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Untitled Ad
Fenders , Stoves , Fire-irons , and CHIMNEY PIECES , —Buyers of the above are ! requested hefore finally deciding , to Visit . WIli .-ilAM S . BUTTON'S SHOW-ROOMS . They . qonT tain such an assortment of FENDERS ^ STOVEbi RANfiESi CHIMNEY PIKCES , FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGimV , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or nvcntiisitenesB of workmanship . Hngnt stoves , with ormolu ornaments and two sets or bars , £ 3 15 s . to £ 33 10 s ; ¦ ¦; bronzed Fenders , with standards , 7 s . to £ 5 12 s . ; steel feriders ,. £ 2 15 s . to £ 11 ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from £ 2 15 s . to £ 18 ; chimney pieces , from £ 1 8 s . to £ 80 j fire-irons , from 2 s . ; £ <*; . "V 8 set to £ 4 4 s . The BURTON and all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearthplates . Dish Covers and Hot Water Dishes , in every material , in great variety , and Of the newest nnd most recherche patterns , are ON SHOW , at WILLIAM S . BUirmNro . Tin dish covers , 7 s . 6 < 1 . the .--et of six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 27 s . the set of six ; elejrant modern patterns , 35 s . 6 d . to C 2 s . fid . ( lie set ; Britannia metal , with or without silver plated handles , £ t 11 s . to £ 6 8 s . the set ; Sheffield plated , £ 10 to £ 16 10 s . the set ; block tin hot water dishep , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 30 s .,- Britannia metal , 22 s . to 77 s . ; electro-plated on nickel , l u ll size £ 11 Us . "William S . Burton ' s Gene-* y ral Furnishing Ironmongery Catalogue may be had jrratis , nnd free by posfc . It contains upwards of 400 Illtistratidnsof liis illimited Stock of Electro and " Sheffield I'hite , Nickel Silver , and Britannia Metal Goods , Dish Covers and Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Ma rule . Chimneypieces , Kitchen Kanges , Lamps , Gaseliers ; Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , Bedroom . Furniture , &c , with Lists of Prices , arid Wans of the Sixteen larpe Show Booms , at 3 ' J , Oxford street W . ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , and 3 / Newman-street ; and 4 , 5 , and 6 , Perry ' s-plkce , Lonrion . —Established 1820 .
Untitled Ad
Beiiiiett ' s Watches , 65 and Gl . Clienpside . in gold and silver , in great variety , of every construction and price , from 3 to . 60 guineas . Kvery watch skilfully examined , and its correci performance guaranteed . Free , and safe per post . ¦ ' ¦ . : . . ¦ ¦ ¦ Money Orders to JOHN BENNETT , Watch Manufactory , (! 5 and 61 , Ch-apside .
Untitled Ad
¦ . ¦ FIRE , THIEVES , FIRE . Se co n civilan d Fir e p r oof ¦ Safes , the most extensive assortment by Miliier and other eminent Makers , at half the piite of new . Dimensions , 2 t in . liiffh . 1 $ in . wide , and 16 in . deep , £ 3 10 s . At C . GRIFFITHS ' , 33 , Old Change , St . Paul % E . C , Wanted , Second-hand Safes by Milner Chubb , iVIarr , or Mordan . ¦ . NOTlCJv . —Oentlemeh possessed of Tann ' s Safes need not htj \)] y .
Untitled Ad
nnhe Surplice Shirt ( ac-- * - knowledged as . the mostQmri Portable and durable ' Shirt . ever yet produced ) , made to nieasure . Gs . Cd ., 7 s . Cd ., 8 h . 6 d ; . and 10 « j . fid . Cards for self-measurement . JOHN SAMPSON , Hosier , 123 , Oxford-st ., W .
