi'iiing next . February ( ith . Conductor , Mr . Bonediot . For full Pur iculiirs , see l ' rogriuiiinc . Sofa ^ tnllo i >< . Bnlciny Um . Unreserved Scats ]» . Tickets in . iy he obtained i » t the Hull , 'M , Piccadilly ; Keith , l'n > w . « c , & Co . ' . s , 'lfl , Cheapsidu ; Cramer & Co . V . 201 , !{«• - gent-fltrect ; and Chajipcll * s Co . 's , 00 , New I . ondfctrciit .
Untitled Ad
OliD ENGLISH DITTIES , GLEES , AND . MADIHOALS . Liist |\ Vetk . EGVIT 1 AN IIAf-L ( Durtley Giiliery . ) Tim London GU ; e itnd Madrigal . Union , under nrrangoinont with Mr . Milclicll . will give their -highly Micei'seful ICniortainincnt . of Glres , Sladrignlrt . mid Old Krifrllwh Dtiiludo , ( lor tho lift week ) every Evening at llnlf-ptiHt , Eight , ' and on Mpndiiy , AA cdnunduy , nnd Friday Mornnigd at , Hullpast Two . —Conductor , Hilt . LAIVD ; Literary Illustrator , T . OLIPI . IANT , ICsq , The . Proernminio will oompriHO the most , wltsbr ' ntcu part Songs of Puai'rtiill . Hor ^ luv , Webbf , Bishop , & < j . &o ., and roiiowm-il O ! d Engl ]? i > Unllnds . Ri'tiurvod Scats , n . s . Unreserved , ^ h . A few FautoullH , r « . which mny bo Hociirud at Mr . MJtclieU'H Royal Library . » : t , Old Bond-tMroct , W .
Untitled Ad
THEATRE ROYAL , HAYMARKET . ( Under the Mimugement of Mr . Buckstone . l M ^ omlny , Tuesday nnd Wi'dnesday , T . HH RTItANGKU . Mra . Mailer , Mias Amy ^ edgwick , witli the grii | t Iliiyuiiirkot I ' nntomime ol VALKNTI ' NIi'S DAY . ' Thursday , Fridny , and Saturday Miss Amy Scdgwiuk will appear as Mrs . Oakley , in th » j Comedy of TIII 5 JEALOUS WIFM After which the Pantomime , Scenery by Fonton . I ' nutouiimista , tlie unrivalled Lcclonjs .
Untitled Ad
A Boon to Nervous Suf-FKUUIfS . — The Now Medico I Guido for Gratuitous iiculilion . A ] S ' i : itVous Sur _ FKiiii « having Ijeen cHectiiully cured of Norvou . s pebillty , La .. ss of M ^ emory , piinno . ssof Sight , Lnssitudt ! , and Indigestion , l > y following Ihu instructions given in the M ^ KIJICaIj GUI I . ) IS , he consider * it his duty , in gratitude to the * author , and lor this benefit . of others , to publish the jiicatid " ueiod . He will , thcrt-fori ) , ^ ond post free , on receipt of a directed envelope , and two stamps , a copy of tlio book , containing every Information required . Address , Jamkh W ^ ai . caoe , Esq ., Willoi ' il Mouhc , Burton Crostsont . Tnvlstouk Sq , London . W . C
Untitled Ad
OUEY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS NATURAL COl-OUR . N euralgia , Nervous HeacliH'he , Rhi : uinntinm , and Still" Joints cured by l > v F . M . lllfltUlNCt ti PATKN 1 ' M VGNKTIC JJKUS . IIK . S , I 0 .-I . and lOfl . 'j COM US , 8 n . « d . to 20 s . Grey IlHir ntul Baldntma jn'cventod by F . . M . . H . 'a Patent Preventive Hrush . I'rice 4 s . amffls . OfliccH , 32 , BaHiugluill-dtreut , London , whoru mny hti had , Gnilirt , thu illuflti-fited nuiuphUtt " Why Hair Ijfcomos Uruy , and its . Rvniudy . " Sold by all Chyinlnta itud I ' orl ' umorfl of repute .
Untitled Ad
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . Lophocs , Messrs . K . Rob . son and ~\ V . S Emden . Monday and during tho week , will bo purfornjed N 1 NK POINTS OF TI 1 K LAW , Clmractcra by Messrs , Addison , G , Vining i MisaetitJottrcll and Charlcd , and Mm . Stirling . After which , the new Extravnganzn , by Robert B , Brough , ontitled , ALVKBD THE GttKAT . Clmnictcrs , by Messrs , Robrion , H . AVigtvn . G . Cooko , F . Vlning . F , Cliarlcfl , IL R ( vern , II . Cooper , and FrunkHi MI . ihch Nulaon , Horbort , Cottrell , Mi < Hdiunod Stophcnd , and W . S . Eindcn . To conclude willt TM 10 CLOCKMAKKK'S HAT . ChuraetoiH by Meaaifl . G , Coolco , F . Ohnrh }« , II . Cooper ; McsUamus Herbert , Stephens , ami W , S . Emdcn . Doora opun at 7 . Commence nt half-pnst 7 .
