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Untitled Article
T awrence Hycam, in his be-I J spoke Department, emp loys the most skilful
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Untitled Ad
Gutters , under his immediate suyerintenaence . m c » .=-fully examines every garment previousto its being Bent home . Tne ' TROUSERS , at 17 s ., made to measure , are cut upon such principles as to ; ensure true and elegant fit ,-whether the wearer he walking , l * Tf ° J % ft " , l ' Gentlemen may selefct from " Stock of Cloths of a 1 deseriptions . -amountlngto JflG . OOO ; -and * « extraordinary variety cat . riot fail to meet the taste of the most fastidious . ' ¦ ¦ . —
Untitled Ad
T AWRENCE HYAM'S JUVENILE ATTIRE Jj has secured for him the largest connexion among Parents and Guardians ; and having now been established above 20 years , he can safely refer to his great and continued success as an indication of the upright manner in which his large business is conducted . —City Establishment , 36 , GTtACECHUKCH STREgT ^ Wes t-end Establishment , 189 and 190 , TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD . . '
Untitled Ad
JTlie Surplice Shirt ( ae-JL knowledged as the most comfortable and durable Shirt ever yet produced ) , made to measure , 6 s . 6 d ., 7 s ( id ., Ss . 0 d .. and 10 s . 6 d . Cards for self-measurement . JO 11 N SAMl'SON , Hosier . , Oxford-st ., W .
Untitled Ad
r ^ i-eenhall , maker of the VJ SIXT-EEST SHILLING TItOUSKRS , 325 , Oxford-street , London , "W . ( Two doors west of the Circus . ) Overcoats , £ 2 2 s ., Trodc Coats , £ 2 10 s ., Dress Coats , € 2 10 s ., Morning Coats £ 2 2 s ., Waistcoats I 2 s ., Black , i ) ress Trousers £ 1 is * 325 , Oxford-st ., W .
Untitled Ad
A Toilette Requisite for the Xx SPKlNGf . —Among the many luxuries of the present age , none can be obtained possessing the maniiWa virtiieiof OLD RIDGE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA . It nourishes the roots and body of the hair , imparts the most delightful coolness ,, with an agreeable fracrance of perfume , and , at tliis period . of the Tear , prevents the hair from falling off , or , if already too thin or turning grey , will prevent its further progress , and soon restore it again . Those who really desire to hive beautiful hair , either with wave or curl , should use it daily . It is also celebrated for strengthening the hair , freeing it from scurf , and producing hew hair whiskers , and moustaches . Established upwards of 30 years . No imitative wash can equal it . Price 3 s . 6 $ U 6 s ., and Us : only . ; C . and A . OLDRIDGE , 13 , WeUingtou-street ; North ; Strand , W . C .
Untitled Ad
rpeeth without Springs . By JL Her Majesty ' s lloyal Letters Patent . Improper Msistication and the Evils attendant thereon may be avoided bv wearing Artificial Teeth properl y constructed ami Of pure Materials . Messrs . GABKIEL , the Old-Kstabli .-hecl Dentists ' Treatise on the Loss and best means of Restoring the Teeth , explains their System of supplying Artificial Masticators with Vulcanised Gum-coloured India ltubber as a base ; no metal whatsoever is used—springs and wires are entirely dispensed with , while a greatly increased amount of suction is obtained , together with the best materials in id first-class workmanship ,, at less than half the ordinary cpst . ^ - " Gabriel ' s Treatise is of importance to all requiring the dentist ' s nid , and emanating from such a source , it may be confidently relied on "United Skkvioe Qazette . —• " Thousands requiring artificial teeth are deterred from , consulting a dentist , fearing the anticipated cost , or dread of failure—To all such wo say , peruse 'Gabriel ' s Treatise . '"—Civil- S . KUVICE Gazette . Published by Messrs . Gabiukx ( gratis on application , or sent on receipt of three postage stamps ) , at their establishments , —33 ,. Ludgato-hlll , and 110 , liegcntsireet , London . Observe naino and numbers particularly ); and 13 J , Dukostreef ; , Liverpool .