Untitled Ad
Greenliall , maker of the SLVTEKN SHILLING TROUSERS , 325 , Oxford-Street , London , W . ( Two doors west of the Circus . ) Overcoats , £ 2 2 s , Frock Coats , £ 2 10 s , Dress Conis . E 2 lbs ., Morning Coats £ 2 2 s ,, Wiustcoiits 32 s .. Black l > roa -s Trousers £ 1 Is . 320 , Ox ford -st ., W
Untitled Ad
A Toilette Requisite for the SPRING . —Among the mw \ y luxuries of theprogontngo , jioiiucnn be obtained possessing the manifold virtues of OUDUlDGK'S HALM OF COLUMBIA . It nourishes t he roots nnd body of tho hair , Uncarts the most dulltfhtfiil coolness , with an agreeable fracrancp of perfume , and , nt thin period of tho year , proTonts tlio luiir from falling oil " , or , if nlreiicly too thin or turuing . groy , will prevent ; its fv > rtl > cr progress , and soon restore it ugniii . Thoso viho really desire to have bountiful hair , either wltU wavo or curl , should use it . dally , it Is also celebrated for 3 t , rengthonlii ( jr tho hnlr , IVuotng It from sciiri ; and producing new hnir , wl | ixkni'fl . mid moustaches , Kstablialiod upwards of 80 yoiya . No imitative vfaih can equal it . Price 3 s . 0 ( 1 , Osi , mul IIh . only . 0 . and A . OLDjLtlJDGK , 13 , Wplllngtoii-Btrqot . North , Stninu , W , 0 .
Untitled Ad
Pri / . e Medal Liquid Hair Pyo , Only ono apnlloation . Instantaneous , Indelible , iliirmlcss and booutlo . itj . In onf * ea , poor free , 3 « . 3 d . mul ( Is ., direct from 14 . V . T-ANODALE'a Laboratory . 7- ' , Untton warden , London , E , 0 . " Mr . L ' mig'rliilo ' H preparations nro , to our mlmli tho moat oxi'riioi ' illiiiirypi'ouuotlonaof'Modorn Chemistry . " —IlliuKralcd I urulaii Kern , July ll > , 1801 . A long nii « l lniurosMiiff report on , tho prodnota o ' t E . F . LnngthiUi ' H Latiorutory , ' hy a Spoclnl SctontUlo Commls / iioii , from tho JCditoi' of tho . Lanaef , will ho found hi 1 hut jnunmlof . SntnrU « jr , January loth , 1867 . A copy will l ^ t' forwiirili'd for two xtnmpa . AdRKTS WAN'l'liP , THE N 1 »!\ V |) IM 0 OVKRY . ~ Vov llio Rostorntlon nnd ttoprrxliiotloii of tlio ITiiIr . — Mr , Langdnlo gunrnntooHlilHciui NTlOSaiflNOIQ oi'OAWTITA ItXPICti most Buccohhlui iih a rustoratlvo , also In oliooklng frroyii osB , atrtiiigthonlng wimk linlr , nnd proVonUntf ts iiUllngoli '; moHttin ' uotuwl In thv growth ol'wlU » korH , mouHtiiclilOH , A' 0 . Tlio money Iminodlutely rutiinicd If not QilVbliinl . Post IVoo Ibr 3 b . Od . in Stumpa . — jLnbornloi'Vi 7 % Mutton Qnrdon . JS F , La'N ( j ) l >/\ Lf « 'S HrtSPnURRYand QHtiRHY TOQ'IMI J'AaTI'J . —Tlio moat doHolous propnratlou over prortiioed Ibr Uio Tooth , Gums , nnd Ilronth , Poflt ft'oo irom tlio Laboratory , 73 , HwttOA Gm-don , for Is , M , lu stumps ,
Untitled Ad
