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Untitled Ad
Gramer , -Beale , aiitl Co . ' s NEW PUBLICATIONS . ¦ ' . ¦ . -- ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' s . d . FAVARGEn'S Fsintnisie from Guil . la . time Tell .. 4 0 ' ¦ FAVAEGEU'S Le Depart du Conscrit .. .. -. 3 6 FAVARGEK'S Promenade sur l'E . au .. .. .. 3 0 llAVASCJBli'SLydhi ( sana Octaves ) .. .. .. 3 0 " New Editions of OBERON and Ili BARBIERE FANTAISIES BY THIS POPULAR COMP 0 SEK . CRAMER'S INTROBUGTORY PRACTICE and KXEKGfdfiS for the PIANOJTOKTK , In Parts , 5 s . and 6 s . each . These >| 3 xercises form the Standard Studies in all Musical . Academies of Europe . M . Thalberp , Sterndale Bennett > C . Halle , Rubensteiii , RInae ? . Goddard , Pleyel , and other l'imiistes , have employed them iu their general course ef practice . NEW SONGS . The Subjects from Popular Novels . MUBIEL .. .. From " John Halifax . " DINAH -.. ' .. „ " Adam Bede . " " 1 t Tp rr \ ~ vi y . . JDO . LITTLE SOP I 1 Y . -, ' , * " What will he do with it ?" Written aiid Composed by O . LINLK 1 . . -.- '¦ . ' 2 s . each . W . MAYNARDS ART OF SINGING , AFTER THE 3 IETHOD OF -THE BEST ITALIAN MASTEI 4 S . Fourth Edition . Price 7 s . OiLD EKGLISH DITTOES , From' W . Chappell's " Popular Music of the Olden j Time , " with Symphonies and Accompaniments by I € r . A . Macfarren . In Parts , containing Twelve Songs , 4 s . each ; or in Single Songs , Is . each . 1 CRAMER . BEALE . AND CO ., 201 . REGENT | STREET , and 67 , CONDUIT STREET .
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• THEATRE ROYAI ., DRtTRY LANE . : GEAND ENGLISH OPE It A . The Management have much pleasure in announcing to the Publicthat the Operatfc Performances-ha vi » # eiven general satisfaction ' ,, will be repeated every evening until further notice . —See the opinions , of the Public Press . . . . Monday everrrasr , April 16 th , will be presented Verdi ' s favourite Opera of IL TUOYATOEE . Manrico , Mr . II . J . Ilaigh ; Goiintde Luna , Mr . Charles Dur . ind ; Terrando , Mr . Thompson ; Kuiz , Mr . Sal vie ; Azucena , Miss Emma Heywoocl ; and Leonora , Miss Dyer P . efore the Opera * tlie Band , eomprisins upwards of Sixty Performers , will play the Overture to Oberon . . Tuesday . April 17 . and during the week will be performed a favourite English Opera , supported by the following eminent artistes : Miss Dyer , Bliss : Lmnia Hey wood , &c , Me .-sra . Henry llaijrh ; Mol hor W inter , Salvie , Borrani , Thompson , and Charles Durand , and a Band and Chorus of One Hundred Performers . Conductor and Musical Director , Dr . JAJIE& . PfcCH . In consequence ofits great success , the performance will conclude each evening with a 1 ' etite Ballet Comurue . by FTexmore , entitled THE bPANIbti DANCERS ; or . Two too Many . In the course ot the Ballet pas by Mdlle . Auriol and Mr . Flesmore . and the Grand Corps de Ballet . Bolero , Mdlle . Auriol and Flexmore , Valse by the Spanish Dancers ; ^ apateodo by Mdlle . Auriol and Flexruore , and the Corps da IJallet of this Theatre . Stase Manager , Mr . James Martin ; Ballet Master , Mr . Flexinore ; Treasurer , Mr . Lewis . Reduced . Prices—Stalls . 43 . ; Dress Circle , 3 s . ; First Circle , 2 s . 6 d ;; Pit , 2 s , ; Upper Boxes , Is . 6 d . j . Gallery , 1 s ,: Upper Gallery , 6 d . Private Boxes from 10 s . fid-, upwards . ¦ ¦' . . . The Box Office , under the direction of Mr . Nugent , open daily . ; . \ , ¦ ' - ¦
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T > ianofortes . —Cramer > _ B _ - BEALE , AJfD CO . Every : description for j Sale or Hire . Cramer . Beale , and Co . are the Pro- j prietorsof the NEW AIODEL OBLIQUIS GBA ^ 'D . ; PIANOFORTE . ! HARMONIUMS . CRAMER , BEALE . AND CO-, are the chief agents ; for Alexandre and So :. ' s NEW MODEL . HAHilOeRAMERTBEALlCf AND CO .. 201 , REGENT ; STItEET , and 67 . CONDUIT STREET .
