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Crystal Palace.-—Arrangemerits for week ending Saturday, March 10th.
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. ' ' . ; . CONTENTS. ¦
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Movrav . Open at 9 . Tubsday t » FniDAV . Open at 10 . Admission One Sh'jling ; Children under 12 , Sixpence . Orchestral Band , Great Organ , and Pianoforte performances daily . The Picture Gallery is open . Saturday . Vocal and Instrumental Concert . Aar mission by S-nson ' . Ticket ' s , fTalffto-G . uinea-e ' , or on payment of Iialf-a-Crown : Children , One Shilling ; Reserved Seats , Half-a-Crowii extra . . . '¦ : ¦ " Si'nday . Open at l ; 30 to Shareholders , . gratuitously , l > y ticket ' s . . , ' ¦• ¦'¦•" . - ' ¦'¦
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/ TJ- reat Northern Railway , VJ NOTICE POEMAECH . 1860 . ALTERATION OF EXPRESS TRAINS . The Scotch Express Train , now- leaving JCing ' sGrossA at 9 . 20 . morning , will be despatched ; at > 9 , 0 . * enWtigjj about 20 minutes earlierat aU / igtatidndVfUld reaching " £ eeds . at ^ S ^ rajrk at 2 i& , and Edinburgh at 84 O even- ' ' Th ' e 4 rancheater Express Train , leavine Banff ' s Cross at 10 0 morning , will be continued into Yorkshire , reaching Leeds at 3 . 0 afternoon . The Up Express Train , now leaving Brad ord at 3 . 25 and Leeds at 4 . 0 afternoon , will , start from Bradford , at 3 . 10 and Leeds at 3 . 45 , reaching King ' s Cross at 9 . 30 evening . This train will riot run from Halifax . A New Ex . press Train will be despatched from Halifax at 4 . 10 , Bradford at 4 . , and Leeds at 5 . 5 afternoon , joining the Manchester Express at Retford , and TCnohin / r King ' s Cross at 10 . 15 overiinff . For further and consequent alterations on the Main and Branch Lines * ,- see the Time Tables of the Company , dated the 1 st Of March , 1880 . SEYMOUR CLARKE , General Manager , King ' s Cross Station , . 27 th Feb ., I 860 .
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Established a . d . 1814 . . Great Britain Mutual Life ASSURANClS SOCIETY . 14 , WATERLOO-PLACE , LONDON . 42 , JOHN DALTQN-STitEET , MANCHESTER . Directors . William TL Dickaon , Esq ., Chairman . Thomns R . Davison , Esq .., Deputy Ghnirman . Uilward N , Oli ^ on , Esq . Edward B . Howitt , I 2 sq . ikhvln Oosloy , Escj . {\ V . ITowitt and Qn . ) Frederick Uawloy , Esq . > V . R . Rogers , Esq ., 5 I . D . This Society is estnblinliod on the tried and approved lirinciplc of ]\ Iutnnl Assurance . TIio funds are nccumuln tod for the oxcluaivo benefit of the Policy hoi win , uncler ( heir own itmnpdiato superintendence and obn « ti-ol . The prolHa are divided nmiunlly , nnd ajinllod In Tcduofclon of thp current premiums , Polioy-holuais parltlcipftto In j ) roflts after payment Qf flvo nnjiuiirproniium . M . ' . Tho Inst nnnunl roduotibn In t . lio promlums was at the rate of . 32 & nor cent . —By ordon of' tho 'Roard , < J . t . LAAVSON , Sooretftry .
Untitled Ad
"Delican Life Insurance JL COMPANY . Estubllshoa in 1707 . 70 , LOMBARD RTREKT , OFTY . and r > 7 , CHAH 1 NU CROSS , WESTMINSTER . DnilOGTOltS . Octavlus 10 . Coopo , Esq . Honry Lancelot Holland , VYiUlnm Cotton , U . C . L ., Ki \ q . l \ U . S . Win . Jab . Lnnanstor , Eaq . John Davis , Esq . Jolin Liibbook , Ehcj ,, , In . fl . A . Uoi'don , M . D ., l ' Ml . 8 . F . R . S , Ronjnmln Hhinv , Esq . KIrkmiiu D . JTodgaon , Mnlthow Whltinir , iCnq . JBJhu ., M . I ' , M , AVyvlll , Jun ., Ksq ., M . V . This Oompnny ofTorfl COM PL HTM SKfiUIUTY . MOPKRATIS KAT . IOS of I ' roinluin with I ' liitlclpjitlon in Kour- ( lft , liH or HO nor cent , of ' thu I ' rolltH . LOW RATES Without piirtlolpntion In 1 ' rolitH . LOANS In flonneatlon with Mlo Asminmoo , on approvua Security , In biuiih of not . lQ » d th'iin WOO . BONUS OF 1801 , ALL rOLIOTICS cflVotad prior to tho lpt July , lBrtl , on tho IJomisSuiilo of rromluin . u'lll pnrtJolnnto In tlio Moxt dlvltdpn ol ' proUtH . KOBMRT TUCK 1 QR , Soorotary niul Aotunry .
