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T awrence Hyam, in an-JJ nouncini? that his 3STJ-C W STOCK of-CLOTHING-.
Untitled Article
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Untitled Ad
for the Seaspnof 1860 , consisting of the largest ana choicest variety of SPRING and SUMMER atttire ever designed , is now ready for inspection , and to which he solicits public attention and patronage . The greatest confidence may be placed in the durability and style of all -garments , combined with the utmost economy in price . T awrence Hyam ' s 15 s . and JM 17 s .-TROUSKRS are made from the choicest patterns in SCOTCH CFTKVrOTa and ANGOLAS , all wool , and "warranted thoroughly shrunk . ViSSTy to match , 8 s 6 d . and 9 a . ( 3 d . FOR ntOFJESSrOXAL GENTLEJIEX . Lawrence Hyam ' s Attire for CLEUICAL , LKGAL , and MEDICAL GENTLEM 1 CU is remarkable for sound quality and perfect consistency of design . An unlimited variety of patterns to select from . FOR THE YOUNG . T awrence Hyam is e verr-I m where celebrated for the becoming style and finished beauty of his Clothing for Children , . Boys , and Youths .- Perfectly New Styles in Children ' s Dresses , Hoys * Suits , and Single Garments are now on ., view , ready for-immediate wear ; OBSERVE '—The only Establishments oMiAwrence Uxam ' s are—CITY . , GRACECHUReir-STRKET ; " WEST END , 189 and 190 . TOTTENHAM-COURTROAD . ' j
Untitled Ad
Prize Medal Liquid Hah Dye . Only one application . Instantaneous Indelible , Harmless . and Scentless . In cases , '' pos free , 3 s . 3 d . and 6 s .. direct from E . F . LAKGDALE ' i Laboratory ,. 72 , Hat-ton' Garden , . London , E . C , . . ** Mr . Langdale ' s preparations are , to our mind , th < most extraordinary productions of Modem Chemistry . ' —Illustrated London JS ' eivs , July 19 , 1851 . ' A long and interesting report on the products ol E . F . Langdale ' s Laboratory , by a Special Scientific Commission , from the . Editor of the Lancet , will b « found in that journal of Saturday , January 10 th , . 1857 A copy will be forwarded-for two stamps . AGENTS WANTED . THE NEW DISCOVERY . —For the Restoratioi and Reproduction of the Hair . — Mr . Langd . ilf guaranteeshisQUlNTESSKNCEofCANTHARII \ Es most successful as a restorative , also in checking greyness , strengthening weak hair , arid preventing its falling oif ; nlqsfc effectual hi the growth of whiskers : moustachios , < tc ' . The money immediately returned if not effectual . Post free for 2 s . 6 d , in Stamps . — Laboratory , 72 , Hattoii Garden . E . F . LANG DALE'S RASPBERRY and CHERRY TOOTH PASTK . —The most di-licious preparation ever produced for the Teeth , Gums , and It ' reath Post free from the Laboratory , 72 , llutton Garden , j 9 r Is . 3 d . in stamps . . . '
Untitled Ad
. . r ' ' ' ' f * .... ¦¦ - "D ritish College of Health , , jLJ EUSTON ROAD , LONDON , t ' - - ' ' . ¦ - ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ . j FOREIGN GENERAL AGENTS , . DVLi APPOINTED FOB TUB SALE OP > MOKISON'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINES : — Australia .. Mr . Charlyrood . t liavaria .. .. .. Mr . Giiyrlios .. . Baltimore .. J . C . French and Son . . Burbadoes ... .. .. .. .. Colly-more and Gill . . Barcelona . Miret and Cuyas . ¦' Hrody Mr . Kornfield . Carthagena ... Mr . Cauto . Calcutta .. .. .. ' . M . R . Child . j . Ci ' . pe Hreton .. Mr . Ward . ' „ Constantinople .. .. . ; ' .. M . Stampa . j . Copenhagen . .. Michaelsen arid Holm . T Cracow ¦ ... .. . Mr . Muldner . J Elsinore ..... ,. .. .. Air . Steenbcrg . ' France .. .. .. .. .. .. Mr . Moulin . . ' . f Germany and Austria .. .. Mr . Uerck . Gibraltar .. .. Mr . Roberts . Guernsey .- .. .. .. .. Mr . Cochrane . Halifax ( N . S . ) ..... .. .. Mr . M'Kiulay . Hamburg .. .. .. .. : . Mr . Krauskopf . Honduras .. .. Mr . ilendert-on . . Jamaica .. .. MissKiiigtun . Madras V . .. .. R . L . Pereira , Esq . Mexico Mr . Togiio . . Montreal .. .. ' .. . ... .. Mr . Triidesiu . New Zealand .. ¦ .. .. .. Mr . ParriH . New York ... .. . .. ¦ ,. ' .. Firth , PoikI , and Co . ¦ Odessa- .. .. .. .. -. -Win . AVag-iier , K .-jq .