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Ma p p i n ' s Electro-Silver PLATE AND TABLE CUTLERY . MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the Queeu , are the only Sheffield makers who supply the consumer in . London . Their London Show llooms , f » 7 and 6 S , King William Street . Londpn Bridge , contain by fur the lurnest stouk of ELE 0 TUOSILVEB PLATli and TAH .-LK CLTTLEttY in the WORLJL ) , which is traiiamitted direct from their manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield . ~ ~~ " Fiddle " ppuble Klngs ' sT" Lilly " Pattern Threud . Patttern Pattern . £ e . d . £ s . d . £ a . d , ; £ s . d . 12 Table Forks 111 ! 0 U 14 0 » Q 0 3 14 0 1-3 Table Spoons .. 116 0 2 14 0 3 6 0 3 12 0 12 Peaswt Fork ^ .. 1 7 OH 0 0 2 4 0 2 U 0 12 Dessertspoons .. 1 7 0 2 0 0 2 -1 0 a 14 0 13 Tea Spoons .. __ U 16 0 I 4 0 17 0 | J lfl 0 SIDE DISHES , ELECTKO-PJLATJBD ON SARD . NICKEL SILVER suitable for Vegetnbie 3 , Cuvrlea , and EntrtSes . Per set of 4 Dishes . No . £ . 8 . d . x 3 G 78 GnUroon Oblong Pattern , Light Plating « 8 0 K J 5137 Bended Edge and Hnndlq , similar to xAOm 10 1 » 0 K 1786 Ditto ditto stronger ditto 13 0 0 js 4012 Antique S . croll Pattern , Mejpn » sha } ke , d Dish i , ; ..... ..... 12 0 0 » 40131 "ended Pattern Pish , 1 « 4 . 0 By . removing the Hriijdles frpm the Oovera j the Bet of four enn be mude to form a set uf eight Dishes . u 17 D 2 Norfolk Pattern , a very elubornte Design , with rich Scroll Border ull round 17 10 0 Hot Wut «; r DiBhca for ubove extru 15 0 0 B 17 D 7 ThrendeiJ Pftttern , equally good «» the Norfolk , Pntt « rni ... 10 IS 0 Hot Water Dishes for above ,... extra 15 10 0 DISH COVERS , JBLEOTRO-JPLAT 13 D ON HAni ) NICKEL SILVER . Each set c ' qnln ' infl one Cover 20 Inches ; one of 18 Inches j and two of 11 Inches onch . No , Com pU'to set of 4 Covers . E 2750 Plain 1 ' nUern , with Scroll Handle , .... 10 10 0 H 2751 Melon Piitteru , Vreu « U Scroll Bundle . either Pmiu or Gadroon edge , vvvy handapine , ,,.,, ...... 1 <) 13 0 as 3313 Shrewsbury Pnttcvu , With bold Bendod Ed B e iinrt Handlua ,- •• lc l 2 ° B 4085 Orvek Ornmncnt 1 ' itltvrn , nmtchos B AiiTn Sl . lo Pishea „•• , - ' ° ° 4851 Wnrwlfk 1 'ntterm mntthei a 4853 bide Vlfchea . . ' ..:..... ; 23 ° ° BI ^ r-viN BnoxHRivs priuiranteo on all tl » 9 ( r mmi ufnctnros in Klectro Silver Pinto a atrong dojioait of roiu eUv « r , , pccordinK to prleQ charged . ' A Costly Hook of Kn « r » vln «» , with I'rK'rs ntlfiol » cdt jnxky be > h » d on m » jill « i » Von . , Kstlmntqn fun . ibhed for Servian of Pl « to »' < "' Hutqla , Stoam Shlpn , and HogljxM > ntnl JU'saco , ' MAPNN UttOTHEUS , 07 mid Ofl , KlnR Wllinm Street . City , Lomlon . li . O . ; SlauufiACtory , Quoen'o Cmiwr worifa , shtmeitl ,
Untitled Ad
French Exllibitio ^ , 1 ^ 0 , VA . hU . JIALL .-T . Tlio Soyonth Annual Exhibition of A'lctjirufl . tho ContrlbnUoins of AKTlSTd W TUB FIU-INCH ANP JTL 13 AU&M 60 I 1 OOLS , la NOW OPEN . Admlaalon , Quo Shilling i OftmlogUffe , Sixpence , Opon itom JN'ino till Slx > Uully .
