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"AJTessrs . Smith , Elder , and JLkL CO . ' s NEW PUBLICATIONS . nphe Gorrihill Magazine , Jl No . IV . ( for APRIL , 1860 ) will be published on Wednesday ; the 28 th instant . Price One Shilling , with Two Illustrations . CONTENTS . 1 . Xovel the Widower ( with an Illustration ) . Chapter IV .- ^ A . Black Sheep . " 2 . Colour Blindness . - 3 . Spring . By Thomas Hood , . 4 . Inside Canton . ' , ¦ , . ¦ 5 . William Hogarth : Painter , Engraver , and Philosopher . Essays on the Man , the "Work , and tne Time . II I . A Long Ladder , and Hard to Climb . 6 . Studies in Animal Life . , . . Chapter IV . —An extinct animal recognised by its tooth : how came this to be possible ? The task of classification . Artificial and natural methods . Linnaeus and his baptism of the animal kingdom ; his scheme of classification . What is there underlying all true classification ? The chief groups . What is a species ? Re-statement of the question respecting the fixity or variability of species . The two hypotheses . Illustration drawn from the Romance languages . Caution to disputants .. 7 . Strangers Yet ! By R . Moncktori Milnes . a . Pramiey Parsonage ( with an Illustration ) . Chapter X . Jmcy Robarts ; - Chapter XI ; Gnselda Grahtly ; Chapter XII . The Little Bill . 9 . Ideal Houses . 10 . Dante . ¦ ,. •_ „ . 11 . The Last Sketch— "Emma ( a fragment of a Story by the late Charlotte Bronte ) . 12 . Under Chloroform . . '' . . . , „ , . .. " 13 . The How and Why of Long Shots and Straight Shots . ; : . . ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ii .- . . ; : ' ' ' " .. ^ Phe History of Yenice . By -1- W . CAREW HAZLITT . To be completed In 4 Vols . 8 vo . Vols . 1 and 2 ( thoroughly revised ) with numerous Additions , and with two Maps , will shortly be published- Vols 3 and 4 ( completing the Work ) will be published during the present year . III . rphe Life of Edmond Malone JL ( Editor of Shakespeare ) , with Selections from Ms Manuscript Anecdotes , By Sir JAMES PRIOR , Author of " The Lile of Edmund Burke , '' " Life of Oliver Goldsmith . " 8 vo , with Portrait , l-ts . j cloth . . ¦ ¦ [ Noio ready , ' - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ IV . ' .- . ¦ " rplie Book of Job in English JL VERSE . By the Right Hon . the EARL of TVINCHEIiSEA . ¦ , [ . Nearly ready . ' ' " " ' V . The Life of Robert Owen ; By WILLIAM LUCAS SARGANf , Author of " Social ! Innovators and their Schemes . " post 8 vd , cloth . . iNearly reaity . ' . ' ' ¦ ¦ vi . - . • . - ¦ ¦ . ' . ' ¦ « Ts it not Written ?' " ' or , X the SCRIPrURE TE > STIftIONV AGAINST ROMANISM . By J 3 DWARD 8 . PRYC& A . B . post 8 vo , 6 s ., cloth . { Nearly ready . VII . ATetley Hall ; or , The Wife ' s lv SIST 1 CR . Foap . 8 vo , 0 a . » olptli . VIII . The ProYin . ce of Reason , A Reply to Mr . MANSELL'S Bampton Lectures , By JOHNVYOUJSTG , LL . D . Post 8 vo , 6 s ., cloth . [ Nearly ready . NEW NOVELS . MR . HAWTHORNE'S NJEW NOVEL . Now ready at all tho Libraries . Transformation ; or , the ROMANCE OF MONTIS BRNI . By NATHANIEL . HAWTHORNE , Author of" Tho Sflnrl&t JLotter , ' ' &o . Three Voja . " Ono of tho most romnrknblo novels that J 80 O Is likely to give us , either from English . French , or American sources . Suoh on Italian tale wo have not had alno < i Horr AndorBon wrote his ' Improvisator *} . " —Athenawn . " Never before ( unless our momory bo grontly at fault ) hua Italy inspired a romance writer with , a work like < Transformation , ' « ° composite In Its elomenta and bo porftot In thulr organic harmony . "Spcatator . " No one but a man of genius could have written this novel . The stylo is fllngqlar'ly boautlftjl , tho writing most enrolul , and the Justness and foliolty of tho epithets , used unusually groat . The Americans may be proud that they have produood a winter who , in liifl own special walk of English . l \ ua few rjvnls or equals in tho Mother Qoatitry , " - 'Sfatura ( ty liaviw ,
