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THE LEADER : AND ¦ ¦ .: ' ¦ ' ¦ SATURDAY ANALYST . A REVIEW AND RECORD OK POLITICAL , Lri ^ KAKY . AkTISTlc ; , & SOCIAL KVKNTS . Price 5 d . j Stamped , <; d . CONTEXTS of No . 523 ( New Series No . 13 ) , MARCH 31 . 1800 : ; Anti-Reform Tactics . Coalitions and Alliances . Parliamentary Justice—Dover and Norwich . FOur Brave Defenders . India—Finance . luxation . Naples . Panic-Mongers . Who ' s to Blame . Hungary . Lamennais and GioliertL . A City Heviyal . Railways Investments in Canada . Humboldt ' s . Confidences to Varnhagen Von hnse . Henry IV . of France . Romances and Tal .-s . Miscellaneous Hooks . Forei- 'n Correspondence : —Paris—Turin—Hanover . Record of the Week . Entertainments . Parliament . An Analysis " of the Pamphlet , entitled "The Perils of Policy Holders / ' will appear in our next Number . LONDON : I'UBI . ISHRD AT IS . CATHERINE STREET , STKAND , W . C . ¦ .
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This day is published , The Mill on the Floss . By GEORGE KLIOT , Author of "Scenes of Clerip : il Life" and ' " Adam Bede . " In Three'Volumes , jiost Octavo , . . . W'iiuasi Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
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Cramer , Beale , and Go / s . NEW PUBLICATIONS . ¦ . ' : - : . . - ' , ¦ a . d . 1 'AVARGK il'S Fant *» isie from Guillaume Tell .. A <> FAVAKG . KIVSLe Depart du Consent .. .. .. 3 b FiAVAWJKK ' S Promenade surl'Eau ... . .. .. 3 0 FAVAItG . KR'S Lyilui ( sans Octaves ) .... .. 3 . 0 New Editions of . , ' . ' .. OBERON and IL BARBIERE FANTASIES BY THIS POPULAR COMPOSKU . CRAMER'S TNTROL 7 UCTOIIY PRAC-¦ TICK-and KXlSttCISK ' S for the PlANOFOnTB , J » Pin-ts , 5 s . and lis . each . These Exercises form the Stiiadurd studies , in all Musical Academies of Ktirope . M . Th : t ) burg , Siernda ' le Ik-linett , -C Hillle , ltiibensteiu , M mes . tJoddard , Plcyel , and oth er l'iniiistes , have employed them m their general course of practice .. ' ¦ K : & " W ~ lTo ~ N G S , . ' ' . , , The Subjects from popular Novels . MURIKL .. . ; From " Jolm irahfaK . " DIN AH / .. -. ,, " Adain ^ Becle . " Eri'TLW SOPHY . ' , ' , ¦ " -What \ y ° ll he do with it ?" Written ami Composed by O . MNL'KY . 2 s . each . W . MAYNARD'S ART OF SINGING , AFTK 11 TUK MKTflOD OK TUK 15 ISST ITALIAN MASTKUS . Fourth Kditioii . L ' rieo 7 s . OLD ENGLISH DITTIES , From W . I'lnippoll ' s " I ' o ulnr Mu , * iio , of the Ohlovi Time" witl « Symphonies and Acei » ii |> ai ) nnei | ts by ( J j \ . M . vcfauhen . Jn PnrtH , con till i . i i . njjf Tw ^ vc Soivn -It . unuli : or iiv Single 8 ongrf , I . s , each . ¦ oRaMKK . I HAL 1 C . AM ) CO ., 301 IWJKN . T ' sTRKUT , and li 7 , CO . M > UI'l ' STUKWT .
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Pi anofor t es , —Cramer , UKA . LK , AND CO . Every dosoript ion \' u \ Snlo or lllro . Ci'unicr , Honkv mid ( Id . mo tho 1 ' ropiVolom . «)! the KliW MODK 1 . UlJLIliUB ( JRAND PIAN'OFOHTIO , i-IAKMONIUMS . CHAMI 4 U , IJKAL 10 , AND ( . ' <> ., are tlio ohiof UR . enin for Aloxuudro and Soi . ' a'NKW MO DM I .. HARMONIUM , Uvury vurloty . CHAM Kit . 1 JKA 1-K , AN I ) CO ., 201 . ItUClENT , 8 TR 1 CMT , and 07 , CONDUIT HTKK . I 2 T .
