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Crys tal Palace.--—Arrangenients for week ending Saturday, February 18th. at 9
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MpxDAV .. . upen » . Tuksdav to FiimAY . Open at 10 . Admission One . Shilling ; Children under 12 , Sixpence . The Great Winter POULTRY SHOW is open this day ( Saturday ) , and will be continued on Monday , Tuesday , and Wednesday . Illustrated Lectures by . Mr . Pepper , and Orchestral Barid and Great Organ Performances daily . Satubday , Feb . IS . GRAND ; CONCERT by M » m , e . PICCOL 0 MINI , her First Appearanceon herreturn to England ; Admission b ' y Season Tickets—Etalf-a-G'ttineiweach , oron . payment of Half-a-Ciwri : Children , One Shilling ; Reserved Seats , Half-a-Grown extra . Su . vday . . Open at 1 : 30 to Shareholders , gratuitously by tickets .
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SPECIAL . NOTICE . To secure the advantage of this Year ' s entry , proposals must be lodged at the Head Office , or ; at any of tire Society ' s Agencies , on Or before 1 st March . Policies effected on or before 1 st March , 1860 , will receive Six Years' Additions atthe Division of Profits at 1 st March , 1 S 65 . . ; Q eottish Equitable Life ' KJ ¦ ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Head Office , 26 , ST . ANDREW-SQUARE , EDINBURGH . Th « Profits are divided every thbee years , and wholly belong to the Members of the Society . The last division took place at 1 st March , 1859 , and from the results of it is taken the following EXAMPLE OF ADDITIONS : — A Policy for 1000 J ., dated 1 st March , 1832 , is now increased tp ~ 1654 / . ' 9 s . ad ; Supposing the age of the assured at the date of entry to have been 40 , these additions may be surrendered to the Society for a present payment of 303 ? . 17 s . Sd . ; or such surrender would not only redeem the entire premium ; on the policy ; but also entitle the party to a present payment of 1042 :. 4 s :, ' . and in both cases the policy would receive future triennial additions . . ' The ' TCxistiugAssiirartfifis amount to .. £ ' 5 , 272 , 367 The AnnuafRevenue 187 , 240 The Accumulated Fund ( arising solely from the Contributions of Members ) .. 1 , 191 , 057 ROBERT CHRISTIE , Manager . WM . FINLAY . Secretary . L 0 « donOffice , 26 , POULTR Y , E ^ O ^^^^
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Crys tal Palace .- ^ -A Grand CONCERT will be given on SA . TURDAY UEXT . the 18 th February , at which Mor . r . E . PICCOLOMINIAvill make her First Appearance on her return to England . The Vocalists . will include Signor Belart , Sfenor Aldighieri , Signer Gilardoni , and Mdlle . Piccolomini . . The Crystal Palace Orchestra , considerably increased for this oceasioh * will be conducted by Signor Arditi and Mr . Slahns . Admission by 8 eason Tickets ( nowon . sale at 10 s . 6 d . each , available to the 30 th April , I 860 ) , or on payment of Half-a-Crown : Chjldren under 12 , 'One Shilling ; Reserved Seats , Half-a-Grown extra . Tickets at the Crystal Palace ,, and at 2 , Exeter Hall . Open at 10 , Concert at 3 .
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La w Union Fire and Life INSURANCE COMPANY . Chief Offices , 126 , CHANCERY LANE , London . W . C . Birmingham Branchi 47 , UNION PASS AGE .: Capital , ONE MILLION STERLING . The Fire and Life Departments are'Under one Manag ement , but with separate funds and accounts . ¦ ,. ¦ Chairman , Sir William . Foster , Bart . ; Vice-Chairman , James Parker , Esq ., Baddbw House , ChelmsTordi FIRE DEPARTMENT . Capital responsible for Losses , £ 750 , 000 . . The business is confined to the best classes ofrnsurance . The discount allowed by the Government on the dutyis in all qases given to the insured . Claims settled with promptitude and liberality . LIFE DEPARTMENT . - . Capital responsible for losses , £ 250 , 000 , „ A Bonus every five years , —next Bonus in lse-i . Moderate rates of Premium . Annuities granted on favourable terms . Prospectuses , forms of proposal , copies of annual reportsT and every information , on application to &KANK McfiRDY , Secretary , 126 , Chancery « lano .