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Greymore : A Story ox COUNTRY IAFE . Three Volumes . "The author of Greymore' la fairly entitled to our congratulations on her first appearance as a writer of fiction . Her . volumes contain much that is : positively § " : oodin performance , and better still . in promise /'Jpeetatbr . ¦ . ' " . ' -.- . ... ' .. ' . . . HPhe Cousins' Courtship . By JL I . R . WISE . TwQVolumesi "' The Cousifis * Courtship' is a kind of prose idyll , in which an earnest , pure , simple love is developed in a quiet . every-day fashion , w . ithput . any hysterical romance . Its cleverness , its genial tone , its playful satire , its scholarly yet perfectly easy and natural language , -with its vivid portraiture of water and forest scenery , entitle ' The Cousins * Courtship' to a grateful recognition from the large novel-reading public / ' ^ -Sfrecto / Or . ¦ Smith , Eldeb , and Co ., 65 , Cornhlll .
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Just published , In crown 8 vp , cloth , price 3 s . 6 d . r ^ urious Storied Traditions V QF ^ COITISH LIFE . By ALEXANDER LEIGHTON , Editor and one of the Authors of" The Border Tales . " . Edinburgh : William P . Nimmo . 2 , St . David-street . London : Si mi-kin , Marshall , and Co . Mr . Beiitley ' s New Publi-CATIONS FOR MARCH . . ¦ ¦ ¦ > . I . ¦ ¦ ... ' . ¦ ¦ ' How we Spent the Autumn OF 1859 . By the Authors of VThe Timely Retreat . " Post 8 vo ., with numerous Illustrations . 10 s . 6 d . II . T ^ he Life and Labo tirs of Sir JL CH ALES BE LL . By Dr . PICHOT . from the French . Crown 8 vo . 6 s . III . EDITED BY DR . NORTON SHAW . An Arctic Boat Journey in THE AUTUMN OF 1854 . By ISAAC HAYES , Surgeon of the Second Grinnell Expedition . With Introduction and Notes , by Dr . NORTON SHAW . Small 8 yo-, with a Map , 6 s . Leonore ; or , the Little COUNTESS . By the Author of " The Myrtle and the Heather . " POst 8 vo . 10 s . 6 d . London : Richabd Bentlet , New Burlington Street .
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THE NEW NOVELS . Now Ready , at all the Libraries . Woman ' s Temptation . Edited by the Hon . Mrs . RALPH D 17 TTON . Three Vofa . Tphe Man of the People . -1- By WILLIAM HOWITT . Three Vols . r Phe Voyage of the Lady . A By the Author of "THE THREE PATHS . " Two Vols . : St r e 11 o n of R i n gwo od CHASE . ThreeVols . ( Next week . ) Also , Kow ready , price 5 s ., bound and illustrated , pheap Edition of « ' A Life V- / FORA LIFE . " By- the Author of " JOHN HALIFAX , GENTLEMAN . " Bevlsed , witli Preface , Forming Vol . ix . of "Hurst and Blackett ' s Standard Library . " . Husrt and Blackett , 13 , Great Marlborough Street
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BUTLER'S ANALOGY . ' ¦¦ ¦ * !" ¦ Second Edition , 8 vo , cloth , 7 s . 6 d ., ^ Phe Analogy of Re ] igion , JL NATURAL AND REVEALED . By JOSEPH BUTLER , LL . D . With a Life of the Author , copious Notes , and Index , by the Right Rev . W . FITZG-ERALD , D . Dl , Lord Bishop of Cork , Cloyne ; and Ross .- ' " - London : VThlum Tegg , 85 , Queen-Street , Cheapside , E . C .