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Brecknell , Turner , < & . Sons HAND OANDLKSTTCKS with W « kIhU « i' » mI GIuhh , Hh : i < k'd ontlroly preveiil tliofiuUorlu « o | uuudluH wlum cui-rloU uliout . — UUKOKN'KLL . TUK . NMIt , and HONH , wii . k iviul ( ullow ( ililuullcr . H uinl wunp and nil nicn- 'hiuiif , at tlio Uvu IHvu . ^ 1 a nd UU , U . iymnrkut , BAY .
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SA . UCKS . —CO ^ XOIriSKLTR . S i > uonounck » . Lqa and Ferrins' " Wor-UKSTKU 8 I 1 IUIC HAU ( K " ono of thu Ik-,. 1 iuUIIMoiih to Soup , I ' 'i «| i , Joliitm , nnd tlimiu , Tliularfio anil UioruiiMliiji ( luniuml IniH oaiirfcil iiupnnijlplud triuloi'H to nmnulacturu a Himrluu . i arlfulu i but thu 'OKNUINK 11 i > H boar Lisa am » I ' i ' . imuwb ' numos on llotllu , Lubol ,. ond tiio | i | mi' . -W T fi *'' kUjfr \( y # fll"W < . * "I'Ackw ici . i ,, London i and all X 4 rd ) ieilulEl « Ui «» t amd Mcoourrt . /^ y ^ C ^ y ^ TA . / teKWnniUuclHPuprt - C »^ M ^ » A 5 ^ 4 K ^ t't « N WOltCKtiTlflK . C V / W ( SSStf&r . « ^ 4 UO \
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In tho pvoss , and shorlly will lio publ | i < Uiud , (| io Memoirs of Josoph Fouche DUKK OK OTKANTO . KiUtedby HliNUY . UAV 1 KS , V , *\\ , of lSuoUintfliinuwtrcut , Slnuitl . I '' ouchi 3 wan the won of d onptain In thy mordiinit nnvy . llo W'tib born nt Niuitctt in I 7 U : ) , nnd liy clioU-o followed Ilie eui'ui'i ' nf Leuelior . In \" In ; obtained the tiUtiation of liirtpucli > r of CliUsncn In thu Ui / llc ^ u oi Nanii'Ht wits uoiuinatuil by that oily d rppr ( mcntiiilvi . > nt tliu iN'iiilunul Convention ol' 17 l ) 2 | vntud llioiluntli oi' i oiiin XVI . wiilioiit , appeal or lvimunl i wad minted Pi'unlUont ol' tliu Jiioobiiirt' Club , llo wiih Inipll-Oivtcii | n tlio tiiinsspiriicy of ilitbeuf , IiIh iinvnr di-oi-ciird ( I 7 fll ) , but wart afturwiiriU mnnu .-tiuil , Uy u ilucri'M nl thu Ulructory ( 1705 ) , wutt naniud anibari-xulxr to tin ? «; iHii )| ihii' Hupublic then to thu Conn ol' JJolliiml , mid liiMily , MIiiIhIvi' of Lt ^ lloe . Ho uavu IiIh hilpport In tlio luiininntiou ol Ituonapnrtu lo ( liu Kiiiiiiro , and olitnlucd in i Mitt ihu Mlnlttliiy of lliu interior , ( iui in i « lo Niipoleon took him invuy from lib i ' miotloiirt , mid appointed him Governor ot'llouiu , Aftuv Miociiiiiiniiuir ol' . Mtmeow hu watt noinlniituil ( Jovonior ol' tliu Illymni tifoviuoi-n ( IhIJI ) , u dl . it Irtlfi iiKiilu Mhi Itflur oft Itu Inicrlor Loulu XVIII . « iivo blin tlio Mliilwtry of 1 ' nllou . K » lUid in ImIO , | iu ll . soil l | le niHlduiK'o in l ' n \« uo , ufi . uv-Witrdri lit 'irludU * . nliuru liudiud in \ H 20 .