Untitled Ad
TRADE / £ \ MARK . BROWN AND POLSON'S Pa tent Corn Flour . —The Znticet attains : — qVtiiin sufioiior toMi / tMny . of the liinU knoimt . ' . ' The Jiicwt wholuaomppitrtof tlio bent Indiim Corn , prgpftpod by tv nroouaa PntviUctl for tho 'llirco Jvl "h ; Uoina tuicl Fiance , uiml wlio . rvver it boconifti kiiown obtulna grout 1 ' uvowr for Pucldi « if ( d , Vimtdritd , / Jl'tnO ' maHQe : \\ i \ th « ua « a of Clio / Inoat iiitow rout , and uhi » o « oiwlly auliod . to tho rtoUc « oy of VMM-dh Hint Jiit' " "'*' JiwoWN «» d PomCjn , Munufucnuora to 11 pi . uiij « ' ««) r tho CinovH—Pjvlaloy , iUimol » cat « ri Piibllni wua i- ^»* Uou . -
Untitled Ad
MB . A 1 TD MRS . HOWARD PAUL . am . ftnrt iMRS . IIO"SVARP P . VUI- 'S FarmyeU Seuaon nt St . Ja \ mos ' s Hall , In tholr brilliant Uomlo mid ^[ uslcnl JintiTtiiinment , which will be « ivcn uvury Kvgnlng next WeeU , and on Tuesday imd Suturcliiy aiprn |« ga ' i » tTlir « o . Mr . Howard Paul In throo Now Soiled— " TJio . Uiui ¦ VVho Kuuivs Kvorybody , " " Wlion Ocorgo the Third' Wua JKincr , " and ti burlesquo acrenuclei . "Tlok . iUtlolc-a . tii ! " T )( q «« Living IMiotoffnipiv ol' Mr .- Shna ^ covea in . "Coiwe into tho U-nrdon , AInuu , " and ' ' Geraldlm } . " Stnlla , Ua , ; Area , 3 a . ; Gnllyry , la . Gommonce at Klglit : ; onrriuffvs "' Ten , Pluuea may bo an'curod nt Au » tin ' a / W « at < end liox-offlgo , ' Jti , PlocnUiUy .
Untitled Ad
ROYA 1 ST . JAMES'S THEATRE , Kino-sthekt , St . James's . . Sole Lessee , Mr . F . B . CnATTBRTox . Directress , iUaa "Wsndijam . Nenrest theatre to Cholsoa and Pimllco , tlie Park beinjj open to parringes and ioot-pusaengors all hours pf tlionigtit . Kedno .-d Prices—Pit , la , ; Gallery , 0 d . 8 m Monday , -April 1 (» , and during the >> ovl « . A itPKU StARRlAGK . OJCiss ¦\ Vyndhanii , Messrs . F . lioWiidon , Chsirltis YonnR . After which , AC HANG K OF SYSTEM . To bo followed by tho highly sncccaslul JJwrlesciuQ of hVCHE ' / AX . IJOllGtA AV IIOMK , AND ALL ABROAD . 8 up |) orted by Me 3 d . amea YV'yndhnm , liJmHy S < Jott , Ctjeilia lliuioe , Misa Clara Morenn ( of tlie English Opera ) , a numerous Corpa de Ballet , ami Sfr ., Cliarloa Young . To conclude with No . FORTY-NINE . Uox-olllce open from 11 to r > daily . Commence at 7 . Acting Manager and Treasurer , iMr . William Willutt . On Monday next , April 10 , will be produqeel an entirely now Comedy , in throo aota ( entitled A , Fill END IN NKKD .
