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TTtenders, Stoves, Fire-irons, J? and -CHIMNEY PIECES:—Buyers of the above to Visit
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Untitled Ad
nn > reauested before finally deciflinar ,,-to vv .-I . IAM S BUUTON'S SHOW-BOOMS , They contain " such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES , CHIMNICV PIKCE 3 , FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGliRYj ns cannot be apr proached elsewhere , either for yariely , novelty , beauty of design , or oxq'iisiteness of workmanship . Hrignt stoves , with ovmulu ornaments and two sets of bars , £ S 15 s to £ 33 . 'l 0 s . ; bronzed Fenders , with standards ,. 7 s to JGJ 12 s . ; stetl fenders , £ 2 15 s . to £ 11 ; ditto-, with rich ormolu o .-iiuments , from £ 2 IT 13 . to . CIS ; chimiiey nieces , from £ 1 8 s . to £ 80 ; fire-irons , from 2 s . 3 <> - *" , , set to £ 4 4 s . The KUllTON siiiH all other l'ATE-N T STOVES , with radiating hearthjjliites . Bish Covers and Hot Water Dishes , in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns , are ON SHOW , at WI LtlAMS . BURTON'S , Tin dish covers , 7 s . 6 d . the set of six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 27 s . the set of six ; eleffniit modern patterns , 35 s . Gd . to 6 *> s . Pd . the set ; Britannia metal , with or without Silver plated handles , £ " » Us . to £ 6 S * . ( he set ; Sheffield plated , jt . iO to £ U \ 10 s . the set ; block tin hot water dishes . With wells for gravy , 12 s , to 30 s . ; Britannia metal , 22 s . to 77 s . ; electro-plated on nickel , full size £ 11 Ms . TXriiliam S . Burton ' s Gene-¦ » V ral Furnishing Ironmongery Catalogue may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of his illlmited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Tlatc , Nickel Silver , and Britannia Metal Goods , Dish Covers and Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chimncypieces , Ki'chen Ranges , X , anips , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Hedging , Bedroom Furniture , &c , with Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixteen large Show . Rooms , at 39 , Oxford street W . ; ] ,-1 a , 2 , and 3 , >< ewrnan-street ; and 4 , 0 , and G , Perry ' s-placo , IiOhdon . —Established 1 S 20 .
Untitled Ad
"Drize Medal : Liquid Hair JL- " Dye . Only one application . Instantaneous , Indelible , Harmless and Scentless . In cases , po nrati 11 * aiv , to our mind , the most oxtraoiNli-nary prod uct-ion . sof Modern Chemistry . " Titustrated Konrlon JVw .-. \ July 10 , isr > l . A long and interesting report on the products ot E . F . Lnngdalu ' s Laboratory , by a Special Scientific Commission , from the Editor of the Lnttriit . will-be found in that journal of Saturday , January 10 th , 1 S 57 . A copy will be forwarded for two stamps . AGENTS WANTED : . THE NEW DISCOVERY . —For the Restoration and Reproduction of the Tlnir . — Mr . Lnngdnle guarantees his Q U 1 NTESSEN CIO of e A NT I . I Alt ID F , S most successful as . a restorative , also in checking greyness , strengthening weak hair , nnd preventing its falling o 1 T ; most effectual in tho growth Of whiskers , moustachios , &c . The money immediately returned if not eirectmil . Post free for ; 2 s . Gu . in Stamps . — laboratory , 72 , llatton Garden . E . F . LaNG DALE'S RASPBElijlYand CIIEHIIY TOOTH PASTE . —The most delicious preparation ever produced for the Teeth , Gums , nnd Breath . Post free from the Laboratory , 72 , Hatton Garden , for Is . 3 d . in stamps .
