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RUPT U RES ; BY HER MAJESTY ' S KOYAL LETTERS PATENT . White ' s Moc-Main Lever TRUSS is allowed by upwards of Two Hundred Medical Gentlemen to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring ( so hurtful in its effects ; is here avoided , a soft bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power ia supplied by the Moc-Main and Patent . Lever , fitting' with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected , and-may be worn during- sleep .. A descriptive circular , may be had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , oil tb « circumference of the body , two inches below the hip , being sent to the manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price of a single truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . 6 d ., and 31 s . 6 d . — Postage Is . Double Trus _ s . 31 s . 6 d ., 42 s ., and 52 s . 6 d . —Postage Is 8 d . ¦ Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s fidi—Postage Is . lOd . Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-office . Piccadilly . . ELASTIC ! STOCKINGS . KNEE-CAPS , &c . for VARICOSE Vl ? : iNS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS , SPRAINS , &c . 'rhey- are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive ,. and are drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . 6 d to 16 s . each . ^ Postage 6 d .. ' JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly ,
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GREY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS NATURAL COLOUR . . , ;¦ TVFenraJgia * Nervous HeacLL- ^ l ache . Rheumatism , and Stiff Joints cured by byF . M HEKKINGS PATENT jaiAGNETIC BRUSHES , 10 s . and 15 s . ; COMBS , 2 s . 6 d . to 20 s . Grey Hail- and Baldness prevented by F .. M . H . ' s Patent Preventive Brush . Price 43-and 5 s . Ofnces , , Basinghall-street , London , where may be had . Gratis , the illustrated pamphtet Why Hair becomes Grey , and its Remedy . " Sold by all Chyoaists and Perfumers of . repute . ¦
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B ritish College of Health EUSTON ROAD , LONDON , FOREIGN GENERAL -AGENTS , ' BD 1 T-APPOINTED TOTS . TUB SALE OF MORISONS VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDI . : ' ' ' CINES : — ' ' Australia .. - ¦• Mr . Charlwood . Bavaria .. .. .. .. .. -. Mr . Gayrhos . Baltimore .. .. > ..... .. « J U . 1 < reneh an 4 Son Barbadoes • Collyinore and Gill . Barcelona .. -. Miret and Cuyas . . Brody .. .. .. .. Mr . Komfield . Carthagena .. .. .... Mr . Cautp . Calcutta .. .. .. .. .. .. M . R . Child . Cape Breton i . .. .. .. Mr . Ward . Constantinople .. .. .. .. M . Stampa . Copenhagen Michaelnen and Holm Cracow .. .. .. Mr . Muldner . Elsinore .. .. .. .. ¦ - Mr . SteetiVerg . France .... .. Mr . Moulin . Germany and Austria .. .. Mr . Berck . Gibraltar .. .. .. .... Mr . Roberts . Guernsey . ; .. .. -. Mr . Coclirane . Halifax ( N . S ) - ~ ... Mr . M'Kinlay . Hamburg .. Mr . Krauskopf . Honduras .... Mr . Henderson . Jamaica .. .. .. •• Miss Kington . Madras .. .... R . L . Pereira , Esq . Mexico .. .... -. •¦ Mr . Togno . Montreal .. .. . * .... Mr . Trudeau . New Zealand .. ; .. Mr Par ts . New York Firth , Pond , and Co . Odessa .. .... .... Win . Wagner , Esq .
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FIRE , THIEVES , FIRE . iecohd-liaiid Fireproof ' Safes , the most extensive assortment by Milner I other eminent Makers , at half the pi ice of new . s ^^ & ^ s * ft « rt . ffa 3 sst ilVI , EC . Wanted , Second-hand Safes by Milner tbb , Marr , or Mbrdan . ¦ . _ OTICE . —Gentlemen possessed of Tann ' s Safes id not apply .
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riastic Stockings and Knee J caps for Varicose veins and weak-SS of a very superior quality , yielding an unvarysupport without the trouble of bandaging , astructtons for Measurement and Prices on appliion , and the article sent by post from the aufacturers ,-POPE a nd PLANTE , 4 , Waterlooje , London , S . W . . .
Untitled Ad
y BROWN AND POLSON'S A "patent Corn Flour . — —^ JL The Lancet states : — Thisis superior to ahything of Uie kind knmen . " ; is respectfully announced that , to any application etter Brown and Poison forward the address ( for villnge or town in the Three Kingdoms ) of Gro . Chemists , &c . who supply their Corn Flour at usual price . Where . any similar article is substid or forced into sale upon ¦ pretence of being " the e thing . " or " as good as Brown . and Poison ' s , " if name , address , and designation hre kindly cdmmuited such confidence will be greatly appreciated . — wn and Polsojj , Manufacturers to Her Majesty the en . Paisley , and 23 , Ironmonger-lane , London .