Untitled Ad
Sp r i n g O v e r c o a t s . —The VoJuntovr "WrupDor , aoa . ; tlio Victor , •*?>*•< Jhe luvernt'Sd , U 5 a . i tho I ' oltadior , ^ la . ; romly-miulo or nmdo to order . Tho Forty . aevon SlilHIng iyiilia ihm'Iu to order from Scotch Hoiuhen and Cheviot 1 weed * ami Angolan , all wool nud tl » orou « hly alirunKi l'y ' »• lJliXJA-MI-V , Merolmut and Family Tailor , d , KotfviH-btreet , " > V . l iitierutf . daaigua , and d lruut'unrt for aelf-inotisuroinoiit bent free . N . U . A pei'iv ^ gviaranU'vd .
Untitled Ad
Greenball , maker of the SIXTKEN SHILLING TROJJtfWi * . W > Oxl ' ord-ijtreet , London , W . ( Two doora west of tlie Circus . ) Overcouta , Ji 3 ^ s , Frock C ' oata , *• '¦* ^ ua ., ln-usm Coats A' 3 H ) a ., horning Couta & ' l aa ., ^^ »!»}«»« W 13 a ., IJliick JUrosa ¦ Trousers XI Js . 8 'iO , Oxfonl-st .. > V .
Untitled Ad
F | UE , THIEVES , FIRE . Secozid ^ hancl Fireproof Sitfea , the most extensive assortment , by lUilner and other eminent . Makers , at hidf tlio pi ice of new . IJimehsioiis , 2 A in . high . 1 « in . wide . «» ul l « in . dven ^ . t 3 lt ) a . At C . GUlFiaTIly , 33 , Old Chung !' , bt . X'aiii's , K . C . Wanted , Seuoiid-hnnd . Safea by -Udner Chubb , Hixrr , or Mercian . NOTICE . —Gentlemen possossod of Tann ' s Sales need not apply .
Untitled Ad
ROYAIi OLYMPIC TBOEATRE . Lessees . Messrs .. F . Itobson and "VV . S . Emden . On Mondnv , and during the week , will be performed TOM NODDY'S SECRET .. Characters l > y Messrs . Addison , VV \ Gordon , and H ; \ Vigan ; Miss Coftrell and" Miss Matston . . . . After which , a new serio-comic drama , ¦ lounnea on •' L'Oncle Uaptiste , " to be called TJNCLK ZACHAItY . Characters by Meissrs . F . IJpbson , G , Vinhig , W . Gordon , G . Copke . 'F . . Vininff . H . Itiver * , and Franks ; . Aressrs « . Leigh Jlurrny , and Miss Herbert . To conclude with an * original dramatic sketch , by Monuiim Williama , Esq ., entitled "IJ . 11 , " Charac ters by Messrs . F . Uobson , H . Wigan , G . Cooke , and H . Cooper ; Mesdames Stephens and \ Y . S . Emden . Doors open at 7 . Commence nt half-past 7 .
Untitled Ad
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . N otice of Injunction .- — Tlie admirers of this celebrated Fish Sauce are particularly requested to observe that none is genuine but that which bears the buck label with tlie name of Willum Lazexby , as well as the front label signed ' tiliztitict / i yLa ' scnbif , " and that ¦ for further security , Ou the neck of every bottle of tho . Genuine Sauce will henceforward appear an . additional label , printed in green and . red , as follows : — " This notice will be uflixed to Lazenby ' dMlarvey ' a tSauce , prepared at the original wareliotiae , in addition to the wellknown labels , which ar < i iirotected sjgaijnst iinitntioa by u perpetual injunction in Chancery of 9 th July , 1858 . "—G . Kdward-street , l ' ortiuan-suuure , Loiulou .