Untitled Ad
v * BROWN AND POLSON'S vQv "patent Corn Flour . — ¦ . " JS- The Lancet states : — ¦ ' . ' " This is superior to anything o / the JjiriU knoicn . " ¦ It is respectfully announced that , to nnyapplication 7 > y letter , Brown and Poison forward the adfiress ( forany village or town in the Three Kingdom- ;) of Gro-. cers , Chemists ,-&C-, who supply their Cora Flour at 1 he usual price .. . Where any similar article is substituted or forced into sale upon pretence of being "the same thing , " " as good as Brown and i ' olson ' s , " ifthe name , address , and designation sire kindly communicated such confidence . will-be greatly appreciated . — . JiuowN and Poison , IM-. Vnufaeturersto Her ^ riijcsty the < i ueen , Paisley , . and 23 , Ironmonger-lane , London .
Untitled Ad
Keating ' s Cough Lozenges . What diseases are more , fatal in their , consequences than neglected Coughs , Colds , Sore Throats , or Lungular Affections ? The first and best remedy is Keating ' s Cough Lozenges . Prepared and sold in Koxes ; Is . lid ., and Tins , 2 * . 9 d ; , : 1 s . Oil ., and 10 s ,. 6 d ; each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , &C ... 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyurd , London . Jietail by all Druggists . imi'ortaxt t-o pubiilc spj 3 akeks , . sitngees , - etc . . . : ¦ ¦ . ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' . St . Paul ' s Cathedral . Sir , —I have much pleasure ill rc'commeuding your -Lozenges to those who may be distressed with Hoarseness . They have afforded me relief on xev / . -rai occasions when scare *• ly able to siitg from tlie effects of Catarrh . 1 think they would be very useful to Clergymen , Barristers , and Public . Orators . I am , Sir , yours faithfully , THOMAS FRANCIS , Vicsir Choral . j To Mr . Keating .
Untitled Ad
Teeth . —By Her Majesty ' s ¦ ¦¦ -.. Royal Iietters- Patent . -Newly . 'Invented arid Patented Application of -Chemically- prepared INDIA ItU BBER in the coi struction of Artificial Teeth , - Gums , and Palates . Mr . KPHRAIftl J 1 OSELY , SURGKON UENT 1 ST , 9 , GROSVENORSTREET , GROSVENOH SQUA HE , sole Inveotor artd Patentee . A new , original , : and invaluable-invention , consisting in the iKlnptution , with the most absolute perCectipu and success , ot ' ehemieally prepared India Rubber i » lieu of the ordinary gold . or bohe frume . All sharp edges are avoided ; no springs , . . wires , ' ojufastenings nre required ; a greutly-increased freedom of suction is supplied ; a natural elasticity ' .. hitherto wholly unattainable , and a lit perfected with the most unerring accuracy- . 'are sec-ured ; the giesitestsup- , port is given to the afljoiiiing teeth when loose , or . rendered tender by tlie absorptipix of the gums- The acids of the mb . iith . exert no slgency on the prepared India Rubber , anil , as a jion-couduotor , fluids of any temperature may witli thorough comfort be imbibed arid retained in the- mouth , all unpleasantness of smell or t ^ ste being ... at the same time" wholly , provided against b y the peciiliar nature of its preparation . ¦ ' 1 ' eeth ( illed with gold ond Jlr , Ephraim Mosely ' s White Knaniel , the only stopping . .. that will not become discoloured , and particularly re ' r i commended for the front teeth .- 9 , Grosvenor-street , I Orosveiior-squitre , London ; \ i . Gay-street , Bath ; and | 10 , lilijon-sqiiare , Neivcustle- ' o ' ii-Tyue .