Untitled Ad
EEPYOUB PREMISES FREE FROM MICE AND SPARROWS . b arber ' s Poisoned Wlieat * kills Mice and Sparrows on the spot . In id ., 2 d ., and Hd . packets , with directions and -testimonials , risk or damage in laying this Wheat about . From a le packet hundreds of mice and sparrows are found I . —Agents .- Barclayand Sons , 9 . 5 , Farringdon-street ; Suttonand Co ., Bow Churchyard ; B . Yates and Co ., 3 udge-row , London ; and sold by all Druggists Gro-. &c , throughout the United Kingdom . ^—BaiTier's oned Wheat Works , Ipswich . Removed from Eye , oik .
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eetli replaced . Decayed Teeth restored . Mr . A . . ESKELL . Surgeon tist , supplies patented Incorrodible Teeth ' without acting Teeth or Stumps on his never-failing and iless -principle of self-adhesion ; rendering detpcimpossible . Articulation and mastication guarie < K Uocnyed Teeth rendered insensible to pain , stopped with his Osteoplnstic Enamel—of the 3 colour as Hie Teeth , permanently useful , and nfi unchanged for years , ( a most important discdin Dental Science !) Loose Teeth , fastened , &c irs , Ten to Six . Consultation free . Charges itly moderate . 314 . Regent-street ( opposite the rteclniic ) , »» d Bounett's Mill , Birmingham .
Untitled Ad
T < eeth . —By Her Majesty s Royal Letters Patent . Newly Invented and Patented Application of Chemically prepiired INDIA liUBBERin theco"Struct ) on of Ariificinl Teeth , Gums , nnd Pulates . Mn . RI » HRAI-fti MOSliLY , aUKGRON DB * -TlST , 9 , GUOSVENORvSTUEKT , QftO ^ VEN-OK SQUAHE . sole Inventor and Patentee . A new , original , nnrt iriiviiinableinvehUoii , consisting In the adaptation , with the riiost absolute * perfection and success , of chemically prepared India Rubber in lieu of the ordinary goM or bone frame . Ail sharp edges are avoided : no springs , wires , or fastenings i > re required ; a greiitjy-incrfttse . d freedom Of suction is suppliedj a iiluurul elasticity hitherto wholly unattiiiimbU ' , and a tit peri ' eotqd with the most unerrlnpr iiccurncy , nr <> seoureti 5 the preiite . st support is given to the adjoining teeth when loose , or rendered tender by the absorption of the gums . The acids of the niontli exert no anoncy on the prepared India Rubber , nnd , ( is n non-conductor , fluids of any temperature rhriy with thorough" comfort he Imbibed nnd-retnlneri In the mouth , nil unpl < 3 'i 8 ttiitncss of ame | l or tiiste being « t the anmo time wholly -provided against by the pecii-j Hur nature of . it a pre |) aratlon , Toetli tilled > vlth gold nnd Mr . Ephmlm Mo «« 'ly B \ VhIlo Enamel , the only stopping , thiitwlll not b « icome'discoloui'wu , and |> iirtlcu » urly ro-( . ornmended for tho front teelh . r 0 , Grosvonor-street , Grosvenor . square , Iiondonj 14 , Gay-atreot , JJaih ; and lo , Eldon-sauui-e , NewoaHt ( e-on-lynq .
Untitled Ad
A Bqoii to Nervous JSuf-FBHERS , — The Now Modicd ! Guide ibr Gratyltoua ^ ircululion . A Nkhvous Sukpehwi Im-viiiff been cirectuiilly cured of Nervous Debility , Lo .-w oi ' Memory , Dimness of Sight , Lassitude , nnd Indigestion , by following thu instructions given in the AllCDlCALi CiUIDK , ho considerH it hia duty , in Knuitudu to t |( O nutlior ., and for tho benefit of pt . hcra , to publish tlio menus UMcrl . lie will , therefore , send p . ost Irec " , o » rbci'ipt of a directed envelope , nnd two BtunipH , a co |» y of tho book , containing every inl ' orinutioiv required . AdilroriH , Jambs Wali . acb , IjMq ., Willord Jloutje . Burton Orescent . Tavistock S <| , London , WQ ,
Untitled Ad
l ' oat free for Two Statnpa . l ^ xtraordinary Discovery of Jit an entirely MRW TWKOUV OK CUlMNa DISWAalfl , being U » o recorded eximilenco ol thirty yi'Ui'H apeolal prucUou iu Groat lintulu , Knuice , uiidi Amoriou—wit , li ovldonco of tho nctunl eiruelH of tlio lntc'Ht Scientldo Discoveries , deiioininnlud NIOW 1-OCAL KKMKDIKS , with tlio adjuncts of Opn » titutlonul Treatment not yet generally known , even by tlio Medical Faculty of iheBrUitfu -fiirmlre , but whiolt have been rccuntly introduced int-Q ttnglimrt . > ent Iroeon re-elpt ol two atamiifl to Uofrny i » o « tngt \ &o ., by \ V . HILL . Kfiq ., M . A ., No . 27 , AHred-plaeo , IJodford-snu « ro , lionrlon , W . <¦'• , .,, A Pally OohHUitmioiirt lroin i .: oven to Two , nnd bixto KlglU in tlio ICvoiiIiih .