Untitled Ad
THEATRE ROYAL , HAYMARKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Buckstone . 1 Monday , April Kith ' , and during the week , last week but one of THE OVEKLAND - . ROUTE ,, ftud Mr . and Mrs C . Mathews . The Fairy Romance , THE PILGRIM OF LOVE , . every-evening . With the ;« OARDIXG SCHOOL .
Untitled Ad
T ^ uriiish your 'House with JO the Best Articles , at' DEAJTli'S . Established A . D . 1700 . . — i-. Iron Bedsteads . - — Deane A ^ fiD CO . manufacture- and supply every description of Iron and Brass Bedsteads . an-J . have at all times a large stock of these articles on haud . together with Ueds , Afattresses , 1 ' ulliasseSi &c . 'Full-particulars or sizes and prices , with illustrations , sent by post ( free ) ,. . / ¦ ¦— - — . / Hortioultural . ' . and Me-CHAJsICAL TOOLS . — -In this Department will he found every implement requisite for tlie -1 ' ractical or Sci ' entilic Horticulturist , including all modern and improved inventions . Illustrated Triced Lists on application , post free . Mechanical Tools of every description . A lso , Tool Chest ' s fitted coin-f > lete . w-illv Tools ol warranted quality , and varying In price from Us . to £ 12 . They are wfrl-1 adapted lor the . amateur , the practical mechanic , or the emigrant . : — j ^ cononiic Cooking Stores , &- ~ J Ranges , &c-l ) EANE and CO . recommend with coulidViiee their : improved-Conking Siovl ' . It is cheap in tirst cost , simple iu construction , easy of management , capable of doii : g a large ; iinou : it of-work with a-eonipara . ii'ycjly small consuiVvptioii of fuel , and is rnafiufaciu ' red in sizes suitable for large or small fiitniiies . In openition daily hi ihe Jdtove and Fender Department ; where may also be seen the improved telf-acting vaage and the improved cottage range , each with ovtp and boiler . Prices of the Range : —4 feet wide , £ 13 ids . ; 4 feet 3 in ., A' 15 ; 4 feet (> in ., i'lG 10 s . ; 4 feet 1 ) iu ., AM . -j ; 5 feet , JtlD 103 . ; 5 feet -3 iri :, . £ : U ; 5 feet G in ., X' 22 It's . ; 5 feet 9 in ., £ 24 ; C . feet . ^ 25 . ——A Furnishing List . —For ¦ ' - thecoiiyenieiiccof persons furnishing , D . K AJJE and GO . have ' arranged a compKte . ¦ -priced I-iSt : of Articles requisite in iittiug up a Faiiufy IJeiideiice , embracing all the various departments pi : their Lstab- > . lishment , and calculated greatly to facilitate Purchasers iii the selection of goods . —This List i > JiANK . and CO . will iorward to any address , post free . , FimxisHixG AVakeiiocses-t- ' 4 G , KI >" G -AVILL . IA . Sl ST . LOMi ) OX-: BltllXiE . 1 ¦ Saumeu-v asp II-aexess . . Uam'i-acWiu- — 2 & 3 ,-Alt I HUH ST . 1 CAST ,-LONDON liKlDGK . Gas Fitting KsTAifLisii . MKNT— ' . Xo . I , AllTltL'li ST . EAST ,-LU-NDO , N BUIDUJ 3 KxfonT AVAitKriovsT ; s — AKTI 1 UK STKEliT AVKST , LONDON Bill DU 10 ,.
Theatees And Amusements.
Untitled Article
g 49 The Leader and " Saturday Analyst . . ( April 14 , 1 S 60
Leader (1850-1860), April 14, 1860, page 342, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2342/page/2/