Untitled Ad
Ke ating ' s -Cough Lozenges . What diseases are more fatal in , tjieir consequences than neglected 'Coughs . Colds , Sore Throats , or Lungulai' Affections ? The first nnd best remedy ia Keatnig ' H Cough Lozenges , Prepared find sold in Boxes , Is . lid ., and 'Iins , 2 s , 9 d ,, '« ta . Od ., and 30 a , « d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , &c 79 , St . I ' iiuI ' s Churchyard ; London . Retail by all Druggists . IMPORTANT TO rUHTAC SPEAKEKS , SINGLES , ETC . ' St . Paul ' s Cnthodrnl . Sh\—I linvc much pleasure lit roconurioniUng your LozoiiKert to thwo who may bo distressed with Hoarseness . They tiavo afforded mo relief on senm-al vocations when nvurcil \ t < wv to ting , from tho ellocts of Ontnrrli . I thlnlc they would be very uscuu to Clergymen , IJnrrlHterfl , nnd Public Orators . X um , Sir , yours faithfully , THOMAS FRANCIS , Vionr Chornl . To Mr , Keating .
Untitled Ad
TjUectrical influence m .. I .. J Health . » nd Djsonso . Just published , price Is ., Ii-CG by post , for 111 stumps , SKOONP I , rlna ; or . Xaiootriotu Xitvous Force 1 11 Modlcnl Work intended for the special porutml of nil who uro Buffering from tho various inodeii of nervous nnd physical debility , and the dlHtro «« lng uHorior qonsoquoupua to which they loud ; wl ' th practical observations on tho gruab curative power of electro-galvanism in tho troutmont of thoao disorders , by infusing tone nnd vigour in constitutions rcluxod or dobllUatud from vnrlous onorvniljiff oimimjh . Illtmtrnted w ) tli oncoa coinpllod from tho Note-book of a Registered Modlqul Prnctltlonor of twenty yonrs '« tancltng . UnUko innny v nun tod n'storatlvofi , olootiiolty jaono which qormiiondH ItHOlf to U » o niudlonl iimii at * bolng nocordnut with tho Houmlost tptxoh n ^ ol pliya olopy . My tho xmost obvlpua indication it Udinlta ol bolng Bhoy / w that tho oU'Otrloal and norvouft ouorglpa firo idontlonli lionpo , tliat wlion tho lutlov ftvlla , tho forinorpnn tftko m plnoo ; and that wliun . from Jrro-KfllnrJUqfl of any kind ; ilipnowona Hyatpitri hna hopomo Uobilltntod , |) urnlyHO ( J , or oxlmuatocf , and tho patlonb brought to aoonditlonllttloBhort of-total nrotttrntlon , tlipiirby tho iiotfqn of olootrlolty , imparting oortnlnty and clllcncy to modloal troatmont , ho oait bo roinvlKorutod , and hl « hualtli ro-PtitaWlwliod , U ) a dogroo almost warmntluff tho donlgnat | on of ftktpond J ^ Ho . l * HbHahbd by th « nnthor , anUmny bp ha ^ d ot Mann SO , CwnhllJ , and « H JippkeoU ' ew .
Untitled Ad
BLAIltfS GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Prioo la , 11 Jd . and 2 h , Od . por box . Thi s preparation is one of the bonofltH which tho soleticu of modern chotnlatry haa confurrutl upon mankind ) for during tho ilrflt twenty yeavaof tho present century to &i ) onk of a ouro for tho Gout waa confililorcd n roirmneo ; but now t |» p olHpaoy and Bafoty pf thla medlplno la bo fully ( lomQiietrntod , by uiiBollpltod toatimonial ? from por * HonH In every rank of life , thnt public opinion prooluims thla an one of tho moat important illsooverlos of tho proseiU 11 gu . TIioho L [\\ a roqulro no rofltralnt of dlot or oonllnpinoiU during their u ^ o , and nro certain to prevent tlio diuenao Kttuoking any vital part . Sold by all modiulno vendoi'H , ObHorvo " ThornaH l ' rout , 220 , Strand , London , " on the , Government Stamp .