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OLPEN" TALES , bytlio Author of " Wary Powell . " Cheiip Edition , thlu dny , prleo 2 s . Od . In boards , HPhe Colloquies of Edward O 3 BORNE , Citizon and Clothworker of London . Also , THE HOUSEHOLD OF SIR THOMAS MORE , uniform . In preparation , DEBORAH'S DIARY . OLD CHELSEA BUN HOUSE . AnxHim IIaill . Vihtur . & Co ., 25 , Pntoruoator Row .
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/ TJ ^ oyernment tipou First y ~ A PUINOIPL 1 SS . Ulustratod Annloglcally , Slatlstloally , una Morally . By JOHN GROSSSH'I'IL This work embodies n wide fleld for information , not only upon Social fti d Moral subjects , hut upon n great , variety ot'queationu which arc essentially incorporated with the political ( llacuaaiona of tlio day , in connection with tho Commerce , Tnulo , nnd Taxation of tho country . Stivtosunon \\ wX lovcra of inteiilgunt progress will < lnd in it a compilation of facts well worthy their attention . London i Piper nnd Co . * I ' atornostor liow .
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On 4 th April will be published , The Mill on the Floss . By - ^ GEORGE ELIOT , Author of Scenos of Clerical Life" and " Acjjim Bede , " In Three Volumes , po » tobtftvo . ^ WtpUAU Bi . AOKivooD and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
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Macm ill an ' s Magazine . Edited by DAVID JIASSON . No . VI . ( for APRIL . 18 ( 10 ) will 6 e ready on Wedr riesday , March 28 th . Price One Shilling . CONTENTS . 1 . The Revision of the Prayer Book . By the Rev . F . D . Maurice . 2 . Reduiescat in Pace . By R . JHbncMon Alilnes ' ¦ M . P , ¦ ' . . ' ¦ 3 . Some Recollections of aa Old Street . 4 . Buddha and Buddhism . By E . Vansittart Ncale . 5 . A Hedge-side Poet . By the Author of "John Halifax . " Q . Tom Brown at Oxford , Chapters W , 15 , 1 C . By the Author of "Tom Brown ' s School Dnys . " 7 . The Sleep of the Hyacinth . An Egyptian Poem . By the late Dr . George Wilson . 8 . TheJE ? cc ; ay and Preservation of Stone . By Prof . Ansted , F . R . S . 9 . An English Painter ' s Tombj By C . A . Collins . 10 . BritnSn '*) Duty to Itnly . )^ y Thomas Hughes . Volume I . will be published . on April 2 , haiiddomely bound in cloth , price 7 d , 0 d . Macmu-lan and Cp ., London and Cambridge . Sold by all Booksellers , Newsmen , and at ; thy Railwuy Stations .