Untitled Ad
Boon to Nervous $ uf-A FERI 3 RS , — The Now Medical Guiclo for Gratuitous Circulation , A Nkhvocs fc > uFFKni : « having boon efFectually cured of Nervous Debility , Loss of Memory , DimneSH of Sight , Lassitude , and Indigestion , by following tho instructlonsgivcn in tho , M 15 UI . C ;\ L GUIDifl , lio conaidorait hia ( tut / , hi gratitude to tho author , and for the bonoflt of othora , to publish tho moans used . He will , therefore , gencl post free , on receipt of u directed envelope , and two stumps , a copy of tho book , containing ovory information rcquirod . Address , James "W-am . aob , Esq ., Willbrd Houae , Burton Croscont , Tuvlstook So , London , W . C
Untitled Ad
T ^ lcctrical influence in JLj iTenlth nnd Disease ., Just published , pricb Is ,, free by pout for 13 stamps , SECOND LIFE ; or , Blcotrfciu Nervous Force 1 aModlcat Work intended for tho special perusal of alt who are sud'tsvlng from tho various modosi of nervous nnd physical dobllity , and tho diatrosHlng ulterior consequences to whioli they lend ; with practical observations on tho groat ourntlvo power of eleotro-galvanlsm ; In tho treatment of tlioso disorders , by infuslnc tone nnd vigour Jn oonutitutiotiH relaxed or dobilltatcd from various enorviUlup causes . Jllustratod with caeca compiled from tho Notebook of a Ilugistcroci Modloul Practitioner of twenty yours' standhig , Unlike many viumted restoratives , elootrloltylls one which commends Itsolf to tho medical man us being accord an 1 with the » onndi'St lotiohlngH of physiology . By the most obvious indication it admits of being shown tluit tho oleotrioal and norvous onorglos arcidontloul | honeo , that when tho latter falls , tho lorinoronu tnko Its place ; and that when , from IrrpgularltloB of nny kind , thonoi'vous HyBtom Jms become dobjlltiitod , paralysed , or oxlmiiptod , and the patient brought to a condition little slioit of total prostration , then , by tho notion of electricity , imparting certainty and cfiloaoy to modloal , treatment , ho ban bo ru-JnvJgornli'd , and his health ro ^ ontubllshod to a degree al ! S 0 ? t II wnvrointlnpr tho dealgnatlon of Socond Llfu . Publialipd by tho ftulhor , and may bo had © rMnnn SO , Cornhill , and all liookaollora •*
Untitled Ad
CERTAIN MEANS OF SELF CUIU 5 . An Act of Charity . A Gontloman having Ijecn cured of nervous dobllity of longstanding , the rqmilt of early errors , and after much . mental and bodily suflorhig , thinks it but olutritable to render suoh information to otlioi-rt similarly situated as tnny rontoro them to health without o ^ potfurx ) , Full purtlpuliira sont to any address , by enclosing two postage stamps to prepay postage Address TIIOMAB lIOWAlti ) , Esq ., Ollvohouse , near JUlnnlngham ,
Untitled Ad
lyridwifery . —Private Medi-J-T JL onl Advice In l ' rofrnnuey , Obstructions , Sterility , nnd ' DlsnppoijHinontof Wiirrliigo , by 11 UNUV aCOTT , P . R . A . a ,, Accoiichcjir of twontj' -six yonra' London practice . Ladles codhuHIdr by letter must l ; o explicit and coofldontWU . At homo for consultfttione from twelve to nvo dully . Foinalo Obatruction Pills , 4 a . the box . The " Ladles' Medlcnl 'Confidant" sen ipost froo for seven atnmpn . Acldrcas , 17 , Adurn-atrcut , Strand , London .