Untitled Ad
' . KEATING'S COD LIVER OIL . r Pale NcAvfoundlandi , ¦ I- pure and timteleas ; tho Li « l » t Brown oheniior nnd ot good quality . Tho dwnuuid for Uieno Oils nioat higlily recoii > nuin « lcd for their modlelnn proportloa , haaao grently Ihoreuaec ) , that Mr . IvJvAi IIS (» , b « ing nnxioua to bring them \ % lthin , thc ronoh of aldusaos , liow imports direct tho l ' nlo from Nowiouud . land , mid tho lJrown iVom tho Norwpaiun . Islands . Tho Pale may bo . hnd in hnlf pinto , Jh . <* d . ( pints , 2 « . Od . ; outirtH , 4 s . Od . Tho Light Drown in pints , la . ad , ; quarts as , At 70 , St . JPaul ' tt Oliurohynrtl .
Untitled Ad
FIVTII YEAR OV PU » LICATIQN . « rpho Man of JRoss . " - — X Hvory Thuradny—One Ponny . An JndopoiMlont FiunJly 1 ' iiper , linvliiK ( with imo cjicopiion only ) the lnruotTt circulation lu I 10 ( Jounly of lloreliml . Wlihli ) a ratiluH of ton inllnfl of Kohh It oxocrer fl Hint of nil tho other loonl paiicrHjiut , toKutlu-r . Ovjivr * . AdvertlrtQinonta , and Uoolia fir Kuvlow , to be Her fc to this PubilBliov , J . "W . F . OouNHiii . 1 ., Blnrkflt-wlwoo , Ko « h .
Untitled Ad
T he New ? , of this Day , No . 107 ,. oontHinBi-iLottorsi or . Junius . No . III . " Tho Hano of . Europe . " to tho UiMht Hum . blr Jtobort Pool-The Consolu * Sohemp-A Sjilit In tho Cum 11—Carpenter nnd UayUs—Tlie AdvimtaKea . of I . lle nsuninco , by Mr . JJramidl ( Iti . 'vlow )—Tlie Mli . hiff | - spQCtlmi nill —Oovornmont anrl tho KinpIoyciM-- II 10 Pious I ' ublipana and tlio Iihmornl c ' . 1 )( yc U "" l "rr Torrlhlo antlolpntlons of tlio l * rt'vvor » - 'J lifl N' * ' " * Llf « Olllpo Controversy--U'ttor Iroiu MiUerluii » l-llirw on thoConHolH' AHSuninoo Ollloo —Huport of . Louturt' 01 * iJfc AH « uriMio » at , Notij | i « li | im-Tli « I 1 . tqr 1 mH 0 n . il AB «» uraiico Omco-rroo » 'e < ll »« H in Chanoory—And ( ill Mjo Mlnh'K I "' ' Commoroliil Nuwh of tho week , I ' rioo Fourponco . omoo—1 , Strand Builrllnffs , Strand , W . C .
Untitled Ad
1 'ENTATHUCIIIS . W ANALYSED . Now Keudy , inpost 8 vo , price 6 a ., A History of the Creation nnd tho ' I'ATltlARC M 9 ; or , Puiitntonehism . Anulytloally Troated . Volume First—The IJuok of Oeiioaia . . London : Okoijok ftrANvrAmwu , Suocosaor to Joan C 11 ai-, man , H , Jiving William . Street , Strand .
Untitled Ad
A Toilette Requisite for the SPRING-. —Among the iiinny'la-xuries of the prosentnire , nouoonh he obtained possessing the manifold virtueiof OLDRlDGHfi'S BALM OV COLUMBIA . It nourishes tlio roots and body of the hair , Imparts the most delightful coolness , with an n / jrcenblo Iragranoe of perfupie , and , at this period of tho your , prevents the hair from falling 61 V , or , if already too thin or turning grey , will prevent its furthor progress , nnd soon restore i , t again . Those who really rloslrc to Jmve bonuti'ul h « ir , cither with wavo or curl , should use it daily . It jh also celebrated for strengtlionhiK tho Imir . freeing It . from i < curr , nml producing r . ew hnlr , whiskers , and moustaches ' . Kstnblisherl upwnrds of 30 years . Ho . imitative wusli can equal » U Jl ' rleo . 3 a b « nd' A otfflbGK , 13 . Wellington-street . North . Stranu , W . O .