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e ranier , Beale , and Co . ' s NEW PUBLICATIONS . FAVARGER ' S Fantaisie from GuillaumeTell .. * ' 6 FAVARfiER'SLe Depart duConscrit 3 8 FAVARGER'S Promenade surl'Eau 3 0 l ? AVARGElt'S Lydia ( suns Octaves ) .. .. .. 3 0 New jiditions of OBEROl ^ and IL BARBIERE FANTA 1 SIES BY THIS POPULAR COMPOSEE ., CRAMER'S INTRODUCTORY PRACTICE and EXERCISES for the PIANOFOKT 1 S , In Parts , 5 s . rvnd Cs . each . . Those Exercises form the Standard Studies in all Musical Academies of Europe . M . Thalborg , fotorndiUo Bennett , C . JJiUle , Itubenstein , Mniqs . Goddard , rieyei , and ot )> or Pianistes , have employed them in their general course of pmoticp . NEW SONGf The Subjects from . ' Popular Novels . MURIEL ,. .. From" John Halifax . " DINAH .... „ Adtim Bedo . " Hl i' * rll'I 1 Y' ¦ ¦ Do ' XITTLK SOtllY . , ' , ' " What will ho do with it ?" Writton and Composed by G . MNLIOY . 2 s . cuioh . W , MAYNARD'S ART OF SINGING , AlTTlSllTIIK MfcTHOPOl " ' TIIW BEST ITALIAN MASTI 2 US . FourtUEditiyn . l ' vico 7 h . OLD ENGLISH DITTIES , From W . Clmppoll ' s " l'o . 'iilnr Miwlo of tho Oldon Timo , " with Hyinphonios and Accoinpinilmoiitfl by <} . A . MACi'AimEN . I" I ' liiM , oontaliiing Twolvo SongH , -la . oftQl ) i or In Slnglo floiiffo , In . ouoli . CKAMIflU . I ) 10 A US . AND CO .. W } HIcaiSNT ( S'J'itKlCT , and 07 , CONDUIT STKWKT .
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ESTABLISHED 18-11 . Il / f edieal , Invalid , and Gene-J-YJL RAL LIFE OFFICE , 25 , PALL MALL , LONDON . —Empowered by special Act of Parliament . At the Eighteenth Annual Meeting , held on the 21 th Nov ., 1850 , it was eliown that on tho 30 th Juno last—The number of policies in force was . . . 0 , 110 The amount ihsured was . . £ 2 , 601 , 925 10 s . 8 d . The Annual Income was . . . ' £ 121 , 263 7 s . 7 d . Tho now business transacted during the last live years antounts . to £ 2 , 483 , 798 10 s . lid ., showing an overaxe yearly amount of new business of nearly HALF A MILLION STERLING . Tho Society has pai d for claims by death , since its estn . b'lishmojJt in 1841 , ho lees a Bum than £ 603 , 019 . HEALTHY LTVES . —Assurances are effected at home or abroad at as moderate rates iia the most recent data will allow . INDIA . —Officers in the Army and Civilians proceedin « to India may insure their lives on tho most favourable terms , and every possibio facility \ $ afforded for tho transaction of business in India . NAVAL MEN AND MASTER MARINERS are assured at equitable rutes for Mi ' o , or for a voyage . VOLUNTEERS . — No extra charge lor persons serving in any Volunteer or Rifle Corps within tho United kingdom . ¦ '¦' ,. KESTDENOE ABROAD , —Grantor facilities givon for residence in tho Colonies , &u ., tlum by mont other Companies . INVALID LIVES assured on Hciontllloally qonstnioted tables bused on cxtonnlvcj dntn , and a reduotioi ) in tho premium Is umile wlien tho cnusos for an inoronsed rato of premium havo cousod . STAMP DUTY . — l ' ollolos lasuod froo of every charge but tho premiums , livery information may be obtained at the chief oflloc or oh application to nny of tho Society ' s iigents . U . DOUGLAS SINGICK , Seorotary .
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ub-Editor Wanted for a Sl ' rpvlnolal U ' cokly Nownpnpor . —AcUJrusa Sub-Iiidltor , " Mr , S , Eyro , ' M , iiouvorle-Btroot , l ' 'Iuu ( -Htreot .
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AS FU 13 LISHEK . T / yanted , by a Young Man , T T ugo ' 2 \ i , a Ku-engngonvont us Publiuhur , or 1 ' ubllHhor ' d Aaalwtnnt Sl / c yunrs' kooiI ( Jhnraoter . AilclrfflB , 8 , 1 . T ., wa , South Bunk , JtogoiU ' tj l ' nrk , N . W "
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r riie Distx * ict Sayings Bank A ( Limited ) , 07 , FLEET STJLM'JET , LONUON , Jp . C . r-TJio oxiiorlonco wjilcji ^« as attended tlio oi » orutlonaqiaftvlugHbivnkwnndloan soolotlos ia such na to nvnko It evident thnt an oxtoiiHlon of tlielr )> rluo ) plof ) , upon aliljeml yod sound buslH , will prove highly udvnntngoona botii to the nropvletavy and the nubile . . Tho l > iflLrlot Savings Hivnk rooefvos dopoaltB ( pull } In nt one tlm «) from Ono I ' onny to Ton Pounds , the nggregato ninount to bo unlimited , and subjoot to tho usual nirnnffomonte , on wltlidrawo ) . of onllniiry a « v-InKsbRiihs . * JOHN SHERIDAN , Aotiinry ,
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Crystal Palace . — Poultry SHOW . — -The Great Winter Show of Poultry and Pigeons will be held THIS DAY ( Saturday , the ilth ) , and on Monday , Tuesday , an £ Wednesday , the 13 th , 14 th , and 15 th February , in the North Wing , adjoining the Tropical Department . Admission—including all the attractions of the Palace—Saturday , Half-a-Crown ; Children under 12 , One Shilling , Other days One Shilling ; Children Sixpence : Season Tickets free .