Untitled Ad
Erizc Medal Liquid Hair Dye . O . iily ' ono apiilication . Instantaneoup , Indelible , Harmless and Scentless . In cases , post free , 3 s . 3 d . and 0 s .. direct ; from 15 . I ' 1 . 1-ANGDALE'S . Laboratory , 72 , Hatlon Garden , JLandon , K . C . " Mr . Jjungdnle ' s preparations are , ro our mind , 'tho most extraordinary proauotionsofModorn Chemistry . " —Illustrated London JS \ u's , July 10 , 1861 . A long and interesting report on the products , ot 15 . F . Langdftlu ' a Laboratory , by a Speoial Scientific Commission , from tho 13 di ( ior of tho Lnnce . t , will bo found in that jounmtof Saturday , January 10 th , 1857 . A copy will bo forwarded for two stumps . A 0 KNTS WANT 1 CD , TIIJB NEW DlSCOVJKKy . —For the Itostoration and Reproduction of t | io llnir . —> Mr , I-, anffdnlo guaranteo 3 his ( iUINTKSSKNCKofOANTIIAIUDKS most Biicce . ssful as a restorative , also in . checking greynoss , strongtheninff weak hair , and -preventing its falling ollV most effeotwa ) in the growth ofwhiakers , monstachios , * c . Tho money Immediately returned if not cu ' ootual . Tost free for 3 s . Od . in Stamps .--Laboratory , 72 , ITatton Givrdon . K . V . LA " N 0 DALR'S KASPl $ KRHYand CU 1 QUHY TOOTH PASTlC—Tho lpost delicious preparation over produced for the Teeth , Quins , and Jiroatli . i o * t IVoo lVom tho Laboratory , 73 , Hattqn Garden , for In . 3 d . in stamps .
Untitled Ad
KEEP YOUR PREMISES FREE FROM MICE AND SPARROWS . . Bar ber ' s Poisoned Wheat kills Mice and Sparrows . on the spot . In Id ., 2 d ., < ld ., and Sd . iiacltets , with directions mid testimonials . No risk or dumuge in laying this Wheat about . Froin a single packet hundreds of mice . nnd sparrows arc found dead . —4 gen { s : ltnrolny tiild Sons , 95 , Fiirringdbn-street ; W . Sutton ii ' nd Co ., ISowChurchyavd ; li . Yutes and Co ., 2 . ) , Budge-row , London ; uiul sold by all Druggists . Grocers , Sic , throughout the United Kingdom . —Umber ' s Poisoned Whoat Works , Ipswich . Iteiuoved from Eye , Siitlolk .
Untitled Ad
A BROWN AND POLSON'S aX "patent Gorii EloLtr , prefi 1 . ¦ ' . JL •' . - ferred to the best Arrowroot . Delicious in ruddings , Custards , BlancBiaiige , Cake , &c , and Especially Suited to ilia Delicacy 6 f Children and Invalid : ! . . ¦ The Lancet states , "Tin ' s is superior to dnything of the kind known . " Trade Mark and Recipes on each Packet , 4 ,. 8 , and 16 oz , Obtain it where inferior articles ' are not substituted . From Family Grocers , Chemists * Confectioners , -imd- Corndealers . —Paisley . Dublin ; 77 A , Market-at ., Manchester ; and 23 , IronniQUger-ldue , London . . . ¦
Untitled Ad
THE BEST AND CHEAPEST Teas and Coffees in England are to be obtained of PHILLIPS & Co ., Tea Merchants , 8 , King AVilUam Street , Gity . Good strong useful Tea , 2 s . 8 d ., 2 s . 10 d ., 3 s . and 4 s . ; rich Souehong , 3 a . 8 d ., 3 s . lOd ., and 4 s . Pure Coflces , Is ., ls > 2 d ., is . 3 d ., is . 4 d ., ls . 6 d ., and Is . 8 d . Tea and Coffee to the value of 40 s . sent carriage-free to any railway station or market town in England . A price current free . Sugars at market prices . All goods carriage-free withiri ' eight miles of the City .
Untitled Ad
Qploecl Breakfast Tongues , ^ s 3 7 id each , or 3 s . Gd . per half dozen . Cheddar Loaf Cheese , 6 id . and 7 £ d . per lb- Osborne ' s Peatsmoked Breakfast Bacon , 8 d . per lb . by the half side . Butters in perfection at reasonable rates . A saying of 15 pjr cent , is olTccted by the purchaser at this establishment on all first-class provisions . Packages gratis . OSBORNE'S CHEESE WAREHOUSE , OSBORNE HOUSE . 30 , Ludgate-hill , near St . Paul's , E . G .