Untitled Ad
I ^ lectrical innuence iir -I—^ ii ealth and Disease . Jus t published , price Is ., rfree by post for 13 stamps , SKCOXD LIKlvj or , ElectriciU Nervous Force : a Medical AVork intended ¦ for the special perusal of nil who are eiiii'iiriug from the various modes . ' of t-iurvous and physical debility , and the distressing ulterior consequences to which they . lead ; with practical observations on the great curative power of electrorgaivanism in the ' treatment , of these disorders , by infusing tone and vigour in - ' constitutions relaxed or debilitated , lroih various enervating causes . Illustrated with , oases comiiiled . from the " Note ; book of a liegistercd Medical Practitioner of twenty years ' standing * fulike many vaunted restoratives , eleutiicity is one . which conmientls itbelf to this medical , man as being uucordant with the souii < ieat teachings of physiology . I ' y t'ho nisst oljvio . us iinlicatioii it admits of bcijig ¦ fciliown that the ' electrical uml norvOus eaorgk-s aru identical ; lloncc , thiit w | ien tlie lutti-r lai . , the former cun take its jiluce ; itud that whoii . from in : egularitii-. s of any kind , the nervous system lias become rk-hU'j'ttited , piiralysud , or exhausted , and the patienL brought to acoutlition littlu short of total prostnatjoii , tliuu , by the nct'ou of electi'ieity , imparting certainty mid tjlllcacy to medical treatment , he can . be reiiivigornti ' d , find his lU'tiUh ro-vtitublitihcd lo u dcgren iilmost \ yarnuillng the < lu .-lgnatiquof Wticpuil Li / o . . l ' uldished by ilui uiUhor , iincl liuiy bu liuU of -Mann . 30 , Cornhill , mid all liookscllyrs .
Untitled Ad
New Edition—1860 , post free ^ Three Stamps . The Treatise ( " Gabriel pa tlie Loss and B't-st ' Means of Iicstoriug-thu . Teeth" ) explains their New System , smd may be had gratis on application at Messrs . Gabriel's Establishments—110 , . Regent Strket , next Mcchi ' s . . . . . ¦ ' 33 , Li'dgate iriz . 1 , —particularly observe the name , and t . hat the out ranee is up the private passage between BeiiiOn ' di the Silversmith , and the Stjite Firoonk-G . . ¦ : ¦ ¦ '' " ¦ . Establislied J . xoi—See . Diploma . And at 131 , Di'KE Street , Liverpool , rpeet'h , Belf-Aclliesiye , witli-X OUT . Sl'KINtiS . —A NK \ r JDI . ^ COVBUY . -. r Proi ^ toil by KoyulLottors Putt-ut . _ M ^ essrs . GAJfiKIEL .. call attention to u new and V \ TwV . i ? , ! J"' ° V ; 1 Tlcnt ' 1 < ei " « tll ° application of GA V . . ^ v . . ti ' > , rV ^ - > W 1 XKVAX , TEKTH . mid l < Lb , XI | tLU GUMS . Thu fxtruonlinury tidvnnfiiges attained nro well worthy ul ¦ note . Neither sUunpti nor teutli are extracted ; sharp oilge . i arc iivoiilc-cl ; annmoiint of suction , wi tit a degieo ol lightness ( almost fabiiloiin ; , are obtained ; together with much greater easy and com-% lb ai ; ' , £ 'Vy , \ li H >« » 1-t « 'r ubsoneo qf inetnl , while , from the flexibility of ( ho a « ent « ' « ij-jl « yP » l , pressuro ia entirely dbviiitod . It i . s purniaiicnt , whpltaionu-, -tnul more congenial to the mouth than bone or gold , mid is warranted to roniulij free from either ta , sleoryiiiell , ' Jn « stlcation and lU'tioulut Ion being guiinuituod evun in oases . whero othur methods Jiavo jTufied .