Untitled Ad
Law Union , Fire and Life INSURANCE COMPANY , Chief Odlcoa , I'itl . CHANOKRY LANE , London , W . C . JJIrmlnKhnm Branch , 17 , UNION 1 » A . SSA « K . C ( tpttttl , ONE BULLION SVl ' MUXO * The Fire nnd Life Dopartm ' outH nro uhilur ono Manngoment , but with Bcpamto funds mui nooounta . Chairman , Sir Wllllftm I ' ostur , Bart , ; VlcC'C / i'iirmnii , James Parker , Esq ., Bpddow Uouho , Cholmaford . F r R E D K V A It T M M N T . Capital rospoimlble for Kushoh , X 700 , noo . The hurtlnoHH Inoonlliu'd to t . lio hcHtoliia ^ o ^ ofinxui'nnoo . Tho dlHoount nllowotl by tlit * Govornnmnt on tho duty In in all onsos alvon to tho insured . . ' Claims aettlod with promptlludo and llhorullty . L I F E DEPA R T M N N T . Capital roflponnlblo for Iohmoh , . gufio . oon , A Bohuh ovory ' llvo yuftfrt , —next ltunuoln 1601 , Modern to rtvtua of I ' rumluiu . AnnullloH grunUiil on liivoiiraMo tornid , V rofnoatiiaofl , fbrniM of prnpoHiil , coiilos of uniniiu roi ) ortH , iiihI ovory InlbnnuMoii , on « il > pllo ! itlon to FRANK MrCfKDY . Soovotnry , 12 « , Cihnnooryt ' iMiv .
Untitled Ad
padiz . —A Pure Pnte $ hfvvy ,, V ^ ., f Out Aiurmtllludo ohiu-Hi-tcr , liliu I ] W tyfflflf : i - Cnwh . Wt ) I'ct'iilvuii reHillw iind i | ln . i ; l « l » fp ' iii ^»« « rv 5 p ; . ; , / , - ••' . " uiX ' l'iv MIIKIT * « O ., importw , fa ^\ 1 $ i * '—j 1 WBlUlury , Hglliom K . « . ' . - < - ' > i -J' / f v- - ' .. w ^ f ^^ t'i 5 : ' Jl f £ 2 ljjfrj /\ J "XT '
Untitled Ad
The Mutual Life Assurance X SDCIKTr . ill ) . KIN <; HTUKKT , OIIICM ' \> K , K d , ~ A . I ) | H )| .,.-Tho TWKNTY . HIXTII ANNUAIRKI ' Ult . l ' i <; it « h Aocoinif , Hiilimoq Hhmil , A , o ., nro now red iv , mid inn / Iio hiul on wiltiou oi iiirMiniil uj > i > l Jcu-{ lo , i . ( JIIARI . KH INWA ^ U ^• J ^' y ^ T ,
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Bue nos , Ayros and San l- 'HRNTANDO ' RAILWAY COMl'ANV . Limited , Nofurlhor iippllc-ntlona for Rlwiros will bo rncolved artur TiioMduyllioflth liiritnnt . J > y Ordor of tho IJoavd , A . HLMOHOrOU , Soo . 81 , ICInp Wllllnni Stroyt , iHt Blurcli , lHrlO .