Untitled Ad
BLAUt'S GOUT AND lililSUMATIC PILLS . Price Is . II jii . and ! 2 n , Del . per box . r rhis preparation is one of X tlio bonoflta which , the nelcnce of modern chom-Ifitry h » H conferred upon mankind 1 for during tho uW twenty yoiirH ol" tlio present oqntjiry to Hpeak ol aoure for the Gout whh oontiWorod a ruinanoo ' f b « l : now the ollloaoy airtl mifoty of tlila medicine hho lull / ( lomonHtrated , by uliewHolteU tontlinoJilala Ironi |» erhoiiw in every r . ank ol' Ul'o , that publlo aj > nton i < rooliihns thl » an Oho of the moot important dUaoyorw of the present age . Thoao i'lllu roqulr ^ no rontruliil ol ' cliotorqonllnainont during their uno , tina are certtiln to prevent the diHunao attuoklnR any vlni pai t . Hold by all medlolnu voiuIoi-h . Ob » orvo ? ' I homan Jldt / auo , Strand , Londdn , " o » U » o aovern « uont Stump .
Untitled Ad
OEKTAIN MBA . NS OF CURB GKATIS . lie New Fretch Remedy iifl prormrc'd by the Ecolo J'fiarmncivn , Paris . H'on HHi'rt by tlio mont oniinont of the lUedloal Ity on tho Continent Ibr Hovoral yonrs , with grout n « , aii <) hn « boon found n certain romt-dy for ually restoring the Nervous nnd l > obllltutecl to n of vlporous Health . X ^ ull particulars forwarded iltourily to « ny address , with every Inntruotlon jli' euro , on receipt of a Btampod directed cne , by MONS . DUVAL , Patent WCodlpinp Agent , lnghntn ,
Untitled Ad
HPeeth without Springs . By JL Her Mnjoaty ' s Koyal Loiters Patent . Improper Ma-tloation mid tho Eylln attendant thereqn maybe avoided bv wearing ArtiflcliU Teeth properly constructed and of pure MnterialH . Mescrs ( jlAIUtlKL , the Old-lflBtnbllHHod DentlHt 8 ''l > eaUno on the Loan artU best means of Hestorlng tine Teeth , explains tholr Sy ^ -om of aupplying Artilloliil Mastloatpra with Vuleanised Gum-ooloured India Rubber us a base ; no metal whotHOovor la , used —springs and wires aro entirely ditmeuacd with , wjilfe a greatly Increased amount of uucUon in obtained , together with the best material and ( lrst > elasH worUmanshlp , tit less than half the ordinary cost .- " Gabriel ' s Treatise is of importance to all requiring the dentist's aid , ivnd emanating from Huph a source , It may bo . confidently relied on . —^ UNrrRpSuuviOE Ga « ettk . -- ' T . ioumtnds requiring artilloliil teeth are duturrod from eonHUlting a dentist , Ioiu'Iuk the aiitlolpatod cpxt , or dreud of fa lure—To all such wo ua . y , peruse 'Gabriel ' s Treatlse . "'—Civil . Shhviob QAzr / rria . Publlslied byMossrs . GAnimm . ( gratison ftpplloatlon , or Hpnt on ruouipt of throa jpostago st . iimpa ) , at tlutlr eatftbllslunonts , — : i 3 ^ 34 , Uidgato-hlll , & llo . Kpgontatroet . London , Obnorvo immo and ntimlora parlioularly ) t and 134 , JDuko-streeli , LivorpooU
Untitled Ad
> rize Medal Liquid Hair Dye . Only one application . Instantaneous , ilible , Unrinlcss and Soehiless . In cases , post 3 * . 3 f ) , and-lta . . . direct from K . V . LANGDALE'S Drutory , 7 M , [ Intt . on Garden , London , E . O . Mr . tangdnle ' st preparations are , to our mind , tho t extraordinary productibnsaif Modern Chemistry . " zixtruti'd London . News , July ID , l » 01 . long and int'erosting report on the-products ol ' . Langdrtle ' B laboratory , by ai Speoin . l Sclentiftc miwtjioiw from the Kditor or tlio Lancet , will l > e d in that journal of Saturday , . January 10 th , 18 fi 7 . ipy will be forwarded-for two Htuinps . AGENTS WANTKD . TJE -N 1 CW PISCOVRRY . —Fpr tho Restoration Reproduction of the Iliiir . -r Mr . Lnngdiilo anteoshii'QUIN ' TliJSSiai ^ C . K ofOANTHARiPliS ; buccchVAiI » s a restorative , alao in checking ness , strengthening weak luiir , and preventing tiling cfTi mostefTuetual in tho growth of whlxkure , itacliios , Ha , The money linnieriiately returned > t ellbotUiil , Post froo ibr 2 a . Od . In Stamps , — > ratory , 72 , lltitton Garden , F . LaNGDALIS'S BASPBKRR-Yand CHKRKY TH P . \ ST 10 . ~ Tlie moat dulioloua preparation produoud for the Tenth , Gums , and Breutli . free from tlio Laboratory , 72 , 11 at ton Gurdou , 3 . 3 d . iu ' atampa . , '