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FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION . « ' r Phc Man of Koss . " — X . icvury Tlnnwliiy —<> uo I ' mmy . An ll |( , ! ' i ) e » di ») t Fiindly Piijtur , Inivlng ( with ( "in y ^ I ' r . i onlyMliu luruupl . ulroiiltitlwii-lii iho CJinmiy ' < I ' ' 1 , ' , ' , VVllhlii a iwUiih wl ( oil mllort ufllutm ii uxufUMi 1 """ . ,, nil Uto uMiur Iwmil pii f Ui-M put Uihv » 1 ut . * " ¦ '"'";• iIk vm-UavniuiitH , ami UookH for ifovlow , ttr hit Mini ""« IMblWior , . J . W . l' \ « JouNwisi-i ., - Murlvft-i'litoy . RUril (<
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1 'KNTATKUCIIIS . M ANALV . SKI * . Nt /\ v Heady , in potil «\ 't > , jiriou (' .- ' ., A History of tho Creation -O- and tliu PAIIMAKCilS ; <> i \ 1 ' .-itIo 1 vti »* ' * J * "J . Aniilylloiiily TromuiL Volumu lOr . it— llir » tll ) K ol ( . ioi C'nirt . London : ( . Jisoucir , IManwahinu , friiii ! i'i ^ " < 't' ' <> l ' 0 ll ! f C ' llAI ' . MAN , H , KilIU W illUk 111 rtll't'Ul , . Slrullll .
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American Securities : Practicul Hints on thuTosts ol' Stability and 1 ' niilt , for the ( iuidtinoe and AVaniinf ? of Urilitfl . i luv . o ^ torri . liy "AN ANUI . ( J-AMEKH ! AN . " ¦ COMTK ^ TeJ . vm , e Tlii ! Author ami Ihii Uovi . wors .. .. .. a Pructiual Hints lor HUidinici . 'of Investors ¦ . Irt Iddlwtty I ' ro ^ r ^ iiri in Aiuci'lca .. . .. •* I Produce , copulation . &u . •• •• •• •• >^ Ilividi nds tiud liitcrc . -, ! -on Sveui'lticrf ., ,.. II Coinnioree and tSlilpiiln ^' , &c ... .. .. .. I ; London : Published by Miinn Nuplu-ws , . ' )! ' , (' nnihU ' l j "VV . 1 * . jUftdiini , mi , l ' aiiluitn'iiL Stivol , \\'« atmiiirftui ' .
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Oii tlio ^» d Ajiril , 1 t > tji » , prlco One . Shilliu ' ^ , I ^ he Pharmaceutical- ' Jour-> , 'AL . . So < -oud . Seiic .- * , No , 10 . t . " uijtaliiuif , ' tlio 'fKANtfAL ' I'IONS t , ) 1 > ' Tllli PIIARM . ACKL'WAI ' rtOCIKTV . ( . ' o . ntksts . — I'lninmici'uiii'ul i ^ iuiliru ' : iuiou— Hotiinicnl I ' li / . t 1 fur l ^ HI —riuirmiiei'Ulii id Jlwliiig ! < 'U llu ! SSyruji ut' . Sup ( . trplipsi ] iliiitc'nf Iron- On l'liui > p ! tuti ) t >| irou- ' -On tlio tTtiiiiptisftiun of Hydriirpynni )• ' cum Cfi ' ta—Moie < . m a ' 'Aliiuufiivtiired I ' roducL ol . Si'n-wmil , uull ' od ¦ ¦ Jinmtii . ' ije ItiihkIur » M •<>»! thu u » e of-Uimry ' ^ a \' i-liii . lo lor / NdiulnisiicrliiK U ' uiiK'dk ' s Kxtvi'iially—Oiillivuiloii ot Jlcdiuninl I'huits at llncliiii , Ufrw { Ouustmtvil i - Keaultd of 1 'liyhlcai and Oi > hmcmI J-iivi * llHiitiiMi' nnd Apj . ll irt in tliu Arld-Cnl-lnMlon or . Sciiinnimiy in ilio ' North-Wfft of A .-iu . Mniiir -wo W ' ati-r ( ilii ** im < l woiiio < if Its-Appliciill . i'iif- IninuMic .-o .. t . sdeiH'o . mi tilt ! Ail . of Calico I'llnliiiW I IiuCiiscoJ I'oli-oiiliiy ' ut ' Ciinlui'lniry - l- ' urcIjTij ( Jiuiilm ; Alloi ! uti JVX'lulU'i'iitloii of 1 'ujiiiur , &c . Vol . - \ YU I . may bu had in bourilrt , us wA l u « Uiopn - Cuding Voliunurt , price lUrt . ( id . cni'li . Lomlo . i : , Juiim X . ' iii . iiciui . i ,, Now ltui ll | i # ; ii'ii . « tr < . '''W i \ L \ ri , Aciii . AN nnd iS'itoWAiir , Kdlubui'nli i uinl | 1 AN " nin and Co ., Dublin . ;