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Just published , Second Edition , with Illustrative Map , ¦ , price Is . . A meriean Securities : PracjljL tical Hints on the Tests of Stability and Profit ; for the Guidance and Warning of British Investors . By "AN ANGLO-AMERICAN . " Owiiig * to the rapid sale Of this Pamphlet -a Second Editiohi . revised and enlarged , has been published , with an Illustrative : Map showing tlie . principal Railways in operation in the Eastern and "W estern States . In this Edition the Author will , endeavour to answer every objection raised by the Editor of The Times ' City artirle and by other public wri'ters , in commenting on the First Editibn-ir and , it being to . the advantage of the people of both countries to uphold the character : of really sound and protitable enterprises , the Author ' s view ^ will be addressed not only to the I 3 ritish public , but to those whose successful administration ; pf money , advanced in England for IPublic "Works in America , deseryes honourable mention . Besides'JH . ooo miles already in operutioD , 16 , 000 miles of new Railway , involving an estimated expenditure of JE 80 , 000 , 000 sterling , are either , under construction or projected . This circumstance enforces the importance of British capitalists looking carefully to the existence of reliable guarantees for safety aiid profit . Contents . —The Author and the Reviewers : Practical flints for Guidance of Investors . ; Railway Progress in Americas Produce ,. Population , &c . ; Dividends and' Interest on Securities ; Commerce and Shipping , &c . , NOTICES OF THE T . OKDON" PRESS . ( From The Timex Ujty Article . ) "A well-written pamphlet just issued on 'American Securities' by ' An Anglo-American . ' . . . Undoubtedly the conditions he names ought to ensure ( ho prosperous results which seem so plain to him . Intending shareholders cannot do better than attend to ; his advice on these points' ; but . they must also satisfy themselves upon anothor , without which , alth iupii It has escaped hini . eve-ything elae is as nothing . . . . Add the certainty of honest- management , and of a iuithiiil regard to the interests of foreign ' partners to tlic requisites cited in the present pamphlet , and you will Indubitably have ukeyto . au income whiol > will enable you ever alter to despise Consols . . . . Meanwhile , every one will admit with him that America should , be the most secure nnd advantageous' Held tor Uio employment of British cupital . " ( Prom the Morning Chronicle City Article . ) " A very important nnd well-timed pnmphlct . , . , The clrcuiiisuince that will give grpnt weight to the writers sensible ami practical remarks is the total absence of anything Ulce a recomn ) eiiil « tU > i ) of nny purtk ' ulur kind ol American aecuitty . The remarlcs are gt-nc-ral , ami the render | a lett to form his own Judgment . \ Ve must extract the following rules for the guldunce of Investors . They ore so good tlint thvy mny be studied with advantage by all classes who huve money to Invest , nml to whom i ( large nnd securo return la an object . The author asserts thut In any case , where the following features ore found in combination , It may be n ( nrmv ( t Hint all ( he eU'iiiems of Immediate success exist In the highest degree , and thnt tlu * position of elmrelioldera la perfectly enl ' e nnd certain ;—1 . Tim possession of n IuiuIl-U vatutu of extensive , nrea and productive quality * ' £ . The existence upon . such land of nlmmlunt mineral resuurcfa and abundant forcat Krou'tli . ii . The line and Its contiguous landed estate being so situated as not to absorb , In cost of conveyance , too large a proportion of the prices obtainable at market tor the various commo-( llllea forwarded . In all now American enterprises , the author loBlata that the Hrltlah element In the directorial department , la essential where Ilrltlsli capltnliats are Invited to lend thulr support . Alloyether this Is ono of tho fairest lUtlu works that htivo yet appeared on thla subject , " ( From iho Morning Post Olty Article . ) , " A vnluahle pumphlet , " ( From tlie Alvrniiih llirald . ) " JVJUy bo perused wltn advantage . " London ; l ' ubllahed by 3 \ Iann Nephews , 30 , Oqrnhill 1 W . P . Afctghlm , £ 0 , Parliament Street 1 Mradtjhmv and liluoklock , 47 , Dlonin Street , Maiiohoatcr 1 and T , Fulrbrothur , 1 ;) , Oannlng 1 'lnoe , Llveriiool .
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London : rrtiitod by William Stevens . 37 ,. I 3 oU Yard , Tomplo Bar , In tl » o Wberty of the Rolls , In the County of Middlesex » and publlehqd by ' Charles Nuttftll TomlJHs , at No . 18 , Cfttherlno Street , Strand , In tho County of Middlesex .-rMaroU 24 , 1900 .
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292 The deader and Saturday Analysts [ March 24 , 1860 .
¦' " Bttbiiic^Tioisra
, '¦ ' BtrBiiic ^ Tioisra
Leader (1850-1860), March 24, 1860, page 292, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2339/page/24/