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Law , Property ; - and Life ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 30 , ES-S 35 X STREET , STRAND , LONDON . CAriTAr . —JB 200 , 000 . PIREOTons . Ralph T . ftrookman , Esq ., Folkestone . 12 dwan 3 Wm « Cox . Esq ., 36 , Russoll-squaro , Qeorgo Frodorlok Fox , Esq .. Bristol . Ifl . Jflt P . Keleey , Esq ., Salisbury . J . Mead , Esq ., 2 , King ' s Bench Walk , T . cmplo . H . Pawll , Esq ., M . P ., 83 , Devonshire-place , PortlmuUplaep . Mighty p « r Oont . of the Profits divided nmong tho Assured . At tho Jlrat Divison of Profits in May ,. lSQ 5 , a bonus waBdeclared , varyingIVom Two to Eleven percent . on tho amount assured , and amounting In nuiny Instances to upwards of Fifty per Cent , on tho Premium paid . At the Second Division of Profits in I 85 § , an EQUAL PRO KATA BONUS was dcolarod . Tho nost Division of Profits in 1801 . \* Every description of Life Assurance 'business transacted . MDWA 1 W S . BARNES , Socrotwry .
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Piano fort e s . —' Cramer , JJHALK , AND CO . Kvory durtoi'lpllon flu * « nlo or Ulro . Oruiuoi ' , IKmle , und Co . tiro tho ri' « - jirlotorHOf tho NEW MODEL QHLIQUK OKANi > VjIANOJ / 'OUTW . HAUMOKTUMff , ;¦ ^ —75 ^ flltAMEU , lilOALH . AND CO ., nro tlio ^ j ^ SP . W ' ' for Al « xnhili- ( . and Hon ' a NKW MOD 1 ' ? M 1 A-W $ I 0- , 1 . NIU ^ L Eve ry vurlety . flKi sS »^ K ^ v / OUA 1 M < CH . BEALIO , ANI ) CjO v aoQffTO W dTMikv , ani > < i 7 , COMMIT tf ' WWvmj -W ^ -
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Jgjg ^ 2 jS 5 npp «? v ? " ?^ ' W ' .: ' ¦ ' •¦ . - ¦ t I'J r ' { . ' . - ' ¦'' . ' , "¦ ' ;¦ ' . '"""" . . . ' \ *~ •¦ " ¦• ¦ : ; " •"¦ . - ¦* ••¦; ¦' : ' "• Vf ' . ' ¦ '• . v . : v ¦¦• . .. ' . . "¦¦ ' .: ' . : ' -. ^ ¦ . ¦ ¦ / ¦ . ' • ; ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ / .. ' ¦ ' . ' ¦ ; ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' . ' ¦ "" ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' " ¦ - ¦ ¦¦ " ¦ ' ' '• ' ¦¦ ' ' ¦ . ' ' ¦/ . ¦ ' ¦¦' . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' . -. ' . . '¦ ¦¦• - . ''' " ' .. ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '' ¦ ¦' ¦ "' ¦ ¦ ¦ "¦ ¦ . , . ••¦ ¦¦'¦ ¦ V ¦• . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ .- . : ¦ ' ' \ ¦ ¦ " ¦ .-. ' . ' . ¦ ' ¦¦¦ ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' ¦ v ' . ' ¦ ¦ .. ' '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ t . ' . \ ^ - ^ ¦ ^ , > - ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' .-. . . > - »¦ ¦ ~' . j * - THE LEADER ¦ ... ' ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ . - ... ¦ ¦ " • '' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . AND . " .. ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ , ' . ¦" ¦ . ¦ :. ¦ . i : . - ' ¦ ¦ . ; ¦ ¦ '¦ • . ' ¦ SATURDAY ANALYST ; A EEYIEW AND RECORD OF POLITICAL , LITEKARY , ARTISTIC , AJSTP SOCIAL EVENTS ,
Untitled Article
Mo . sis . i February llthj I 860 . { stamped , 6 d . New Series , No . 6 . j ' . . . J . ¦ ¦ ¦ ~ _
Crys Tal Palace.--—Arrangenients For Week Ending Saturday, February 18th. At 9
Crys tal Palace .-- —Arrangenients for week ending Saturday , February 18 th . at
Untitled Article
The Treaty . Austria and the Whigs . The Gaming Parliamen tary Struggle . Volcano in Venetia . The First Blow in the Finance Battle .
A Repartition of Europe . Domestic Chaplains m Portugal . Italy . Progress of Science . Biography . Britannia ' s Shame . Palestine . An Inner View of Aine- Travel and Enterprise . rican Life . Recent Novels . Ro ^ er Bacon . The Church and its Clergy .
Architectural Journals . Serials . Foreign Correspondence—Rome : Hanover . Record of the Week . Entertainments . Parliament .
¦ . Contents.
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 11, 1860, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2333/page/1/