Untitled Ad
• MR . AND MKS , HOWARD PAUL In tliuir brilliant comic nnd mualeul JIJitMtr-ntIoiih of ( . 'luiracteriit thcSt . Jiuilca"H Hull , Piccadilly , K VICHY KVICMiNG , ( ynlnrday excuptod . ) New i » Qngu nnd oliurnutcrtf , Air . Howard PduI ' h Iinpor . souation , " ' I'll *' Man who knows Everybody , " crc 1 c « a furore ol tinplnu . se . Thu woiulorfiil "Living Photogrnph" ol Mr . SiniH ReovoB Kvcry Evening In " Gnmo Into the Giirck'ii , Mnuil , " and now Spunlfh Hong , by F . Wallun-Htcin , untitlod "Lola . " Morning Ruprudcutationa on TuuMdnyH and Saturduyrt itt . Throe . Stntla . : 3 m . Area 2 a . ( Jnllory In . Cominunou n ( w , Ilowaid l ' aul'u "Hook ot Wongs" ( a < t biing In the Knturtnlnnnint ) froo by p «« l , for nix HtuiupH .
Untitled Ad
\ 17 ild Sports in the United » T STATES . —The lion . Gnin . lloy F . HerKeley having rutunuid froni IiIh visit , to Iho Pcnlrlet * i made cxoluHlvcly for The I ' uji . d ) , is now nnrratinu ; Inn cxporlonccH and oxploltH in tlio colmniiHof Thu Fiim . in to b « contliiuod woukly . Mr . 'ISorUeley ' s hiM'ochm in Hunting tint Jdimilo unit other wild nnfinnlq hart been unpniovdontvd . Tur . Firld Ih devoted to a record of ISport ^ , PnHllineH . Nnturul History , and all Country PhrwnltH . IMibliHhvd woukly , iirlcu Od . j or a copy in return Tor noven Htam | m , Bubacrlptlon , 7 h , 7 d . per qimrter ; 15 h , tfd , half . yearly i : < 0 a . -id . nor yuuiv—Ofllcu , 310 Strand . London , W . C .
Untitled Ad
THEATRE ROYAL LYCEUM . Solo Lcishoc and Dirootrcua , Mndnmo Celi'Hto . Due notice will bu given of thu recovery of Donna Ian-I ml CubiiH Jrom hor acvoru liuJi » i ) Otfltlon . On Monday , and during the week , a now Drninn , colled A TALK OF TWO CITIIOS , by Tom Tiiylor , ICisq ., fVoin thu story of that iinniu by Mr . Clmrluw DIokuiiH . I ' i'liiclpid chnrnotoi ' is by MosalourH Jnmcn Vlnlng , Wnltur l ^ noy , VIUIe . rn . Houho . Fornmtor , iJ . . hiluiMtonu , T . Lyou , Morton . I ' nlmcr , White , H . Iiutler , Cllllbrd , and FredoHcka ; Mlssca Kato tiavillc , tituurt , Turner , Mm . Campbell , and Madamu Ciji . khtk . After which the Now Grand Chr )* tmnH Exirnvugnn ^ a nnd Comic Pimtoinimo , ontitled , ICino Tiiiujhii-11 KAUI > . TUK LlTTI . U 1 > KT AND TU It ( j ) nKAV PaBSION ( t > l \ IlAui . EtiuiN IIaci / , ami tiii : Kaiuy Good IIumodh , in which is prcaciitud one of thu moat novol , costly , and brilliant olfuctH ovor > vitn » Ufcd . Dcttlgned and Painted by Mr . William Cnlloott . King Thrualibuard , MlaHilulla Ht . Goorgc . JUix-olUce opun from Eleven to Vivo doily ,
Untitled Ad
< VHE HARRIS FUND . X 0 C ) M M I T T ME . . Wcaara . llMbpr ( W , ) , . Measi-d . Herrman ( Lonia ) Urougli ( K , I 5 . L Muclccn / lo ( I ) . ) , Hiickritouu ( . J . U . ) J'urdy ( G . ) , JJutkr ( Honry ) , RnberU fK . T . ) , OhlnpunUnlc ( - •) , Tilbury (\ W II . ) . Cottur ( ThoriniH ,, ToiiiUiih ( V . U . ; , Garcett ( L . ) , VIiiIii k ( Kiwlk ) . It la propoaed by a low ( Vlunda of the deceased to ralno u fund ( or tlio Cnildmu of the ltiteClmrlea llarria , who tiro loft totally unprovided for—tho fivtlier having utruggU'd for youra with nilafortiiuu , Ml liunllh . and inauy jrovormm and fnilurpa in hfabnalnoriij aa a Tlteairloiil '« rld Gvnontl UookHvUer . Thla appeal l « earjutMtly nddiuMHed to nrofosBionol gentlcmon ; for the " Thuutrloal Depot , * ' which atoud oppoaltc Coveut , Uimion Tlioatro for a hiilf cvniury , miiat bu well roinonib ^ red . Any rnu . nbur of tlie Committee will thanklully retelvo contribution ^ and Mr . LouIh Uorrinun , Qt'ui , Gront Uussell-atroet , DloomHbury . who will gratefully acknowledge them , hua kindly undertaken thu qfnoo of Honorary d «« rotary and Trviiaurer .
Untitled Article
104 The Leader and Saturday AnahjsL [ Feb . 4 , 1 SG 0 . '
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 4, 1860, page 104, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2332/page/4/