Untitled Ad
I KEEP YOUR PitlvIVMSliS FREE FROM MICE ANU Si'AliKOW . S . B arber ' s Poisoned Wheat kills Bj . ice and Sparrows on the spot , ' In Id ., 2 d ., 4 ii ., ' ai ) d" 8 d , puekets . iviliii directions and testiinoninla . I N ^> risk or duiiiagL' in laying this U'hciiL about .. From a ! single packet iiuudre" « of mice and sptirrmvs aro found ' dead . ?— , Jjgp > t ,. ? . \ . Bareltiy and Sons ) ,-95 , KarriiigUon-street ; \ V : Sntton nnd Co .., Kovv Clmrcthyard ; M . YatL' . s lind Co ., iJft , liudj { U . r () vv , Londui ;; and sold hy all Druggists , ( jl roccr a , iiv ., throiighout the United Kingdom . —IJaiher ' a I l ' oi . soned Wh'out Works , Ipswich , liemoved from Kye , 1 Sufi ' olk . ' | . _ ... _ . ^ - _ . .... . . ... . .. „ . ¦ ,--r-
Untitled Ad
K K AT IN ( V S COI ) LI VR U OIL : rfi 1 he Pale JVewfouiidland , . JL . pure mid tasteless ; tlio Light , iirowii olioa | KM ami ot good quitl . ity . Thu . demand . fl » r tlii'si : Ol ) s 1 ijiost , liighly ruuMmiiicMidiid for ' tlu-iv meilioiiml pio-. iiertiuM , Iiubwo greiilly incieiirti'd , that . Mr . l { I ' . ATI NG , bt-iiig aiixliiiis to bring llu-m uitliin the | - « -ucli of nl' cla . sdcs , now import : * direct the I ' iiUj lioin . NlmvIouikI-1 land , , | inil tins JJi'nwd ' Irom tlio Noi'Wcglii . M l . slniuls . 'i'lk * Pale may Ik ; had in half |> ln ! s , In . < d . ; pintH , ' 2 ti . ' ( til , ; quarts , . Id . Oil . Thii I ' . IkIiI , Itrowu in j ) iuln , ¦ 1 m . Mi 1 . ; I quiii'lti ;) . ' . ' , ' At 7 ' . l , St .. I ' uitJ ' c ( Jhui'chyanl .
Untitled Ad
r reeth replaced . Decayed J _ Toetli re ^ tori'il . Mr . A . KSKKLL , Su . goon , I ) e » t | st . hujiplies patonlotl Inoorrodlhlo Toulh without ' oxtniuilnffToi ' t . lior . Stuiii | ., H , on his iievur-liiilljig and IDainlwrt principle of solf-urtheHlpu ; remlci'liig riotcotlon jnipoarfiblu . Artiaiil . iiiou and jnaatiouthm guaranbcM ] , J > icnyo < l 'ioo . lli rendered ln * onnihlo to pain , and Htomiod wlili hid OnteoplaHtlo JOimniL-l ^ . o / 1 ho aiuno colour uh Iho Teetli , iiormunoiitly iiaolul , « nil laatlno unolimmcH'l foryt-nrs , ( a iiiohL iinpoiiimt ( li . ^ covory 111 Doiitul ticlyiico |) Low Tooth , ' lUHtwiw io . Il . mrM , Ten to Mix . CoiwuUiitlou n ' eo . ChargMS Btrlotly niodomto . [ ill , Kuircnt-iJtroot fonijoHlm ' Pulytoohnic ) . ami IJo . n ott' / u li jiln Hi Xim '
Untitled Ad