Ma p p i n s' Electro-Silver PLATE AND TABLE CUTLERY . MAPPIN BHOTHERS , Maxufacturers by Special Appointment to the Quoen / nrp thf only Sheffield mnkers who sutiply . thp consafpcr ., iin . I > o . ik 1 oi ) . Their London Show Rooms , f > 7 onil 08 , KitiR Willinm Stroeti Lonrton HridRC , contain by fur the lnrocnt stock of ELKcrROSILVETl PLATB and TAIJLK CUTLERY in tlio WOULD , which is trunsinltted direct from their manu-Jactpry , Queen ' s Cutlery Worhs , Sheffield . " ~~~ FldHle i ^ ublf rOn ' gs'T l . Uly ~ . Pattern Tlireud I'atttern 1 ' iittern . . Cs . d . £ s . d £ b . d : £ s . d . 12 Table Porks 1 10 0 a 14 0 . ' ) 0 I ) . 112 0 12 Table Sprions ; . 1 l ( i 0 Vi 11 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 Pessert Forks .. 17 0 2 0 0 2 4 p 2 14 0 12 Dessertspoons .. 170200240 2-M 0 13 Tea Spoons .. 0 16 0 I 4 0 1 7 0 1 30 0 SIDE DISriES , ELECTRO-PLATKD ON HARD NICKEL SILVJEW suitable for Vogetubles , Curries , and Entrdes , Per set of 4 Dishes . No . £ . 8 , d . k : \() 78 Gudioon Oblo . npf Pnttern , Lffht Plntlnp a 8 0 is 5187 Bended Kdge mid Handle , similar to Ewipisi ..,. * ' . io ir > o k 1780 Ditto dittos stronger ditto l » 0 0 re 4012 Antique Scroll Pnltern , Melon-slmped Di » h ia o n n 4 O 1 . ' }?( UoiuU'd Tatlmi Dlah ,., 13 4 0 By rotnovlnp the ITahdlea from the Govern , the s « t of four ciui he nurde to form n set : nf cIkIk Diethea , a 1792 Norfulk I ' uttern , a very vluborule l > csign , with rich Somll lioidor nil roinul 17 10 0 Hot , ' \ V « U'r Dlnllea for above . extru 15 0 0 e 1707 'Tlironded Put torn , 'Uquully good as tho . NurfulU I ' nttem .... * , 1012 0 Hoi Water Dl ' ahca forubovo ' .... extra' 1 $ 10 0 DTSH COVEKS , ELECTRO-PLAT 1 SD UN IIAhl > NICKEL SILVER . Bnoh sot oiinlnliis one Cover 20 Inches ¦ , ono of 18 Inchesj nnd two of JX Inohca each , No . Complete aot ot 4 Covura . n S 7 /> 0 Plnl . n I ' nttern , wltji Scroll Handle 10 10 0 k 2761 Melon Piitiorn , FrenH > Scroll Hundle , either P |» in or Ondroun edge , very hiimlsnme , 13 12 0 n A 812 Shrewsbury fiittem , with bold Beaded Bd ( se iiW Ilmidles 15 12 0 n 4080 Greek Oniiiinent I ' nttoni , mutches r . M 7 t \ Slilo Dlrthert 26 ' 0 0 b 4851 Wiirwli k Piitlern , matolioa a 48 C 3 Side DlahoH 2 . ' ) 0 0 Maim'in BiiOTiiitnn friiarantoo on nil tholr inanufaoturoH In ICIuotro HUvflr I'lnto n stronc Uopoalt of real Hllv . or , aouordlng to prloo pliurgod . A Costly Hook of lOnprmvli ^ H , with 1 ' rlceu attnohod , may be lnul on anplimitfon . Kfltlmntea furnished for Services of Plftto for Hotolfl , Stoftrh Ships , nnd Ucslmvntnl Measoa . „ J \ TAPPIN IIROTHICIIS , 07 (\ nd 08 , Kl nff WUIInm Street , OUy , London , 13 , 0 , ; Miuiufimtory , Quoon ' u Cutlery Works , S |> e / ne | il . I
Untitled Ad
Pi a it of or te s . —Cramer , BE AXE , j 4 NJ > CO . Every description for Sale or Hire . Cramer , Beale , and Co . are the Proprietors of the NEW MODEL OBLIQUE GliAND PIANOFORTE . HARMONIUMS . CRAMER , BEALE . AND CO ., are the chief aprents for Alexandre and Son ' s- NEW MODEIi HAitilON 1 UM . Every variety . ¦ ' , . CRAZIER , BEALE , AND CO ., 201 , REGENT STREET ,, and . 67 iCONDUIT STREET .