Untitled Ad
A HsoppV Tale Ale .- ^ Re-JL jL ¦ ¦ commended by Bavon Liebig , and all the Facility , in the finest condition , direct from the New Brewery at Burton-on-Trent , may now be had of Messrs . Harrington , PaTker , and Co ., whohave REDUCED the PRICE of this highlv-esteemed beverage to 4 s . 6 d . per dozen , IMPERIAL PINTS . 2 s . 9 ( 1 . uer dozen . I Jf PKRIAL HALF PINTS . Messrs . HARRINGTON , PARKER , & CO ., also supply Allsopp ' s Ales in casks of eighteen gallons and . upwards . ¦¦' ¦' ¦ ¦ 5 £ PALL MALL . S . W
Untitled Ad
The Cheapest Wine in Eng-LAND . — S OUTH AFRICAN PORT and SHERRY , &c ., of Superior Flavour and great Purity , 24 s per dozen . Imported by / Iff . R . WILLIAMS , 112 , Bishopsgate-street Within , London . ^ " Various houses . are becoming famous for Cape Port and Sherry ; foremost amongst these stands the firm of H . H . Williams .. '^ vile '' Court Journal , " July 31 , 1853 .- " Mr . Williams ' * WineB possess a value fo r wholesomeness far surpassing any that we have seen . "—Vide " Medical Circular , " Aug . 18 , 1858 . —NONPAREIL BRANDY , 16 s . per gallon .
Untitled Ad
Tpenders , Stoves , Fire-irons , _ L and CHIMNEY PIECES . —Buyers of the above are requested before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS . They con , tain such an assortment of FENDERS , S 1 QVES , RANGES , CHIMNEY PIECESi FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright stoves , with ormolu ornaments , and two sets of bars , £ 3 15 s . to £ 33 10 s . ; bronzed Fenders , with standards . 7 s . to £ 5 12 s . ; steel fenders , £ 2 15 s . to £ l I ; ditto ; with rich ormolu ornaments , from £ 2 15 s . to ^ ei 8 ; - chimney niece ' s , from £ 1 8 s . to ^ 80 ; fire-irons , from 2 s . 3 d . the set to £ 4 As . The BUETON and all other V ATE NT STOVES , with radiating hearthplates . "papier Maehe and Iron XT J TEA-TRAYS . An assortment of Tea-Trays and Waiters wholly unprecedented , -whether as to extent , variety , or novelty , is on show at AVILUAM S . BURTON'S . New Oval Papier Mache . Trays , per set of three from 20 s . Od . to 10 guineas . Ditto , Iron Ditto from Ss ... 6 d . to 4 guineas . Convex shape , ditto .... from 7 s . Gd . Round and Gothic Waiters , Cake and Bread Laskets equally low . William S . Burton ' s General Furnishing Ironmongery Catalogue may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwardof 400 Illustrations ofhis illimited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver , and Britannia Metal Goods , Dish . Covers niid Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chirjineypieces , Kitchen . Ranges , Lamps , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , Bedroom Furniture , &c , with Lists of Prices , and l'layis of the Sixteen large Show Rooms ,, at 39 , Oxford -street , W . ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , and 3 * Newrm an-street ; and 4 , S , and G , Perry's-place , London . —Established 1820 .
Untitled Ad
'Teeth . —By Her Majesty s JL Royal Letters Patenr . Newly . I . nver . ted and Patented ' Application of Chemically prepared INDIA KUBBER in the construction of Artificial Teeth , Cinms , and Palates . Ma . EPHBAlM MOSELY , SURGEON DH > NTIST , 9 , GROSVENOR STREET i GKOHVKNOR SCiUAHE , sole Iiiventor and Patentee . A new . original , and invaluableinventibn , consisting in the lulaptattoti , with the most absolute perfection and success , of chemically prepared India Eubber in lieu of the ordinary gold or bone frame ; All . sharp edges arc avoided ; no springs , wires ,, or fastenings are required "; a . greatly .-iucreased freedom of suction is supplied } , a natural ' elasticity httherto wholly unattaimiljle , and ^ i lit pe . tfeete . d jvith tlie most unerring accuracy , are secured ; the greatest support ia giyen ' tojthe adjoining teeth when loose , or rendered tender by the absorption of . the . guins . Thencids Of the nioutli exert no agency on the . prepared'India Rubber , and , as a non-conductor , fluids . of any temperature may with thorough comfort be imbibed and retained in the mouth , all unpleasantness of " smell or tastp ,. being at the sanie tlnie . wholly provided ugainst by the ' peculiar nature of its preparation . Teeth fi lied with gold and Mr . Ephraim Mostly ' s \ Vhlte Enamel , the only stopping that ' will not become discoloured , nnd ¦ particularly reeommended for tho front teeth ,- 'J . Grosvenor-street , Grosvunor-s ' qxuiiv . ' . T'Ond ' on ; 11 , Ciny-street , Hutu ; and 10 , Kldon-square , Newcastle-oii-Tyuc .