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GovcrnniGiit upon First ¦ P U IJSTCI PL K S . llluahMted A . iitiJ . agic ^ ly Statistically , und flloraliy . J 3 y JCtUN trKOSSAIIlJU , This Tvork embodies a wide fiVld for information , not only upon . Social at d Aforal subjects , l » uc upon a great variety of ojiertiohs whieh are esaiiutiaUy liicornorutedWith thu political dL ? ciu > siou ; s of the day , m lOHiifi'tion with the Coiumercf . Trade ; and Taxation ol tbe country . Statesmen find lovers ol' uitellrauai ' progress will Ui . d in it a compilation of tiicta wc-11-worthy their jittciitjon . London : Pii-eii and Co ., I ' litenioster Uow . ... . .. - ¦ $ . lust published . Second Kditioii , with . Illu ^ tnUJve Map , ui'ioe Is ., or by l'ost , l-l alaiims .
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B ishop - Auckland 1 owu-IIALL .-SCULl'TUHli :. —The 1 VU 1 LDKK . of THIS JUAV , Price Id ., stamped pd ., eoiuains—1 < mu View of proposed l > e ' sign ' lor Bishop- Auckland Townha'll— Copper and its Relations- —Was the l ' aithfnoii Vaulted ? , with an Illudiration— ¦ S r-epheii . * on and tho Iliitll-Level Bridge—seulpturu and Arcliiti .-c . tur . e-3 Iijdernism in- Art— The Stone of the Ac , v Houses ol Parliament —< Jity of . lOly Watcrvvin-Us- -Scliool Huililing Nevvrf—The Ornamental Sculptor , his PaMoiis , and tlie l uU } ' i « --I ^ ondon of the l'a . > C ; with-all Kijgi ' av-5 iijLr—Masters and Workmen—Cast-steel UC'll . s , ^ c . OlHce , 1-, York-street , Covent-fiurdeu ; ami all Huoksellers . - . .
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¦ T | . ubliii University Maga-A-Jt ZiXH . . . Xo ,: J 2 S .. For Al'JtlL . Price is . fid ' , . . * . c u-yr ' E is' t-a . 1 . ( iraoo OWialloy , the Sh ' . e-l'ii-ato . '¦ ' . ^ . Ancii-nt San&krit Literature , liy the Ke v .-. Dl ' . Jliiioks . ' ^ . 3 . " Vonveil the Dane :. Count , of lilsmoro . Part IV . ¦ 'I . I-ord Kljjiii ' d itJis ^ ioii ' to .. « J ' up : tii . 5 . Tliu . \\ ooiiii ? and tlie Winning of Amy O'Xcill : A Winter A i ^ ht ' o Narrative . ¦ . . (> . Tho . VJan of the People . ' 7 . Marino Kaliero . liy Professor De Vericour . rt . ' Art in l ' atio . 'i'iie Jiritish Insiitutioii —The ^ Viutcr Kxliioitioii . " : ¦ . y . The iS ' ew Upute . from San F " rancisco to Jfew Orleans . . 'V 10 . . JWCy . Experiences of Barthquakesi 1 . 1 .. Cooleen : An old Irish Air . ¦ ~ & aa . 'La Alort d * Arthur . The Dublin University JIagaziinQ for May will contain tho'first part of Utruin Iloruni ; or , Tlte Keveuge of . Shane lloe Na riogarth , a Legyiul ol the- Uolden , Knuii . . My ) Vilbain Curleton-. ' Also , Ko . I . ofii ne \ y Series of Sketclu-ij , by . the Author of " The Season Ticket . " ' Dubljn : Wii . ' mam Uoujjiitoon . JLondon : liuusxiind IJlackutt . ¦¦ ' . ¦
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Just published , iirice 10 s ., C * onsumptioii ; its , True V- / NATURE ami SLTCCK'SS . FU-L TREATM EXT . liy GODWIN TLM . MS , M . D .. Lond . , ¦ Member -of the ll : oy ; ii College of l'hysiciaivs , formerly ( 184 : 3-1-0 J IJi'sideut tvledical Oilicfcr of thu Western General Dispensary . ¦ ., ' ¦ ' . . . ' ..- ¦;• Jons CucncHii . 1 ., is ew Burlington-street .