Untitled Ad
Cramer , Beale , and Co / s NEW PUBLICATIONS . FAVA RGER'S Fan tn isle- from Giiill aume Tell .. i 0 . FAVARGER'S Le Depart du Consent .. .. .. 3-6 FAVABGBR'S Promenade sur l'Eiiu 3 0 FAVARGER'S Lydia ( sans Octaves ) .. .. ,. 3 0 New Editions of OBERON and IL BARBIERE FANTATSIES BY THIS POPULAR COMPOSER . CRAMEB'S TNTRODTJCTORY PRACTICE and EXERCISES for the PIANOFORTE , la Parts , 5 s . and 6 s . each . These Exercises form the Standard Studies in all Musical Academies of Europe . M . Thalber ^ t , Sterndale Bennett , C Halle , Rubenstein , JVlmes . Goddard , Pleyel , and otlier Pianistes , have employed them in their general course of practice .. . NEW SONGS . The Subjects from Popular Novels . MURIEL .. ... From" John Halifax . " DINAH .. .. ,, " AdamBede . " HETTY' .. . ¦ .. „ Do . LITTLE SOPHY . „ . " What will he do vritL . it ?" Written and Composed by G . LINLEY . . 2 s . each . W . MAYIARD'S ART OP SINGING , AFTER THE METHOD OF THE BEST ITALIAN MASTEKS . ' Fourth Edition . Price 7 s . OLD E NGLISH DITTIES , From AV . C . happell's " P " o > ular Music of the Olden Time , " with Symphonies and . Accompaniments by G . A . Macfaseen . In Parts , containing Twelve Sonsrs , 4 s . each ; or in Single Songs , Is . each . CRAMER . BEALE . AND CO ., 201 . RKGKNT STREET , and 67 , CONJDUIT STREET .
Untitled Ad
Fraser s Magazine , ior MARCH , 18 G 0 , 23 . Gd ,, contains Seventeen Unpublished Letters of Percy Bysshe SheU ley . From Italy—1818 to 1822 . Communicated , with Notes , by T . L . Peacock . Concerninpr the Worries of Life , and llow to Meet them . By A . K .. H . B . Holmby House . By G . J : Whytc Melville . Conclusion . ¦ ' . . ; ' Female Laboixr . Louis Napoleon ' s Intentions tested by his Conduct . The Literary Suburb of the Eighteenth Century . Chapter III . ' . .. ' ¦ . Madame Rdcamier . . ¦ The Wine Question Reviewed . "Wheat and Tares . A Tale . . Part III . The Budget . By Professor Leone Levi . FRASER'S MAGAZINE FOR APRIL "Will contain the First Part of a New Work , entitled G 11 Y 1 L GRANGE , by the Author of f 1 --Headlong Hall . " London : John W . Parker & Son , West Strand , W . C .
Untitled Ad
inj nbliii University Maga--M-J ZINE . No . 327 . For MARCH . Price 2 s . 6 d , . CONTE NTS . ¦ 1 . Vonved the Dane : Count of Elsinore . Part IIL 2 . The Life and Times of Edmund Burke . Part II . 3 . Artist and Craftsman . Part IX . Conclusion . 4 . Maclisp's Illustrations to-Teiuiyson's ¦ " IVincess /' 5 . Victor Hugo : La Legendedes Sifecles . Tome II , 6 . ; The Season Ticket . No . XII . —Big Wigs . Collciusiou . ¦ ¦ 7 . Twenty Years in the Church . S . Religious Aspec-ts of M . r . Tennyson ' s' Poetry . By a Country Parson . . ¦ 9 . A l ' eep into Tangier . •' 10 . ' Art-Unions . 11 . A Student ' s Adventure at Carrick-a-Rede . 12 . My Club Tale . II . , Dulilin : Wir . LiAii Robertson . London : Iiuiist ana BtACKETT . ¦
Untitled Ad
On the 1 st of March , I 860 , price One Shilliug , The Pnarniaceutical Jour-NAL . Second Series , No . 9 . Containing'the TRANSACTIONS OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL . SOCIETY , Contents . *— Phai'maceutical Responsiljilities and Rewards—Degrees in Science of the University 6 i London—Bill to-Amend the Law relating to the Uulawlul Administration of Poi ? an—SubrfcriiHious to the j ^ acob Bell Memorials-Pharmaceutical Meeting : Note on the Roman Chamomile- ^—On the Alleged I ' resence of Arsenic aud Antimony in Grey Powder—Liverpool Chemists' Association—The Description , Corn position , and Preparations of the SanRuinarin Caiiiitlunsig—Arsenic in Pyrites apd ArtiHcial Manures—ltcsults of Physical and Chemical Investigation ami Applications in the A'ts—Tlie Soiip Bnrk of South America—On . Water Gliiss—A Mill lor Preventing tho Adulteration oi' Articles of Food und Drink , &c . Vol . XVIIf . may IV i ' lad in boards , as well as tho preceding Volumes , price 12 s ' . Gd . each . London ; John CJiinicniti .. New Hurlintfton-Htreet ; ¦ MAOi . jiritr . AN ami SxtWAiiT , EtUnburyh ; and Fannin nnd Co ., Dublin .