Untitled Ad
New Edition—1860 , post free , Three Stamps . Tlic Treatise (" Gabriel on thejLoss ' jind Best Meansof Restoring tlie Teeth" ) explains their iSfew System , and - ' may' be had gratis on application at Messrs . -. Gabriel ' s- Establishments— -110 , IIegent Stubet , next Mechi ' s . ' .. - ¦ ¦ . ¦¦' ..- . ! 33 , Lddoate Iliti . —particularly observe the name , and that the entrance is up the ., private passage between Benson ' s , the Silversmithi and the State X ireotQce . , . KstaWished 1801—f > ee Diploma . And at 134 , . Duke -Stiieet , Liverpool . Hheeth , Self-Adhesive , with-X OUT Sl'RINGS . —A NEW DISCOVKUY . Protected by Royal Letters Phtent . ^ ressr s . GABRIEL call attention to a new and invaluable improvoment , being- the applicittion Of VULCANJSKJD INDIA-RtTB . nKK sis a biiSo for GAJ 5 RIEI / S CKLKBRATKD MINKRAI . TEETH and FLEXIBLE GUMS . Tlie extraordinary advantages attained are well worthy of note . Neither stumps nor teeth stie extracted ; sharp edges are avoided ; » u nmou ' nt of suction , with n degree of lightness ( almost fabulous ; , are obtained ; together with much greater ease and comfort , arising from tho ntter absence of . met . nl , while from the flexibility of the . agent employed , pressure is entirely obviated . Tt is permanent , wholesome , nnd more congenial to the mouth than bone or gold , nnd js warranted to remain free ' from either taste or smell , mastication nnd nrticulnt ion being guftrnnteed even 111 cases where other methods have failed .
Untitled Ad
British College of Health EUSTON ROAD , LOKDOJf , FOREIGN GENERAL AGENTS , DULY ArPOlN'TED FOX THE SALE Ol ' MORISON'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDI J CUBE ' S : — Australia .. Mr . Chnrlwood . Bavaria .. ... . ; .. .... Sir . Gayrhos . Baltimore .. „ ...... .. J . C . French nnd Son Barbadoes .... ...... Gollymwe nnd Gill . Barcelona .. Miret . and Cuyas . Brorly .. .... .... .. Mr . Kornfiela . Carthngena Mr- Cauto . Calcutta .. .... .. .. .. M . R . Child . Cape Breton ... .. ... .. Mr . Ward . Constantinople M . Sta . mpa . Copenhagen .. Slicbiielsen and Holm Cracow .. Blr . Muldner . - ¦ Elsinore ... .... .. - -. Mr . Steenberg . France .. Mr . Moulin . Germany and Austria .. .. Mr . Bcrck . Gibraltnr .. .... .. Mr . Roberts . Guernsey .. .... .. .. Mr . Cochrane . Halifax ( N . S . ) .. .. .. .. Mr . M'Kinlay . Hamburg .. Mr . Kranskopf . Honduras Mr . Henderson . Jamaica .. jVIiss Ivmgtpii . Madras .. > .. R . L . Pereira , Esq . Mexico .. .. .. .. .. . Mr . Togno ; Montreal .. .. .. .. .. Mr . Trudeau . New ' Zealand * . ... •• Mr . Psirris . „ , New York .. .... ... " ... Firth , Pond , and . -Co . Odessa .. .. .... .. AVm . Wagner , Ksq .