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Now Ready , in Two vols ., with Portraits , 21 s . History of the Reign of IllvNitr IV ., KING OF FRANCE AND 2 MAVARK . E . JJy Miss FiiKKlt . Also , iu Three vols , with Portrait , 31 s . Od . "The Life and Times of JL G r , OK ( rE VILLI BUS , DUKE OF BUCKING ' - HAM . liy Mrs . THOMSON . HciisT ANi ) Ulackett , 13 , Great ' Marl borough Street .
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r Phe Westminster Review . J- Keyr Surles . Xo . XXX . 1 V . ' - AlMilL , 18 B 0 . ; . . CONTENTS . 1 . Vedic Helig . ion . ' - . Alanin , and A ' enioe in lsJJW-9 .. ' . 3 . The lCtljie . s of War . ¦ 1 . . Plutarch ami-his . Times . 5 . Austria , anil tliu Oovi-rnment of llurigary . ; 0 . Parliamentary Ite-foriu : the Daugers and the Safe-: guards . ' . . ¦ ¦ . '';¦ 7 . tlapau . S , Darwin on the Origin of SiiOeies . Coiit ' empornry ' Literature :: —1 . Theology and . . Miilosopliy . —2 . X ' jjlilics , . Sociology ,, and Travels . — 3 .. Science . —4 , Ilistoryand Biography— ~ > . licllos Leitres . . ' . ' . . London : .-Gkorbe Maswahixo , Successor to . Tons . Cuaj-mAn , 8 , Kiiig William Street , Strand .
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LOKD OVKJJsruKE'S SPEECH . This day is . published , price One . Shilling , Q peech . delivered by Lord KJ O V ~ E USTONK in the House of Lor « l » , March l 5 IStiO , on the Address On the Treaty of Commerce with Frauce ; with ail Appendix . . London : Longman and Co .
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MAKSHMAIS'S LIFE OF G'ENERAL HAVKLOCK . On Friday next will be published , in . One Volume , 8 vo-, u- 'th a Portrait aud Two Maps , Memoirs of bir Henry HAVKLOCK , K . CiJ ., with Selections from his Correspondence and Journals . i { y his Jirotherin-Law , JOHN CLAKK MAUSHMAN . London : Longman , Gkeen , Longman ^ and Robekts .
Untitled Article
340 The Leader andSaMrday Analyst . | April 7 , 1860 .
Untitled Article
i ^\ l \ rt ^ wl ^ ffll ^ P ? by Tnitiiiiu 8 l . « v « nH ( 37 . Boll YimlTomplo Hup , in Uim Liberty or ( ho Itpiln , In tho County < JlliMlcm ) uiid jiubliijlwl by vWft-25 « ffi / OhiiPlOB'NuttftU TOmllns . ftb No . la , Onthvrinu . Wirout , birnu ' l , 1 » Mjo County pi IVUdulosux . ~ Ai > rU 7 , Woo . ¦^ " S'dVd . gjwaN - . " ¦ ¦/ . . ¦ . . ' ¦ ' , ' ¦ , ¦ . . ' , . ¦ ¦
Leader (1850-1860), April 7, 1860, page 340, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2341/page/24/