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Silver Mines of Norway . EAST KONGSBERO NATIVE SILVER MINING COMPANY OF NORWAY ( Limited ) , Incorporated under the Joint Stock Companies Acts , 1856 , 1857 ; 1858 . , Capital , £ 150 , 000 , in 30 , 000 Shares of £ 5 each . Deposit 5 s . per share on application , and Ss . per share on allotment . Future calls , if required , not to exceed Ms . per share , and ' not to be made at less intervals ' than three months ;' DIRECTORS . , Major General Pembbbton , York House , Chertsey , Chairman .. ¦• .. - .-.- ¦ . ¦ William Barnard Boddy , Esq ., M . D ., Saville Row , WaUvorth . ' v ., John C . Puller . Esq ., Woodlands . Isleworth . Edward A . Lamb , Esq ., Iden Park . , Sussex . James t-awri . e , Esq ] ., 83 . . Lornbard _ Stre « t . , Bankers—TUe . City Bank . Threadneedte ^ treet . JE ^ C . ISoticwsoB- - ^ J ^ raes ; , BpurdHloii . ERq ., 30 , Great ; "W ^ n-? ' ¦ : ' 4 k Chester TStreet , B . C . CoN 3 Di . TXNa JENiaiNEER—John Harnuton Clement , Esq , F . G . S . . Broker—IVederick Everett , Esq-17 and 18 , Royal . . -Exchange : . Secretary—Mr . George Searby . Omces , No . 35 , Moorgafe Street , E , C . This Comnany has obtained an ixclusjve ' firant from the Norwegian Government of upwards of 56 , 000 acres , part of the 'Konpaberp Silver Mines , so successfully worked by the Goyerninent for many years pnst , and reckoned the most important for native silver in Europe . , ' ' -. Some idea of the- results to be obtained by an extensive and energetic development Of this property may be formed from the fact ' that the KiiVr ' b Slines . workod by the Government , hnvc . in some years , yielded . a clear profit of upwards of . CfiO ' . OOO i the averil ! j ;< l net profit for tho lust 2 "> years htis bi » en BJ . J 1 . 000 : tlie agKrej ; ate returns for the same period boiiigX' 1 , 377 , 709 : and ns much an £ 5 , 000 worth of puro nntive silver lmvin < r been disclosed at a sinu'lo blast . Tliis Company hns nlrendy opened on \ U property upwards of HO ) mines containing silver , which only require tho weetion of ¦ uKo . blo stamping and washing machinery to render the iiroduce immediately nvnilahle , ho thai an almost .. limnediute result mny be nntloipafed on {!< un . me"cliig the works . It is confidently expected thut up call vvill be required beyond the 10 s . per share . If the experience of the King ' s Mines is a fair criterion , its judicious expend ! -. < turo . ought to realise nroflts at the rate of -KM ) per c < -nt . Dotalletl repovtsof . 1 . H . Clement . Ksq < wh . <» hus liuu . n 27 years at the silver mlnon In Mexlvo nnd Spmii ) , and Mr . Fries , at tho present time superintendent ol one ' of the Government Mines nt Thonaherg , us well » s extracts from the reports of the dlrevtow of the Uovermnunt mines , with a number of oini-lul documents und plans , have been embodied In a pamphlet , whleli may be hail tho offices . i ¦' , *'' AppUuiitlons for Bhareamay be marie In tho naunl form to the Broker or . Secretary , at the ofnci'H of the ( . ' oinuuny , of whom Drospectusps may be had .
Untitled Ad
r Buenos Ayres and San I FERNANDO RAILWAY COMPANY Limited .: ' . . .. . Incorporated , with limited Liability under the Joint Stock Companies Acts , 18 ^ 6 and 185 7 , and authorised by ' Special Law of the Legislature Of Buenos Ayres , dated June 25 th , 1859 . and the Grovernment Concession of the 18 th Juiy ^ 18 . 09 . Guavanteeing-Seven per cent . ; the same rate will be . allowed oti ciills from the date of their payment , ana Five percent , on paymentSin anticipation of calls . Length of line fifteen EnglUh miles . CjlPitat , £ V 5 O . ono ( oa 750 000 . Su / ver DoixAas ) , in 15 , 000 Shares of' £ 10 ( 50 Dollars ) each . Deposit £ 2 103 . per share ; of which ^ 1 must be paid . ¦ ¦¦ ¦ - . ¦ on application . ' / . ¦ PIRkCTORS . „ . t General B . B . Campbell , United States Consulate , Graeechurcti-street . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ THomftjeBpJd ? Eaa ., Liverpool , ¦ _ ¦ R . D , Eteatley , ^ q . ( Messrs . Heatley and Cowan > , 6 , Great Winchester-street . Edwafa A . 