Untitled Ad
) i \ Kalm will continue "to deliver his popular Loci urea on tho " Philoso-> f Murringe , " daily at 3 and 8 , at his Muaeiun , f the Hnymarket . Admission One Shilling . Dr . r , s troutlrie on , bho above subjuet , sent poqt-froo velve fttampi ) , cllroot from the author , 17 , Uarloyt , Uavuiiditih-bqunre .
Untitled Ad
X ^ lectrioal lnnuenee in : J—i Health and Disease . Just pulilishedi price . ls-., free by : post for 13 stamps , SE ^ ODJD LI FE ; pr , Electrical Nervous . Force : ia Medical Work intended for the special perusal of allAvho are suffering from the various " modes of nervous jand . physical debility , and the distressing ulterior consequences to' which they lead ; with practical observations on ' the great curative powter of electro-galvanism ^ I « the treatment of . these disorders , by infusing tone and vigour . in constitutions ' relaxed or debilitated from various enervatingcauses . Illustrated with cases compiled from the Note book of a Registered Medical JPrac * titioner of twenty years ' standing . Unlike many vaunted , restoratives , alectricity is one which , commends itself to the medical man as being accordant with the soundest teachings of physiology . 15 y the mast obvious indication it udmits of being shown that the electrical and nervous energies are identical ; lience , that when the latter fails , the ¦ fo rmer can take its place ; and that when , from irregularities of any kind , tbo nervous system has become debilitated , paralysed , or exhausted ; and the patient brought to a condition little short of total prostration , then , by the act ' on of electrioity , imparting certainty and eliicaey to medical treatment , he can be rein vigorated , and his health re es tablished to a degre «' fllinosf warranting th . o defignation of Second Life . Published by th « author , and may be had of JMann 39 . Cornhill , and all Booksellers .
Untitled Ad
A Toilette Requisite for the SPRINTG . —Among the ma y luxuries of the present aee , none can be obtained possessing the manifold virtuelof OLDRIDGK'S BALM OF CDLUMBIA . It nourishes the robts and body of the . hair , imparts the most delightful coolness , \ vjth an agreeable fra-Erance of perfuino , and , at this period of the year , prevents the hair from falling off , or * if already too thin or turning grey , will prevent its further progress , and soon restore it again . Those wlio really desire to have beautiful hair , either with wave or curl , should use it daily . It is also celebrated for strengthening the hair freeing it from scurf , and producing new hair wliiskers , and moustaches . Established upwards of 30 years . No imitative wash- can equal it . Price 38 and ' T OLDx&GE , 13 , Wellington-street , North . Strand , W . C .
Untitled Ad
KEATING'S COD LIVEE OIL . r Phe Pale Newfoundland , - * - pure and tasteless ; the Lisrht Brown cheaper and of good quality . The demand for these Oils most highly recommended for their . ' medicinal p ' Operties , has so greatly increased , that Mr . KEATING , being anxious to bring-them . v ithin the reach of alclasses , now imports direct the ^ ale from Newfoundlandi and tlie Brown from the Norwegian Islands . The Pale may be hadin half " pints , Is . fid . ; pints , 2 s . 6 d . ; quarts , 4 s . 6 d . T he LiRht ; Browii in pints , ls . 8 d . j quarts 3 s . At 79 , St . Paul ' s Ghurchyard .
Untitled Article
" arch 24 1860 . ] The LeaderandSaturday ' Analyst . 29 J .
Leader (1850-1860), March 24, 1860, page 291, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2339/page/23/