A Toilette Requisite for the .- * - * . SPKI N ( i —Among I ho mii' . y luxurh-H oft lie pro-Bontiitfu , uoiiooim lu-oljUiJnoa notiKWriliivilic rnnnllold virtues ul UL DlillMJI . A UAU ^ J OK CULU . M Ml A . It iiouWbIiiib tlio ro ( j in mid body of tlio Inilr , liupartri the ¦ mortt di'liKljlliil ooiiIiiil'hh , wltli mi nKrct » nblo fru ' - Bi'imuo ol porluiiu ' , iinil , ut Uiia i . iopJdU ol' thu your , ppovontb tint limr from fallliiK oil ' , or , If nlr « aily too thin or lurnliig uvuy , will j > ruv « iiit lift furUmi' iirui / rutiM , n ^ il uupn ruBtoru a . iKtilii . Tluwe » l » roully tU < Mw to lmvo boiiutliui ; hair , olihcr wlth wavoorourl , hli (» uld Vun U \ K ' | ' ? | " ° ° « ^« "'< W < ' * ' »• ri UMJllHtllOllllIK hH ,. , " , I . 0 l " '' ' 1 ( JI " H 0 , ll | lf ' imi 1 l '"' i ««« iii « :. « w I f' ^^^ n ^ W&lJ'ifS W Jbai ° ' ' ¦ W-HlniHou ^ ot ,
Untitled Ad
plastic Stockings and Krioe - *~ J ( JAI' . SIbr VAKIOOSK VhltXH imd WKAlv-JS . If . rtrt , ul a vi'i-y Mtipwior ( iiiuliiy , yloldlnjf mi unvuryluff xupporl . vvllliuiu tlio truublci ofbaiulii « ing , . l . ii ^ niiulliiiiM fur . M «> ii 4 tirutu « iin mid PrlimsOn apiilloallou , nii < l thu nrtjolq h < mi | . by | i < ml ( V . iin tin .-Afinmlamui ; ord ,- 1 OPK ami I'LANTE .-l , WiUerloupliioo , Louduii , tt . W .
Untitled Ad
. 1 ' ost iVeo for Two tttampa . JExtraordinary Discovery of - ^ an ontuvly NiSW TI . IKOUV OF ClJlMNt . DlblOAtalO , beinp ; the rucordud oxpurlonou ol thiily yoara' Npouinl pnicticc in ( Jruat . ifntnln , J ^ ruiicu , and Amurica—Avil . li ovhlonoo of tliu ncliinl vflV'utH of tlio ln . U :.-t rtuUinUHo . OIcicovorifH , ( luiiominiitud i \ JO \ V LOCAL HKAIliDIKH , with lite iidjuncla ol ' Coiicitnutlonul TroaliikjiiL nut' yot generally known , even liy thu iMgdioal Kaculty of the Hrltlah ftinnlitt , but whluh hiivo boon recently Jiitrodiicuil into Iviik'iukI . -oul Iruu on runoipt ol two utampH to defray iiontnui- . &i ; by SV . MILL , K « ii ., JW . A ., No . 87 , Allrod-plaui . , |» uu . ' 1 ' ui'U-tKiuuro . London , W . O . IJully CdiiHiutaiHiiiH froiri Kluvva to Two , utid , Slx t ( i ICIkHi In thu KvoiiJiik .
Untitled Ad
A Boon to Nervous Suf-FIOUKUS . — Tlie Now Mwljcal Uuidiifoi-( jnil ul ( ou . i i ii'ciilntioii , A Ni . uvdua . Suri-KRuu having : boon eU ' ectuiilly cured of jNervuiiM Duhllily , Losm ol Memory , Dimucus of Wi ^ ht , Lutisit urlf , and Iiu | iH '(' f * tioii , by following : 'llt ! iii » trtict . ioii » lmvcmi in thu . 'MKlJlC \ L ( jiUlOiO , ho cunsiilern it lii . t duly , in Ki'Htiiiidu to the author , and lor the bujiclil ul' ciiher . s , to iiiililinh tlio moans used . Me will , thcreforis « i-ii < l post . IK ' . o , on i-uot'i [ it of a direct ( . ' ( I oiivc'lopo , and two btunip .- , , a copy uf tlio book , containing every iiiforiuatiiin required , AiliJroxd , . Famhh Wam . acis , Ks «] ., VViltorcl Hoiirtu , Burton Cri '» uout , Tavlstoclc , Sq , LuikIuii , '\ VU .