'Hopkins . Esq * Buenos A . yres . O . S . Jackson . Esq . ( Sir W . Burnett and Jackson ) , 18 , Cannon-stve ' et . , •_ . " . » Harvey Lewis , Esq . ( Director of the "National BanKj , , 24 , Grosvenor-street . . . L . S . Maffnus , Bsq , ( Deputy Chairman , Sit . tinptbourne and Sheerncss Railway Company ) , 3 , Adelnideplace . William . K . Maughan , Esq ., Ohatham-plaoo . Bankers in London—The National Bank , 13 , Old Broad-stroqt , E . C . Bankers in Buenos Ayres—The Stato Bank of Buenos , Ayros . " .. !¦*' Solicitors —Messrs ' . Ashu-rst , Son , and Morris , 0 , Old Jewry . ¦ , : Consulting I ' . ngmocjr—Edwin Clark , Esq . > C . E , ; M , Groat George-s ' reet . . .. < Engineers—Mpssrs-. R , » .. and J . Oiuiitliain , 7 , Orcat Kcotlaud-yurd , and 31 , Nicholas * lane ; Audilors ( J . II J ' ny . Ksq ., ( or Me ^ r . s . Quilter , Ball , . fny , nnd Oo ., ) « , MoorKnto-strcot , , . ¦ . John Wliito Wulch , Esq ., 213 , I'liilppt-lano . Brokers in London —Mcsarn .. Field ; Son , nnd Wood , Wnriiford-court . Mossrs . Castollo Urothocs , Ciishion-coni'l :, <) M Broadstroet . aud I lorculu ' ti-passage , Svtoi ; k ISxohahgo . In Liverpool —Messrs . H . R . and-It . Ilcnley . In Dublin-Edward l <* ox , Esq ., 51 , Dmno-streot . Oaioc 8 ~ Ht , King Willlain-ati ' , Oit . y , ICC . Detailed i-irospootiwns and form ,- ) of iip ' plimitlon for sharoH niuy b < i obtained of fcho Brokoi'H und Bankers ; or at the Company's OlUcea , 81 , King William Street . K C . , , , , Apnlicatlonfl for shares must bo nocompanfori with the iVnnkeru * receipt for X'l per share In part puyinont of tho deposit of £ -i 10 s . per nhnro , tlio hnlnueo ,. if any , n > u « t he palil on iillotinout , or , hi dofault , the amount may bo Ibrfoltod . and tho iillntinunt oiuicelled . '* liy ( Jrdor of fht > Unnvi'i , a . VAAiomniau , . sec .
Crystal Palace.-—Arrangemerits For Week Ending Saturday, March 10th.
Crystal Palace .- —Arrangemerits for week ending Saturday , March lOtli .
Untitled Article
^ k- " r ¦ - ; :: ¦/ ¦ '" . "¦• ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " . .. . . ¦ ¦ - , . ' . ¦' , ¦" , ¦' ¦ . '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' . ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ " ' ¦ : . ¦' ' . ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ .. ¦¦'' . : ¦¦ ¦ - ¦ . - ¦ ' ' ¦"¦ ' . - : ' .. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ¦¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ . ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ .. ¦ : ¦ " ¦ ¦ - ¦ . . ' . - ¦ ¦ ' -- : ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ' ¦' . ' : . ' ¦ ; - . ' ¦ . . - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " , ¦' . ¦• ¦¦ , ' . ¦ : •¦ . . - ' ¦ . . ¦ ' ' , . ¦ ; ,. : ' ¦/ ¦' . • , . '¦' ' •¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ . ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ , ¦ , "' ¦ . ' ¦¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ . " ' , ¦ / ' ' ' - ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ,
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The New" Reform Bill . The Classic and the Gothic . Margaret Fuller . Miscellaneous jjooks . The Intentions of France Wine . Undercurrents Overlooked . Miscellanies . arid Russia The Whitworth Guns . I ^ ouis Blanc ' s Revelations . Foreign Correspondence—The New Wine Duties . The Savoy Dynasty . Recent Histories . Paris : Hanover Warehousing and Shipping Curiosities of Cambridge . Minor . Novels . ; Record of the Week . Taxes Scottish University Educa- Poetic Aspirations . Entertainments . Convonation and Ordination , i turn . Serials . Parliament .
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¦ JV 6 . 5 X 9-: I : March 3 rd , 1860 . . { s ^ mp ldfed . ~ AJ * 43 > * ¦« £ ! a ¦*•¦» a o ¦ 7 \ 7 Vi Q I ' . . . . ..-. ¦ . ¦ _
Untitled Article
THE LEADER ' . '¦ ¦ - ' ¦ . ¦ : ¦ ' .: ¦ . . , ANjD ¦ : ¦ ¦ "¦ ¦' .. ' ' ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . . . ¦ - . ¦¦ - . ' ' SAT TIB DA Y ANALYS T ; A REVIEW AM ) RECORD OF POLITICAL , LITERACY . ARTISTIC , AND SOCIAL EVEKTS .
. ' ' . ; . Contents. ¦
Leader (1850-1860), March 3, 1860, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2336/page/1/