Untitled Ad
Dr . Kaliii ' s Magnificent AXATOJUOAIj MUSEUM , top of the linymarket ( acknowledged by the whole of the press to be . the most useful and instructive of any in existence ) is open dally for ' Gentlemen only , Irotn ] 2 io . 5 , and from 7 till 10 . Admission , One Shilling . I H'sgrip-Ijvo handbooks gratia . Dr . Knhn ' opulur Lecturea on tho " Philosophy of Marriage , " dnilyntS and 8 o ' clock precisely . Svr . r , AHus— Hujipy nnd Unhappy Unions , , nnil their Ciiuses—Youthful Vicos and Indiscretions , and tholr Results—Disqualifications ' for Marriage , nnd ( heir Cure—the Physiology of ReprocUJotion 1 —Self-hi ilictoflniiseiies—Sterility and its Causoa—How to socsuro Moral and I'hysical llap-N . B , ' . Kalm ' a Treatise on the above subjocte , entitled " The Philosophy of Marrin . ge , " ^ ont postfroo , on rocoipt of 12 Htmupn , direct fro » n tho uutlipi 1 , 17 , Marley-stveot , Cavendlsh-squttro , ^ V .
Untitled Ad
BLAIR'S GOUT ANP RHEUMATIC PILLS . Price Js . Hid . ami 2 a , Od . per box . npliis j > reparation is . one of JL tho benefits which the soienco of modern chemistry Una coriferrocl upon mankind i for during tho llrac twenty years of tho present century to Hponk ol a euro for tho Gout wiih uoiirtidnrcd a romnni-u ; but now the olTloaoy and mifety of thlH medicine iH ho fully demonstrated , by uiiHol'lulicd tC 8 tiin 6 nIuJa IVom persons In every rank of lift , that public opinion proclaims this us onu of the nioat important ( ljsoovoriofl of tho pruaent age . TIicho l'illa roqulro no roritmlul . of diet or conllmuneiH dining tholr mjo , and arc certain to provont the dlijouHO attacking any vital part . Sold by all niudioiuu vc ; ii ( lorfl . Obsorvu " 'i'lioinun Front , U ! JO , Strand , Loiulon , " on the Uovennuont Stamp . . " ;
Untitled Ad
l ' ost IVou X ' orTwq Slumps , IT ' xtraorclinary Discovery of JJJ an ( intlraly NEW TIIKOKV OF CUUINC ! DISEABIC . being thu rocortlorl oxnorionoo of thirty youra speoial practlou in ( Jroat Britain , Iwnnoo , and Annorloa— -with ovldouuo of tho notuul ullootw ot ' tlio latOHt Solontino UIhcoyoHoh , donoinlnatod NIt »\ V LOCAL UBMISpiKa , with tho adjunpt ' M oCCoiiMlltu . tlonal 'iWtinunt . iiot yet minumlly known , uv < ui by tlio . AEod ' iunl Fuoulty oi ' . tlio UrWrili JSinpJro . but whlcih luivo boon reoonlly introtluqcdjlnto . Hn « lainl . hont froo on rooolpt of two plivmim to dofiiiy noHt . n « o , ^ 0 ., by \ V . HILL , ISrtq ., JM . A ., Wo . 27 , Allrud-plai !* , JloMibrd-sqimrOi London , AV . O , . ul ,. Daily Coiiaultationfl from Klovon to Two , and Hl . \ to Eight In tl » o Evening . ¦
Untitled Article
Fee : il , I 860 . ] The Leader and Saturday Analyst . 147
T Awrence Hycam, In His Be-I J Spoke Department, Emp Loys The Most Skilful
T awrence Hycam , In his be-I J spoke Department , emp loys the most skilful ai
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 11, 1860, page 147, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2333/page/23/