Untitled Ad
When you " a sic for Glenfield PATENT STARCH , see that yoti get it , ns inferior kinds are often , substituted . Sold by all Chandlers , Grocers , &c , &c . WOTHERSl'OON and Co ., Glasgow and Iiondoa-. '
Untitled Ad
r phe Surplice Shirt ( ac-J- knoWledged as the most comfortable and durable Shirt ever yet produced ) , made to measure .-Os . 6 d ., 7 s « id ., 'Ss . ( 3 d ., and iOs . 3 d . Cards for self-meusttremont . SAMPSON , Hosier , i 23 , Oxford-st . W .
Untitled Ad
BreckneU ' s Skin Soap , the best for producing a clear ' arid'healthy skin ; in Is . packets of four , tablets or eight squares . —Brcckneil . Turner , and Sons , by appointment to . her Mnji ' sty , inanufacturers of wiix , spc-rmaci'ti , ' . steai-ine , compusite . and tallb \ v candli-s , agents to Price ' s Patent Candle Company , dealers in nil other patent candles , all kinds of household and toilet soaps .-and in colza , sperm , vegetable , and other lamp oils , &c . Ueehive , 31 , Haymarket , London . Sold by all respectable dealers . ¦ in town : ind coiiijtry .. X . B . —Each tablet and square is stamped . with the nainc of " Breckneli . "
Untitled Ad
XTlastic Stockings ' and Knee - *— 4 CAPS for VARICOSE VEINS and WEAKNESS , of a very superior quality , yielding an unvarying support without the trouble of bandaging . Instructions for Measurement and Prices on application , and the article sent by post from the Manufacturers , —POPE and 1 'LANTK , 4 , Waterldoplnce , London , S . W .
Untitled Ad
A Boon to Nervous duf-FERERS . — The Now Medical Guide for Gratuitous Circulation . ¦ A Nebvous Suffkbeh having been etlectually cured of -Nervous Debility , Loss of Memory , Dimnessof Sight , Lns . aitiid ' c , and Indigestion , by following the instriictions given in . the MEUICaXi GUIDK , he considers it liis duty ,-in gratitude to the author , and t \ yr the benefit of others , to publish'the means used . He Will , therefore ,.. send pOst free , on receipt of a directed envelope , and two Stumps , a copy of the book , containing fcvery information required Atl . dre . ss , Jamb . < \ Vali . ack , JCsq ., W-i . I . ldrd House . Burton Crescent , Tayistock Sq , L . . don . WC-
Untitled Ad
Post free for Two Stamps .: Extraordinary . Discovery of an entirely KE \ V TIIKORY OV CUKIX . G DISEASE , beiug the recorded experience of thirty years' special practice in . Great Britain , Friiuce ; and A-inericn-r-with evidence o ' f the actutd eirects of the latest Scientific Discoveries , flenomiiuited M'AV LOCAL RE 3 IEDIES . with the adjuncts of Constitutional Treatment not yet generally known , even by . the Medical Faculty of tlie British Empires but winch have been recently introduced into Lngland . Sent free on re .-eipt of two stamyis to defray postage , &e ., by \ V . HILL ., Esq ., M . A ., No . 27 , Allrofl place , Bedford-. «( iuare , London , W . C . Daily Consultations from Eleven to Two , and feixto Eight in the Evening .
Untitled Ad
Just published . Second Edition , with Illustrative Miip , price Is ., or by Post , 14 stumps , American Securities : Practical Mints on tho'f&mj of Stability and J ' rolit , for tho Guidnnce and Winning of British InvostoiH . By "AN ANGLO-AMERICAN . " London : Published by ' nlnnn Nephews , 8 !) , Cornhlll ; \ V P , Metchim , 20 , Pnrlliihrmnt . Street , >\ estminster .
Untitled Article
April 14 , ISGO . ] The Leader and Scthtrday Analyst . 363
Tttenders, Stoves, Fire-Irons, J? And -Chimney Pieces:—Buyers Of The Above To Visit
TTtenders , Stoves , Fire-irons , J _ V and CHIMNEY PIECES— Buyers of the above Visit lij
Leader (1850-1860), April 14, 1860, page 363, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2342/page/23/