Untitled Ad
Just ^ luliUshed , cloth , 2 rf ., Cure of the Sick : not IIO ^ tCEOl'ATMV , NOT ALLOPATHY , HUT JUDGMENT . By JOHN HPURGIN , M . D .. F . U . C . P ., Senior Physician to tho KomidUng Hospital . John Cuuucuu . 1 ., Now Bui'liiifftonrstreet
Untitled Ad
Just wuWlolicd , third edition , price 2 d . < JJ ., post U-vu ( or ' thirl y-two stuujpa , f \ n Syphilitic Eruptions , V- / ULCKKS , and otlVor Secondary Symptom *) , with SuttKestiimtf on » h « Sufiiiiml KJl'cctivo lj *« . 'of MuniHry-. IHuStrutcd byO «» oH . liy TliOMAW HUNT . F . H . C . S ., SurK « i » i to the Dlsponsnry lor Dltu-nstM * of tho Skin , London i ' 1 ' . Uk'Hahiw , 37 , Great Quoen-. street .
Untitled Ad
r Fhe News . No . 101 , pub--B . llhhod this rtny , Murch 3 , con ) winss--Tlio rcocnt fki . tlstkB of Spnln , by Mr . HemlrlpM , Aot , nnry of the ( JU ? he fiiHUrnnvo Company , A piiper , l » y Mr . H .. . W . I ' ortor , » . A ., " On 8 oiiiep 0 iialriernt ) 0 NSHUKK « . ' >* U' < l by tho Uep <) rta pf the IteplHtriir'Oeiieral i beluR i » n lni | ulry Into Mi « ''( iueatton iih to how ftir fhu luordlnute inormllty In this country exhibited by thqmj ltcporta Ih couti ' o | hil > le by human iiKcncy . " Tho Alivrrlvrn Hunk Knmri * . The Natloniil IM ' e Abhhhuioo Hocloty Contrnvi'iHy . An-not tho Anntinl HenorlH oi tile Mmpqror AflHiirunuu . Soilety llliiHloiiury mill fiilliiflmifl ? The Wtorm nt the Annual Meeting pf tho nritleh Kinpiro Aflsunince MooUuy , mid full roport of Mr . I ' miU' upooeh . Tho dn-nl Mining CnW , Mun-lilHon v . OroltH . And nil the C ' diiiiiwrcjlul Nowh « f tlio W « ck . —Tim Nuivb Ih n */« n t / ii'i nun to every Biiccoflsful UusIbuhb mini ' s o / Hce . 1 rluo -ill , Oflloo , 1 , jJtmnd liulldliiKHi Wtnuid .
Untitled Ad
1 ' oHt . IVoo forTwo HtuinpH . TTxtraordinary Discovery of * U nil entirely NlOV ' rriKOUV OF ClJItlXC ! DIHIOAHIO . bqiuff tJi « rooonlod exporleiiou of tJilrty v " ri' hiho » I iiriiotlo o l «> <'' ' ««<• MrlUilii , Kriiiiwi . nnd Ai / orl « i-w . ) . "V lfltinoo of tlio uotmil «» VfulH or tjjo In " « Ht 8 ol « intno DJMwivtfPlOH ,- UoiioiiilUiil ; -. ! NKW I . OOAL KI ? MKl ) 1128 , \ vltn Uio ik , | m ; i < : I . h olCoiiHlltutlfiiinl Troiitinont not ytsl ; frctnenilly known , oyon hy to M « Mllm . l iCtlty of « lie , British ftun . lr . ; , but wMofi lmvo boon rooontly introiiuoocJ In to lin * linid . y ty v ? { irX& ^ T % . wwas : ' ^ ft B ; ffy l ® a XtP «! I . Vfc » Blovoii " to Vko . oad « ' « to Bight In tho Jivcfling .
Untitled Article
March 3 , I 860 . ] The Leader : and Saturday ' Analyst . ' 219
PTJBX / ICA ^ TIO ^ rS .. ; * ¦ . . . ¦ ¦ . ¦ * ¦ ' — ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ,
Leader (1850-1860), March 3, 1860, page 219, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2336/page/23/