Untitled Ad
p o . sni vki . v nil' : last ska . son , Dr . Kahn , in retiring from thu | Kinlll < ill III' lian M ) MU'CCrtnl ' lllly uo ' llpicil for Illllliy yi'lil ' t *! lnl < cn linn ( l |> jliil Illllity ( it IllOht rdldllllly t IhimMiik l-lic | iiil ) lli ! wlio li . i vi ; Kd llburally » U ) i |) uri ()( J iiimI I ' cwai'ilcil 11 f .- > I ' . Millinirt . nii <| Ih-wh to ln / onii IiIh 11 it it i (¦ ro i ? h riiliitiiH tlia . i . llilit lit I hu La-I . ; Reason of iiln l ' ll | i ' lll | l > liUCllll'llr-. , / Or , Jvii 11 it will ( Jdiillniio l . u ( Icllvur hla l , c ( itnrcti on ilic ' riiil ( ifi ()| . | iy ol . Mm i lnK '' . " dully at it uml h , at IiIk Muriuuin , l . nii ol ' tln' Iliiyiiuirkoi , Ailiiilnhlun Oho tfliilUiiK . ' - ' ¦ ¦ Kalin ' n uoiiilnc oil Lhu nbovo HiiUoot . hciiI . pout-lYou for iwnlvc htuiiijm , dlrcuL I ' roiu Uiq uutjior , 17 , llarJoy . HU'uiHi CuvoiKllnij-Byuurtf . r
Untitled Ad
\ ULAIK'S GOUT AND lil-1 ICUMATIC I'lLLS . I ' lice Irt . II id . and ' it * . Dd , pur box . HPhis ' - preparation is one of JL thu bgni'lltri which the ,-ch'Uec ; yf inpd ' itrii elieini . stry Ihih confrrrod upon iMuiikliid i for tlurliiK . tlio firm t \ Vontiy ymiri * of tlie |; r « 'i *« Mit cunlury to hpvuk of a cure fur thu ( Jiiul , was coi ^ ldurod a roiniuii'o ; Imt now the ( tlHcuoy ami aaluiy ol this medicine Ikh . i lu-lly . ( iciiioiiHlnitvd . by uiiHulirlU'd tu , > iliiiuidtdn irom | icrhuiih in every rniik <> i 111 <• , that . |< illillu < i |/ lnli ) ii pro-I claiiiia thlH i » h ijiiu of ill , ' nidnt InijHniiiiil ill .-mivcrlc . s ' uf' lliu iil'uHUUl n ' / lc 'i i 1 ' llln i ' c (| Ulrc no iv .-. I nil lit j ol " illul or « ton iliii'iiifii i iiiii'iiip ilidr iiii . , ami nr » i cori tuhi to pruviiiit . ( lie 'I' - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ | i' nitiickiiiK any \ 'liid part . Hold by all iiiuilluiiu- ¦ .. nilorn , Oh .-crvi' "ThoinaH l ' l'uiil , ] i ' M ) , ttlrunil . l . uiiiliiii , " on thu CiuviM'iHiiont fcjlu ri i p .
T Awrence Hyam, In An-Jj Nouncini? That His 3stj-C W Stock Of-Clothing-.
T awrence Hyam , in an-JJ nouncini ? that his 3 STJ-C W STOCK of-CLOTHING-.
Untitled Article
April 7 , 1 860 . ] The JLeader and Saturday Analyst . 339
Leader (1850-1860), April 7, 1860, page 338, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2341/page/23/